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The Islands of Zelda

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The Islands Of Zelda


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#31 pixcalibur



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Posted 07 September 2015 - 01:12 AM

Part 15 - Optional dungeon in the Ice Cave.  Could come here early on, but the item here doesn't do much good in general, at least not right away.  Much more manageable with a few specific items.  This should complete most of the preparations before moving on

Edited by pixcalibur, 07 September 2015 - 01:13 AM.

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#32 pixcalibur



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Posted 07 September 2015 - 11:27 PM

Part 16 - Yep, there's a whole different overworld to explore.  First thing to do is to unload this extra money to buy stuff

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#33 pixcalibur



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Posted 09 September 2015 - 09:40 PM

Part 17 - There A LOT of free money that you can find, all of that will be spent quickly enough for more upgrades and other random stuff.  And I still think I didn't find everything out there..

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#34 pixcalibur



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Posted 12 September 2015 - 12:15 PM

Part 18 - Even more hidden money, this time in the underworld.  Gonna run out of stuff to buy real soon

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#35 pixcalibur



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Posted 13 September 2015 - 03:07 PM

Part 19 - Level 9 starts out the same, but quickly splits off into its own level design.  Nothing too tricky, but there are some long detour paths to explore

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#36 Lightwulf



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Posted 15 September 2015 - 04:13 PM

I tried to post a reply to part 9, but I didn't finish it; I was able to recall it but couldn't finish it for a second time and so I lost my post entirely.  :cry:  Here's what I remember:


Part 9:

  • Bubbles - Yeah, I left them as the default Bubbles from Classic, just slightly enhanced graphics.  I might make them different in my ZC 2.50 remake, though.  For now, though, you just have to touch the bubble and try your item and sword to see which one it affected.
  • Ridley? - Nice job seeing that! :D  (I actually hadn't intended that. :heh: )
  • Boss - Since ZC version 2.10 doesn't have screen-state carryovers, I couldn't lower the water level everywhere, so I had to move the boss near to the room where you play the whistle.  Other than that, like you said, this side dungeon is an exact ZC replica of the Bottom of the Well dungeon in OoT.

(I'll have to review part 10 again to make comments on it.  I don't have time right now, though; I was lucky to have time to view part 11 and make these comments.  :lazy: )


Part 11:

  • Fire Guys - The Fire Guys (what I call the fires with faces on them) can be a pain since ZC version 2.10 doesn't have the option to make a dungeon room act as an interior room to make trigger secrets permanent.  I was quite disappointed when I was making this level and found this out, since this whole dungeon/level was designed by hand on paper beforehand.  I'll be fixing that problem when I remake this quest in ZC version 2.50.
  • Green Moblins - They use CSet 9, which is the level color.  I made the level color green because Splitting Darknuts use it and I preferred them to be green.  ... So what if it doesn't match the walls???  How boring is that???  :cheese:
  • Mirror Wizzrobe Room - This room was made more difficult because I had to design the room as if it was once really inhabited.  The fact that the reward is a Heart Piece made me okay with making this room a bit more difficult than normal.  
    Also, what you didn't point out in the video, the secret that opens up is actually a hidden passageway.  If you look at the rooms on the other side of the wall (particularly the lower-right of the room with the attic ladder and the lower-left of the Goron room), you should notice that the shape of the lower walls match the shape of the larger parts of the hidden passageway.  Also, the Wizzrobe Room itself is one combo shorter from the top of the screen to make up for the hidden passageway; that's why it's a bit cramped.  You could even see the Wizzrobes flying through one combo of the north wall!  (Yeah, as I said before, I had this all planned out. ;) )
  • Purple Tentacle - Fun Fact: This is actually a cameo character, not from PureZC, but from the old NES game "Maniac Mansion".  I never beat the game, or saw it beaten, but I did enjoy it.
  • Projectiles:omg: Holy cow!  I had no idea you could DO that with the fire boomerang!!! Sweeeeeet! :D
  • Tingle - Yeah; I hope you don't hate me for it, but I had to throw Tingle into this quest!  However, his appearance isn't quite as intended.  I worked hard at setting up an animation of him falling down (after you pop his balloon) and running over to the door, unlocking it, and walking through.  I had set up several combos for it to work.  However (and I was really upset about this), I found out that combos don't cycle on layers.  Soooooo this meant that all my hard work was for nothing.   :aggravated:  I had to settle with a cheap disappearing act where he just warps into the next room. But, I left those combos in the quest file in case I can use them in the future, so I'm hoping I can fix this scene when I remake the quest in ZC version 2.50.

Great job! :D  I'm glad you're going back to beat the other stuff first.

#37 pixcalibur



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Posted 15 September 2015 - 08:38 PM

Part 20 - Going through more of level 9, picking up the big item I need for another bonus level.


And Lightwulf, got a lot of parts to catch up on  :tard:


If you're talking about the boomerang reflecting stuff, then yeah, some quests let it do that.  And I get good at that stuff, thanks to Randomizer playthroughs

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#38 Lightwulf



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Posted 17 September 2015 - 04:50 PM

Yep, I's gots me some catchin'-up to do!  :nerd:


Part 10:

  • Don't Remember - That small island with the Moblin money?  Yeah, I added that before one of the more recent updates.  I guess I wanted to fill some of the empty gaps in the overworld with more stuff to get; but since mostly all the items are in the dungeons, all I could offer was more rupee pickups. :heh:  Anyway, yeah that probably wasn't there the last time you played!
  • Ocean Maze Path - I saw you switch to the Lens!   :snide:  Sorry, I took that capability away.  For those of you who don't get what I'm talking about, most maze paths in this quest are viewable with the Lens (meaning that somewhere on the screen are some hidden arrows indicating what path you have to take).  However, I completely removed the maze path hints for this screen.  No cheating here!   :slycool:  You gotta' find it out another way.
  • Fish - Right, only one fish per screen can jump over an item because, well, there can only be one item per screen!
  • Skull Rock - You're actually not supposed to fight the Gleeok.  I tried to make it impossible, but as you showed, it is possible to defeat it.  It's actually supposed to scare you off so you'll come back later after beating the boss of level 8; after that, you'll find that the Gleeok and all enemies are gone, regardless of whether you actually defeated them.
  • Arrow at 14:10 - Yep, I purposefully put that water design there to point people in the right direction if they've wandered around after level 7 and don't know where to go.
  • Harbor Town Music - Fun Fact: The music is from the paradisaical "Kingdom of Zeal" from Chrono Trigger.
  • Old Shed - Does this remind you of the same thing from some other game? :naughty:  (Kakariko Village from LttP)
  • Ferry Ship - I originally thought of having pirate-hat-wearing Goriyas throwing sword-like boomerangs up on deck of a ship.  Of course, ZC version 2.10 doesn't have the enemy editor, so I'd have to make them that way for the entire quest, not to mention making Link's boomerang sword-like, too, so... you can tell why I had to change my idea.
    BTW, it is the same ship, hence why everything is flipped around during the return voyage.  I just didn't have screen-state-carryovers to make each item disappear from one direction when obtained in the other direction.  Therefore, you get twice as much! :)
  • First House in Seafarer Market - In the bathroom, I did put some free money!  Check behind the barrels; there should be a rupee item hidden there.
  • "Back Soon" - Ah, but there IS something there!  :slycool:  Go inside the booth and search the back (underneath the canopy) to find a super bomb.
  • "Odd" Life Refill Spots - As Abei and Ama said, Abei dug under his house (for whatever reason, I don't know :whistle: ) and found a hot spring of rejuvenating water.  Part of that was diverted to the shipping director's house; hence, he has a hot bath whenever he wants!
  • Sheik91 - This is a PureZC cameo character.  He has since renamed himself (on PureZC) as just Sheik.  I chose to put him in there as a recognizable character that was brave enough to explore the haunted lighthouse.  (And yes, it is haunted!   :twisted: Notice the statue heads that look at you?  Notice the picture that turns into a ghost (Ghini) when you're not looking?)
  • Cave to Heart Piece - What you didn't show is that, if you go through the wall to the north, it will lead to a room with a dive warp that leads to the water off the northeast coast of Seafarer Island.
  • Misty Cave - Fun Fact:  The mist sprites are actually based off of a rip from the actual mist sprites from the Misty Cave (yep, same name!) in Final Fantasy 4.
  • Lighthouse on Overworld - Good point! :)  I actually made these overworld sprites after I made the lighthouse, itself.  If you look closely, you'll see doorways on all three floors of the house part of the lighthouse, as well as the black spot where some stairs come out of the top of the house part.
  • Lighthouse Exterior - Notice the guard?  If you recall what Sheik91 said, the guard isn't real; watch closely and you'll see his image shimmer slightly.  He's just a hologram generated by the electronic box on the second floor, in the upper-left corner.  The shield is real, though, but the hologram makes it look nicer than it actually is.
    For the soldier himself, I imported soldier graphics from Final Fantasy 4 (which the interior music comes from), recolored him, and gave him a copy of the mirror shield sprites.  Try shooting him with the wand and see what happens!  (Of course, pixcalibur didn't have the wand at this point; that's why you couldn't see this.)

Now that I've caught up with myself, note-wise, on with the next part.  :shy:


Part 12:

  • Finish Level - I honestly think you could've finished level 8 at that point.  Nice to see you catch up with Triforce Pieces first, though. ;)
  • Room Design? - (first screen on floor 2 with Traps & Armos enemies) Yeah!  There is something to the room design there! :D  But... not from that side.  You got it after you beat the boss. ;)
  • Floor Hazards - The stationary Traps?  Yeah, I couldn't make them damaging from all sides and solid at the same time.  So, they're just walk-damage combos.
  • Level 7 Map - You could've got this practically right away after entering level 7 the first time.  The key needed was from the Vires in the room to the east of the entrance; after getting it, you could've immediately backtracked to the locked room and got your map.  Of course, the Digdogger would've turned you right around again (since you didn't have the whistle at that point), but, hey, a dungeon designer's gotta' do what he's gotta' do to promote exploration. ;)
  • Special Note About the Boots - I originally required the Boots to beat the level, but then you'd have the Boots before getting to the Sewer Dungeon, making the damaging floors pointless.  :doh:  So, that's when I went back and required the fire boomerang to get the Boots, and took away the damaging floors required to get past to get through the level.  Remember the room near the beginning with the Dodongos?  I had to take out one of the spikey-floor combos so that you could get to the stairs without tanking it.
  • Full Wallet - When my wallet's full, what I do is start using the bow and arrow more frequently, since they use rupees.  Just some advice. ;)
  • Level 5 Secret - Yes, it is intended for you to use the Boots in this room.  :aggravated: (It's okay. :kawaii: )  You might be able to figure out that, since this was the very first quest I've completed, I didn't know that players could tank through single damage combos.  I fixed level 7 to account for it, but... well, I've left this room alone (forgotten it, really).  :heh:  Just as well, I guess.  If you know how to tank to get it early, consider it an early bonus. ;)

Nice job so far!  :D  Good luck on the rest!  ... Wish me luck at finding time to view more episodes! :heh:  :cheese:

#39 pixcalibur



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Posted 17 September 2015 - 11:23 PM

Part 21 - Taking a detour into another extra level, which you can only complete after getting gold arrows, as you can guess why.  Reward is worth it.  A little maze path to get to the ship that you can honestly guess out knowing which direction is the exit and which one is the last one, which I actually guessed out on my first playthrough by chance.


Yes, I did miss some stuff, which I will get later.  Less waste overall.  


There is a reason I don't clear level 8 right away, which is made clear in a couple parts with one particular item

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#40 pixcalibur



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Posted 19 September 2015 - 05:14 PM

Part 22 - Finishing off level 9, but is this the end of the quest??

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#41 pixcalibur



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Posted 21 September 2015 - 02:53 PM

Part 23 - May as well scout out the underworld a bit.  Lots of free money to pick up, more than enough to max out the wallet

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#42 Lightwulf



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Posted 22 September 2015 - 04:33 PM

Part 13:

  • Floor Numbers - Tip: If you didn't see a floor number, you haven't fully explored it!  Only for floors 1-6, though; the top two do not have them in barrels.
  • Basement - Yes, the other room is the one down from the kitchen with Dodongos and a Magic Container.  I had to put it on a different DMap, though; I didn't have any in the right spot on that map.
  • Little Corner (4th Floor) - Yeah.  As I said before, I made this dungeon all on paper to begin with.  Because of the floor progression and calculations for its size, I couldn't fit more in this room.
  • Ringleader - In certain rooms, some have enemies that are all the same except for one that is different (e.g. color, size, etc.).  Kill that one and see what happens!
  • Big Island Sewerways:
    • Entrance - Pixcalibur, you missed the map!  Head through the wall to the right of the entrance screen to find it.
    • Gohma Block - Yeah, it was originally a regular lock block.  I think I turned it into a boss lock block because you could use a key from elsewhere; then I realized there was no purpose to the enemies in the next room.  Sooooooo, I changed it to a secret trigger and made the boss key the item from the enemies in the next room.
    • Floor Traps - D'oh!   :doh:  Leave it to pixcalibur to find and exploit flaws in my quest design!  I'll have this fixed in the ZC 2.50 version; I can't spawn stationary traps.
  • Returning to Level 8:  Pixcalibur, you already hit the permanent step triggers.  You didn't need to enter from the side entrance any more!  You could've gone straight ahead through the front entrance!  ... Of course, you might be used to how it was before I figured out how to make them permanent with Interior DMap type and side warps.  It was a bit annoying; I'm glad I was able to fix that. :)  I just wasn't able to fix the other rooms because of the lock block doors...  :lazy:

Well, I'm making progress! :heh:  Hopefully I'll be able to review more soon.   :)



I suddenly found some more time!  Here we go:


Part 14:

  • Boss Key - The earlier you get it, the easier it is to navigate certain rooms/floors!  I think that only those who don't know where it is would miss it by this point and hafta' go around.
  • Secret Bombable Wall - Yep, it doesn't have the usual markers, but you should notice that one of the walls in this room has cracked tiles in front of it. :slycool:   It only opens a shortcut, though; nothing big.  :|
  • Rupee Item Missed - Not that it matters much, but this room on the 6th floor has a rupee item that you didn't get.  To get to it, you slashed a barrel toward the bottom of the above room; if you had went past it and south, you could've bombed the cracked block on this screen to get rupees (20, if I remember correctly; I can't check when I'm at school...).  I put another bombable cracked block in a different room on this floor, but it didn't block anything, so I guess the hint is easily missable.
  • Room's Limitations - I can almost guarantee that those limitations won't be in the ZC 2.50 version of the quest! :heh:
  • Conveyor Belt Floors - The rooms with these were designed without knowing you could walk completely against moving floors... :sweat:  I wanted you to have to choose the right conveyor path to get through, but, of course you can blow right by it. :lazy:  Not sure what to do about that...

Yeah, someone mentioned to me that my level 8 was comparable to levels in Lost Isle!  (And yes, I've played Lost Isle, though I haven't gotten much further than post-level 2, so I know what they're talking about.)  Compared to the previous levels, this is the loooongest of them all, maybe as long as them all combined!  But, such naturally followed from my calculations and the fact that lighthouses can be pretty darn tall. ;)


Can't wait to see more! :D  Looks like my Ice Cavern's coming up next.




Part 15:

  • Icy Water - Yeah, to make these, I had to leave the adjacent side walkable just so they'd damage you.  ... I don't know why damage floors ignore rings, though...
  • Magic Octorok - I didn't want to make the room too hard, so I purposefully placed the Magic Octorok in a tight squeeze so you can easily beat it.
  • Keys - I was very careful with my key placement in this place.  People can easily miss that second key.  Make sure you defeat all the enemies when you come to a dead end.
  • Gohma Room - I purposefully designed the room so that you have limited space to move.  That's part of the challenge!  I didn't want it to be too easy.  (Besides, dodging in between is all I knew how to do when battling Gohma 3's.)
  • Hidden Picture - Notice the changes in the floor in this room?  It should look like a familiar symbol used in dungeon maps.  :naughty:  If you don't get it, think about what's in the next room. ;)

My luck had to end some time.  :sigh: To be continued (at 12:18)...

Edit3:  (Part 15, cont.)

  • Map - The original design of the cave is for you to go left at the crossroads and get the map first (or after going right to get the key) and, after getting the wand and (later) the mirror shield, backtrack to get the heart piece.  But... that's mainly if you get the wand early. :)  Either way, pixcalibur is efficient in how he chooses where to go!
  • Compass - Ditto for the compass as well.  You can easily find it well before getting to the boss.
  • Using Super Bomb on Serpento Island - That secret is what the guy in the first house in Seafarer Island was talking about!  But yeah, it's to be entered quite a bit later.
  • Burntree Island - That's what I called the island where you (duh) burn the tree and find that secret.  It's not that obvious, but the cave is called "Burntree Fairy Pond" hinting at that name.
  • Fairy of Magic - If you look closely at her, you might notice that this is a fatter version of fairy than the regular Classic fairy.  After you free her and come back again, she'll be waiting there for you just like in a regular fairy pond.
  • Daniel Jardinage = Spaceman Dan on PureZC.  He's the one who chose the in-game name.  (If you search for "cameo characters" in the Quest Design Help forum, you'll see my thread where I offered people to request cameo characters and choose what they want their in-game name to be.  Just in case you didn't already know. :whistle: )
  • Schala - Have you played Chrono Cross and wondered what happened to Schala afterwards? ;)  Now you know!  (According to me, though; I haven't seen any official Chrono Trigger game that tells what happens after that.)
  • After Getting Din's Fire - After getting Din's Fire, go talk to Schala and Dan again.  They will say something different.  Also, that 20-rupee item behind the bookshelf is back again, allowing you to get a total of 40 rupees here (that is, if you get the one pixcalibur got before talking to Schala the first time).

Okay, that's enough for now.  I'll post a different post for the next one, when I get to it.

Edited by Lightwulf, 23 September 2015 - 06:25 PM.

#43 pixcalibur



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Posted 25 September 2015 - 12:52 AM

Part 24 - Time to take a little break to explore a peaceful town.  Nothing too exciting here, but some more cameo characters and some nice music in the library.  Another trading sequence bit to do here before heading into the next extra area

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#44 pixcalibur



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Posted 26 September 2015 - 01:00 AM

Part 25 - For simplicity, bring the Magic Key along.  Quite the maze of locks and blocks that have quite the setup involved.  Easiest to start by finding the boss key, then exploring the other side paths for various items that may be handy in the near future

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#45 pixcalibur



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Posted 27 September 2015 - 12:27 PM

Part 26 - Mopping up the last few extra items.  One nasty room for a worthy prize, made easier with some help from other items

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