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BS Zelda 2.50

Week One Demo

(3.26 MB)
Genre: NES-style Added: 17 Sep 2013 Downloads: 105 Rating[?]: Rating: 3.33/5 (2 ratings)
As the name implies, this demo is for Week One, which contains the first two dungeons. Movement in the overworld is also restrained to the bottom-left corner of the map, as the blue candle is not available for purchase until the beginning of Week Two. The Continue Screen, as well as saving, is also disabled, as in the final version, the game will automatically save at the end of each week.

The week, as in the original game, begins at 0:07, and ends at 0:57, effectively giving you 50 minutes.


Rating: 3/5

Posted 07 April 2014 - 11:21 AM
This game was pretty fun, but it wasn't for me to be honest. But I won't let that effect the rating. I guess I just don't like the "You only live once" dynamic.

Either way, this was refreshing to try.

Rating: 4/5

Posted 18 September 2013 - 08:02 AM
...don't you mean the bottom-right?