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A Remake, a Forgotten MIDI, and a... Utility?

You read that right. This submission includes a file that isn't a song at all. It's still a MIDI, but its use isn't what you may expect.

Included files:
* -RESET- : No loop.
* Differences : Loop 33 to -1.
* Harps of Gaia Remake : Loop -1 to -1.

The file titled -RESET- is actually a no-sound MIDI meant to reset any instrument settings that may linger from one song to another, a problem I deal with all the time as I play MIDI files over and over. If you wish to use it, insert it as a *NON-LOOPING* "song" in your quest, and play it in areas that you do not wish to use music to ensure that the next song to play doesn't mess up due to pitch bend or anything else.

Differences is a forest-ish song that I can't remember if I submitted it or not. It's included here to make sure it was.

The Harps of Gaia Remake is, of course, a remake of rexlaninetales's "Harps of Gaia" also available in this site's music section. This remake is a looping version of the first 90 seconds or so.

Credit to rexlaninetales for the original version of "Harps of Gaia".

To answer the question about permission, please see the comments on the Nature's Sonata remake. I am absolutely certain he would not mind a second remake of his work.
Creator: Espilan Added: 16 Oct 2004 Type: MIDI
Rating[?]: Rating: 4.33/5 (5 ratings)
Loop Start: N/A Loop Stop: N/A Downloads: 99
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Rating: 4/5

Posted 12 January 2011 - 05:23 PM
Differences - I tried to invest myself into this song, but it just didn't click with me. For some reason, it sound icky to me, the percussion, the repetitive chords and the melody.

Harps of Gaia Remake - This one is WAY better in my opinion. It sounds less repetitive for sure. The percussion enhances the song quite a bit, and the strings strike a perfect dissonance that sounds exotic. Reminds me of Kingdom Hearts haha.

Rating: 5/5

Posted 06 June 2008 - 09:08 PM
I love the instrument choice and melody in Differences. The song is moody, atmospheric, and beautiful. I didn't like the remake piece as much, but it doesn't really matter in the end. Great work.

Rating: 5/5

Posted 26 May 2006 - 01:55 PM
Difference: Awsome ambience dude! It has a regal sound to it and would be awsome for my sky islands of Exolithoterragria. Awsome work with the strings and wind instruments. You know what? I use most of those chords in my own music on my yamaha piano keyboard. This song is so lovely! 5 stars, easily!
Reset: Null Stars for this.
Harps of Gaia Remake: *sends chills down my spine.* Yows! Thats way too cool! I like how you started it and then transition into the solo harp...Then the next transition were the strings take over. Dang dude! What did you do my music?! That's is so awsome! You've left the harp melody and totally beefed up the bass! I LOVE IT WHEN YOU REMIX MY WORK! I LOVE IT!!! Its so upbeat. You know...I like this version better than my own! This is appropriate to many a situation! Me listens to it twice! 10 stars! Oh wait, 5 stars.

Rating: 5/5

Posted 04 October 2005 - 08:18 PM
Differences: I like it, very catchy, very well put together.
-RESET-: omg pwnz~
HoGR: Nice, I haven't heard the original to know what the differences are, but this one is another very nice tune

Rating: 4/5

Posted 13 July 2005 - 04:52 PM
There are some chords I'm not fond of in this set, and a couple parts of the melodies that seem to meander, but overall it's good music.

About the reset MIDI: theoretically, couldn't that be pasted into an existing song, right at the start?... Well, assuming you had a MIDI program that treats patches properly... I guess it's up in the air, but it might be worth a try. I'll see if I have any of the same problems you've had with ZC music.