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#16 Air Luigi

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Posted 08 August 2015 - 05:10 PM

The choppy stiffness of the others is just bullshit, especially since the enemies have way more mobility than the player.


That's the fun part! You have to think about your actions. You have all what you need to beat the games without getting hit in the entire game. As much as I love SOTN, Alucard is ridiculously powerful and you can breeze through the game quite easily, but no one complains about that xD It's much more exciting when monsters feels like monsters...
The difficulty of the classic series is quite average really, unlimited continues also... the only tough game is Chronicles, and the final parts of the western version of Castlevania III.
I like more the classics, they are more unique and challenging, and they have way more replay value. Castlevania I-III-IV and Rondo were groundbreaking games in their time. I can only say the same from SOTN in the metroidvania series.
So, favorites:
1. Super Castlevania IV
2. Castlevania III
2. Rondo of Blood
2. Chronicles
2. Order of Ecclesia
3. Aria of Sorrow
Oh, and Castlevania and 3D is not a good society >.>

Edited by Air Luigi, 08 August 2015 - 05:19 PM.

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#17 Koh


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Posted 08 August 2015 - 06:30 PM

Curse of Darkness was a very fun 3D Castlevania.  That's the only 3D one I've played (if you don't count Dracula X Chronicles, since it was 2.5 D).

#18 The Satellite

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Posted 08 August 2015 - 06:37 PM

Dracula X Chronicles is a remake of Rondo of Blood, so it's basically a 2D game. And if I'm honest, the remake is downright ugly. But now I'm curious, when you said "Dracula X" in your earlier post, did you mean Dracula X Chronicles? Because yes, you actually have to clarify between it and Dracula X; the latter is the SNES port/remake of Rondo of Blood. :P


Which is considered vastly inferior to the original, which I believe, but I intend to play the original Rondo of Blood soon.

#19 Logos


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Posted 08 August 2015 - 07:10 PM

I got SotN today on the Xbox Live arcade! I haven't been able to play much of it because my brother is hogging the TV, but it's pretty fun so far. The combat is fast and the animation is smooth. The pixel art is pretty and stands as a testament of how late 2d graphics have aged much better than early 3d graphics.

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#20 Haylee


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Posted 08 August 2015 - 08:17 PM


Oh, and Castlevania and 3D is not a good society >.>

Legacy of Darkness is like the the president of that crowd, and he's like the only one who actually takes things seriously.


Which is why I love it so much.

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#21 Koh


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Posted 08 August 2015 - 09:59 PM

Legacy of Darkness is like the the president of that crowd, and he's like the only one who actually takes things seriously.


Which is why I love it so much.

Then you haven't played Curse of Darkness <=P.



Dracula X Chronicles is a remake of Rondo of Blood, so it's basically a 2D game. And if I'm honest, the remake is downright ugly. But now I'm curious, when you said "Dracula X" in your earlier post, did you mean Dracula X Chronicles? Because yes, you actually have to clarify between it and Dracula X; the latter is the SNES port/remake of Rondo of Blood. :P


Which is considered vastly inferior to the original, which I believe, but I intend to play the original Rondo of Blood soon.

Dracula X Chronicles, yes.  It comes with the original Rondo of Blood, SoTN and some debug game.  I thought it looked pretty good myself.  Definitely transitioned a lot better than the bullshit that is Final Fantasy 3 and 4 DS.

Edited by Koh, 08 August 2015 - 09:59 PM.

#22 Air Luigi

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Posted 08 August 2015 - 10:01 PM






#23 KingPridenia


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Posted 08 August 2015 - 11:14 PM

My opinions on the Castlevania games I played:


Castlevania (NES) - To make up for its brutal difficulty, you have no limit to how many times you continue, something that continued in the rest of the NES trilogy. It's a good thing too, because I feel at times this game is just too damn hard. Seriously, I never got past Frankenstein and Igor as a kid and even as a teenager, that duo probably downed me several dozen times before I FINALLY got my first win. It felt like a miracle too. The rest of the game? Yeah, I suck at this Castlevania title. The only way I saw my way to the end was abusing save states. Dracula always seemed to spawn either directly on top of me or to where I was going. If I didn't touch him, it seemed his fireballs had a 98% hit rate against me. One day, I swear I'll get the skills needed to beat this thing fairly instead of being a little kid and using save states and crap.


Castlevania 2 (NES) - Honestly, this is just behind Castlevania 3 in terms of me enjoying this game. The text is garbage though. Regardless, despite common criticisms, I think this game gets ragged on too much. My other biggest complaint is that most of the weapons are useless (the Diamond especially) and are ALL tied to the power of your current whip. Speaking of which, I like the progression of whips, although the Thorn Whip is useless and I never waste my time getting it. Honestly, just grinding in the mansions until you cannot level up anymore fully breaks the game. I usually only get up to level 2 or 3 so the game isn't a complete joke and I am actually somewhat worried about losing one of my precious three lives.


Castlevania 3 (NES) - This game is where I think I originally began to really like the games. The best feature is that you can have a partner with you, each with a unique ability. Sypha is probably my favorite because her spells do a ton of damage. However, Alucard makes some of the ungodly hellish platforming segments (Block 7-5 comes to mind with the falling blocks) much more tolerable and Grant has his excellent climbing ability, high jumps and rapid attacks to help him (and infinite knives in the JPN version). The split paths also add replay value. Like with the first game, this game's difficulty goes through the roof later on. Like with Castlevania 1, I have yet to beat this game fairly. I can survive until the final level, but having to go through Block A-2 and pray I survive to Dracula from scratch is just too much. And Dracula has three forms. There is also mandatory damage from a skeleton before the pendulum room, unless I can be proven wrong. So yeah, having to get through three phases with only 2-3 hits to my name is a bit much, especially since unlike Castlevania 1 where you just restart DIRECTLY at Dracula, it just kicks you back to the level before the throne room. In spite of that, I still like this game, but I'll be damned if I ever beat it legit.


Super Castlevania IV (SNES) - Do I even have to say anything? For an early SNES game, it was a marvel. Amazing Mode 7 graphics, excellent tight control, amazing stages, you name it. This game is IMO much more balanced than the NES games since enemy damage isn't tied to the level you're on. Some things I will still fail to get, such as why a sword-wielding knight does 1 bar of damage to me, yet a puny little bat takes 3 bars of life away from me. Knockback is still an issue, but not as much. This is the first game where I felt most of my deaths were MY FAULT. Oops, I mistimed a whip swing. Into a bed of instant death spikes I go. I also feel it's much easier to bounce back from death, unlike Castlevania 1 where it suffers the Gradius Syndrome in that one death makes the game nearly unwinnable. But does that mean Super Castlevania IV goes easy on you? Hell no. Deaths are still painful, but at least to me it feels like I can get back on my feet where in Castlevania 1, if I die once, I'm more or less screwed.


Dracula X (SNES) - Mixed opinions really. It's hard and sometimes has the classic Nintendo Hard difficulty that is debatable whether or not it's fair, but I feel the fact the control is more stiff is to blame. Other than that, Dracula X is a solid game. I love how this game makes other subweapons more useful (such as the Axe being the strongest; I loved that thing so much) and I loved the item crashes. But nothing beats the almighty Key. Seriously, watch this video if you're skeptical: https://www.youtube....?v=YwwJF4QT0gQ. Going back to being serious, Dracula X is decent, but it pales in comparison to the bar Super Castlevania IV set.


Castlevania (N64) - I think this alone made me give up on the series. This game is just awful. Difficulty is mostly due to the god-awful camera, controls that sometimes fail to work and how easy it is to die. Honestly, there are so many instant death traps it almost puts Battletoads to shame. Oh and falling too far counts too. The first Castlevania game you take fall damage. Pretty much, you fall any longer than when your character begins to scream, you're looking at a game over. Not to mention unless you're playing as Carrie, you're really disadvantaged against most bosses, since the other character has to get close with his whip. Carrie on the other hand can just spam charged shots from afar without even needing to worry about aiming. And before you ask, this was during a time I was a kid and my parents bought me very few new games, so SotN and the PSX were fully skipped over.

Castlevania Circle of the Moon (GBA) - My very first GBA game. At first, this game was way too hard for me. But now, I find it hard to be challenged by it, even when doing stuff such as no equipment, no sub-weapons, no DSS cards (on non-Fighter characters) and keeping my levels fairly low. My opinion is probably really biased as I never played Aria of Sorrow, so I don't know how the two games will compare for me, but CotM is IMO my 2nd favorite of the ones I've played, second only to...


Lament of Innocence (PS2) - Ah yes, the one that seems to be really obscure or overlooked. This was my first and only Castlevania game I played on any Playstation console (watching my ex play Curse of Darkness doesn't count). The game is non-linear and has a Mega Man vibe to it in that you can do any level in any order. Instead of getting a weapon best suited for another boss however, you get orbs that change your sub-weapons around. Speaking of which, this is in my opinion the Castlevania game (of the ones I played mind you) that balanced them the best. Even the otherwise completely useless Dagger is useful and hell, it's probably the best in this game. Enemies have different sub-weapon and elemental strengths and weaknesses, adding more depth into the game. However, where this game hits home with me is the music. It's no wonder I used Leon's Theme for my first ever ZC quest's final dungeon. Also, my favorite quote of any video game character comes from this game when Leon confronts Walter. "I'LL KILL YOU AND THE NIGHT!!" The way it's said makes Leon even more badass than he already was.


I really should catch up on games in this series I haven't touched. I want to experience SotN first hand and see if it really lives up to all the hype. I almost want to say SotN, FF7 and Ocarina of Time all are those kinds of games that it seems have massive fanboy followings to the point calling them "overrated" or otherwise having any negative feedback about is asking to be flamed to hell and back.

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#24 The Satellite

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Posted 09 August 2015 - 01:24 AM

I'll try to do something similar when I'm finished with the major 2D games, but for now I'll contribute to the music discussion.


Instead of showcasing songs probably the entire world's familiar with by now, how about one not talked about as much? Awake, Circle of the Moon's main theme. It's a very catchy song and I've been listening to it a lot lately.

#25 Haylee


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Posted 09 August 2015 - 06:35 AM

Then you haven't played Curse of Darkness <=P.



But seriously, I haven't played it yet, and didn't really take it into consideration. I may give it a try at some point.

#26 Koh


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Posted 09 August 2015 - 06:49 AM

It's got awesome sauce-'em music too.



And no, it's not "Baljeet Mountains," lol, Phineas and Ferb didn't exist then :x.

Edited by Koh, 09 August 2015 - 06:51 AM.

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#27 Haylee


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Posted 09 August 2015 - 07:20 AM

Castlevania (N64) - I think this alone made me give up on the series. This game is just awful. Difficulty is mostly due to the god-awful camera, controls that sometimes fail to work and how easy it is to die. Honestly, there are so many instant death traps it almost puts Battletoads to shame. Oh and falling too far counts too. The first Castlevania game you take fall damage. Pretty much, you fall any longer than when your character begins to scream, you're looking at a game over. Not to mention unless you're playing as Carrie, you're really disadvantaged against most bosses, since the other character has to get close with his whip. Carrie on the other hand can just spam charged shots from afar without even needing to worry about aiming. And before you ask, this was during a time I was a kid and my parents bought me very few new games, so SotN and the PSX were fully skipped over.

I feel like you should definitely give Legacy of Darkness a shot, then. It's essentially a revamped version of the original Castlevania 64, but with all the main problems with the game fixed, as well as adding some new features as well.


To rectify the camera issues, they introduced a view system, where you and either freeze the camera on a specific angle, to let you get a view for things, or you can let it run wild, and even then, the camera is better than the original.


While yes, it's pretty easy to die due to the pits, I honestly think it's pretty simple to manage once you get used to it. Normal Mode isn't THAT hard, and can be beaten within about 5 or so hours, and there's save points along the way to keep you going.


Hard mode on the other hand is perhaps one of the hardest, but at the same time, best hard modes I've seen in a videogame. To list things off:

-(Naturally) Stronger enemies.

-A new boss or 2.

-New Boss patterns.

-Different item distribution from the torches throughout the game.


I'd reccomend giving Legacy of Darkness a go at the least, because it's essentially infinitely better than the original.

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#28 Air Luigi

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Posted 09 August 2015 - 11:22 AM

I'll try to do something similar when I'm finished with the major 2D games, but for now I'll contribute to the music discussion.

Instead of showcasing songs probably the entire world's familiar with by now, how about one not talked about as much? Awake, Circle of the Moon's main theme. It's a very catchy song and I've been listening to it a lot lately.

That's one of the few original pieces in Circle, 90% of the music is from the older games. So, people tend to forget the few originals. There is a lot of music from Castlevania III

Edited by Air Luigi, 09 August 2015 - 11:27 AM.

#29 Haylee


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Posted 09 August 2015 - 11:27 AM

It's got awesome sauce-'em music too.




And no, it's not "Baljeet Mountains," lol, Phineas and Ferb didn't exist then :x.

Have some too:




#30 The Satellite

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Posted 09 August 2015 - 01:05 PM

I don't know that I have any interest in any of the 3D games. 64/Legacy of Darkness for morbid curiosity and Lament of Innocence because apparently it's the origin story of Dracula and the Belmonts' crusade against him, but that's it; if I like Lament of Innocence (assuming I ever get to it) I may play the others. And yet another part of me wants to play the Lords of Shadow series just to see how badly they screwed up the Castlevania storyline in this godawful reboot setup.

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