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Link stuck in Castlevania

4 stage demo v1.1

(1.69 MB)
Genre: Scripted Added: 20 Jul 2013 Downloads: 141 Rating[?]: Rating: 3/5 (1 rating)
This is a 4 stage demo of my quest project. Enemies and bosses are not final.
Use L key to jump.
Credit goes to Grayswandir for stairs script.
A lot of bug and balance fixes.


Rating: 3/5

Posted 14 April 2014 - 02:09 AM
This was really cool. I love Castlevania but the jumping was always so painful. In your quest I can jump like a Belmont never could! I hope you come back and do more with this. I couldn't get past stage 1-3 because I needed a key and couldn't find one, but I still really enjoyed it.