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Screenshot of the Week 811

Matthew Shane )-( Marchland Malady )-( Jenny

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Poll: Screenshot of the Week 811 (36 member(s) have cast votes)

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#1 Taco Chopper

Taco Chopper

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Posted 01 April 2024 - 01:33 AM

)-( Marchland Malady )-(
-L- Oh my... It looks like Homestuck's tealbloods aren't doing too well these days. Link had to blast open a ventilation fan just to reach this room, yet that didn't stop the monsters from invading. )L(

Crispy Caldera

It's just... so peak...

Pay respect to those who had fallen on their pilgrimage.

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#2 Russ


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Posted 10 April 2024 - 04:19 PM

Alright, let's see...


)-( Marchland Malady )-(: I'm still not a huge fan of the dithering on the tiles, but I do like the overall aesthetic here. Decently solid screen design too. It's an improvement over the previous entries, and I like it overall, dithering aside.


Jenny: I'm loving the elevation here, even if using GB mountains that way feels intrinsically wrong. I'm uncertain about mixing the perspective on them in the same shot, but it mostly works. I really love the lower tier there. Bonus points for cycads.


Matthew: That background is cheating. The palette is also cheating. Very well put together overall.


Shane: I adore how moody this one is. Relatively simple, and yet I feel like it's far me effective than a lot more "complex" shots I've seen through the years.


This one was a really hard pick for me. Ended up going with Shane after a lot of deliberation, but Jenny and Matthew were pretty serious contenders.

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#3 nicklegends


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Posted 13 April 2024 - 01:46 PM

Marchland Malady: The use of varied elevations in an interior space is refreshing. I still find the dithered graphics a bit difficult to interpret.

Jenny: It didn't occur to me until I read Russ's comments, but the perspective of this mountain shot is really interesting. The cliff tiles on the right side of the plateau on the left really accentuate the height, but then, the cliff tiles toward the north side of the lower landing I find difficult to reconcile into the same perspective. I also feel the shot could use a little bit of life by way of a character, enemy, etc. But all in all, I like the setting and design of this shot.

Matthew's shot is just about perfect. The cold palette. The falling snow. The judicious juxtaposition of the symmetric tower and planters with the asymmetrical landscape around it. The lovely details of the pebbles, grass, and tiles in the ground. Well done!

Shane: I always enjoy seeing something a little different from the mold, and this shot delivers. Are those lanterns along the path? I really like that element and how it is the only source of brightness in a moody shot. Nice use of detail all around, too.

Lots of good (and unusually dark) shots this week! My vote goes to Matthew.
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#4 Taco Chopper

Taco Chopper

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Posted 15 April 2024 - 03:58 AM

With 58.06% of the vote, the winner of Screenshot of the Week 811 is Matthew!

Voting totals:
  • Matthew - 18 (58.06%)
  • Shane - 7 (22.58%)
  • )-( Marchland Malady )-( - 4 (12.90%)
  • Jenny - 2 (6.45%)

Also tagged with one or more of these keywords: Matthew, Shane, )-( Marchland Malady )-(, Jenny

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