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Screenshot of the Week 199

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Poll: SoTW 199 (50 member(s) have cast votes)


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#1 /M/



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Posted 24 February 2008 - 04:16 PM

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#2 Evile



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Posted 24 February 2008 - 04:19 PM

link1996's screen is from last week. And the rest are all meh.

/me doesn't vote

#3 Aslion


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Posted 24 February 2008 - 04:19 PM

QUOTE(/M/ @ Feb 24 2008, 03:16 PM) View Post

Not bad. I really like that fog.

Go to hell.


Those trees look funny. Not too special of a shot. Funny comment.

Nulled to be fair.

Edited by gray0x, 24 February 2008 - 04:20 PM.

#4 Moonbread


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Posted 24 February 2008 - 04:22 PM

I like CastChaos's shot. Reminds me of my own quest, Remnants icon_heh.gif

Gray0x's shot was a close second, and the rest are just, as Evile said, "meh".

#5 Eddard McHorn Van-Schnuder

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Posted 24 February 2008 - 04:25 PM

CastChaos: This must be the worst I've seen form you in a loong time... Sure, use if it you want... but I don't like it... first, it looks really bland... and the way you overused small trees is stupid... Sorry, don't ''do it'' for me...
Gray: Yours isn'y good in my wiev either... sure, it's ''okay''... but I don't like it... don't really know why though... I just don't.... I kinda like the palette though.
Link: Didn't you post that shot before? If not, it looks STRIKINGLY like it... and it... well, it's bad... why is the ''river'' COMPLETLY straight? Looks REALLY dumb, unnatural and n00bish... Nope, no vote here....
Majora: The guy who's making my favorite quest so far, without having a really good screendesign... Now, I REALLY love your quest... too bad this contest is about screendesign... cause that screen isn't very good...

I didn't like anyone this week...
But Gray's was the ''best''... and since I'm voting for the best, my vote goes to him... have fun with my vote... :3

#6 /M/



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Posted 24 February 2008 - 04:26 PM

Eh.. it seems Link1996 sent me two emails without the number of the SoTW, which lead me to believe he wanted to submit the same screenshot. Anyways, I nulled as well, nothing impressive.

#7 Eddard McHorn Van-Schnuder

Eddard McHorn Van-Schnuder

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Posted 24 February 2008 - 04:27 PM

Dudes... while there isn't a really good screen this week, it's still about voting for the best... So why NOT vote? What's the fun with that?

#8 Plissken


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Posted 24 February 2008 - 04:32 PM

Cast Chaos, I don't know why but I love that shot, very cool usage of the mist. *votes*

Oooh SotW 200 is next week, I shall enter for this landmark.

#9 Cobgoblin


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Posted 24 February 2008 - 04:35 PM

Let's go with Castchaos, I like the fog effect.

New DoR is already being overused, your shot's good, Gray, but...

I really like Majora's shot though, it's a nice atmosphere.

#10 Old Inactive Member

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Posted 24 February 2008 - 04:36 PM

It's the weekly Billy review (haven't done this joke in a while)

CastChaos : That is your worest shot in a long time but the rest of that area would have been better for a SotW 2/4

gray0x : Well well well that is THE BEST SHOT THIS WEEK! 1/4 (VOTE)

link1996: You sent that in last week so 4/4

Majora: not your best work so 3/4

#11 LostInHyru1e


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Posted 24 February 2008 - 04:38 PM

I am deeply confused. I entered Screenshot of the Week this time, and I'm sure I PMed both of you. Why didn't it go in?

Also, why did Link1996 enter the same shot twice? I thought that wasn't allowed?

#12 CastChaos



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Posted 24 February 2008 - 04:53 PM

CastChaos: It's the dream screen. icon_heh.gif

Gray0x: I really like it. Of course, the new DoR elements really help this screen, but if they weren't there, you would use something other to better the screen, no?

Majora: NoeL's forest dungeon tiles. They are nice, but the design is bland, and... there's a tree growing out from stone? Of course. Ice and stone are so alike...

SotW 200 approaches. I already have a screen for it, but I probably try and make an other style screen. Not everybody likes the classic feeling.

#13 Dawnlight


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Posted 24 February 2008 - 05:02 PM

gray0x is the clear winner!


Link: Same as last week

Majora: TREES!!!

#14 Linkus



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Posted 24 February 2008 - 05:08 PM

Hmmm.. eh. All of them aren't that great. *nulls*

In SoTW 200, I guess I'll have to show you how to make a true SoTW entry, even if I use custom graphics. You see, in order to win a SotW, there's got to some kind of awe in your shot, in order to get some votes.

This is very much a contest of skill, and I use the term "skill" loosely, as a screen can offer a lot to experience.

#15 LostInHyru1e


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Posted 24 February 2008 - 05:08 PM

Well, 7 votes in, I don't think I'm getting into this one, eh? Meh, this blows. I'm sure I entered to both /M/ and Shoelace.


CastChaos: The mist is cool, but the design and detail are both lacking.

Gray0x: Winner. Your shot isn't particularly great, but it is designed well and detail is at the right level.

Majora: I love Noel's Adobe tiles, but the trees and mountains both don't fit in at all.

On a side note, Trimaster: Why is Migokalle in your friends list twice?

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