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Who pays for the translation?

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#31 DarkFlameSheep


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Posted 13 August 2021 - 11:39 AM

Honestly, I strongly expect Tabletpillow's The ROSEMASTER as a Type A quest, not James and LoH series.

Edited by DarkFlameSheep, 15 August 2021 - 06:19 AM.

#32 Rambly


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Posted 13 August 2021 - 06:02 PM

Plenty of people have asked me to make a type A version of LoH and LoH:IU.  Perhaps not directly, but I can tell from the way they are talking and their criticisms.  Moosh, Shane and DarkFlameSheep are clear examples.

yeah, Moosh hates "Type B" quests. that's why he gave Armageddon Quest (not even Forever) a perfect 5 and called it a "masterpiece":

I've long professed my love for both Armageddon Quests, but had never actually completed a full playthrough of either. I'd usually get about halfway and then get stuck and forget about it. This update was just the push I needed to see it through and (outside of one deeply cursed section) I had a blast playing it. Still a masterpiece. 5/5.


he also really seemed to enjoy parts of Liberation of Hyrule and gave it a pretty earnest appraisal, for what it's worth.


i like your post though. "People just won't stop asking me to make a Type A Liberation of Hyrule. Okay, well, nobody has asked me that, but, I feel like they've asked me that, so, same thing, really."


i reiterate, like, if you need money so badly, like, start a patreon or a gofundme or something, no shame in that. capitalism is a hell nightmare

#33 TheManHimself


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Posted 13 August 2021 - 09:55 PM

James24, you've really put a lot of thought into this hypothetical situation. I for one would love to ask my boss (if I worked that is. "work is for the poor" - James24) for a 2000 dollar investment so i could translate my quest into Farsi, Old English, and Esperanto. I really wish you would stop thinking about these hypothetical situations and pay me for the work I have put into my ZC killer app type b experience (It's not a quest: it transcends such petty notions).

Talk is cheap (-James24): pay me. Make me the middle manager I've always dreamed of being. If you want to turn Zquest into just another nightmare corporate ratrace hellhole, then take the first step and invest the venture capital that you promised me into my game. Be the change you want to be.

Also i think it's really cheeky that you pulled this qualifier in Option 4: "But I've just remembered - no steam on Zelda Classic.  Oops." when every single other scenario you've described is just as unreal and absurd as that one was. Verisimilitude is type a, I guess.

Edited by TheManHimself, 13 August 2021 - 10:17 PM.

#34 James24



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Posted 14 August 2021 - 12:29 AM

TheManHimself - show me your type B masterpiece and if its good, we'll talk about the money.


Why do people like to think I'm trolling?  I'm deadly serious here.  This issue is very real and its currently killing ZC and if there's no solution then most creators will pick option 1.  I picked option 1 with regards to LoH:IU and LoH, so did Zoria with modular scripting and so did Sans with regards to his translation.  With no option 4, then the only palatable option is option 1.  If everyone picks option 1 then its game over for Zelda Classic.


The reality is that most people can't script and the time it takes for them to learn how to script is just not agreeable with them.  Scripting is 100% necessary to make a modern type A Zelda quest which is what most people here desire.  But to make scripting usable requires that Zoria translate scripting so that it can be widely used.  But Zoria is going to be confronted with these awful options if he goes ahead with modular scripting.


Now, if I wanted to solve this problem, I'd pay Zoria lots of money to make modular scripting.  But if I did that the most likely outcome would be a bunch of type A quests.  So, it doesn't make any sense for me to invest this way.  The only people who should be paying are the ones who will benefit the most - namely the type A community here.  If they don't pay then scripting is going to kill this game slowly but surely.

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#35 DarkFlameSheep


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Posted 14 August 2021 - 01:07 AM

Don't worry about ZC creators, James. Great creators Evan, Aevin, Russ, Moosh, Jamian and more are there now. And someday ZC will die, but it's like human life span.

Edited by DarkFlameSheep, 14 August 2021 - 01:18 AM.

#36 Rambly


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Posted 14 August 2021 - 01:26 AM

Why do people like to think I'm trolling?  I'm deadly serious here.

because everything you're saying is really obviously trying to bait a particular response out of people and literally every post you make is hammering on the same core conversation topics: ZC is dying, ZC needs to be monetized, ZC needs rich masters to fund its survival, ZC needs a grandiose plan to bring it to steam, Type A Type B, liberation of hyrule, etc. you seem to think ZC absolutely needs to be monetized despite everyone telling you, repeatedly, with good justification, that it's a bad idea, which really leads me to believe that the only reason you think it ought to be monetized is that you think you stand to gain from it (which you might have more grounds to think if anybody liked your quests, which lol). you seem to think is this community is dying and unviable, yet you continually engage us. if we're that fucked and nobody agrees with you then just let us rot for god's sake. concern trolling is still trolling


This issue is very real and its currently killing ZC and if there's no solution then most creators will pick option 1. I picked option 1 with regards to LoH:IU and LoH, so did Zoria with modular scripting and so did Sans with regards to his translation. With no option 4, then the only palatable option is option 1. If everyone picks option 1 then its game over for Zelda Classic.

is ZC dying? PureZC is, but it's 2021 and nobody uses forums anymore, a bunch of ZC-related discords are nice and lively

The reality is that most people can't script and the time it takes for them to learn how to script is just not agreeable with them.  Scripting is 100% necessary to make a modern type A Zelda quest which is what most people here desire.  But to make scripting usable requires that Zoria translate scripting so that it can be widely used.  But Zoria is going to be confronted with these awful options if he goes ahead with modular scripting.
Now, if I wanted to solve this problem, I'd pay Zoria lots of money to make modular scripting.  But if I did that the most likely outcome would be a bunch of type A quests.  So, it doesn't make any sense for me to invest this way.  The only people who should be paying are the ones who will benefit the most - namely the type A community here.  If they don't pay then scripting is going to kill this game slowly but surely.

literally you haven't been paying attention to the community that much or you'd know that there's been a massive push on behalf of Emily and Dimi lately to add new features to the core engine that don't require scripting

nobody cares about anyone's dumbass scheme to make money off of a 20-year-old hobbyist fangame engine. nobody wants to pay for ZC because nobody wants the project to be monetized because it's a hobbyist game engine that will literally never be professional quality. if ZC, stripped of Zelda content, were to compete with other professional game creation suites, then it would fail miserably. if ZC were on steam, it would look laughably horrible compared to everything else on steam. ZC will never have a massive rate of growth or a gigantic audience flocking to it. that's fine, tbh, it's a niche thing. who the hell cares

also, scripting is by no means required to make a good quest, the type A/type B dichotomy is a false dichotomy that you made up completely that literally nobody else earnestly agrees exists, and your notions of what quests are popular these days are about ten years out of date

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#37 Haylee


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Posted 14 August 2021 - 06:17 AM

Literally Everyone: "James, make whatever you want. You're valid. <3"


EDIT: I wanna add to this post by saying the community definitely used to have a level of toxicity that discouraged people from doing whatever they wanted with their projects. Guess what's not really a thing anymore? I feel like the ZC community very much encourages more self expression nowadays, and no amount of complaining about scripting or Type A projects will change that. James, as a Type B designer myself (Specifically within your own definition here, I'm being unironic), I love kaizo bullshit, and just because I and some other people didn't enjoy your version of the idea doesn't mean it's not yours.

I guarantee you nowadays people would appreciate you more if you didn't spend every minute complaining about how people didn't enjoy your project and spent more time continuing to express yourself in your own creative way.

Edited by Einsiety, 14 August 2021 - 09:38 AM.

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#38 Moosh


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Posted 14 August 2021 - 06:26 AM

It's a good time to make scriptless quests. PureZC is in retrograde currently, so Classic, BS and Newfirst quests will have people pogging out of their gourds while modern freeform styled Gameboy and DoR have been relegated to cringe. Now is the time to reject our humanity and become monke.

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#39 Mani Kanina

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Posted 14 August 2021 - 06:42 AM

liberation of hyrule is dead, long live liberation of hyrule.

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#40 Twilight Knight

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Posted 14 August 2021 - 06:58 AM

Why do people like to think I'm trolling?  I'm deadly serious here.


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#41 Mitchfork


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Posted 14 August 2021 - 08:13 AM

well, can't say I didn't try
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#42 Joelmacool


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Posted 14 August 2021 - 09:50 AM

Hello Darth James,

I hope you don't mind me calling you Darth James, because I placed suspicions on you using a Darth Vader portable graphics content (otherwise known as png). As such, I propose the name Darth James; this is not an attack on your type b personality, as I believe type b personalities are superior to any and all other personalities. Given, there is only one other personality imaginable, and that secondary personality is leagues inferior despite having a designation before the much more superior option. To get into the crux of why I have created this comment in this fine thread, I will very clearly write to you my intent; this comment has nothing to do with paying for a translation.

I believe I have informed you twice now about my Type B Masterpiece. If you have forgotten its name, which is likely due to my inferior mindset, it is called Eddy's Troll Day. The title is misleading, as it was never actually made to troll anyone. To say it is a troll quest is to say it is Type A - it is not. In fact, this quest - Eddy's Troll Day - should be renamed. I will rename it. From here on, Eddy's Liberation will be a quest that will surpass all Type B expectations, it takes the themes of all Type B quests and combines this into one simple quest. Those who beat it will be given higher status, and those who fail will be laughed at. Eddy's Liberation is already on the database, under the old name Eddy's Troll Day (I will not be changing the title on the database, due to this influencing the pre-established PureZC lore book).

I will soon be private messaging you with my PayPal, to which I expect full compensation (plus interest) for not investing into the development of this quest, and not providing me with sufficient funds for the completion of this Type B Masterpiece. I mention investment because of the following quote: "TheManHimself - show me your type B masterpiece and if its good, we'll talk about the money." Remember, money talks, but I would like to add an additional phrase: promises deliver. You have promised TheManHimself of your full cooperation if he were to create a Type B Masterpiece, where is my cooperation? Surely, after seeing this third request, you will reply to me? If not, I will take the opportunity to contemplate my life choices, all being Type B choices of course (I live a Type B lifestyle), and understand my place beneath you.

Thank you very much for reading this all,
Type B Apprentice Joel

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#43 Shane



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Posted 14 August 2021 - 10:14 AM

Hey James24 as your proven rich master, I can't help but notice you fail to deliver compelling arguments to prove your case Zelda Classic is dying resulting in people assuming you are a troll. I've contemplated why for a while now as I'm sure you have, and I realize from your third post, it is apparent your posts lack the research needed to make a case. Now do not worry, there is nothing to be ashamed of. Poor people obviously don't have the free time that rich masters like myself have, so if you desire it, I shall enlist two (2) researchers for you on the basis that you present their findings within your post. We can talk further terms in DM if you desire it. As Type B content creator Joelmacool once said: promises deliver, so let's cooperate.

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#44 BigJoe



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Posted 14 August 2021 - 11:00 AM

Outside opinions have been to the detriment of my own quest design, so in a lot of ways I sympathize with you, James24. Compromise lacks clarity. I've always been told to "go with my initial instinct", advice I may have done well to follow.

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#45 DarkFlameSheep


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Posted 14 August 2021 - 02:18 PM

Outside opinions have been to the detriment of my own quest design, so in a lot of ways I sympathize with you, James24. Compromise lacks clarity. I've always been told to "go with my initial instinct", advice I may have done well to follow.

You are absolutely right, BigJoe! James24 no longer needs our useless advises. I wish him a happy game life, though.

Edited by DarkFlameSheep, 15 August 2021 - 09:41 PM.

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