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NES Pallete Compliant Dungeon Tiles #4

Creator: FireSeraphim Added: 02 Jun 2015 Downloads: 80
Rating[?]: Rating: 4.6/5 (4 ratings)
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(14.96 KB)
Tags: Classic_Tileset, Dungeon, Interior, Edited, Ripped

About Reviews

This set contains the following type of dungeon walls:
  • Abandoned Sanctuary Walls (This set was inspired by, and uses edited tiles from Stage 1 of Castlevania III: Dracula's Curse, it also has a unique "crossed sword" floor panel from Lagoon and some edited floor tiles from FSA and one from Lagoon)
  • Semi Custom Aztec Ruin Walls (For the Walls, I basically edited some ground tiles from the 4th level of Gimmick! and one of the two types of "wall faces" were edited from the same source as the ground tiles, You may also notice the ALTTP and FSA Tiles in there as well. The other type of "wall faces" being an edit of one of the unique wall decors from FSA. The Pillars are obviously edited from Zelda 2. The unique Floors tiles on the other hand are also edited ground tiles from the 4th level of Gimmick!)
  • Wooden House Interior (This is probably one of my most exhaustive semi custom franken-edits yet! The walls I made myself, No editting or ripping whatsoever on the walls. The various shelves, the sink and the carpet are from a NES Action RPG called "Chronicle of the Radia War" (not to be confused with the other game on the PS2 with Radia in it's name). The Bed and the huge table I franken-edited is from the REAL Final Fantasy III on the NES, the two little stoves and the two seats are from the GB Zeldas and finally the wooden floor tiles are basically edits of a couple of ALTTP and GB Zelda Tiles. Oh and Did I mention the Windows are From ALTTP as well?)
Once again, PureZC for hosting my work.
Nintendo for ALTTP, FSA, The GB Zeldas, Zelda 2 and the Legend Of Zelda series.
AG for Zeldaclassic.
SquareSoft for the REAL Final Fantasy 3. (Not to be confused with FFVI on the SNES)
Sunsoft for Gimmick!.
Zoom and Kemco for Lagoon.
Konami for Castlevania III: Dracula's Curse and the Castlevania Series.
Tecmo for "Chronicle of the Radia War". (Again not to be confused with the PS2 Game with Radia in it's name)