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#16 Russ


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Posted 06 September 2011 - 10:24 PM

1. Politically right-winged. Cuz we're right. Get it? Cuz, you know, right... I'll just go slap myself and move on now.
2. Christian. Hey, it counts as a social group, right?
3. Straight. Well hey, everybody else said brought it up. Except for you Rem...
4. Science Geek. I read biology textbooks for fun when I was younger, to give you an idea of what we're dealing with here.
5. Likes Stuff Aimed at Younger Audiences Guy. Most of my favorite shows are cartoons, and Redwall's my favorite book series, so yeah.
6. Just saving this spot cuz I know there's a 6, I just can't think of it right now.

#17 Moonbread


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Posted 06 September 2011 - 10:32 PM

1. Poet - No, being a poet doesn't mean you "write" poetry. Those are two completely different things to me. Taking a mandatory art class didn't make you an artist, so just because you think you want to write poetry doesn't mean you'd become a poet. You have to breathe poetry. You dream poetry. You eat poetry. You live poetry. You are poetry. And I embrace this lifestyle more than any other.

2. Anti-Social Loner - Being bullied from 2nd grade to senior year in school makes you distrusting of people. It also broke most of the self esteem I could've had.

3. Musician - Just not a very good one. Mostly a vocalist, although I'm picking up the keyboard very quickly. Can already play Libera Me From Hell decently, and it's been 3 days since I started playing the keyboard with no prior experience.

4. Satan Worshiper - You know, because I play D&D. icon_teehee.gif Christian - Yeah, I believe in Jesus Christ and all that stuff.

5. Indie Gamer - Self-explanatory. Give me Super Meat Boy or Vindictus, not WoW or CoD.

6. Straight/Don't Care About It Though - Women can be attractive, intelligent, fascinating. They're also sometimes b****es. Like, cancel a date right before it's about to happen and don't give a crap to reschedule it. That kind of b****.

#18 Bayta


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Posted 06 September 2011 - 10:36 PM

Well, let's see...

Furry - I don't think I need to really explain this in great detail. I think anthropomorphic animals are cool, and I try to stay away from the erotic aspects of the fandom.

Doctor Who fan - I've been watching the show for about five years now, and have watched a great deal of the new and classic series, plus a few of the Big Finish audio dramas. I still don't get tired of it. I've attempted to build a full-sized Dalek prop a little while ago, which ultimately didn't go anywhere due to lack of funds, skill, space, etc. I've also made a few arrangements of the theme tune, which still won't leave my mind. That bass line is far too catchy.

MLP: FiM fan - While I've not had very much interaction with the fandom, I've watched the entire first season, some episodes more than once, and can't wait for season 2.

Semi Neat Freak - I'm not OMG SUPER CLEAN EVERYTHING MUST BE PERFECT, but I very much enjoy order and cleanliness. I organize my games, CDs, movies, etc. in alphabetical order, I separate my shirts and pants in the closet, I make my bed in the morning, I try to keep the floor clear of clutter, ya know.

Retro Gamer - Nearly forgot this one. I love my Super Nintendo, and will never ever part with it. Same goes to my NES, Atari 2600, Intellivision, and Genesis.

Straight - Everybody's listing their sexual preference, so what the hell.

#19 Sir Evan

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Posted 06 September 2011 - 10:46 PM

Well, let's see...

1. Theater nerd - although from the tech side, not acting. I have horrid stage presence.
2. Brony - because it sounds 20% cooler than a "My Little Pony Fan"
3. Math... enjoyer? - I like math. Sue me.
4. Christian - suck it, atheists.
5. Anti-politics - okay, so I have liberal leanings. But I really couldn't care less. Nothing gets done anyways.
6. Straight - yay, boobies!
7. Chronic procrastinator - I have Physics work to be doing. I'm posting on message boards. Like a boss.

#20 Adem



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Posted 06 September 2011 - 10:56 PM

QUOTE(Russ @ Sep 6 2011, 11:24 PM) View Post

3. Straight. Well hey, everybody else said brought it up. Except for you Rem...

I'm sexually ambiguous. icon_deformed.gif

Sir Evan, we need to be best friends. That is all.

#21 Fabbrizio



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Posted 06 September 2011 - 11:00 PM

QUOTE(Sir Evan @ Sep 6 2011, 10:46 PM) View Post
6. Straight - yay, boobies!
QUOTE(PowerGauntlets @ Sep 6 2011, 10:59 PM)
Bi - yay, boobies!
Bi != gay. Just a little more flexible.

Edited by PowerGauntlets, 06 September 2011 - 11:08 PM.

#22 Sir Evan

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Posted 06 September 2011 - 11:04 PM

QUOTE(Adem @ Sep 6 2011, 10:56 PM) View Post

Sir Evan, we need to be best friends. That is all.

Looking over your list of things, the only thing I don't share is being a germaphobe. Other than that, get out of my head!

#23 Mitchfork


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Posted 06 September 2011 - 11:06 PM

QUOTE(Lithium @ Sep 6 2011, 09:06 PM) View Post
1. Music nerd - I can have discussions about single albums for hours and I never really get tired of it. I love finding new music and talking about it, as well as getting suggestions and whatnot. There's nothing I don't like unless it's bad. Music is alright I guess.
As one of the guys that discusses these albums, I feel like I fall into this category as well, although I definitely haven't listened to as much music as you have this year. Still, I'm at 88 albums so far and I'd be surprised if anybody else here could top that (not that the volume of music I listen to is meant to be impressive in any way~).

2. Straight - I apologize to the men of the world for this one.
3. Atheist - I wouldn't really call this a "social group" in that I don't intentionally attract an atheist crowd to hang out with, but the shoe fits so...
4. Procrastinator - And who isn't?
5. College guy - And therefore completely intellectually superior to everyone else.

QUOTE(PowerGauntlets @ Sep 6 2011, 11:00 PM) View Post
Bi != gay

Yes, we're aware.

#24 Anthus


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Posted 06 September 2011 - 11:53 PM

Zelda classic user. I figured this was mandatory, or at least it's what brought me here seven-odd years ago. I'm not so sure about ZC boards anymore, but yeah. Anyone remember Zelda Classic?

As far as social groups? I don't like to identify myself or others by any given group, but rather, what they are/ do as a person. To me, all that matters is what you are, and not what people label you as. Labels are a way to justify generalizing, and prejudice to an extent. It's easy to take away a layer of thought if it helps you paint a "better" picture of a person with out really knowing anything about them. Makes you feel like you really know "people". All "hippies" are "stoners". All video game fans are "nerds". All music/ movie buffs are "assholes". Women who F*** a lot of guys are "sluts". Who cares? Who takes the time to really know anymore?

Sorry for the tirade, but I feel it is relevant, since the topic asks my thoughts.

#25 NoeL



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Posted 07 September 2011 - 12:26 AM

QUOTE(Vaelstrom @ Sep 6 2011, 07:44 PM) View Post
Now who here is going to call you a fag because you're gay? I'd hope nobody.
I will!

Hey Jared, you FAG! icon_lol.gif Yeah, I ain't afraid to go there. icon_deformed.gif

So, let's see... social groups... well, not that they're really social groups, but I'll just label myself like everyone else has been doing:

Retro gamer (NES to N64 era)
Chronic procrastinator
Uni bum (aka college guy)
Artist (in a totally not-pretentious way icon_deformed.gif )

Did anyone else notice the correlation between bronies and homosexual tendencies among the first few posts?

Edited by NoeL, 07 September 2011 - 12:27 AM.

#26 Fabbrizio



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Posted 07 September 2011 - 01:09 AM

QUOTE(NoeL @ Sep 7 2011, 12:26 AM) View Post
Did anyone else notice the correlation between bronies and homosexual tendencies among the first few posts?
No, and neither did you. (diffuses horrible stereotype). And being undecided doesn't even sort of qualify as a homosexual tendency. That's like saying "so you don't have a favorite genre of video game? Well you must be a fan of RPGs then".

In the end, I must once again point out that this thread was created for describing oneself without being judged. Yet here you pass judgement, not silently but out loud, for everyone to hear.

I don't understand you.

QUOTE(NoeL @ Sep 7 2011, 12:26 AM) View Post
Chronic procrastinator
I keep seeing this one come up, and I must say I'd be extremely tempted to put it on my list if not for the fact that it's not really a social group.

Edited by PowerGauntlets, 07 September 2011 - 01:27 AM.

#27 Russ


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Posted 07 September 2011 - 01:25 AM

QUOTE(PowerGauntlets @ Sep 6 2011, 11:09 PM) View Post

I'd be extremely tempted to put it on my list if not for the fact that it's not really a social group.

Look at it this way. It would be a social group, except we just keep procrastinating forming the group. icon_deformed.gif

#28 Fabbrizio



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Posted 07 September 2011 - 01:31 AM

QUOTE(Russ @ Sep 7 2011, 01:25 AM) View Post
Look at it this way. It would be a social group, except we just keep procrastinating forming the group. icon_deformed.gif
I'll drink to that!

...except I don't drink. Which reminds me...

7. Sober For Life - Yes, this is a social group, because frankly, you can be social without alcohol. That's a fact.

#29 Russ


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Posted 07 September 2011 - 01:57 AM

I knew I was forgetting one.

6. The not-drinking-at-all club (yay for horrible names). I've tasted alcohol twice in my life. Both nearly made me throw up (I think I tasted vomit one of the times). How people can actually enjoy that, much less drink so much that their brains malfunction, is beyond me. Long as I live, I'm not drinking any of it.

#30 Fabbrizio



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Posted 07 September 2011 - 02:01 AM

QUOTE(Russ @ Sep 7 2011, 01:57 AM) View Post
6. The not-drinking-at-all club (yay for horrible names). I've tasted alcohol twice in my life. Both nearly made me throw up (I think I tasted vomit one of the times). How people can actually enjoy that, much less drink so much that their brains malfunction, is beyond me. Long as I live, I'm not drinking any of it.
Actually, the only time I can ever appreciate the flavor of something alcohol related is with rumcake. That stuff is good.

I have also been known to appreciate a virgin Pina Colada. Not half bad. Just don't put any alcohol in it.

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