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NJF Plays Link's Quest for the Hookshot 2: Quest (*-*Completed*-*)

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#31 TheLegend_njf



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Posted 01 June 2016 - 11:29 AM

(Gonna attempt sharing thumbnails again. Broken thumbnails will continue to be deleted until youtube resolves this issue.) 


NJF Plays Link's Quest for the Hookshot 2: Quest [Update/Hard] (29 - Patra's Ways part 1)

(Duration 31:10)




In an alternate reality where Link has not yet entered the portal to the Sin's domain after defeating him in Sinner's Citadel. Link explores the world of Quest to tie up some extra loose ends and challenge an extra dungeon he left behind before called Patra's Ways, a dungeon full of screaming Patras. 
byWizards @ deviantart.com for title image.
Moosh @ purezc.net for sharing his Zelda Classic quest.

Edited by NewJourneysFire, 02 June 2016 - 10:14 AM.

#32 TheLegend_njf



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Posted 03 June 2016 - 08:48 AM

NJF Plays Link's Quest for the Hookshot 2: Quest [Update/Hard] (30 - Patra's Ways part 2)

(Duration 21:45)




"Ah you bastard!!! Oh je ju... What am I doing? What am I planning on accomplishing?" - NJF @ 4:30
Link continues his quest through Patra's Ways. His objective becomes clear. Link must obtain keys in the four corners of this Patra infested palace and use those keys and the boss key to find the room located at the very center. What could be waiting for link in the center chamber of this palace?
byWizards @ deviantart.com for title image.
Moosh @ purezc.net for sharing his Zelda Classic quest.

Edited by NewJourneysFire, 06 June 2016 - 09:05 PM.

#33 TheLegend_njf



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Posted 06 June 2016 - 09:14 PM

NJF Plays Link's Quest for the Hookshot 2: Quest [Update/Hard] (31 - Patra's Ways part 3)

(Duration 26:48)




"It adds atmosphere." - LejesR @ 8:15
"Move out of the way, boomerang. We've got AXE now" - LejesR @ 24:06
Link finally obtains all the keys within the Palace of the Patras to discover one huge Patra located at the very heart of the palace. Killing this Patra eliminates all the Patra's within the palace and opens a door leading to the world's retired ultimate items. The reason they are retired is because of a madman's ambitions to create even more powerful items have put these items lower class now. However, before obtaining the items, Link must fight Moosh, 7th and last remaining of the Seven. Moosh guards these treasures for himself. However, Link defeats Moosh and is given a choice for one of the three items. Link chooses the arrows and leaves Patra's Ways. 
byWizards @ deviantart.com for title image.
Moosh @ purezc.net for sharing his Zelda Classic quest.

#34 TheLegend_njf



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Posted 09 June 2016 - 02:46 PM

NJF Plays Link's Quest for the Hookshot 2: Quest [Update/Hard] (32 - Tying up Loose Ends)

(Duration 21:35)




"Ooof... It's little red bomb! The big red bomb! Little red bomb. Big red . Little red bomb. Big red bomb... Yes!!! I'm too... I'm too easily amused by simple things!" - NJF @ 2:59
"also lolwat, torch can kill traps?" - Moosh64 @ 10:42
Now carrying the Golden Arrow, one of the retired ultimate items. Link returns to Dangerfree Dungeon in the world above to obtain the other two retired ultimate items. Before leaving Dangerfree Dungeon, Link checks out the mysterious 5/5 Problematic room which reveals a very important message. After leaving Dangerfree, Link continues to explore the world above and the world below to tie up loose ends before visiting Boss Rush mode. 
byWizards @ deviantart.com for title image.
Moosh @ purezc.net for sharing his Zelda Classic quest.

#35 TheLegend_njf



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Posted 11 June 2016 - 11:09 AM

NJF Plays Link's Quest for the Hookshot 2: Quest [Update/Hard] (33 - The Thwomp in Boss Rush)

(Duration 16:23)




"89!! 79 plus 10 is 89.. I know math!!! hahaha!! I know math!! YES!!!" - NJF @ 9:03
Link enters the Boss Rush Gallery. A place where Link can revisit every boss he's beaten in the game and also an exclusive battle that isn't available in Link's current journey. Link decides to fight this exclusive boss just for the sake of victory. After defeating the Thwomp, Link explores a hidden chamber inside the cave outside of the Boss Rush Gallery to discover the circle of fire, a new powerful item that uses rupees to fuel its powerful flame. Now having obtained everything he needs on his quest, Link returns to Moonshade, the village where he met Mr. Satan. Link has one more objective left to do.
byWizards @ deviantart.com for title image. 
Moosh @ purezc.net for sharing his Zelda Classic quest.

#36 TheLegend_njf



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Posted 13 June 2016 - 10:22 AM

NJF Plays Link's Quest for the Hookshot 2: Quest [Update/Hard] (34 - Solving the Riddle part 1)

(Duration 29:53)




"Now you're really regretting not paying attention in French class" - LejesR @ 19:17
"Hats are happening." - LejesR @ 25:47
In Moonshade, Link finally decides to figure out how to open the mysterious sealed door a young girl keeps obsessing over. While in Sinner's Citadel, Link discovered a bunch of riddles left by an ominous being which conveniently serve the purpose to opening this very door. However, the riddles turn out to be very obscure, cryptic, and difficult to crack. After a lot of failed attempts at figuring out anything, and being lured into one big goose chase, Link begins to understand the riddle. But this riddle is much more complex than he can possibly imagine. 
byWizards @ deviantart.com for title image.
Moosh @ purezc.net for sharing his Zelda Classic quest.

#37 TheLegend_njf



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Posted 15 June 2016 - 10:43 AM

NJF Plays Link's Quest for the Hookshot 2: Quest [Update/Hard] (35 - Solving the Riddle part 2)


(Duration 24:36)




"I would LOVE to invade your ZC quest" - Moosh64 @ 6:03
Link finally solves the first major half of the riddle, which is significant progress due to how cryptic this is. Link is now on a quest around the entire world revealing rainbow fedoras to discover what sounds they make. Link must first find every rainbow fedora to prepare opening the ominous door within Moonshade. Link eventually returns to Moonshade to complete the 2nd half of the riddle which involves using his various items in a specific order to unlock the door finally. 
Inside, Link is confronted by Mr. Satan who reveals this is his secret room inside the wall. He claims he has a very important message for Link, however, he begins to melt away into a pile of dust, and from his ashes Autimecia is born. Autimecia reveals that she travels dimensions judging the awful acts of others. She specifically points out Link for his horrible crime against Manhandalaha, claiming that while she was Satan, she can still form friendships and those friendships were genuine. Now she plans to punish Link for the suffering he's caused to a poor innocent old man. The pain begins!!
byWizards @ deviantart.com for title image.
Moosh @ purezc.net for sharing his Zelda Classic quest.

#38 TheLegend_njf



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Posted 22 June 2016 - 09:01 AM

I'm back after my short vacation to the city. Lets get back to sharing these Lets Plays!


NJF Plays Link's Quest for the Hookshot 2: Quest [Update/Hard] (36 - Autimecia part 1)

(Duration 19:57)





Inside the ominous door in the wall located in Moonshade, Link is confronted by Mr. Satan who reveals this is his secret room inside the wall. He claims he has a very important message for Link, however, he begins to melt away into a pile of dust, and from his ashes Autimecia is born. Autimecia reveals that she travels dimensions judging the awful acts of others. She specifically points out Link for his horrible crime against Manhandalaha, claiming that while she was Satan, she can still form friendships and those friendships were genuine. Now she plans to punish Link for the suffering he's caused to a poor innocent old man. The pain begins!!
For the death of Manhandalaha, Autimecia puts Link through an endless series of rustling usually leading to Link's demise. Every time Link is defeated, Autimecia just uses his defeat as an excuse to taunt him further. His persistence in this battle means very little to her and actually serves as a means to entertain her and serve her purpose of delivering Link his punishment. How long can Link keep losing to this vile fiend?
byWizards @ deviantart.com for title image.
Moosh @ purezc.net for sharing his Zelda Classic quest.

#39 TheLegend_njf



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Posted 24 June 2016 - 09:40 AM

NJF Plays Link's Quest for the Hookshot 2: Quest [Hard/Update] (37 - Autimecia part 2)

(Duration 20:57)




Moosh64: what was that (18:28)
Moosh64: was that a new type of ZC crash? (18:43)
Moosh64: flicker crash? (18:47)
LejesR: ZC decided it was your bed time. (18:59)
The pain continues as Autimecia further delivers her punishment to Link. His persistence, courage, and skills is not an issue to her since she clearly has powers beyond even his comprehension. Perhaps it is time for Link to confess is wrong doing and just let Autimecia have her way with him.
byWizards @ deviantart.com for title image.
Moosh @ purezc.net for sharing his Zelda Classic quest.

#40 TheLegend_njf



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Posted 26 June 2016 - 10:02 AM

NJF Plays Link's Quest for the Hookshot 2: Quest [Update/Hard] (38 - Autimecia Defeated!!!)

(Duration 39:30)




"At least it's not Warp Water Ganon." - LejesR @ 29:14
After an unknown amount of time Link has been battling Autimecia, he finally prevails. She reveals that her belief was if she could beat him over and over he would eventually give up, but she now knows how wrong she was at the realization that to Link, adversity is his reward. 
After saying those words, she fakes her own death in a dramatic way, but leaves a note behind explaining that she will not give him the satisfaction of killing her and he will never find her again. (except in boss rush mode I guess). She leaves behind her most powerful attack, to which Link returns to the Sinner's Citadel to use his Autimecia's attack on Sin. It wrecks him, should I say more?
byWizards @ deviantart.com for title image.
Moosh @ purezc.net for sharing his Zelda Classic quest.

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