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Hopeless Tower Ascent

Overview Feature Quest
Creator: Kirbsblue Genre: Miniquest Added: 23 Jul 2022 ZC Version: 2.50.1 Downloads: 81 Rating[?]: Rating: 2.75/5 (3 ratings) Download Quest
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You, the player, go through different towers in a linear style. Gaining items like rings and heart rings to face the nightmare at the end.
A main hub replaces an overworld, accessing towers through warps. (Beware, the final boss might be different than what you imagined) :3
The simple plot is, the player awakes in a tower after falling asleep one night, all these different towers are built off of their memories, and they search the structures to find the nightmare the made all of this.
Tips & Cheats
if you are stuck, there are two secrets in the third tower, not just the one in plain sight :3