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PureZC Video Game Race Thread

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#31 Kite


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Posted 05 January 2014 - 02:03 PM

Just a quick reminder for everyone interested. If you want to be added to the race chat (this isn't just for racing Super Mario World), send me a quick IM at EternalKyo on Skype saying as much.

#32 HylianGlaceon



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Posted 05 January 2014 - 03:11 PM

Count me in! I love to do video game races, they're a whole lot of fun :D


For me, I would personally start off with either ZC Randomizer Modern or LTTP, and then from there we could go on into different games.


Yeah, ZC Randomizer Modern would be awesome. The most I've seen play it at once is two. I'd really love to see like 4+ play it at once, especially those unfamiliar with it.


As for me, I'd be interested in watching at most if these are on something like Twitch/Livestream. There's no way I'd be able to participate as my internet is terrible, my computer is garbage and I lack a microphone of any sort to talk on Skype.


(My computer can't have a stream and ZC/ZQ open or it lags heavily. Multi-Twitch sometimes works okay, sometimes not)

#33 Kite


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Posted 05 January 2014 - 03:47 PM

We're gonna try to have our first Super Mario World race tonight at around 7 PM EST. So if anyone wants to take part in that, you need to try to get into the race chat before then. ;)


If you can't make it because of scheduling or whatever, don't worry. This probably isn't going to be the only race of Super Mario World we're doing. :)

#34 thepsynergist



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Posted 05 January 2014 - 07:31 PM

Grr.  I hate same day announcements.  Can't do it tonight then, since it started 30 min ago.  Was hoping for something I could make time for.

#35 Russ


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Posted 05 January 2014 - 07:32 PM

Alrighty. So we're a little late, but we're about to get going with this race. Just finishing up some last minute adjustments. If you're interested in watching, we have a link to a giant multitwitch so you can watch everybody at once. You'll probably wanna mute all but one of the streams though, otherwise you'll here the Skype call coming through 9 different desynched streams, and that's no fun. :P


Streaming here.

#36 JetBox



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Posted 05 January 2014 - 08:12 PM

Darn, a bit late in entering, I kind of wanted to. :-/ But the 49'ers game was on, and my parents probably would have wanted me to watch that instead of play games, and school starts tomorrow, and I am going to go to sleep a lot earlier today. But if there are any games done fast on a Saturday, I'll be up for it. :)

#37 Din



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Posted 05 January 2014 - 08:29 PM

Ha!  This is pretty ironic to find considering I'm actually starting to do these with people in another forum I go to.  I might need to try one of these with you folks if I get a chance.


Some tips:


  • If these are a long-term thing you want to try, you might want to consider recording your races ahead of time - even making your own, say, YouTube channel could be a good way to organize things.  If you have each person record their audio and video (which can be a challenge in and of itself), you can sync them all together into one race provided you find someone willing and able to do that, and it's a bit more tame on a computer to watch than twitch with the bonus of making playback infinitely easier if everyone saves their own videos.  Perhaps not right now, but maybe after you get a bit warmed up to the concept of doing these and, of course, if you folks decide it's something you want to do.
  • I know this is a heat of the moment thing, but generally it's a good idea to announce the races a bit ahead of time so that people can arrange to plug these things into their schedule.  Usually even one or two days in advance is a good way to do it so that the odds of people being grumpy over being left out of these things are significantly less than if you announce them the same day, especially with the amount of time your typical game usually entails.
  • From the less logistical side of things, a race doesn't necessarily always have to be a simple vanilla run from start to finish (although there's certainly nothing wrong with such a race, just know there's a bit more at your fingertips).  You can throw some curveballs along the way.  Take, for instance, this race through different NES themed challenges from a variety of games rather than a run through a single one, or this race through Super Mario World that uses "booby traps" that can be used once by each player to force another player of their choice to do something in their game (the mushroom makes a player kill themselves on the nearest obstacle they can find, the flower makes players abandon controlling the game for 20 seconds regardless of location, the star forces the player to enter small Mario mode and tackle the level without touching a power-up again and again until they complete it).
  • Be good sports and have some goofy fun.

Edited by Din, 05 January 2014 - 08:32 PM.

#38 Koh


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Posted 05 January 2014 - 10:35 PM

I ended up dropping out in World 6.  Was dying a lot, and when my dogs started barking, I decided to just call it quits.  It was definitely fun, though =).  I think I was the only one playing as Luigi, so whenever I died, it was obvious XD.  "Aahhhh....MAMA-MEYAH!

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#39 Kite


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Posted 05 January 2014 - 11:32 PM

We just finished up the race not long ago. We had at least 9 people racing. There were a few dropouts for various reasons that may or may not have included traumatic experiences with chocolate, but it was still really fun overall!


Remember that even though this first SMW race is over, it's definitely possible to have more than one race of a game if there's enough people interested. The Skype chat probably isn't going anywhere, so you can still message me at EternalKyo if you want in. :)



Some tips:

  • If these are a long-term thing you want to try, you might want to consider recording your races ahead of time - even making your own, say, YouTube channel could be a good way to organize things.  If you have each person record their audio and video (which can be a challenge in and of itself), you can sync them all together into one race provided you find someone willing and able to do that, and it's a bit more tame on a computer to watch than twitch with the bonus of making playback infinitely easier if everyone saves their own videos.  Perhaps not right now, but maybe after you get a bit warmed up to the concept of doing these and, of course, if you folks decide it's something you want to do.

  • I know this is a heat of the moment thing, but generally it's a good idea to announce the races a bit ahead of time so that people can arrange to plug these things into their schedule.  Usually even one or two days in advance is a good way to do it so that the odds of people being grumpy over being left out of these things are significantly less than if you announce them the same day, especially with the amount of time your typical game usually entails.

  • From the less logistical side of things, a race doesn't necessarily always have to be a simple vanilla run from start to finish (although there's certainly nothing wrong with such a race, just know there's a bit more at your fingertips).  You can throw some curveballs along the way.  Take, for instance, this race through different NES themed challenges from a variety of games rather than a run through a single one, or this race through Super Mario World that uses "booby traps" that can be used once by each player to force another player of their choice to do something in their game (the mushroom makes a player kill themselves on the nearest obstacle they can find, the flower makes players abandon controlling the game for 20 seconds regardless of location, the star forces the player to enter small Mario mode and tackle the level without touching a power-up again and again until they complete it).

  • Be good sports and have some goofy fun.


As far as that second point, I admit this first race was rather impromptu. But we're probably going to have more warning for future games we're interested in racing and at least an idea of when we might want to do those races. But at the same time, one of the points of the chat is to just have people get together whenever and race if they want. So forewarning would also depend on the people that want to race. Still, I'll definitely try to give some forewarning next time if I can.


I admit I want to get around to recording races and compiling them into single race videos eventually, but it's going to involve a bit of technical setup that we'll have to ease people into since we're still ultimately trying to have fun and races can be a bit spontaneous sometimes (like tonight). But this is assuming others are interested in recording their stuff (it would probably involve both video recording and recording their own voices with Audacity or something as a separate thing).


Mixing it up is also something that would rely a lot on what people want to do when they are gathering people for a race, so I can't say too much about that other than it's an interesting idea. :shrug:


And you don't have to worry about the last point.


Also to the 0 people that probably watched my stream, I'll try to fix my audio before the next one I participate in since I realize looking at the recording that the audio levels were completely out of wack for some reason.

#40 Eddy



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Posted 06 January 2014 - 11:47 AM

Oh I did not know you were actually meant to stream at the same time as playing. My computer has a little bit of issues and does not want to respond while I try to stream so... I hope it's alright if I don't stream during later races, just to save my computer from having issues and stream problems.


But when I get a computer upgrade in the future, I'll definitely be able to stream while racing like everyone else has done.


Edit: I would record my side with my recording software though :D

Edited by EddyTheOliveira, 06 January 2014 - 11:47 AM.

#41 Haylee


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Posted 06 January 2014 - 02:25 PM

God, I wish my internet worked so I could do this. ;~;

#42 Kite


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Posted 06 January 2014 - 04:05 PM

I've done some heavy editing of the OP to hopefully clear some things up and help streamline things if we eventually decide to do things like record the video.


But recording and/or streaming definitely isn't required here to race. That's just how it turned out for the first one at the preference of the group racing. :shrug:

#43 The Satellite

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Posted 06 January 2014 - 04:07 PM

For future races, how about Super Mario 64? Not all 120 stars obviously, I did that once and it took six hours on stream, but just to get the 70 stars to get to Bowser (meaning no tricks and skips, obviously). It might still take a bit of time so we'd have to set some aside, but I'd totally be up for that.

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#44 Koh


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Posted 06 January 2014 - 04:22 PM

Well I can't do that one, but why no tricks?  I've seen people get up the endless stairs in hilarious ways XD.

#45 The Satellite

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Posted 06 January 2014 - 04:26 PM

Because not everyone knows how to do these tricks and it wouldn't be much of a race otherwise? :shrug:

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