Lightwulf I love the trees. I'm thinking that if you had a little bit of shadow
under the overhang (and maybe behind the columns) then it would be easier to
tell the floor apart from the wall.
blackbishop89 Holy ****, Link's in trouble! I think your screen design would
be improved if you had rounded corners.
linktopower I really liked this shot until I noticed some errors. The hill to Link's left
does not have the correct bottom (the hill on the right is fine). Also the gate is too narrow
if you made it 3 tiles wide, and had the hills overlap the pillars this should would be drastically
improved. Overall though I really like it. It might be even better if the bridge had a shadow
under it (it would probably fall between the rows of Armos statues).
Chris Miller The border along the walls should be a darker color. The way it is now,
the walls are light at the top, get darker towards the bottom (which is right), but then
the bright borders ruin the height effect, because you expect lighter colors to be placed
higher than darker colors.
HollowKnight Very nice shot.
EDIT: Voted for Lightwulf's shot. It just barely beat out HollowKnight's because the
graphics have a clean and fresh feel to them. HollowKnight's tileset felt too familiar.
Edited by Cukeman, 15 August 2011 - 12:27 AM.