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Who Is Your Favourite Youtuber?


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#31 Shane



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Posted 07 September 2014 - 09:12 AM

even with all the screaming and "Gary stop, I'm busy, ugg, my cat is in my face and I can't eat and play at the same time! arhhhhhhhh  WARRR, uhhhhhhhhhhhh woah I'm spacing out now" =D

It's better than screaming out immature jokes.

#32 Kite


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Posted 07 September 2014 - 10:07 AM

I definitely watch a lot more stuff and enjoy it especially if it's over games I haven't played; but my favorite LPers are probably slowbeef, Diabetus, supergreatfriend, and Psychedelic Eyeball. I also really liked The Freelance Astronauts and MeccaPrime even though neither have done anything LP related in a while.


I know I pretty much just went over LPs and LP related stuff, but that's almost all I watch on Youtube these days. :P

Edited by Nick, 07 September 2014 - 10:12 AM.

#33 ShadowTiger


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Posted 07 September 2014 - 10:18 AM

For general gaming, I like Tobuscus' channel. Many of his comments are very clever, and I end up chuckling.

For Terraria, TotalBiscuit, HERO, Yoraizor, and Yrimir put out their own videos. They're always a joy to view, particularly if you do in fact enjoy Terraria. That is likely a requirement.

For all things Super Mario Bros related, Raocow and Hunter P Brown top my list. Raocow is the complete and total master of the non-sequitor, and I have managed to adopt several of his mannerisms as well as his adorable affect. (That is a word, by the way.) Hunter P has some excellent skills, and is also definitely a joy to watch. I'll always remember his Temple of Homing video. Raocow also has one. They're terrifyingly awesome. :P

For Zelda Classic, I only really have the time to view MeleeWizard's Let's Play, but in general, anyone who does a majorly popular quest, I'll probably be watching.

Of course, anyone would watch a Let's Play of their own quest, or a quest they've devoted a ton of time to. Anyone who does a Let's Play of C-Dawg's Dreams of Yesterday, for example, I'll be watching, guaranteed. That only stands to reason however.

#34 SpacemanDan


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Posted 07 September 2014 - 10:43 AM

I'd never be able to pin it down to one favorite, so here's a bunch. >_>


I tend to watch most of the Normal Boots group often. Either for learning a thing or two, or just for a good laugh.


Ashens is one the I watch every now and then, though when I do it's always really enjoyable. I usually let the videos pile up so I can just go through a whole bunch at a time. Or I just forget. ._. Either way though, definitely one of my favorite Youtubers out there.


Extra Credits is another I watch often for their views on things in the gaming industry. Even if I don't agree with them 100% of the time, I always find their views interesting and something to consider. I've also learned of a few neat games I would have missed otherwise through them, so that's a plus.


GRArkada is one I watch for anime reviews fairly regularly. Learned about a bunch of anime that I would have looked past otherwise. On the other hand, I've decided to skip over a few anime that I was considering before after watching his reviews.


Retsupurae's another favorite, even if I don't keep up to date regularly with their stuff. Usually worth some good laughs when I do decided to sit down and watch some of their stuff.


For anything Pokemon related, I go to TheJWittz and TamashiiHiroka. Both are entertaining and informative, I find. Tamashii particularly has some incredibly informative videos on breeding and EV training that have been very helpful in learning the ins and outs of Pokemon.

#35 coolgamer012345



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Posted 08 September 2014 - 03:28 AM

Hands down, my favorite YouTuber is Tobuscus. He has like a voice for everything, and seems kinda mellow, and he has like a shittone of YouTube videos. I like... have nothing more to ask for from a YouTuber.


...Now I am off to watch some of his videos..


Oh and JonTron. I like get a physic calling to watch his videos then BAM he has a new video or something. Basically everything else I said about Tobuscus.

Edited by coolgamer012345, 09 September 2014 - 04:00 AM.

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#36 thepsynergist



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Posted 08 September 2014 - 05:21 AM

Vinesauce, Totalbiscuit, Jesse Cox, CosmoSpeedruns, DYKG, TeamFourStar, Cinemassacre, CinamaSins, The Game Theorists, The Onion News, JonTron, to name a few.


I listen to thepsynergist's music once in a while too.  He's a pretty good remixer from what I hear.

Edited by thepsynergist, 09 September 2014 - 03:40 AM.

#37 UZF



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Posted 08 September 2014 - 09:49 AM

JonTron, Alphaomegasin, ReviewtechUSA, and The Amazing Atheist.


I also like Totalbiscuit.

Edited by UZF, 08 September 2014 - 09:50 AM.

#38 kurt91


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Posted 09 September 2014 - 03:18 AM

If we're talking major YouTubers, my favorite would have to be JackSepticEye. He recently hit a million subscribers, but still takes the time to try and reply to as many commenters as he can, even going as far as to dedicate entire videos exclusively to just answering comments. Yes, he's loud and rather spastic a lot of the time, but he's genuinely funny rather than annoying, and will, a lot of the time, take what he's doing seriously and analytically, whether it's trying to beat a game or just some stupid goal he set for himself in something like Goat Simulator.

Now, if we're just talking about people from around here, I've only really watched Eppy and rarely Jubbz, and that's only when I'm particularly interested in the game in particular that they're currently playing. I've been meaning to try watching stuff from everyone else, but my computer's busted at the moment, and I'm having to use a tablet with a limited data allowance on it. (I've never used this before, the touchscreen keyboard is rather irritating.)
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#39 Fabbrizio



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Posted 09 September 2014 - 07:07 AM

Come to think of it, I'm a bit surprised nobody's yet mentioned vlogbrothers. 

#40 Eddy



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Posted 09 September 2014 - 11:02 AM

If we're talking major YouTubers, my favorite would have to be JackSepticEye. He recently hit a million subscribers, but still takes the time to try and reply to as many commenters as he can, even going as far as to dedicate entire videos exclusively to just answering comments. Yes, he's loud and rather spastic a lot of the time, but he's genuinely funny rather than annoying, and will, a lot of the time, take what he's doing seriously and analytically, whether it's trying to beat a game or just some stupid goal he set for himself in something like Goat Simulator.

Couldn't have said this better honestly :P


I really love his horror game videos, and that one Oculus Rift video with "100 floors" or something like that, that video was golden :P

#41 Eddard McHorn Van-Schnuder

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Posted 09 September 2014 - 02:52 PM

Oh man, I forgot some big ones. So I've already mentioned TotalBiscuit, Joe Rogan, Doug Benson and AMC Movie Talk. There's also the always amazing Vsauce, and not to mention Vice's many channels. I prefer the ones with news and documentaries, but they've got some trippy stuff if you just want to explore their libraries. Great stuff.


I don't watch Let's Plays, but I don't mind video content about video games. Shoddycast has some pretty cool lore-videos both from the Fallout and Elder Scrolls-universes, so they're worth checking out if you're into that sort of stuff. I also don't like to admit it, but I'm a subscriber of Elio Garcia's channel - video discussions about the intricate details of the world A Song of Ice and Fire (Game of Thrones for you TV peasants!) is set it. Yeah, it's bookworm-level of nerdiness, I know. I don't know what it is about these books, but they've turned me into a guy who watches other people discuss them. What the heck?!


I do also follow The Co-Optional Podcast, which can be found on Polaris' channel. Polaris is a shitty thing though, and most of their content isn't worth your time, but those podcasts are. They're with TotalBiscuit, Jessie Cox and Dodger, and they usually have another guest on as well, usually someone you've heard of before, like JonTron, Projared, Boogie, Jim Sterling and so on. Great podcast that just doesn't take itself too seriously.

#42 TheLegend_njf



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Posted 09 September 2014 - 03:22 PM

The guy who recently released a movie. ;p
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#43 Eddard McHorn Van-Schnuder

Eddard McHorn Van-Schnuder

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Posted 09 September 2014 - 04:38 PM

The guy who recently released a movie. ;p

So what, about 100% of the film makers on youtube?

#44 Tree


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Posted 11 September 2014 - 02:31 AM

I have a several.




Game Grumps/Everyone Involved (EgoRaptor, NinjaSexParty, RubberNinja, and Barry and Suzy as well) - They've become a part of my daily routine. Since I became a fan last year, I haven't missed a single episode. These dinguses are definitely incompetent Let's Players, but they're a huge reason why I can even get out of bed in the morning. Also, I probably most definitely have a crush on Danny. Just sayin'.


Rhett & Link - 2 guys that have been best friends since early childhood, they put out comedic music videos regularly, and have dubbed themselves as 'Internetainers'. They also have a morning show called 'Good Mythical Morning' that I try to catch each day. They are 2 of my favorite YouTube comedians.


MrCreepyPasta - A charming chap with a lovely voice who reads delightfully chilling tales. I often listen to him before retiring for the night.


JonTron - Whenever I'm craving a laugh, I can always count on this lovable goof to deliver. 


James Rolfe - He's the Angry Video Game Nerd. 'Nuff said.


Tobuscus - While I'm not as much of a fan today, I used to be completely obsessed with this crazy character. His constantly ecstatic demeanor could always bring a smile to my face.


juliansmith87 - Again, I don't follow him as much as I used to, but his sketches were always so over the top, that I'd often have soar abs after a viewing. 


Jacksfilms - The king of YouTube parodies.


maxmoefoe - My favorite Aussie, next to Ross... and Shane.


PeanutButterGamerHe's pretty much the PG version of JonTron, and I can get down with that.


Rob Dyke - I've only been a fan for a matter of months, but his content has quickly become some of my favorite in all of YouTube. Between the silly, light-hearted. yet soul crushing screencaps of social posts of 'Why Would You Put That On The Internet?', to the intriguing, and often disturbing collection of peculiar phenomena that is 'Seriously Strange', I always get excited when I see a new upload from him.


Smooth McGroove - The video game acappella Jesus that we all know and love.


TheJWittz - Probably the best PokeTuber out there, his content is both entertaining, and informative.


Vsauce - I love these guys so freakin' much, I'm kinda having a hard time describing why I love them. Just check them out if you haven't.  It'll change your life.


Versus - I've only just recently gotten into them. Versus started off as a project where Tyler Sederwall, A.K.A. 'AttackingTucans', and Josh Jepson raced to see who could 100% Super Mario Sunshine first. Since then, it's evolved into an entire channel devoted to racing through various games. And since I'm here, I follow AttackingTucans' and Josh Jepson's channels as well.


WreaklessEating - How do I explain this channel... It's basically a bunch of idiots who eat gross things until they throw up. Now, that may not sound very appealing to you, but I find it to be very entertaining... DON'T JUDGE ME.


I've also been getting into Markiplier recently. He's kinda like a less annoying version of every Let's Play channel ever, only he's sooooooooooooo~ much sexier than most, if not all of them combined.



I'm subscribed to several other YouTube channels, but these are the ones I follow regularly. Yeah, I've logged many, many hours into YouTube...

Edited by Tree, 11 September 2014 - 02:38 AM.

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#45 thediaz


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Posted 16 September 2014 - 08:51 PM

Game Grumps are my favorite youtubers. They made me laugh now that I finished with my girlfriend, so they've been a great company when I was alone at home. I've watched a lot of videos from when Jon was with them, but I preffer Danny's style.


Then are Vanoss, H2ODelirious, MiniLadd, BasicallyIdoWrk, WildCat, SilentDroid and Nogla's group. I just love their videos and usually watch every POV :3


Then, I have Markiplier and JackscepticEye, I love their style of video making xD

Edited by thediaz, 16 September 2014 - 08:54 PM.

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