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#16 The Satellite

The Satellite

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Posted 05 January 2008 - 03:29 PM

Heh. Weirdest dream I ever had? It's in a DS topic, and is sort of a running gag in that topic.

The story I logged from a chat discussion:

<~TS> Anyways, I had a mysterious dream last night THAT MAKES ABSOLUTELY NO SENSE TO ME
<~TS> And Animus can testify to that. icon_razz.gif
<~TS> Anyways.
<~TS> Four characters: me, some dog, a spider, and a three-year-old girl that resembled Bix's sister.
<~TS> Setting: a creek area, with a tall tree sporting several platforms.
<~TS> Apparently, the girl's the bad guy. The dog's the good guy.
<~TS> I'm on the dog's side.
<~TS> And we're trying to protect the spider from the girl.
<~TS> And that's pretty much it.
<~TS> Nah.
<~TS> Then later, I came around to find her...
<~TS> with a large-glass measuring cup like bowl...
<~TS> water in it
<~TS> trying to shove shredded cheese, potato chunks, and meat pieces into it.
<~TS> aka soup
<~TS> So I'm thinking "OMG SHE'S GOT THE SPIDER"
<~TS> Nope, spider wasn't there. She was just trying to make soup.
<~TS> ...
<~TS> without boiling the water.
<~TS> XD
<~TS> The spider was just... gone
<~TS> Anyways, apparently it was all a pretend game, because at the point, I was just kinda hanging out with her, and she wasn't the bad guy, anymore.
<~TS> The dog had all but disappeared...
<~TS> Then... suddenly... the scene reverted.
<~TS> To my living room.
<~TS> She was sitting on the floor, crying, my sister sitting next to her.
<~TS> My older sister standing, holding some towel.
<~TS> (yes, it was long, but it's nearly over)
<~TS> I can hear my mom yelling from another room "Don't touch that spider!"
<~TS> So my sister rolls up the towel, and whacks the mantle. Kills the spider.
<~TS> And my mom's like "I told you not to touch the spider!"
<~TS> And then my sister's like "but it bit her!"
<~TS> (which would explain the girl crying)
<~TS> the end
* ~TS inhales deeply.

#17 Titanium Justice

Titanium Justice

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Posted 05 January 2008 - 03:40 PM

Has anyone ever had one of those dreams where you are dreaming about a movie, and the next minute the main character in the movie is replaced by you?

Yes, that happens to me when im watching a movie in my dream almost always i somehow become part of the movie icon_eek.gif and the movie is ussualy based off a real movie (So like completley different settings/characters in the film) icon_freak.gif
have you ever had a dreem where your in like space, and your running on a platform that is collapsing?

Well not in space, but one time i had a dream that i was above thin ice and it was collapsing icon_shiver.gif

#18 Moonbread


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Posted 05 January 2008 - 03:54 PM

QUOTE(russadwan @ Jan 5 2008, 03:52 PM) View Post

Dreams can't really tell the future. But I read somewhere that they can tell you how you subconcious momitions are. And no, thank goodness I have never hit the bottom in one of those falling dreams. I get stratled easily, so the minute something big happens in one of my dreams (like I start falling), it startles me so much that I wake up.

Some can. Don't act like you know everything. I've had dreams that have predicted the future. A lot of things I do after dreaming feels like deja vu.

My dreams were peaceful... joyful... and gave me courage. Courage is a bane, though...

#19 TetriTek



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Posted 05 January 2008 - 04:19 PM

^ and to add to that, once i had a dream with very good detail, and then 2 years later, that exact thing happened, just like a deja vu, but it was a dream. it was so fricking weird. icon_wacky.gif

#20 Animus01


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Posted 05 January 2008 - 04:30 PM

I remember one recent dream that all of us were in a big stadium playing Brawl. I was Ike, and he was a pretty quick fighter.

Also, does anyone have those dreams that happen when your TV is on? Here's an example: I was dreaming, and all of a sudden, I must've been having my own mental interpretation of a Dragon Tales episode. I woke up just after the show ended to find my little brother watching Sesame Street. Heh. Maybe I should sleep while Ed, Edd, n Eddy is on, so I can take part in Eddy's scams. icon_lol.gif

#21 Titanium Justice

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Posted 05 January 2008 - 04:47 PM

Has anybody ever had there dream ended by becoming weak all the suden and falling down?
This happened to me once in a dream when i was running away from a bunch of little girls, I hid behind my couch and then i was becoming weak then the girls came in the room they found where i was and started beating the crap out of me icon_freak.gif

And that's the thing, im not the type of person who becomes easily weak/vulnerable.

Edited by HeavyTitanium, 05 January 2008 - 04:48 PM.

#22 TetriTek



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Posted 05 January 2008 - 04:57 PM

no... cant say i have, but i do remember one where santa was chasing me down some deserted streets while it was raining and i got stuck in an alleyway. it was so creepy! icon_puppyeyes.gif
then one where micheal jackson was trying to seduce me... no comment.

#23 CastChaos



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Posted 05 January 2008 - 05:08 PM

I already hit the bottom as I said, yet I'm still living. I also dreamed about suicide a lot. Also,when somebody bothered me, sometimes I dreamed about that a lot. icon_sigh.gif

#24 Russ


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Posted 05 January 2008 - 05:09 PM

QUOTE(HeavyTitanium @ Jan 5 2008, 12:40 PM) View Post

Yes, that happens to me when im watching a movie in my dream almost always i somehow become part of the movie icon_eek.gif and the movie is ussualy based off a real movie (So like completley different settings/characters in the film) icon_freak.gif

One time I had a dream that explained how I got into the movie in the first place. I dreamt I was at the movie theater. My brother got mad at me and threw me into the screen. Next thing I knew, I was in the movie Alvin and the Chipmunks. Wierd isn't it? icon_rolleyes.gif

And I have sort of had one of those future telling dreams. I dreamed about a dam that I visted about 10 years after the dream. And my dream even got the details of the place right. My history teacher explained this by the fact that Albert Einstien proved that time goes in a circle, not a line. This is what accounts for De ja vue feelings.

And has anyone had one of those dreams where something bad happens, and suddenly as you try to scream for help, you find that no noise comes out of your mouth, and that you can't run, as if something is pulling you backwards?

#25 CastChaos



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Posted 05 January 2008 - 05:18 PM

Albert Einstein was just a human, too. Time is much more complicated. No line, no circle, not a single geometry... And dreams really predict future sometimes, but the "you get to know yourself" function is much more important.

I usually never scream in my dreams, but once there was that thing that I dreamed that I were at my grandparents and a jackal type big monster was on the street and it noticed me, jumped over the fence, grabbed my leg with its teeth and I was like "HELP!" but I suddenly awake and yelled it in real. icon_eek.gif

#26 Moonbread


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Posted 05 January 2008 - 05:19 PM

I've had dreams where I have to regain my balance in real life... there's this large hill in my neighborhood that I used to ride down in my rollerblades, years ago. Well, occasionally, when I'm half-asleep, I'm falling down that hill... and I have to catch myself in real life.

#27 Fuzzy



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Posted 05 January 2008 - 09:21 PM

When I was 7, I was Link.

#28 TetriTek



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Posted 05 January 2008 - 09:28 PM

^Well short and to the point i guess. have you ever had dreams where like the fate of the world is in your hands? or you find a purple stuffed teddy bear, and it turns out to be a bomb? wow, dreams have no set story, they usually have ciesures. icon_deformed.gif

#29 CastChaos



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Posted 07 January 2008 - 04:09 AM


Last night I had a wonderful dream about getting a girlfriend... But she WASN'T my Dreamgirl!!! Listen, listen...

I was crossing a street near my former school when I saw a short, long red haired girl in white and lightblue clothes (e.g. skirt) walking by. I was walking with a higher speed than her, so I was going to overpass her... But then she started to speak to herself asking why can't he get a boyfriend and that the first who walks near her will be her boyfriend (it was like she were speaking to a tall man near her, but that man disappeared like mist). She even spoke about what boyfriend she would like. Since I didn't met the criteria, I started to walk slower. Then everything happened as I expected: she heard my steps, asked me to go near him and we started to chat... A little later I saved her from killer spiky whines and she revealed her technic provess by building some device from thin air. We exchanged names (her name was hard to remember) then we parted. I went home on a road that I rarely ever (or never) use to reach home. Meanwhile, I forgot her name! At first, standing near the phone, I was going to give up. But then I thought I can't give up even now, I want to have a girlfriend! I went to YouTube and wanted to search for her there. I even made a Megaman music video for her. She was angry that I don't search for her with maximum power. I made a great music video with title screen. Zero was the main character. Axl was like a mix of a clown and Dynamo. X was a black skinned strongman. And I thought it was so awesome... And it really was! I catched that girl on the phone and she became my girlfriend!

It was so realistic!

But then I woke up... icon_cry.gif

So she wasn't my Dreamgirl! Very interesting... Even more! She seemed to be the counterpart of my Dreamgirl. While my Dreamgirl loves magic, this girl loves technic. I have high sexual feelings towards my Dreamgirl, but it's absolutely non-sexual towards the other girl. But there are similarities... none of them are tall, both of them are silent and adorable...

#30 Geoffrey


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Posted 11 January 2008 - 01:11 AM

Has anyone ever had a dream were in your dream your having a dream? Or died and then woke up?

I once had a dream were a all these octorok/pikachu things were attacking me, the in the dream I woke up, thought I was really awake, went downstairs and got hit on the head w/ a hammer and died...I woke up about 45 seconds later

Oh, and whos had a dream where part of it comes true?

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