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Things everyone should learn in their lifetime

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#61 David


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Posted 29 March 2015 - 09:18 PM

MEASLES?!  the fucking measles?  it's been over a decade since there was a SINGLE death in the USA from that disease and you'd have to be extremely immunocompromised to even get ill from the measles.  they like to say the unvaccinated are a risk, but the recently vaccinated are much more OF a risk and AT risk.

To be completely honest, it seems like you didn't even click the link that I posted about the measles if that is what you are saying about it. Recently, there has been an increase in the cases of measles simply because people are taking less vaccines and that has caused the "herd immunity" threshold to decrease below 92% (this is explained in the link about measles).


Also, about vaccines in general and their ingredients, here is a nice question and answer pdf created by The American Academy of Pediatrics. This is worth looking at because it pretty much disproves a lot of your beliefs, trudatman, and gives the scientifically proven answers to the questions. Source: http://www2.aap.org/...ingredients.pdf

Q&A about Vaccines



In any case, this argument about vaccines is getting a bit ridiculous and trivial at this point, in my opinion. I can and will believe that vaccines aren't dangerous to humans and that the "chemicals" we put in there are there for a reason, and you, trudatman, can believe that vaccines are dangerous and cause autism if you so choose. At this point there is really no incentive in changing your mind with scientific evidence and reasoning as it seems like it would lead to more arguing, which is something I'd like to avoid if possible. :) Because of this, I'm deciding to discontinue further posting in this topic for the time being.

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#62 trudatman


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Posted 29 March 2015 - 09:34 PM

I'll stop for a while, too.  pretty far off track and all.

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#63 Limebeer


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Posted 29 March 2015 - 09:38 PM

yeah... i think if that discussiion is to go on it should be in its own topic


anyway, back to  the topic, everyone should learn some sort of art form, whether its painting, writing, drawing, music, etc

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#64 lord_jamitossi



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Posted 30 March 2015 - 09:56 AM

I'm gonna go ahead and keep on the vaccinations train because it's so much fun when people get worked up.

My original post's message seems to have been missed, as usual. Along with trudatman's but on vaccinations he also lists vegetarianism, environmentalism and religious reformation as concerns. All of these come from a compassionate perspective, wanting people not to be controlled by a perceived external threat.

In many cases that threat does exist, I'll not deny this.

But in the case of vaccinations, no. The trouble, again, is that vaccinations involve a needle puncturing the skin and injecting what under some circumstances are dangerous materials into the body. To put it bluntly, the problem with vaccinations really is how strongly they resonate with a rape metaphor. The science doesn't matter in this argument and no amount of scientific persuasion is going to make a difference because once the emotions are riled up the facts that will be accepted are whichever ones support the present emotional state.

Really, and I have a bachelors degree in Neuroscience to back this up, the problem is elsewhere. The logical parts of the brain (previously called the left hemisphere, probably eventually we'll realize it's actually the upper parts of the frontal lobes), they get filled to capacity with something a person is unable or unwilling to speak about, so the emotive, lower frontal lobes (previously thought to be the role of the right hemisphere) take over and whatever arguments support what is being felt get taken as truth.

The opposite can happen as well, with the rational mind dominating when there is an emotional issue that is being repressed. Which is why I say that the scientists need to learn poetry and the poets need to learn to check their facts. Carl Jung said that every neurosis is the consciousness and the unconscious driving in opposite directions, and it is much easier to avoid getting into in the first place than it is to get out.

And a lot of the time, it just isn't fair and it sucks.

trudatman, sorry for talking about you here rather than talking to you. You can learn to meditate; it might help. Look up Vipassana meditation, they have free silent retreats worldwide that helped me enormously when I was going through the dark. Best to you.

Edited by lord_jamitossi, 30 March 2015 - 09:57 AM.

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#65 SkyLizardGirl


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Posted 30 March 2015 - 07:12 PM

People need to learn:   What this is exactly before they die ..    http://en.wikipedia..../Bohemian_Grove  



Edited by SkyLizardGirl, 30 March 2015 - 07:14 PM.

#66 Chris Miller

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Posted 30 March 2015 - 07:27 PM

I already know what that is. o.o

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#67 trudatman


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Posted 30 March 2015 - 07:38 PM

and the Bohemian Grovers want you to get vaccinated; thanks for bringing it back around!  anyway, no worries in the talking about/to stuff.  I do think meditation would benefit every being.  you have to know how to BE.  and aside from the obvious fear of needle rape, there really is logic and science behind many beliefs against mandatory vaccination.  yeah, it's raping your choice away, but it really is about what the vaccines are, contain and do to humans, for me, at least.  I know they are dangerous.  you may not believe you have been injured by these things, but I know I was.

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#68 SkyLizardGirl


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Posted 31 March 2015 - 11:03 PM

and the Bohemian Grovers want you to get vaccinated; thanks for bringing it back around!  anyway, no worries in the talking about/to stuff.  I do think meditation would benefit every being.  you have to know how to BE.  and aside from the obvious fear of needle rape, there really is logic and science behind many beliefs against mandatory vaccination.  yeah, it's raping your choice away, but it really is about what the vaccines are, contain and do to humans, for me, at least.  I know they are dangerous.  you may not believe you have been injured by these things, but I know I was.



I also just saw this:  






You guys ever watch the INFOWARS?    0:33    to   6:10    80% of autistic children are boys.





!0~^!    http://www.wnd.com/2...ce-vaccination/   


Not saying what i believe or not ~ just find it funny..* // is allz.

Edited by SkyLizardGirl, 31 March 2015 - 11:17 PM.

#69 SpikeReynolds


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Posted 01 April 2015 - 06:52 AM

Everyone needs to learn that they are not, in fact, the protagonist in their own story. Sometimes, we (I'm super guilty of this) let self-importance get in the way of literally everything.


Also, everyone should be able to change a tire and drive stick. If you can't change a tire, you're fucked in a blowout. Actually, while we're on the subject, people should learn to fix anything they own that they cannot go without. I fix my cars, I fix my guitars, I can sew in a pinch, I can weld, I can solder, etc. etc. I don't want to be stuck without something important because I can't fix it and can't afford to have someone else fix it.

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#70 trudatman


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Posted 01 April 2015 - 07:14 AM

I'm back to it because people have been engaging with me about the vaccines issues and I haven't put the time into putting all of my thoughts here for "the kids to learn from."  I do believe it is important and I do believe there is one side propped up by the status quo, the powers that be, the system.  there is another side that is ridiculed, imprisoned and tortured for being smarter and questioning authority.  I'm linking to an article that has kind of a mean tone (in reverse -- right back at you; take that, system!), but really does a great job of summing up and linking to evidence about the major points I'd be making were I to put the work in.  please don't be put off by the introduction and do the world a favor and stick with it, trying to see the "other" side.  anyway:  http://jennifermargu...5/03/blog-post/


oh, and the site has been getting overloaded lately, so if it doesn't work for you, give it a try again later.  thanks.

Edited by trudatman, 01 April 2015 - 07:15 AM.

#71 HavoX


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Posted 01 April 2015 - 08:15 AM

I believe everyone should learn to speak a different language in their lifetime.


I always wanted to learn Japanese...

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#72 BlumiereBud


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Posted 16 April 2015 - 01:53 AM

One thing that I feel is really important is realizing that your emotions have patterns; if you're stressed out or angry all the time you will, without realizing it, look for subsequent excuses for returning to that mindset. We've all seen the nasty old lady who's always got some reason to go on about how today is the worst day ever; she can't help herself because she's addicted to it.

But more importantly that it's a breakable cycle if it's an issue for you and it can work in the opposite way; be happy often enough and you'll find a reason to smile on bad days. Your mileage may vary but recognizing patterns of negative thinking and working to correct them over time by 'overriding' the current theme in your head by instead, for instance, thinking of all the reasons one has to be grateful in a first world country.. it can have a profound effect on changing your general mood for the better if that's something you struggle with at all.
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#73 Rambly


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Posted 16 April 2015 - 09:35 AM

people need to learn when, and how, to shut the fuck up


(this isnt directed to anyone or a "subtweet" post or w/e its just a good skill that nobody seems to have myself included lol.  i guess people overvalue their own opinions and it's the most irritating and arrogant thing ever, the vast majority of people in the world are far too arrogant maybe hard trait to overcome WHO CARES shUT THE FUCK UP)

Edited by Truckroid, 16 April 2015 - 09:37 AM.

#74 Old-Skool


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Posted 16 April 2015 - 05:07 PM

It bothers me that US high schools apparently still don't teach anyone how to do taxes, especially since that applies to some of the students. 

If you don't work and have no idea what they are (don't feel bad because I didn't), its basically you crunching a bunch of numbers and paperwork to determine if the government owes you back any money they taxed out of your paycheck over the past year. Since claiming too much money means you could be dealing with the IRS, most people just take it to a professional service like H&R Block or something. To assist in the process, your work usually mails you a form (W-4) that details how much money you made last year, and how much of it was withheld in taxes. The trick (obviously) is to try and get back as much as possible without going over. :P However, it is also entirely possible that you owe *them* some (though this is unlikely if your pay is set up to deduct taxes in full), so its always a good idea to get your taxes done, even if you feel you don't need that extra 300 or 600 or 1200 whatever dollars you are entitled to :P 


Edited by King Aquamentus, 16 April 2015 - 05:10 PM.

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#75 Chris Miller

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Posted 16 April 2015 - 05:24 PM

People should also not depend on technology as a substitute for higher brain functions like memorization, mathematics or navigation. 


Having a phone with a bajillion helpful numbers in it is no good if it's dead and you're out in the boonies with nothing but a payphone. 


A person should also be able to do arithmetic in their heads, something which an alarming amount of people can't.  I've even seen clerks who couldn't add up sales tax without a calculator. 


And for pete's sake, everybody, without exception, ought to be able to find their way on the road without a GPS.  They should have the common sense to have a real map in their vehicle and know how to read it.

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