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Alpha 114 Invisible Items

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#1 derby77



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Posted 05 July 2023 - 03:36 PM

Hi, not sure where to post this, but is anyone else having invisible weapons with Alpha 114?


I can't figure out how to make them appear. Any suggestions?

Edited by derby77, 05 July 2023 - 04:04 PM.

#2 coolgamer012345



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Posted 05 July 2023 - 04:06 PM

Could you post a screenshot of what you mean? Like a screen where you would expect seeing an item but aren't?

#3 derby77



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Posted 05 July 2023 - 04:08 PM

Could you post a screenshot of what you mean? Like a screen where you would expect seeing an item but aren't?


Can't seem to paste a screenshot, but my inventory is all blank and so is it on the main screen where I see A and B

#4 derby77



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Posted 06 July 2023 - 07:16 PM

For those who may have the same issue. Found out it was because I downloaded x86 but it should have been x64

#5 Saffith


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Posted 06 July 2023 - 08:44 PM



I can't say with any certainty that that's wrong, but it's hard to imagine why it would make a difference. Was this an upgrade on top of an older version?

#6 BigJoe



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Posted 07 July 2023 - 12:15 AM

x86 has a few hiccups like that, in fact i should have reported this very same bug

#7 connor.clark



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Posted 07 July 2023 - 02:41 PM

This is the first I've heard of differences between 32bit and 64bit. We run a smaller subset of the replay tests for 32bit, but we were running everything just a couple months ago (and prior to that it was _only_ 32bit) - but perhaps the newer quests are using a new feature that didn't get properly implemented for 32bit.

If someone wants to help debug this, all I need is for you to record a replay file under 32bit. Once you see the bug occur, save/exit the game and send me the ".zplay" and ".qst" files. You can either enable it for _new_ save files (look in the system menu), or enable it for Test Mode (look in Launcher settings under ZQuest). Either way, they end up in the "replays/" folder.


Note we plan to remove the 32bit version at some indeterminate point in the future.

#8 derby77



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Posted 08 July 2023 - 01:06 PM



I can't say with any certainty that that's wrong, but it's hard to imagine why it would make a difference. Was this an upgrade on top of an older version?

No, it was straight. But that seemed to be the issue

This is the first I've heard of differences between 32bit and 64bit. We run a smaller subset of the replay tests for 32bit, but we were running everything just a couple months ago (and prior to that it was _only_ 32bit) - but perhaps the newer quests are using a new feature that didn't get properly implemented for 32bit.

If someone wants to help debug this, all I need is for you to record a replay file under 32bit. Once you see the bug occur, save/exit the game and send me the ".zplay" and ".qst" files. You can either enable it for _new_ save files (look in the system menu), or enable it for Test Mode (look in Launcher settings under ZQuest). Either way, they end up in the "replays/" folder.


Note we plan to remove the 32bit version at some indeterminate point in the future.


It's not a bug per se. In the sense that no weapons are visible from start. If you know a way I can add screenshot here let me know so I can show you. I did F12 to get screenshots, which I have, but can't seem to paste them here.

Edited by derby77, 08 July 2023 - 01:08 PM.

#9 BigJoe



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Posted 08 July 2023 - 04:06 PM

This is the first I've heard of differences between 32bit and 64bit. We run a smaller subset of the replay tests for 32bit, but we were running everything just a couple months ago (and prior to that it was _only_ 32bit) - but perhaps the newer quests are using a new feature that didn't get properly implemented for 32bit.

If someone wants to help debug this, all I need is for you to record a replay file under 32bit. Once you see the bug occur, save/exit the game and send me the ".zplay" and ".qst" files. You can either enable it for _new_ save files (look in the system menu), or enable it for Test Mode (look in Launcher settings under ZQuest). Either way, they end up in the "replays/" folder.


Note we plan to remove the 32bit version at some indeterminate point in the future.

i think its a zquest bug and therefore not covered in replays

#10 connor.clark



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Posted 08 July 2023 - 04:40 PM

Oh, thanks Joe.

Maybe you could send the screenshots to us on Discord? https://discord.com/...936151877746689

#11 derby77



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Posted 10 July 2023 - 06:07 PM

Oh, thanks Joe.

Maybe you could send the screenshots to us on Discord? https://discord.com/...936151877746689


Link doesn't seem to work

#12 connor.clark



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Posted 11 July 2023 - 02:33 AM

You need a Discord account to view Discord - do you have one?


You may also email me - contact is on my profile.

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#13 Taco Chopper

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Posted 11 July 2023 - 03:43 AM

Just posting this for sake of accessibility as well, but if you're not sure how to access the PureZC Discord server then this thread contains all the details you need. Feel free to send a DM if you're having any issues joining.


If you know a way I can add screenshot here let me know so I can show you. I did F12 to get screenshots, which I have, but can't seem to paste them here.


The easiest way to share screenshots these days is by uploading them to an image hosting website such as imgur, and then linking them in your posts or messages by using the image command on your post. You can't upload any images through the forums, so this is the best - and only - way to share any screenshots you have. Again, feel free to reach out if you're not sure how to do any of this! :)

#14 derby77



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Posted 11 July 2023 - 05:01 PM

You need a Discord account to view Discord - do you have one?


You may also email me - contact is on my profile.

Sent, but oddly couldn't add it here like I did for you

Just posting this for sake of accessibility as well, but if you're not sure how to access the PureZC Discord server then this thread contains all the details you need. Feel free to send a DM if you're having any issues joining.



The easiest way to share screenshots these days is by uploading them to an image hosting website such as imgur, and then linking them in your posts or messages by using the image command on your post. You can't upload any images through the forums, so this is the best - and only - way to share any screenshots you have. Again, feel free to reach out if you're not sure how to do any of this! :)


Thanks. I had signed up for Discord to send it but even my kids couldn't figure it out and thought link was only available for a limited time. But was able to past them privately. Let me know if you want them as well.

#15 connor.clark



  • ZC Developers

Posted 11 July 2023 - 07:44 PM

The private message you sent me on these forums did not have any images attached. It may not be supported. You should probably just email me.

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