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The Islands of Zelda


Progress + Lost Traveler Town Expansion

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#1 Lightwulf



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Posted 13 June 2013 - 08:42 PM

Hi, everyone!

So, last week, I took a break from the area I dubbed "Top Secret Area 1", and finished the couple of smaller areas I had left to do.
  • My house (known as "Lightwulf's House") is located in the underworld, but you can't reach it until you get further in the game. And for a good reason, too; my house is where you meet me (as seen in my current avatar) and I give answers to the biggest secrets in the game. ... Well, the "info shop" room only allows 3 different strings, so I don't give you all the secrets, but here's what I do tell you: (1) about the area I'm found in, (2) how to find Zelda, and (3) how to find the Master Sword as well as locations of all the other top-notch items that aren't found in the regular dungeons. So, if any of these things are something you'd want to know, just save a few rupees (#1 costs 10, #2 costs 50, and #3 costs 100 rupees) for when you meet me! (I was originally thinking of having them cost 200, 500 and 900, but I decided players probably wouldn't like that. If you think those prices would be fair, let me know.)
  • The only thing I'll say about the Secret Water Warp is that it involves those last few screens on the Underworld that I'd said (a while back) that I was leaving unfinished for further inspiration. And I did! I'll also say this: I finally placed the last of a total of 48 heart pieces. (I'll let you figure out why. ;) )
After that, I resumed working on TSA #1. I've gotten over 38.2% on it. (Sorry for putting 56.4% in my signature earlier; it was a miscalculation. I don't know how I got that.)

However, I recently took another break because I still have one cameo character planned but not placed in Lost Traveler Town. So, I opened up the town a few screens larger. Now I have that area to fill, and only one character to place in it so far. If you would like to be a cameo character in my game, read my recent post and the beginning post in my Cameo Characters thread in the Quest Design forum. I'm not going to halt all progress on the quest for this, but if you'd like to jump on the bandwagon, now's the time!

So that's it for now. The percentage for TSA #1 might change slightly because I'm considering adding a couple of screens, but it won't alter it by much.

#2 Air Luigi

Air Luigi

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Posted 13 June 2013 - 10:52 PM

I have my eye on this quest since some time ago. I had the feeling that this will be something really good. Today I tried the city demo ... and now, I am sure your quest will be one of the best. And I am very hard to impress...

So, congratulations, I am waiting like crazy for this quest, 2013 will be the best year ever for ZC... Golvellius, Link's quest for the hookshot 2, Hero's memory, Isle of rebirth, The islands of Zelda... amazing stuff.

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