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Censorship: The Controversy

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#1 LinktheMaster


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Posted 29 May 2005 - 07:33 PM

I've seen many debates going over the issue of censorship. Censorship, of course, is the taking out curse words and nudity, usually for the sake of younger kids. Well, basically, I am going to do a study of censorship. What will I do the study over? Well, basically how well people who curse and view pornography and people who don't, and how they do in life. I'm going to find out if someone who doesn't curse will do better, or the opposite, or if it has no change at all. icon_shrug.gif So, what I will do is find people, some from the school I go to, some from the forums, and ask them questions, such as ' "Do you curse often?" "When did you start cursing?" "Do you look at porn?" "To what extent d you curse?" ', and other questions of the sort.

When I'm done, I'll post it here in GD. icon_wink.gif

Questions? Comments?

I would like to note that this isn't a place to argue over Censorship, it's just about a study to see the effects of censorship.

#2 Daniel


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Posted 29 May 2005 - 07:54 PM

My mom said I cussed a few weeks after I could talk and I looked at porn since I was about 4 and as you can see I am normal. icon_nerd.gif icon_w00t.gif icon_deformed.gif

I really do not think it affects anyone much but I will say in some cases it does but not much.

That is like how adults asume that killing games will make you kill people or if your friends do drugs you will, that is the just ignorant.

Of course music does affect your life in my opinion. "Heavy Metal" make you gothic. "Classical" makes you nerdy. Odds are if you listen to foreign music you are interested in there culture. I think you get the point.

I strongly agree that you get your personality from your parents. If you parents are drug adicts or drunks usually you will be either very shy or very aggresive. If your parents are into electronics and gaming odds are you are to. If your parents are gay studies show you will not be. But I think personality's are more from parents and music than cursing or porn.

#3 Jaivaz


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Posted 29 May 2005 - 08:06 PM

Censorship is a giant abstinence which often leads to compulsion. This can be reflected into the whole drug problem. Drugs themselves do no harm, but because they are so forbidden many people want it. They then become addicted and a compulsion begins. This can also be seen with porn and chronic masturbators.

The more something is denied, the more it is wanted.

At the same time giving them out will cause people to become compulsive. It's a lose-lose situation.

Anyway, enough of my rambling.. whom will you be asking?

Edited by Jaivaz, 29 May 2005 - 08:06 PM.

#4 LinktheMaster


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Posted 29 May 2005 - 08:09 PM

I'll probably be asking as many people as I can find who are willing to answer my questions.

I'll probably start asking people later this week.

#5 Daniel


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Posted 29 May 2005 - 08:55 PM

What Jaivaz said is completely true. But pill drugs are usually bad they can't be to bad though they will have percantages on how many people do drugs but not how many people are affected by them. Why'll they can kill or harm you what are the odds that they actually will?

Edited by daniel2, 29 May 2005 - 09:21 PM.

#6 Anthus


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Posted 29 May 2005 - 11:03 PM

I swear a lot, especially when I'm mad. People say that swearing is a sign of weakness... My ass! That really makes no sence at all, Mayby instead of saying "My ass!", I could have said "yeah right" and have gotton the same point across, right? Right! You get the same point across either way, so it doesn't matter!

Anyway I, myslef don't look at porn, but if I'm at my frineds house, he is a porn-o-holic, and he wanks every five minutes... That is why I spend soooooo much time playing his PS2 while he's in the basement...

There really is no perpose in looking at porn... They are just natrual things, but since they are hidden, we crave them (like Jaivaz said). If porn wasn't so "bad", then it would not be arousing at all, it wold be totaly natrual. If porn was totaly uncensored, and totaly unhidden, it would become as natrual and arousing as a tree...

See what I mean? It is becuase they hide it; that is why wanted...

Same thing with profanity. It is because we, as kids/ teens are not supposed to do it, we do. Its all a big chain of reverse phycology. I bet if they reworded the common class room rules to as follows:

"Please, disrupt class,
please be sure to not raise your hand, and do talk out of turn,
Start fights, do drugs and Kill!"

There would be no violence, no drugs/ weapon abuse...

Okay, thats not very realistic at all, but you should get what I'm trying to say here.

#7 Zemious


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Posted 29 May 2005 - 11:14 PM

Tobais Daboi said:
People say that swearing is a sign of weakness

I think there talking about that when you swear out of anger you are weaken because people see it and use it to there advantage to get at you.

I probaly am not making any sence.

#8 Anthus


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Posted 29 May 2005 - 11:21 PM

I should have been a little more clear.


People tend to believe that if you swear a lot you are weaker mentally and emotionaly, becuase that is all you can do, resort to shouting random obscedities... That doesn't mean your weak, it just showes that you are at a lack of a better word, or in my case string of words icon_razz.gif.

#9 Jonathan



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Posted 30 May 2005 - 12:18 AM

People tend to believe that if you swear a lot you are weaker mentally and emotionaly, becuase that is all you can do, resort to shouting random obscedities...

my grandpa does this all the time but hes just an ass

i curse OFTEN,ever since i could talk

i like hentai but thats about it
and none of that wierd sh*t
i draw hentai sometimes when im bored,i just like drawing

#10 Mad Dog

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Posted 30 May 2005 - 12:21 AM

Swearing is not a form of weakness, it is a form of stupidity, in my opinion. I do not swear, am not tempted to look at porn, am not tempted to do drugs, drink, or anything else that is forbidden and by your logic should be tempting me.

Censorship is a good thing, it protects people from things they do not need to be around. There are three bilboards near where I live for adult businesses. Some friends and I are gonna paintball them, because although it is illegal, many little kids see them every day. The lesser of two evils.

And I have noticed one thing - those at my school (and adults I know) that drink often, swear, fornicate, etc., are the ones on welfare and won't do anything about it, are the ones always in trouble with the law, always getting hurt in any scenario you can think of. So yes, protecting little ones from these things is a good idea.

AQnd someone said that durgs themselves do no damage. You have not seen the effects drugs have on a person's brain functions. They cause an extreme chemical imbalance, so that if they do not effect the body directly, then the behavior caused by the imbalance will. Example:

In a local diner about a year ago, I overheard a conversation of a recent party. One guy only had "a little" bit of some drug, can't remember what. He then climbed the water tower and leaped out into some trees below. He was severely injured, and he will forever walk like something from Hunchback of Notre Dame. Some of his friends were saying "Well, he didn't have that much..." Bull, he had enough to make him jump to what should have killed him, and was lucky enough to survive.

#11 OMEG



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Posted 30 May 2005 - 12:27 AM

Hey, I string swears together too! :D

I don't like porn, but I swear all the time.

..."mother****er" was one of my early words (or rather, phrases) because I was asking what it meant. I wish I had a camera back when I was that little so I could always remember that moment.

#12 Jaivaz


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Posted 30 May 2005 - 02:06 AM

The following is an analysis, and reply, of a certain post. They are not insults and are my opinions.
Swearing is not a form of weakness, it is a form of stupidity, in my opinion. I do not swear, am not tempted to look at porn, am not tempted to do drugs, drink, or anything else that is forbidden and by your logic should be tempting me.

Swearing is only a form of stupidity when a person can't even say any other words besides ****, ****, ass, cunt, *****, and pussy. Only then is it really stupid. Porn itself is not really a horrible thing. I've been looking at it for a long time and I am quite the happy person.

Censorship is a good thing, it protects people from things they do not need to be around. There are three bilboards near where I live for adult businesses. Some friends and I are gonna paintball them, because although it is illegal, many little kids see them every day. The lesser of two evils.

Yes. Much like Hitler protected people from the evils of democracy. Paint balling them will be illegal and I suggest against it. Lesser of two evils or not, it is illegal. Don't like the fact kids see it? Get over it or bring it up with the people in charge of your state.

And I have noticed one thing - those at my school (and adults I know) that drink often, swear, fornicate, etc., are the ones on welfare and won't do anything about it, are the ones always in trouble with the law, always getting hurt in any scenario you can think of. So yes, protecting little ones from these things is a good idea.

Often but not always. My mother was on welfare (thankfully she is no longer on such a wasteful use of money) but she got out of that. It's not that those who 'drink often, swear, fornicate, etc.' are on welfare because of such things, it is because they are lazy ****s who deserve nothing because they give nothing.

AQnd someone said that durgs themselves do no damage. You have not seen the effects drugs have on a person's brain functions. They cause an extreme chemical imbalance, so that if they do not effect the body directly, then the behavior caused by the imbalance will. Example:

In a local diner about a year ago, I overheard a conversation of a recent party. One guy only had "a little" bit of some drug, can't remember what. He then climbed the water tower and leaped out into some trees below. He was severely injured, and he will forever walk like something from Hunchback of Notre Dame. Some of his friends were saying "Well, he didn't have that much..." Bull, he had enough to make him jump to what should have killed him, and was lucky enough to survive.

There are some drugs, of course, that are dangerous. Just as there are some foods that are dangerous to certain people. And it should have killed him. If you are irresponsible and you take a drug, such as the one you tried to mention, and have nobody there to watch over what you do or have taken precautions to not be harmed.. you deserve what you get.


It's often a suprise for people when they discover that people such as Hitler and the leaders of the USSR were for censorship. Such a thing has been around for hundreds of years.

" "From these ashes will rise the phoenix of the new spirit", Goebbels optimistically declared as the massive funeral pyres of some 20 000 volumes of offensive books were devoured by flames in Germany in 1933. Numerous book pyres were enthusiastically lit by the Hitler Jugend, the young members of the fanatical Nazi movement, growing stronger and gaining ever more power in Austria and Germany during the 1930s. In order to cleanse the minds of people and society, any book written by a Jewish author, or a communist or humanist, was fed to the flames. "Where they have burned books, they will end in burning human beings", observed the German author Heinrich Heine. He was sadly right, as proved by Nazi–Germany's gruesome mass extermination of people, including at least 6 million Jews, but also Romani, communists, dissidents, handicapped – any deviators from the ideal "Arian Race"." -Source
The former was a post on censorship and it's effects with a bit of my rambling bull****. If anyone has anything to say to me because of what I wrote contact me via e-mail or PM. My record,here, is stained enough as it is.

#13 Radien



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Posted 30 May 2005 - 03:02 AM

QUOTE(LinktheMaster @ May 29 2005, 04:33 PM)
I would like to note that this isn't a place to argue over Censorship, it's just about a study to see the effects of censorship.


I wanted to remind you of LTM's purpose for this topic. It's okay to present your views, but when you post a conflicting opinion in direct response to someone else's, that's basically defined as a debate/argument.

Don't get me wrong: I agree with you on a lot of counts...but I think the discussion is starting to go in slightly the wrong direction. I wouldn't stop you if it weren't for the above line in LTM's post, but he's doing this as a study of sorts, so I think we should follow his wishes. :\

....Also, LTM, I wanted to clear some stuff up: are you including anyone here in a survey of sorts, or are we just a source of ideas? Is this is a high school project? If so, chances are they won't be too strict about your sources (unless it's a research paper), but still, I'd like to know what information formats would be useful to you. icon_smile.gif

#14 Hero_of_Hyrule



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Posted 30 May 2005 - 05:15 AM

I try not to swear as much as possible...and I think I'm a better person because of it. People I know who constantly swear...seem to have a much harder time controlling their temper then I do and also scream and yell alot more. I know it can be hard not to swear when you are angry, but too many people curse...just to curse. I get tired of people who try to throw an f-word or two in every single one of their sentences. What's the point? Just what exactly is so special about that word, or any other curse word for that matter? Most people would ask, "What bad does cursing do?" Better to ask, what GOOD does it do? It just makes you look bad...that's all. You wouldn't curse in front of your boss or teacher, right? No, because it would make you look bad and could possibly get you fired or suspended. Sometimes cursing is funny and sometimes it helps you vent anger, but it never earns you respect or admiration, makes you more pleasant to be with, exhibits your intelligence or vocabulary, or reflects strong character. It doesn't demonstrate respect for others, help you win arguments, set a positive example, get you romantically connected, or help you get hired or promoted. The only really thing it does is degrade your character and show immaturity. And yes, it's also very offensive to many people...much more then you might think. Why else would swear words be filtered or "censored" on this site?

As for pornagraphy. I know they are only natural things that are part of the human body, thus there's no reason to call them "bad"...but that's not the point. People I know who look at porn...get "addicted" to porn. It may not be such a bad thing at the time when they first get hooked on it...but it always seems to come back and bite them someday. I know 2 people who got fired because they were caught looking at pornography at work. They were so addicted to porn, they had to have it...even if it meant the risk of getting fired. What was even worse, both of these people were married, and had kids! Guess what happened? Both of their wives divorced them. That's the thing...just because you get a girlfriend or wife, doesn't mean you'll automatically stop looking at porn. My sister was engaged for over a year to a guy who was addicted to porn...but she didn't know it. Finally, he felt guilty about it and came clean. My sister was so upset, she wanted to brake off the marriage, but he asked for her forgiveness and promised he would quit. Well, he did quit...for about 1 week. My sister not only learned that he was still looking at porn, but he also was starting to see other girls! So she threw his engagement ring back at him and told him to get out of her life. My sister was so upset and miserable after that...she said she felt like committing suicide.

And as for drugs...well, I don't think I need to go into that. I think just about everyone here can agree that drugs are bad news, and they can screw up your life. Anyone who thinks otherwise is just in complete denial.

Edited by Hero_of_Hyrule, 30 May 2005 - 05:16 AM.

#15 LinktheMaster


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Posted 30 May 2005 - 08:22 AM

QUOTE(Radien @ May 30 2005, 03:02 AM)
....Also, LTM, I wanted to clear some stuff up: are you including anyone here in a survey of sorts, or are we just a source of ideas? Is this is a high school project? If so, chances are they won't be too strict about your sources (unless it's a research paper), but still, I'd like to know what information formats would be useful to you. icon_smile.gif

It's mostly a survey to see about the differences between people who don't curse, view porn, etc against people who do.

Actually, this isn't a high school project, I was just mowing the lawn (seriously), and I came up with this idea. Seeing as this is one of the most talked about issues when religion comes up, I thought that I would try and provide some light on the situation. icon_shrug.gif

But, you will have to explain what you mean by information format, unless you mean how I will get the information. Mostly, all of this will be Q&A between people. However, if I find any other articles over the issue, I will look over them. icon_wink.gif

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