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LttP Shadows

Creator: P-Tux7 Updated: 19 Aug 2021 Downloads: 19
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Tags: 16-color, ALTTP_Tileset, Misc, Ripped

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All (or most) of the shadows from LttP.
From left-right up-down
1. Heart/rupee drops (1x1)
2. Small Link shadow (most noticeably used when you are bumped away from something while using the Pegasus Boots) (1x1)
3. Usual shadow (for Link, most enemies, thrown items, etc.) (1x1)
4. The shadow Ganon uses when he phases around the room (maybe some other things use it?) (1x1)
5. The shadow giant thrown objects use, the one Aarghus uses, and also the one Ganon uses when he does his quake stomp (2x1)
6. (second row) The shadows used for Death Mountain boulders and Wallmasters - smaller is higher, bigger is closer to the ground (2x1)
7. (third row) The shadows for Mothula (3x1)
8. (fourth row) The shadows for the Armos Knights and maybe other things (2x1)
8. (fifth row) These five shadows are used for Agahnim's appearance and disappearance (2x2)