Can't seem to decide between codelinker and masterlink. hmm...
*looks over shots one more time*
*votes for codelinker*Codelinker's just appeals to me more. Just looks the best out of all of them.
nice shot. somehow that waterfall coming out of the mountain doesn't look right. Might want to fix that one.
Rating within SSOTW: 8/9
Normal rating: 7/10
I'm guessing this is from your mario tileset. I't looks okay. It could use a little more detail. BTW how does ice stay frozen on top of lava?

You should think about making some lava borders so the edge doesn't look so odd. Maybe add some statues.
Rating within SSOTW: 3/9
Normal rating: 7/10
It's a good shot. Maybe not so many bridges so close together.
Rating within SSOTW: 7/9
Overall: 8/10
Lacks a little in detail. Maybe change the things outside of the mountains to trees and rocks. You should also try to make your own heart for your 2 lovers.
Rating within SSOTW: 4/9
Normal Rating: 6/10
Nice forest shot!

Like the way you positioned the shadows. Might want to cut back on the vines that are on the walls. They're taking up too much space. Also try to make the walls crossing into the bushes look more natural.
Rating within SSOTW: 9/9
Normal rating: 9/10
The way you have the dirt looks somehow...strange... Try making a bigger grass patch in the middle. Add some more objects too. Maybe make some more trees and add a few rocks. Pretty good screen.
Rating within SSOTW: 5/9
Normal rating: 8/10
*has a seizure*Definitely change the flashing walls! That's a must! Then try moving your torches out a little. They don't look good too close together. Take some out if you have to. Other than that it's okay for a treasure room. Maybe put a waterfall in.
Rating within SSOTW: 2/9
Normal rating: 3/10 (change the walls!

-1 point)
Not bad

Could be a little better although I'm not sure how to improve on this one... I'll let someone else handle that.
Rating within SSOTW: 6/9
Normal rating: ?/10
Hunter P.
umm... It's too bland. Need to add a lot more in there than just an empty shoreline. Maybe put some rocks and seagulls if you have any.
Rating within SSOTW: 1/9
Normal rating: 3/10