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#1 Moosh


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Posted 07 September 2011 - 02:16 PM

So while internetting around, I found this wiki and site called Exclam-nation that appears to be bashing PZC and its users. I'd normally just assume that it was just some old drama from years ago, but upon checking the wiki, it appears to be still active (or at least have been active enough for the page on PureZC to have been updated this year), mentioning some of the newer users like Ice Cream Link and Lynker (But surprisingly, not me. Why don't I get any hate?)...Anyone have any idea what's up with this?

#2 Adem



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Posted 07 September 2011 - 02:25 PM

Googled it. I'm not sure if it's the same thing you were talking about, as it doesn't mention Lynker or Ice Cream Link but still...

Uh, what the hell? Why? Who? This is ridiculous.

#3 Moosh


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Posted 07 September 2011 - 02:28 PM

QUOTE(Adem @ Sep 7 2011, 01:25 PM)  

Googled it. I'm not sure if it's the same thing you were talking about, as it doesn't mention Lynker or Ice Cream Link but still...

Uh, what the hell? Why? Who? This is ridiculous.

It's the same thing.
Here's the page on Ice Cream Link...
It's also apparently owned by Lithium, which makes me wonder why it still exists now that he's unbanned...

#4 Chakaa


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Posted 07 September 2011 - 02:33 PM

Oh this place again icon_biggrin.gif


I have had a nice page over there for a few years. It pretty much highlights all my low moments when I was new here. It hadn't been updated in a while last time I checked. I don't even care anymore, one of the creators (not going to point anyone out if you don't already know) of that article had told me that they don't even hate me anymore, so I'm not too upset about it.

EDIT: Didn't see that you knew about Lithium already.

Edited by FefeRawft, 07 September 2011 - 02:43 PM.

#5 Sheik



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Posted 07 September 2011 - 02:41 PM

Pokemonmaster64, how much good might come from pointing to to in public, do you think? If you say you know who's site it is, why don't you ask them in IRC or via PM?

#6 Russ


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Posted 07 September 2011 - 02:56 PM

Holy crap, I have my own page. And I'll admit, when I read it, I cracked up. Like almost fell out of my chair laughing. Whoever wrote it might have meant it to be mean, but if you take it as a good-natured humor, it's pretty dang hysterical. And it's kinda funny how whoever wrote it just assumed I don't like science since I'm religious (Exactly the opposite, I'm a huge science nerd). Nice find.

#7 Jared



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Posted 07 September 2011 - 03:02 PM

Am I the only one who LOVES this?! Lol!



Edited by Jared, 07 September 2011 - 03:04 PM.

#8 Bayta


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Posted 07 September 2011 - 03:08 PM

What the F***? I don't have a page? Am I really that bland a person?

*Throws hands in air and storms off*

No really, that's pretty hilarious though. I had no idea that even existed.

#9 Majora


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Posted 07 September 2011 - 03:20 PM

http://www.exclam-na...hp?title=Majora There's a reason my page is this big.

I didn't do anything -stupid-

#10 Nathaniel



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Posted 07 September 2011 - 03:22 PM

We have known about it. It's nothing to worry about. It's all in the past. People talk trash on the internet because they can. People talk trash in real life because they can. They shouldn't, but they can do so given the right place. Nothing we can do about it, nor should we, considering it's off site. Stuff like this is best ignored, thus bringing attention to it in public is simply a bad idea. The only real threat here is peoples' overreactions to it. If it bothers anybody, grow a thick skin and move on. Topic locked.

EDIT: Reopened. Lithium would like to explain it.

#11 Twilight Knight

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Posted 07 September 2011 - 03:55 PM

It's some trolling site owned by glenn the "great" and his mates.

#12 Aslion


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Posted 07 September 2011 - 03:59 PM

Figured I owe an "explanation" or whatever since it's my site and everything. Here's what I was gonna post before the topic was locked:

IPB Imagehow dare you intrude on the great Ex Clam Nat Ion I shall have you're heads icon_twisted.gif icon_twisted.gif !!

Anyway here's a brief history lesson.

! started out back in December 2008/January 2009. Originally it was just an irc channel and some forums that nobody ever used. The main feature was supposed to be the forums, of course. Anyway, sometime around February we got the wiki set up, it was intended to just be articles about !-related crap and stuff and junk and whatnot. Eventually, things started to just lean towards the "write articles about the more annoying members of PureZC" side and that became the main feature of the site. It caused a lot of drama over the years and fun was had.
Come 2010, !'s hosting died, and in December we got a new domain.
The wiki was brought back up a few months ago, and we realized how much it sucked, pretty much. We tried to do a project where we revised it and brought it up to date and everything, but that failed miserably because we're lazy. I keep the wiki up for nostalgia purposes and whatnot, though we still use it for things on occasion I guess.

If you have a page, don't be offended. If you don't have a page, don't be offended.

Today, ! mainly exists as my filehosting and a dead irc channel and a skype call where we all obsessively talk about music.
The end.

tl;dr its pretty much incredibly outdated and nothing to worry about. Enjoy looking through it if you wish.
Just don't be offended, and don't blame us if you are. It's not going anywhere or anything.

#13 Fabbrizio



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Posted 07 September 2011 - 04:02 PM

I found my article rather entertaining. It didn't paint me in as bad a light as was probably intended. I nodded my head smiling when I read the part about "Minnesota f***ing owns, satan-worshipers get out". I'm not an asshole, but I DO love Minnesota.

Edited by PowerGauntlets, 07 September 2011 - 04:03 PM.

#14 Jared



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Posted 07 September 2011 - 04:05 PM

You should totally add my page in, lol!

#15 Chakaa


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Posted 07 September 2011 - 04:06 PM

I remember when I attacked the wiki with a few random friends, only to find out a few days later that I attacked the old wiki when Lithium PM'd me icon_razz.gif

EDIT: That wiki used to piss me off a lot, but I've grown up now, and find it hilarious. I'm not sure if it's because I hate the way I used to be, or if the wiki is just genuinely funny.

Edited by FefeRawft, 07 September 2011 - 04:07 PM.

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