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Screenshot of the Week 333 ~ Antarctica

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Poll: ! (57 member(s) have cast votes)


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#1 Mitchfork


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Posted 14 August 2011 - 11:21 PM

IPB Image
They said this was a haunted lighthouse, but this side of it is as big as a haunted mansion!
Does Link dare to go in?

IPB Image
Yes that's a giant firing breath Manhandla, now run Link.

IPB Image

Chris Miller
IPB Image
So many pathways...

IPB Image
The rocky sea thunders in the storm as Link approaches the ominous, looming temple.

IPB Image
no caption

IPB Image
I only submitted this shot so Ebola had to work more you don't have to bother rating it or anything

#2 Ventus



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Posted 14 August 2011 - 11:37 PM

I voted for HollowKnight
It looks so Epic...!

#3 Pabru


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Posted 15 August 2011 - 12:00 AM

Voted for HollowKnight, the others just couldn't compare (in my opinion, obviously). Its kinda impressive that the shot is really just three horizontal parts which are only slightly offset from symmetry, but the resulting effect is really excellent. The beach, the paths, temple, details, canopy, and even the little bits of green in the upper corners combine in a very pleasing synthesis! Well done, I'm glad you were sectioned off into Antarctica icon_wink.gif

#4 Neppy


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Posted 15 August 2011 - 12:04 AM

I went ahead and voted for HollowKnight. Very well thought out screen/idea. icon_biggrin.gif

#5 Cukeman


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Posted 15 August 2011 - 12:11 AM

Lightwulf I love the trees. I'm thinking that if you had a little bit of shadow
under the overhang (and maybe behind the columns) then it would be easier to
tell the floor apart from the wall.

blackbishop89 Holy ****, Link's in trouble! I think your screen design would
be improved if you had rounded corners.

linktopower I really liked this shot until I noticed some errors. The hill to Link's left
does not have the correct bottom (the hill on the right is fine). Also the gate is too narrow
if you made it 3 tiles wide, and had the hills overlap the pillars this should would be drastically
improved. Overall though I really like it. It might be even better if the bridge had a shadow
under it (it would probably fall between the rows of Armos statues).

Chris Miller The border along the walls should be a darker color. The way it is now,
the walls are light at the top, get darker towards the bottom (which is right), but then
the bright borders ruin the height effect, because you expect lighter colors to be placed
higher than darker colors.

HollowKnight Very nice shot.

EDIT: Voted for Lightwulf's shot. It just barely beat out HollowKnight's because the
graphics have a clean and fresh feel to them. HollowKnight's tileset felt too familiar.

Edited by Cukeman, 15 August 2011 - 12:27 AM.

#6 aaa2



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Posted 15 August 2011 - 05:30 AM

i voted for HollowKnight here it just looks so good.

#7 judasrising


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Posted 15 August 2011 - 05:33 AM


Hollowknight got my vote also.

#8 Rover


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Posted 15 August 2011 - 06:16 AM

Lightwulf A good screen, but for some reason it doesn't stick out for me. (there is a generic reason) There's nothing wrong with it, I just didn't vote for it.

blackbishop89 It is good for a laugh, but screen wise it's pretty terrible.(not trying to be harsh) icon_razz.gif Just a giant mandhandla shooting fire in a square mountain.

linktopower It looks like a nice GB screen. That's all I can say about it, for some reason I'm lacking any real response to GB screens. icon_shrug.gif

Chris Miller This shot won my vote. I don't usually like dungeon shots, but this one is kind of great.

HollowKnight A close second. It has a lot of detail, and is a very solid screen. I didn't vote for you for whatever reason, but it is a great screen.

Rambly It's a good screen I guess. I'm more interested in the color coded minimap for some reason.

Lithium Okay.

#9 Twilight Knight

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Posted 15 August 2011 - 06:23 AM

Voted for HollowKnight. Even though Link isn't approaching the temple but standing in front of it. icon_glare.gif

I felt like linktopower's screenshot would be much better if he removed those pillars on the side of the tree gate thing, and expand the gate itself. He is second place for me now.

Lightwulf's shot has great custom graphics, but the design isn't that interesting to me, he makes a third place.

And I had to lol at Lithium's caption.

#10 Adem



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Posted 15 August 2011 - 10:57 AM

I voted for HollowKnight. It's the only one that really stood out among all of the shots here, in my opinion.

#11 HollowKnight



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Posted 15 August 2011 - 11:39 AM

Amazing turnout this week.

QUOTE(Pabru @ Aug 15 2011, 01:00 AM) View Post

Voted for HollowKnight, the others just couldn't compare (in my opinion, obviously). Its kinda impressive that the shot is really just three horizontal parts which are only slightly offset from symmetry, but the resulting effect is really excellent. The beach, the paths, temple, details, canopy, and even the little bits of green in the upper corners combine in a very pleasing synthesis! Well done, I'm glad you were sectioned off into Antarctica icon_wink.gif

Thanks man, glad you noticed all the tiny bits of detail that went into making this shot. (Even though some may have not been intentional icon_razz.gif)

QUOTE(Twilight_Knight @ Aug 15 2011, 07:23 AM) View Post

Voted for HollowKnight. Even though Link isn't approaching the temple but standing in front of it. icon_glare.gif

He was until he had to pose for that darn camera man! You might noticed it almost got him killed by that Goriya, too. icon_razz.gif

Thanks for all the positive comments everyone! Sorry that I am too lazy to rate everything icon_sorry.gif

Also, lol'd at Lithium.

#12 Mero


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Posted 15 August 2011 - 12:18 PM

I didn't expect a single vote, mine is just for laughs.

#13 Pabru


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Posted 15 August 2011 - 01:20 PM

I just want to say, like the last HollowKnight screen, the rain effect is kinda distracting. While in this case, it's better than the dust/ash/sandstorm one, I still wonder if it would have been better without it. Of course, I haven't been able to directly compare the two, so I wouldn't know. Still, I wonder.

#14 Haylee


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Posted 15 August 2011 - 07:01 PM

linktopower because of the interestingness(if that is even a word.) in it.Hollownight's didnt apeal me that much.

#15 Jared



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Posted 15 August 2011 - 07:15 PM

Lightwulf - Very different. The one thing that bothers me is the door. Change that and it'll be perfect. icon_smile.gif 8/10

BlackBishop - Can't really rate, but nice script icon_biggrin.gif

LinkToPower - I like it, but you should get rid of the pillars next to the gate. Extend the gate, too. It'll be awesome! 7/10

ChrisMiller - I like it this time. Just add a few more ground details. Also Link's colors...yuck! icon_razz.gif 7/10

HollowKnight - I love this screen. But, the water looks so crowded, it makes the screen feel it too. 9/10

Rambly - I haven't seen this tileset in a while. very nice forest shot icon_smile.gif 8/10

Lithium - You bad boy icon_razz.gif 7/10

Voted for HK, by the way.

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