Billy Ronald:Well, it looks alright, but, the tree's are kinda aligned as if their ice creams or something.
The houses are a little to close to the bottom of the screen, the path is wider on the north part, and the canyon has it's sides cut off on the right of the canyone near the top of the screen.
Gleeok:I actually quite like the grass and the grass colour, and the Minish Cap rocks, looks like you're trying to make a quest with improved Z1 graphics, I like that, though there is some things I don't like in the shot, like the zora's are NewFirst zora's out of all things, I know this may be part of the improvements yet they look too much like the originals, also, the water is misplaced in one area, on the left of the island there's two corner water peices (Corner top right and corner bottom right peice) placed oddly near a peice of land that stretches too the left, also, the bridge is a little too straight and i'd think it'd look better with brown.
LostInHyru1e:This is what I would of voted for.
Although, the canyon beneath the tree and the house looks like it fuses with the land on the water and the land on the one canyon.There isn't much else that I can seem to point out, the design is overall good.
Joe123:I absolutely love the design of the cave, and yeah, I remember you saying about the bushes colours being too bright and that they show out compaired to the other objects, yeah they kinda do, infact the screen may even look better without the bushes, though that ain't going to push me away from voteing, it's still awesome.
My vote goes to Joe123!
Edited by HeavyTitanium, 25 March 2008 - 02:59 PM.