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Fire Trail Duration Reduction

Creator: Lejes Added: 12 Nov 2014 Tags: FFC
Rating[?]: Rating: 4.33/5 (5 ratings)
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Rating: 5/5

Posted 26 May 2016 - 10:36 AM
A surprisingly simple solution to an extensively obnoxious problem. So simple that even the most hopelessly dense script-inept person could compile and implement it correctly on the first try. (That person being me.)

Really, it's as easy as pasting/compiling, editing the FFC Data to use Script: FireReduce, then setting Argument D0 to your preferred duration. Just stick the combo anywhere and you're done.

For Fire Zols, I've found a D0 value of 356 to be optimal. This makes it so that they drop a maximum of 4 trails; the very frame that they drop the 5th one, the 1st one disappears. This means the trails last just under 6 seconds. For me, I consider it the optimal combination of being threatening without being annoying.

Being an FFC script, it does mean that, yes, you have to configure it for every room in which you wish to apply it. However, by using ZQuest's copy/paste option, you can easily configure it once and copy it to all remaining rooms. Hit Ctrl+C on the configured room to copy the screen data, then Edit -> Paste Spec -> Freeform Combos, and you're set.

Alternatively, the benefit to it being an FFC script rather than a global script is that you can configure different rooms with different settings. In my quest, I used the 356 value for all rooms with Fire Zols. However, I also created other fire-dropping enemies, including 2 Patra variations, for which I used values between 240 (4 secs) and 480 (8 secs) depending on the enemy and the overall difficulty at that point in the quest. And if you have L1 and L2 variations of the same fire-dropping enemy, you can change the duration values to create the effect of each enemy being individually configured for different attack lengths.

All in all, it eliminated the finger-tapping frustration inherent in my fire-themed rooms/dungeons and ultimately ended up being quite the quest-saver. Highly recommended.

Rating: 5/5

Posted 15 November 2014 - 11:55 AM
Shortening the time for the fire trails is a great idea. It's just too annoying when you have to wait for them to disappear.