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Quest for Freedom II

Overview Feature Quest
Creator: Freedom Genre: Dungeon Romper Added: 24 Jun 2006 ZC Version: 1.92 B182 Downloads: 384 Rating[?]: Rating: 4.14/5 (6 ratings) Download Quest
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Another Link saves the Princess story, my second quest and my first using the 192b183.
Included in the zip are level maps and htm and a text doc. that will spoil the whole game for you, I suggest you only look at it if you are pulling out your hair.
Years ago, as you remember, Link Sr. fought and defeated ganon, but as it turns out Ganon didn't die, badly injured and at deaths door he went into hiding.
Life went on with Ganon in hiding, and Link and Zelda married and had two fine sons, Link Jr. and Dink, Dink being one year behind Link Jr.
As the boys grew, Ganon's henchmen also grew in strength and in numbers, and as their numbers grew, the freedoms of the Hyrulians were stripped from them.
The people, starved, beaten, and driven from their homes, longed for a saviour to free them once again from the bondage of Ganon and his henchmen.

One day the Hyrulians brought Link sr. home dead, a victim of Ganon's henchmen.
Enraged, Link and Dink buried their father in a little spot they prepaired in the yard of
the home they grew up in.

With their mother, Zelda in mourning at the gravesite.....
Link and Dink decided the time had come to rid the world of Ganon and his type.
Link Jr. was always a fighter, but now he had the support of Dink who was a master
at inventing systems and weaponry.

Link decided to set out and destroy ganon and his henchmen once and for all, and Dink was set to the task of being Links support chain.
Tips & Cheats
Notes on game play.

The game is set up to follow the clues given at the end of each level in the "exit message".
The exit messages will tell you what area (usually dungeon levels) to go to next.
The red tile in the triforce room will allow you to go back and visit the exit messages again, should you need to.
In addition to the above, you should get to know the overworld well, several items that
you must have in the dungeons are in the overworld areas, so you should walk the whole
overworld areas before becoming dependant on the warp chamber which might cause
you to overlook needed items and information.
People in the overworld will also often give you good tips, if you just stop and talk to them.

Once you complete a level and grab the triforce piece you can blow your whistle, and
you will be picked up and flown back to the levels you've completed.
There are eight dungeon levels with eight triforce pieces, and the ninth level is where
Ganon is, if you have the courage to make it that far.
PrinceMSC for Rev.2 and old ML tiles, Orion for his LTTP tileset, plith for the Descendant Tileset of which this quest was started, and what the pallettes are,
and many tiles collected from all over as well as many I made.
The info shop in the game is a salute to Prince for all his hard work with ZC,
and because he released the Rev.2 unpassworded to help folks see how things work.
The guy's winking at Prince :O)
and thanks to IDK for the tutorial and a block puzzle in level 3.