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#1 Manifesto Empire

Manifesto Empire


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Posted 21 April 2009 - 06:32 PM

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Is there a connection between sound, vibrations and physical reality? Do sound and vibrations have the potential to create? In this article we will see what various researchers in this field, which has been given the name of Cymatics, have concluded.

The part of this article that most interested me is here:

Mind Over Matter - Proven

by Robert Baird
Water Crystals Respond:

Dr. Masaru Emoto (The Hidden Message in Water ) has shown some really fantastic interactions not unlike Tiller’s experiments in lattice formation and interactions between mind and other energy around us.

“My efforts to photograph ice crystals and conduct research began to move ahead. Then one day the researcher – who was as caught up in the project as I – said something completely out of the blue: ‘Let’s see what happens when we expose the water to music.’

I knew that it was possible for the vibrations of music to have an effect on the water. I myself enjoy music immensely, and as a child had even had hopes of becoming a professional musician, and so I was all in favour of this off-the-wall experiment.

At first we had no idea what music we would use and under what conditions we would conduct the experiment. But after considerable trial and error, we reached the conclusion that the best method was probably the simplest – put a bottle of water on a table between two speakers and expose it to a volume at which a person might normally listen to music. We would also need to use the same water that we had used in previous experiments.

We first tried distilled water from a drugstore.

The results astounded us. Beethoven’s Pastoral Symphony, with its bright and clear tones, resulted in beautiful and well-formed crystals. Mozart’s 40th Symphony, a graceful prayer to beauty, created crystals that were delicate and elegant. And the crystals formed by exposure to Chopin’s Etude in E, Op. 10, No. 3, surprised us with their lovely detail.

All the classical music that we exposed the water to resulted in well-formed crystals with distinct characteristics. In contrast, the water exposed to violent heavy-metal music resulted in fragmented and malformed crystals at best.

Can words affect water, too?

But our experimenting didn’t stop there. We next thought about what would happen if we wrote words or phrases like ‘Thank you’ and ‘Fool’ on pieces of paper, and wrapped the paper around the bottles of water with the words facing in. It didn’t seem logical for water to ‘read’ the writing, understand the meaning, and change its form accordingly. But I knew from the experiment with music that strange things could happen. We felt as if we were explorers setting out on a journey through an unmapped jungle.

The results of the experiments didn’t disappoint us. Water exposed to ‘Thank you’ formed beautiful hexagonal crystals, but water exposed to the word ‘Fool’ produced crystals similar to the water exposed to heavy-metal music, malformed and fragmented.” (4)

What laws of science or lattice formation are at work here? How connected is life and what amount of soul or ‘chhi’ is in all things? Could the ancients and even more materialistic man of the present use these energies to find water or minerals?

What do you guys think? Does this mean that there is a relation to sacred geometry and vibration? And even more so, is there a relation to mandalas? Maybe even matras and chanting produce real effects. Does this have to do with crop circles too!!??!!
This also proves the chakras exist.
Here are some pictures you may find interesting.

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How to set up water cymatics.

Edited by Manifesto Empire, 27 April 2009 - 01:23 PM.

#2 Alestance


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Posted 22 April 2009 - 01:25 AM

I have doubts that writings made the crystals grow in such a way, but this is interesting, none the less.

#3 Saffith


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Posted 22 April 2009 - 06:43 AM

I like this one. Playing music, writing, and freezing water? It's simple enough that anyone can try it and see if it works. I don't know why anyone would think it might, but, hey, at least you don't have to take their word for it.

#4 SwordOfSeals


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Posted 22 April 2009 - 10:39 AM

This is very intriguing, but will require more investigation nonetheless. A varity of trial atempts, different genre of music, different composers, different living conditions as well. Let's not forget trying the same words in different languages as well and see if the same effects are produced. Finally, we have to control the amount of exposure the water has to these sources. Can't be having them around these musics and words around all the time (not in real life), so what effect would this have?

#5 Manifesto Empire

Manifesto Empire


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Posted 22 April 2009 - 11:17 AM

There are more ways to test out Cymatics other than the water and crystal growing experiment.
The thing i find most interesting of all about cymatics, is how it's applied to science.
Here are 2 other methods of using cymatics.

Chladni is using a metal plate with some sort of sand grain on top, under the metal plate there is a sub-woofer or bass amplifier, using sounds and other frequencies comming out of the bass, it vibrates the plate and makes the sand go into patterns according to what sound vibration is being used, thing about all cymatic experiments, is that they can be reproduced anytime without any problems.
Here is an example video of Chladni:

Chladni Effect

Depending upon the shape of the plate, the effects can vary, but remain the same, some effects even mimic animal fur patterns.

The tonoscope was constructed to make the human voice visible without any electronic apparatus as an intermediate link.
This was done using two effects, the Chladni and Lissajous figures, witch is the result of two sine curves meeting at right angles.
The complete effect was amazing, taking any sound and turning it into moving images.

Here is another from of cymatics, this consists of a glass of water in a dark room with something underneath the glass creating the vibrations and a light above the glass recording the reflection, the result is very interesting.

Sixfold Cymatic Pattern
Another pattern
Slow Motion Cymatic

Using sounds you can create sonic Booms and accoustic levitation, even DNA repair, there is far to much information on the subject, so for that if your interested, i suggest researching it yourself, but this is science that explains more than just mere reality, it can explain how reality is produced.

Here is a short documentary/summery of some of the cymatic effects and what this new/old science is really about.
Cymatics - Bringing matter to life with sound Part 1
Cymatics - bringing matter to life with sound part 2
Cymatics - bringing matter to life with sound part 3

This is a very old documentary, and is outdated, but very credible, and if your new to this, heres the place to start.

Here are a few other videos you might find interesting.
3D water sound images
Acoustic water dance
Cornstartch life form
Cymatic resonance

Ok that should entertain you long enough for now. Enjoy!

And yes, their is a remarkable difference between language, most newer languages like english produce negative forms, while others along the lines of arabic, aramaic and such produce positive forms, same goes for everything that has to do with sound, they either produce Positive, negative and i'm unsure if there is a nuteral yet.

Edited by Shashomaru, 22 April 2009 - 11:23 AM.

#6 Saffith


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Posted 22 April 2009 - 03:32 PM

One can certainly do some pretty interesting things with waves, but that's completely unrelated to changing the way water freezes using text.
Honestly, if anyone here thinks that might work, I hope they'll try it for themselves rather than taking these guys' word for it.

#7 Manifesto Empire

Manifesto Empire


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Posted 22 April 2009 - 04:27 PM

Cymatics is under advanced science in the uk.

#8 Mitchfork


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Posted 23 April 2009 - 04:58 PM

Cymatics is the study of wave phenomena, typically sound waves. It has nothing to due with writing words on paper.

But yes, sound waves are quite cool and it's always interesting to see how different sounds can have an effect on matter. I remember a Mythbusters episode where they played different music as plants grew to see what effects it had- not conclusive by any means, but interesting to watch nonetheless.

#9 Manifesto Empire

Manifesto Empire


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Posted 23 April 2009 - 05:19 PM

"Cymatics is the study of wave phenomena, typically sound waves. It has nothing to due with writing words on paper."

I agree 100%, I'd like to know if it works though, it was under cymatics, normaly it would have nothing to do with it, but somehow or someway it does, don't ask me, or even take my word for this, i'm not a cymaticist by any means.
But, if it is correct, and somehow word on a piece of paper can emmit frequencies of vibration, then this is pretty good speculation, it would prove a lot of other things possible.
I'm interested if this has a connection to crop circles too, seems how some frequencies emit the same vibrations that could make these replications of mandalas and other things, just thinking is all. like i said, don't take my word for it, do some research and find out what's really up.
for all we know this could be disinfo, i didn't write the article.


Cymatic levitation


Edited by Manifesto Empire, 27 April 2009 - 01:18 PM.

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