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Scripting Forum Changes

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#1 LinktheMaster


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Posted 22 January 2012 - 10:38 PM

Hey everyone! icon_smile.gif

This is my third announcement in 3 months. Something must be wrong. icon_blah.gif

Anyway, I just wanted to let everyone know that there are quite a few changes going on with the scripting forums. Over the past few months we’ve noticed some problems with submissions as well as some posts not being in the appropriate forums, so we’re going to be shaking things up a bit. icon_razz.gif

1. Script Database Discussion and Scripting Practice have been removed

Both of these forums were removed because, simply put, a lot of people merely posted their questions about scripts and scripting in the main Scripting Discussion forum. Therefore, to make things simpler and easier, we’re removing those two forums. Script Requests will still be there though, at least for the time being.

2. The Script Database will switch to a private dropbox system

In all honesty, the Script Submissions that is currently setup has pretty much become the Script Database, and this just doesn’t work out for the best. Lots of those submissions are buggy (some of which aren’t properly tested by the developers of the script) or are confusingly posted. Therefore, to alleviate that problem, we’ll require everyone submit their scripts to the dropbox for us to look over, test, and ensure that it’s using a new template that we created.

3. New submissions will have to adhere to a new template and set of guidelines

There new list of rules and guidelines to follow when submitting a script to the database. Along with that, there is a new template setup for people to follow. Any new submission not following the template will be promptly denied. These changes were made to make scripts easier to read and easier for people to add to their own quests.

4. All current submissions will be moved into an archive temporarily

With us starting up a new template, there are a lot of old scripts that will have to be sifted through and updated. There’s a lot in there that won’t even work anymore due to ZScript’s changes. So what we have done is move all of those old submissions into the Script DB Archives. The Script DB Staff will be going through them as quickly as they can, converting them to the template, testing them, and moving over the ones that work to the actual database.

5. Nick and myself will be joining in to help out

These are a lot of changes, and they’d be a lot for just poor ol’ SpacemanDan to handle. icon_razz.gif So Nick and I are offering our support as far as managing the script database.

6. What should you do if you have a script already in the database or in the submissions forum?

Well, like I said before, we will be going through all current entries both in the database and in the submissions forum, so you don’t have to worry about it. However, if you would like your script to be added to the new database faster (or want to make things easier for us), resubmit it to the dropbox using the new rules and guidelines. New submissions will take priority, so if you add it there, it’ll be taken care of faster.

7. Other Miscellaneous Stuff
  • The warning announcement at the top of the scripting forum has been removed.
  • You are now able to comment on and rate scripts in the database. Note that replies are for commenting purposes and troubleshooting for that script only. Questions about combining scripts should be taken to the Scripting Discussion forum.
  • Once we’re done going through the Script DB Archives, we’ll be moving the Archives out of the scripting section.

We’re hoping that these changes will help make the Script Database feel a bit more like… well… an actual database. icon_razz.gif And hopefully it’ll allow for everything to be a lot more organized and friendly for people to use.

If anyone has any comments or questions, let us know. icon_smile.gif

#2 Jared



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Posted 22 January 2012 - 10:53 PM

This is really great. I'm glad the changes were made. Well done! Hopefully, I can learn to script, eventually. icon_razz.gif

#3 Russ


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Posted 22 January 2012 - 11:12 PM

Finally, about time.

Although, this does make me wonder. Would it be possible to get a script database on the main site? Maybe not until 2.5 is officially released, but seeing how being scripting's become, it would be just as relevant as the other databases.

#4 The Satellite

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Posted 22 January 2012 - 11:30 PM

QUOTE(Russ @ Jan 22 2012, 11:12 PM) View Post
Would it be possible to get a script database on the main site?
As tired as everyone is of hearing this by now, that would require Wild Bill. Although I have also believed the main page could use one for a while.

Anyways, good luck with the scripting forum changes. Hope things go smoothly. icon_smile.gif

#5 Neppy


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Posted 22 January 2012 - 11:43 PM

I think if there was one on the main site, that we should still have the submissions be on the forums, for the fact of testing. Not sure how many of the Site Staff know about scripting, but I don't believe many of us, if any do. Keeping at least the submissions on the forums, and the SS manually adding them into the DB sounds best to me, but as TS said, that would require Wild Bill to add it.

Anyways, LTM, I do like all of the changes you guys have decided on, I think it will work out nicely. icon_smile.gif Also... I think you miss your SS position LTM. icon_razz.gif

#6 Omega



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Posted 23 January 2012 - 11:23 AM

I don't like the script drop box idea. I was using the Firebar scripts MONTHS before it was actually passed. This means I have to wait for whenever someone tests and passes the script to use it. If this is the new plan, you guys need to make sure that you actively test the scripts, and not take months to do so. Not to sound rude or anything, but this idea worries me!

#7 Kite


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Posted 23 January 2012 - 11:46 AM

QUOTE(Franky @ Jan 23 2012, 11:23 AM) View Post

I don't like the script drop box idea. I was using the Firebar scripts MONTHS before it was actually passed. This means I have to wait for whenever someone tests and passes the script to use it. If this is the new plan, you guys need to make sure that you actively test the scripts, and not take months to do so. Not to sound rude or anything, but this idea worries me!

We don't intend to let submissions sit around in the submission queue for weeks this time around. Part of the reason that has happened up to this point is due to the script database being understaffed and the general disorganized mess of the entire scripting section.

#8 SpacemanDan


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Posted 23 January 2012 - 02:38 PM

I do apologize for being rather slow at processing the scripts. icon_frown.gif Though with more people on the script DB team, things should go a lot smoother, so I don't think it's anything to worry about. icon_wink.gif

#9 Omega



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Posted 23 January 2012 - 04:46 PM

If it was only you doing it before, then my bad. One person can only do so much. I just don't want to miss any good scripts that could give me some potential ideas for a place I may be working on that at time. Once I already finish a dungeon or something, it would take lots of time to re do it with a script or two in mind. I've used scripts to make some very neat puzzles!

If you guys are serious about making the scripting forum even better, then I am all for the changes.

#10 Russ


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Posted 23 January 2012 - 06:12 PM

Okay, one thing I have noticed now is that when scripts are added to the database, they're posted by Nick (Or whoever else gets to them I suppose) rather than the person who actually submitted the script to the dropbox. Wouldn't it be possible to just move the dropbox thread to the database? I don't know about others, but I'd much rather see the entry as being posted by whoever entered it, rather than just have their name in the entry and have the entry posted by the database staff.

#11 Kite


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Posted 23 January 2012 - 06:27 PM

All new submissions that follow the template are going to be moved instead of posted as new topics by the staff.

I posted new threads for the old submissions because I'd essentially be completely overwriting someone else's post if I just moved it. We also want to encourage discussions about the actual quality of the script instead of random debugging, which 90% of the old topics involved. icon_shrug.gif

#12 LinktheMaster


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Posted 23 January 2012 - 07:30 PM

Yeah, it's not what we would have preferred, but with us allowing replies in the database that only pertain to the quality of the entry, it would have been confusing having old posts of people asking how the script works. Plus, there's the whole thing of editing (or quite simply replacing) old posts, which some people may not like.

If people don't want their old submissions posted by us with the template, then all you have to do is resubmit it with the template into the dropbox, and it'll get moved over. icon_wink.gif It'll probably get taken care of faster that way, in fact.

#13 Christian



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Posted 23 January 2012 - 07:45 PM

I STILL think the database needs an entire overhaul. There is so much spam submissions there. Im glad changes are being considered.

#14 LinktheMaster


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Posted 23 January 2012 - 07:51 PM

QUOTE(Christian @ Jan 23 2012, 06:45 PM) View Post

I STILL think the database needs an entire overhaul. There is so much spam submissions there. Im glad changes are being considered.

... What? We're going to be going through every single old submission to ensure that they work as described and have accurate descriptions and setup information. How is that not an entire overhaul? Sure, we could scrap everything, but there is a lot of valid scripts that work as described. Are there going to be some dumb scripts? I'm sure there will be, but other people besides yourself may want them. icon_razz.gif

#15 aaa2



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Posted 24 January 2012 - 10:15 AM

The new system makes it too time consuming to write script topics. Why should making a post about a script take 10x the time of making the script in the first place. This is beyond me! I dont know if i will still be motivated to post scripts seeing this. All this formalism weird weird weird. Also it does not allow discussion of a script which makes it impossible to fix dorment bugs that only show up when used in various situations, which someone writing the script could not think of. As an example timed warps can pretty much lead to problems with any kind of script. Who in hell tests their script with timed warps and all those kinds of possibilities. In my opinion the dialog between scripter and community is pretty important for all but the most simple simple of scripts. And yes oftentimes even the simplest scripts can have hidden bugs.

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