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#16 theplustwo



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Posted 12 September 2003 - 08:35 AM

Creating a Title Screen

Designing the Title Screen
1. First place the background combos on the screen first. Then set the layer data. The tile screen should be convey what the quest is generally about or a signicant scene in your quest.
2. If you want the tile of your quest to appear letter by letter like a string, then just set the message string & guy. If you do not want the guy to appear, hide the guy via layer 5 or 6 or you can make the tile of that guy sprite completely filled with transparent pixels.
3. Alternately, you may also have individual letter tiles and then place these tiles on a layer
4. The title screen should be on dmap 0, so that the quest begins with the title screen. Be sure to set the continue coordinates to the screen of the titel screen. Some things you might want to add are: -Nice Music -Great Graphics -Layers -Enemies

Hiding Link
1. Go to Data, then the Screen Data menu.
2. Check the box next to Invis. Link. Alternately, you could cover Link with a layer greater than 2 if you really want.
3. I also suggest disabling the use of the subscreen via the "No Subscreen" Screen Flag in the Screen Data menu.

Linking the Title Screen to the Start of the Quest
1. There are 1 of 2 ways which you can link the title screen to the rest of your quest. Both require you to set the side warp. Go to Data, Side Warp. Set the dmap & coordinates of the screen you want Link to warp to, the one that follows the title screen.
2. Set the warp type. If you want the player to have to press the left, right, down, or up key when he is ready to move on from the title screen, then select one of the triggers. (The first method). If you want Link to warp automatically after a period of time (the second method), then leave the side warp triggers blank. Click ok.
3. If you choose to do the second method, a timed warp, go to Data, then Screen Data and set the number of tics.
4. Place Link on the screen using the green square. If doing the first method, place Link next to the edge of the screen that triggers the side warp and surround him with unwalkable combos so that he is forced to only walk in one direction, towards the edge of the screen. If acheiving the second method, timed warps, place him anywhere.
5. Note that if you want the player to have to hold an arrow button to walk to the edge of the screen & warp, then you should probably have some sort of way of telling the player to press a specific button (like "press left") or whatever.
6. After making all adjustments to the Title Screen warp, go to the next screen of the quest, the one you set the side warp to. Place the blue & green square there wherever desired.
7. If you want Link to always start off at the title screen, check the continue box in dmap 0, the title screen dmap and leave the continue box of all other dmaps empty; otherwise, you can check the continue box of all dmaps that you want Link to continue at after saving.

#17 theplustwo



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Posted 12 September 2003 - 08:35 AM

New Enemies

Different Wizzrobes
1. Fire robe- This enemy glides like the red wizzrobe but it creates a ring of fire around him every once in a while.
2. Bat robe- This enemy appears every few seconds and summons bat enemies until it is killed-has the same life span as that of the red wizzrobe.
3. Wind robe- Like the red robe but it sends out a whirlwind that forces Link to the beginning of the level.
4. Mirror robe- An enemy like the blue wizzrobes, but not as fast, that shoots magic that can only be reflected by the mirror shield and also can only be killed by reflected magic.

New Darknuts
1. Super Darknut- This darknut runs a little faster than the blue darknut and has twice as much life and does twice as much damage. It also splits into two blue darnuts when killed.
2. Deathknight- It runs exteremely fast and does 16 hearts worth of damage when Link has no ring. It also shoots a very powerful sword.

Tribble Enemies
1. Tribble Enemies are enemies that when killed, split into two smaller enemies, which, if not killed soon after being generated, revert back to the bigger version of itself.
2. Vire Tribble- When killed, it turns into two red keese. If the keese are not killed soon, each of them turns back into a Vire Tribble.
3. Zol Tribble- Starts out as a Zol but when killed turns into two Gel Tribbles, which revert back to the Zol if not killed soon.
4. Gel Tribble-Starts out as a single Gel but turns into a Zol Tribble if not killed soon.
5. Keese Tribble- Starts out as a single keese enemy but changes into a Vire Tribble enemy if not killed soon.

Different Patras
1. Patra 2- This patra shoots fireballs from its center
2. Patra 3- This patra bombards Link with fireballs and actually has two rings of children.

Gleeok 2
1. This enemy uses different sprites than the original gleeok.
2. It has a higher amount of health.
3. It shoots fire flames instead of fireballs; they can only be reflected by the mirror shield.
4. The heads do attack Link after being killed and it does come with 1-4 heads.

Manhandla 2
This is basically a larger version of the manhandla and shoots more fireballs towards Link than the original.

#18 theplustwo



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Posted 12 September 2003 - 08:36 AM

All About Lock Blocks

Lock Block Properties
1. Lock Blocks are combos that perminantly change, when Link walks against it (or another lock block) and has at least one key, into the next combo in the combo set. Thus, you can have a locked door wherever you want.
2. Lock Block 2 combos changes when lock blocks are unlocked. However, they do NOT change when Link pushes against them & has at least one key.
3. Boss Lock blocks perminantly change into the next combo in the list when Link has the dmap's boss key.
4. Boss lock block 2 combos perminantly change only when a boss lock block combo on that screen is unlocked.
5. All lock block & lock block 2 combos change together when one lock block is unlocked. Likewise, all boss lock block & boss lock block 2 combos change together when one boss lock block combo changes.
6. In this beta, only lock block & lock block 2 combos function appropriately; boss lock block & boss lock block 2 combos are bugged.
7. The "locked" door combos are not lock blocks and so they do open seperately from locked blocks. Likewise the "boss" door combos are not boss lock blocks so they open seperately from boss lock blocks.
8. Lock blocks & lock block 2s do change on Layers but only when Link changes them on layer 0.
9. Having consecutive lock block combos in the combo page may result in undesired results or bugs. If you have a lock block combo placed on the screen that changes to another lock block, upon returning to the screen, the second lock block will always appear. In other words, the program only recognizes unlocked blocks once.
10. Again, lock block combos change to the next combo in the list, not the undercombo and also, the armos-item flag will not reveal the spccial item underneath a lock block like many have tried. This flag only reveals the item under slash and armos combos.

user posted image

Making a Custom Locked Door
1. If you are making a door on the right or on the left, as in the picture, make 6 combos; Make 2 consecutive combos for each part of the door, first the locked part & then the opened part.
2. For the top & bottom part, set the locked combo to lock block 2.
3. For the center part of the door, make the locked combo a lock block combo.
4. If you are making a door for the top or the bottom of the screen, just make 4 combos; 2 consecutive combos for each half of the door. The first combo for each half, left & right, should look like the locked door & the second should look like an opened passage.
5. The locked door combo for each part of North & South facing doors should be lock block combos.
6. To make Link walk underneath a small section when passing through doors, (such as in the picture above) make "Overhead" Combos for each part Link would walk above, like in the picture above.
7. If you were to make a custom boss door, simply replace each locked part for all the previous doors look like a boss door instead; for North & South facing doors, make each half a boss lock block combo; for West & East Facing doors, make the top & bottom part of the doors boss lock block 2 combos & the center part a boss lock block combo.

#19 theplustwo



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Posted 12 September 2003 - 08:36 AM

Bushes, Tall Grass, Flowers & Shallow Water

What Are They?
-The Bush and Flower combos are like the slash->item combo; however, after being slashed with the sword, the undercombo is shown but also a new sprite temporarily shows just like leaves falling. The only difference between these two is that they have two different sprites in the weapons/misc sprites editor that fall from the combo when slashed.
-The Tall Grass combo is like the flower & bush combos in that it shows leaves being shred from the combo after being slashed however, it also shows another sprite over Link when Link walks through it, making it seem as though Link is walking through a field of tall grass.
-The Shallow Water combo simply places a "ripples" sprite over Link when he walks through it, making it seem as though Link is walking through shallow water; in shallow water, Link may use items.

Creating a Bush & Flower
1. First, right click on an unused combo and select the bush combo. Then select a tile for that combo that looks like a bush. Make the combo completely unwalkable.
2. Repeat step 1 with another unused combo but select the Flower combo type instead.
3. Go to the weapons/misc menu and scroll until you see the bush leaves & flower clippings. First select bush leaves & click edit.
4. Select the tile used for the bush leaves. When slashed, the bush will seem to split into these leaves. Think of the sprite as divided into four parts. Each part acts independently from one another and displays a different hard-coded animation to make it look like the bush is shredded into falling leaves.
5. Repeat step 4 with the flower clippings, selecting a different tile for that sprite to use.

Making Tall Grass
1. Make a combo that looks like tall grass & give it the tall grass combo type.
2. Go back to the weapons/misc sprite editor and scroll down to the bottom and select grass clippings. Then click edit.
3. Select the tile for the tall grass to use just as you did for the bush & flower. Click ok.
4. Next, select tall grass and click edit. This is the sprite that covers Link when walking through tall grass. Then click ok. Then click done from the Edit Weapon Data box.

Setting The Shallow Water Sprite
1. Go to quest, graphics, sprites, weapons/misc.
2. Scroll down to the very bottom of the sprite list & select ripples. Click edit.
3. Select ther ripples tile. This is the sprite that covers Link in shallow water. I think that it is hard coded to have 4 tiles in its animation (without actually setting the animation frames & speed). Be sure to have 4 consecutive tiles that togther will animate the ripples sprite.
Note that some graphics packs may already include these sprites. Always check the sprites after downloading & using a new graphics pack. Additionally, be sure to doublecheck the sprites by testing your quest- check to see that all the bush, flower, grass, & shallow water sprites function properly/as desired.

#20 theplustwo



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Posted 12 September 2003 - 08:37 AM

Linking Message Strings Together

Making Strings & Linking Them
1. Go to Quest-Strings.
2. Click on <New String>
3. Edit this string to be the first String in your series of strings. When done, click ok.
4. Add another string by clicking "<New string>" again and edit as you want and click ok when finished.
5. Select the first string you had edited and click the edit button.
6. In the box underneath: "Next string:" select the second string you created in the drop down menu. Double click on the string or hold the mouse there and press enter. Then click ok, then done.

Setting the Message String
1. Go to Data, then message string.
2. From the list of strings, select the first sting you want to appear in that screen. When playing the quest, that message string will be linked to the "next string" and a new "MISC: More..." sprite will appear to let the player know that there is more text to see by pressing the A Button.
3. Message Strings appear in the cave/item room (screen 81) when the cave/item room warp type is set for the overworld, or in cave/dungeon dmap screens. Also, in order for message strings to appear, a guy must be set.
4. After selecting the message string, click ok. Now you are ready to set the "More..." sprite

Setting the "MISC: More..." sprite
1. Now you will need to specify the "Misc: More..." sprite, which is a little icon that appears whenever the message string is set to a string that has Linked text, prompting the player to press the A Button in order for the linked string to appear.
2. Go to Quest-Graphics-Sprite-Weapons/Misc. Scroll down until you see "MISC: More..." and then double click on it. Click on the current tile to replace it with any one of your own as you wish.
3. Set the number of animation frames & the animation speed if you want to apply animation to the More sprite.
4. You could also set the coordinates of the "MISC: More.." sprite in the initial data menu or just leave the default at (0,0).
5. If you do want to change the coordinates of the sprite, go to quest, initial data. Then click on the right or left arrow at the top corners to go to page 8 of the initial data menu.
6. Delete the 0 next to "Message More X:" and replace it with a number of your own to change the X coordinate of the "More..." sprite.
7. Delete the 0 next to "Message More Y:" and replace it with a number of your own to change the Y coordinate of the "More..." sprite.

String Options
1. Go to Quest, Rules.
2. Go to page 3 of the Quest Rules menu.
3. Check the rule "Allow Fast Messages" if you want to allow the player to press the A button in order to make message strings appear more quickly.
4. Check the rule "No guy fires" if you want guys to appear without the two fires to the right & left of it.

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#21 theplustwo



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Posted 12 September 2003 - 08:38 AM

New Dmap Properties

Ticker Music
1. Go to Quest, DMaps.
2. Select the dmap you want to edit and then click the edit button.
3. If you want Ticker (T.) Music for you dmap, click the Load T. Music button.
4. Select the file you want the T. Music to play from.
5. T. Music plays from the following file formats; mod, it, xm, and s3m.
6. To clear T. Music, click the Clear T. Music button.
7. Note that when T. Music is set, the name of the T. Music file will automatically appear underneath where you would set the midi.
8. Also, T. Music takes presidence over the DMaps regular midi. This means that if T. Music is set for a dmap, then it will play instead of the dmap midi.

Dmap Intros
1. This is a temporary string that appears the first time the player enters a new dmap during the game.
2. Simply click inside the white box underneath "DMap Intro" in the dmap editor to set the dmap introduction.
3. DMap intros are not strings created in the strings editor nor does the message string nor guy need to be set in order for the dmap intro to appear.
4. The Dmap intro should be a breif description of the dmap or a name/title of that dmap. Dmap intros are great for dungeons with specific names.

Dmap Names & Titles
1. The dmap name appears in the "Select DMap" dialogue box when editing dmaps. It does not affect anything in the game--it just allows you to easily identify different dmaps, rather than simply by number.
2. Click next to "DMap Name:" in the dmap editor and then start typing via the keyboard to enter in a dmap name. The DMap Name can be 20 characters long.
3. Click in the small white box underneath DMap Title to edit the dmap's title if you desire. The dmap title will appear above the dmap map in the game.

user posted image

DMap Maps
1. Go to the dmap editor.
2. Click on the "Edit Maps" Button.
3. You can now edit four types of maps: A minimap before the dmap's map is found, a minimap before the dmap's map is found, a large map before the dmap's map is found & a large map before the dmap's map is found.
4. The Minimap is the map that appears on the far left part of the top side of the playing screen. The large map is the map that appears in the subscreen when pressing Enter for the first time, that shows the screen's Link has visited in that dmap.

user posted image

Continue Here
1. Go to DMap editor.
2. You can check an option that allows the player to start at that dmap when loading a saved game of that quest after having saved from within that dmap.
3. If the player saves on a dmap that does not have this option checked, then the player will resume a saved game on the last dmap that has this option checked that the player went to.
4. If none of your dmaps have this option checked, then the player will always resume a saved game on dmap 0.

#22 theplustwo



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Posted 12 September 2003 - 08:39 AM

Making a Simple Custom Boss

Setting the Boss Combos
1. First, go to Quest, Graphics, Tiles.
2. "Grab" or edit the tiles used for the custom boss combos.
3. After you are done making the boss tiles, click done.
4. Right click on an unused combo. Set the tile for this combo to one of the boss tiles. You can animate it as you desire.
5. Repeat step 4 with each part of the custom boss. Make each of these combos a "-" or "undefined" combo type.
6. Go to Data, Layers. Then set the coordinates & map # of layer 5 or 6 to an unused screen you intend to use for the current screen's 5th or 6th layer. Click ok when done setting the layer data.
7. Press page up or page down until you see the circles & squares for your onscreen layer data. Fill in the circle underneath layer 5 or 6. Then add the combos used for the boss. Make sure that all the other combos placed on layer 5 or 6 are completely transparent combos.
8. Finish making the rest of the room by clicking on the circle underneath 0 in the layer data box and then adding in the combos to the rooms.

Giving Life to Your Boss
1. Go to Data, Enemies.
2. Add enemies to your boss. This gives "life" as well as a possible "attack".
3. For now, set enemy 1 to gibdo.
4. Go to tools, flags. Select the flag called "Enemy 1" and click ok.
5. Place the flag wherever you want Link to have to attack the "boss". It should be placed underneath the boss combos that you had placed on layer 5 or 6.
6. Now, you must surround the enemy you placed (i.e. Gibdo) with either pit combos that look like the ground, or some sort of solid combos. If you surround it by pit combos, then you will need to go to Data, Tile Warp and set the warp type to none. This is so Link doesn't warp anywhere when he steps on the pit combos.
7. You should place damage combos where Link would come in contact with the boss.
8. Also, you might want to add certain obstacles such as statues, traps, damage combos, etc.
9. If you want the boss to appear to be shooting something towards Link, you can place statue combos beneath the combo (make sure the Enemy Flag 'Statues Shoot Fire' is on if you do use statues). If you want the boss to seem to shoot something else, simply replace the gibdo enemy with an enemy that shoots a projectile (like a stalfos 2 or something). Note that enemies that shoot something may not actually shoot something if completely surrounded; in other words, the enemy may need to walk a little bit before shooting something.
10. Note that certain enemies (like gliding enemies) will not suffice for this technique because they will gluide over the solid combos.

Making the Boss Seemed Defeated
1. Place secret flags 16 on layer 5 or 6 above where the boss combos are.
2. Set the Secret combo of flag 16 on layer 5 or 6 to a transparent combo.
3. Switch to layer 0. Then place flag 16 over any statue & damage flags and then set the secret combo of flag 16 on layer 0 to combos that look like the rest of the floor.
4. Check the "Enemies--Secrets" screen flag (Data, Screen Data)
5. If you want a "prize" for defeating the boss, then go to Data, Item. Choose the item of your choice. Click ok.
6. Check the "Enemies--Item" screen flag.

Alternate Way Using Flags
1. You can also use weapon flags instead of enemies so that Link has to hit a target part of the boss. Set the secret combo of that weapon flag.
2. Place flag 16 all around the ground (on layer 0) and around other flags. Set the secret combo to flag 16 to a combo that looks like the floor but is actually a pit combo.
3. Make an identical screen. Either make this a part of the same dmap as the first boss screen or on a different dmap.
4. Set the tile warp of the first screen to the second screen and then set the warp type to "Insta Warp".
5. Make the second screen somewhat different than the first. Make the boss look slightly hurt or worn down or something. If you want this to be the screen when the boss is "defeated" delete all flags (replace the current ones with flag 0 (none). Then make the adjacent screen and make Link able to go to the next screen somehow (via a Passage Door Combo).
6. If you want Link to have to hit him again, you could keep the secret flags & set the tile warp to a third identical screen.

More Custom Boss Tips
1. You can have rocks fall from the top of the screen if you want it to seem like the boss is knocking rocks off the wall (but keep in mind that unless you use insta-warps, rocks will fall continuously, regardless of whether or not the boss is defeated)
2. You can use a variety of combos, flags, & combo cycling to simulate a good boss.
3. Give the boss good graphics by having nice look tiles & animated combos.
4. Placing many statues throughout the screen provides for the need for Link to keep on the move. Also, you could place obstacles such as blocks, water, or things you have to slash or what not. Use some creativity with this.
5. If you know how to use "Secondary Flags" well enough, you could make Link have to hit the boss multiple times using weapon flags & linked secret combos, without using enemies or many identical boss screens.
6. To make the boss room have different music (and not from the rest of the dungeon, cave, or whatever, simply make the boss screen on a seperate dmap with different music. Then, from the dmap you want Link to come from, use a tile or side warp and set the warp screen to this boss screen you just made.

#23 theplustwo



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Posted 12 September 2003 - 08:40 AM

Setting the End String
1. Go to Quest, Misc Data, End String.
2. Here, you can select the End String- this is the string that appears when Link reaches Zelda and beats the game.
3. End Strings must not be set using the Message String Option. It will automatically appear at the end of the game. (When Link steps on a "Zelda" Flag)

New Room Types
1. Item Pond: This room is for future versions & currently does nothing
2. Learn Slash: Once Link steps into this room, he will be able to slash his sword for the remainder of the quest.
3. Magic Upgrade: Entering this room gives Link a magic upgrade that will make all magic items actually consume half of its original amount of magic it had consume.

Editing the Quest Header
1. Go to Quest, Header.
2. Here you can edit the password for the quest; (so that a password will be required to enter before opening up the quest-if you have a quest password, DON'T FORGET IT!)

#24 theplustwo



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Posted 12 September 2003 - 08:40 AM

Creating a Falling Floor

1. Go to Quest, Graphics, Tiles
2. Make 2 consecutive identical tiles that look like the floor. Then click done.
3. Go to Quest, Graphics, combos.
4. Make a combo that looks like the floor. Set the combo type to undefined & set the animation frames to 2 and the animation speed to like 6.
5. Right click the combo and select copy.
6. Paste the combo by right clicking on an unused combo & selecting paste.
7. Repeat steps 3 & 4 five more times in order to have a total of 7 identical floor tiles.
8. Link the first of these combos to the second. The second to the third, & so on.
9. Go to Quest, Graphics, tiles.
10. Make the tiles that look like the floor is falling. Then make a tile that looks like the pit (what it looks like after the floor has fallen.
11. Make a combo who's first tile is the start of the falling floor animation. Set the number of frames to the number of tiles in the falling animation. Set the combo type to undefined. Set the speed to somewhere between 6-8.
12. Make a combo who's tile is the pit tile. Set the combo type to stairs or pit & leave animaion frames at 0.
13. Link the last of the regular looking floor combos to the falling floor combo. Then link the falling floor combo to the pit combo.
14. If you want the floor to fall right away, simply place the last of the linked floor combos. If ya want Link to trigger it via secrets, set flags 16-22 to the various linked floor combos and place the flags to appear. If ya want them to fall together, place the same linked floor tiles on the screen; if ya want them to fall at diffferent times, scatter the 7 different floor combos throughout the screen.
**Note that when I say link this combo to that, i mean set the "Next" combo of the first to that of the second combo.
15. After placing the floor combos on the screen be sure to set the tile warp.
16. Try it out! See if the floor starts to fall appropriately as you desire.
17. If you feel the timing is off or would like the floor to fall sooner or later, fiddle with the combo animations & combo cycling. Perhaps you should try adjusting the number of animation frames & animating speed.

#25 theplustwo



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Posted 12 September 2003 - 08:41 AM

Making an Over & Under Bridge

1. Make a screen on your overworld with a bridge on layer 0. Make the bridge run horizontal. Make the sides of the bridges unwalkable
2. Make an identical screen except make the bridge on layer 3 or higher & put ground tiles underneath it.
3. On the first screen, make it so that when Link enters the screen from the right or left, he can only cross over to the opposite side of the screen via the bridge (underneath Link) and not go up or down.
4. On the identical screen, set the a side warp to a scrolling warp type with a North Trigger and set the coordinates to the screen above its twin (the original screen) in the overworld.
5. On that screen, the identical one, place pit combos that look like the ground in a row combo spaces down from the south part of the bridge. Set the tile warp to the identical, original screen.
6. Go to the screen above the original one in the overworld. Set the side warp to a scrolling warp with a South trigger & make it go the screen with the overhead bridge.
7. On this same screen, the original, place pit combos that look like the ground in a row directly beneath the underbridge. Set the tile warp to the twin screen with the overbridge.
--You should be finished now; check your work by testing it in Zelda Classic. This might seem a bit confusing to do at first; i strongly suggest experimentation of your own, especially since it does require some thought, creativity, and patience, and there is more than one way of making over-under bridges.

#26 theplustwo



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Posted 12 September 2003 - 08:43 AM

Sand Zoras

1. First, simply make a combo who's tile looks like sand and then set its combo type to water. Make sure it is completely walkable. Click ok.
2. Then go to Data, Enemies
3. Set the number of zoras you want.
4. Zoras randomly appear over water combos. However, Link will walk over these combos so they will not appear to be water.
5. In order for Link to swim over water, he needs the flippers & the water combo needs to be unwalkable.
6. You can use this technique to make things such as Deku Scrubs that randomly appear over grassy land or other randomly appearing enemies.
7. Keep in mind that if you want to make sand zoras, deku scrubs or whatever, and need to change the zora tiles, then you will be sacrificing your zora enemy sprites so consider this if you do want to have zoras appear in water.

#27 theplustwo



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Posted 12 September 2003 - 08:44 AM

Multiple Undercombos

1. In order for different bushes/flowers/slash/slash-item combos to have different "undercombos", you can simply place flags on them to change what will be underneath them when slashed with the sword
2. Go to Tools, Flags. Select flag 16. Place flag 16 on one of the combos that will need an undercombo. Then right click.
3. Go to Data, Secret combos and then set the secret combo for flag 16.
4. The bush or whatever that you placed flag 16 on will turn into that flag's secret combo when slashed and disregards the screen's undercombo.
5. Repeat Step 2 & 3 for each of the different kinds of slashable bushes & what not, making sure to place a different kind of secret flag (16-31) on each different type of bush.
6. If you want all bushes to have the same undercombo, simply select which combo you want to be the undercombo first and then go to Data, Undercombo & click set.
7. Note that if you want to have a secret item placed "inside" a bush or treasure chest, it will require you to use flag 10 on that combo & so therefore, treasure chests & such must use the undercombo.
8. For a similar reason, you can not really have treasure chests with items in them & pushable blocks on the same screen because they both require you to set the undercombo; unless, you do, for some reason, want the undercombo of the treasure chest & the undercombo of the pushblock to be the same.
9. If you do use flags on slashable combos, then also keep in mind that if secrets should be activated on that screen, then all of those flags will change to their secret combos, showing the bush's "undercombos".

#28 theplustwo



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Posted 12 September 2003 - 08:44 AM

Freeform Dungeons

1. To enable freeform dungeons, go to Quest, Rules. Then flip to page 2. Check the second rule, Freeform Dungeons.
2. Note that checking this rule removes an invisible border around the perimeter of the screen in dungeon dmaps allowing you to travel from room to room from anywhere on the edge of the screen (not just from the center).
3. However, in freeform dungeons, you will need to have 'overhead' combos for each part of the doorways you want Link to appear to walk under. Make these by right clicking on empty combos, selecting the doorway tiles, and then selecting the "overhead" combo type.
4. Place these on the edge of the screen where you want the center of the doorway to be.
5. Place the rest of the doors as you please. Note that they no longer have to be in the center of the screen for Link to walk from screen to screen appropriately.
6. Note that in freeform Dungeons, Link will still automatically walk 2 tiles out from the edge of the screen upon entering a screen; this is so that Link does not get stuck in shutter type doors.
7. You can use lock block & lock block 2 combos to make locked doors wherever you want now, instead of just in the middle of the screen.
8. Use the autodoor combos by going to Tools, Doors, if you still want to have doors automatically appear in the center of the edges of the screen.
9. Note that enemies will still not walk in open spaces that are on the outer combos of the edges of the screen, as if the barrier was still there. Also, enemy fire & Link's weapons stop at one tile out from the screen as well.
10. Keep in mind that all other properties of dungeons apply.

#29 theplustwo



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Posted 12 September 2003 - 08:45 AM

Appearing Treasure Chests

1. Make the closed chest combo with a slashable combo type and completely unwalkable.
2. Make the opened chest combo with the combo type "(none)" and the top half unwalkable.
3. Select the opened chest combo & go to Data, Undercombos. Click set.
4. Place secret flag 16 on the screen where you want the treasure chest to appear.
5. Go to Data, Secret combos. Click the secret combo of flag 16 and select the closed treasure chest sprite.
6. Hold the control button on the keyboard while clicking on the secret combo of flag 16 to get a menu that asks you to choose a flag (secondary flags). Select flag #10 armos-item. Click done.
7. Go to Data, Room Type. Select the "Special Item" Room Type
8. Go to Data, Special Item. Select whatever item you wish to be inside the treasure chest.
9. Add some way of triggering the secrets; either place enemies & then set the screen flag "Enemies-secrets" or place a weapon trigger flag or place a trigger perm/trigger temp combo somewhere on the screen.
10. Test it out. When you activate the secrets, the closed treasure chest should appear. You should then slash it and there should be the special item inside of it & the undercombo should be that of an opened treasure chest.

#30 theplustwo



  • Members

Posted 12 September 2003 - 08:45 AM

Making Temporary (Timed) Secrets

**Once you become good at using level 2 flags & combo cycling, then you could start making complicated events, puzzles, games, secrets, etc. Here's an example to get you started on making secrets, that, upon being activated, last for a cetain number amount of time until they revert back to their original combo.

1. Make 4 consecutive identical tiles that look like a "retracted wall" that Link may walk over.
2. Make a combo that uses these tiles & make the combo have the "(none)" combo type and make it completely walkable. Set the animation frames to 4 and animation speed to 8.
3. Go to Quest, Graphics, Combos.
4. Copy that retracted wall combo two more times.
5. Link these combos to one another so that the first cycles to the second, the second cycles to the third.
6. Make a combo that looks like a solid wall that is unwalkable--make it look like the retracted wall has risen.
7. Link the last of the three retracted wall combos so that it cycles to the solid wall combo.
8. Place the solid wall combo on the screen where you wish. Place 16 over it.
9. Make a combo that looks like an unlit torch. Place it on the screen & place the burn flag over it.
10. Make a combo that looks like a lit torch with 4 frames of animation at an animation speed of 8. Make two copies of this combo and link them together like you did the retracted wall combo; cycling the first to the second, second to the third, and the third to the unlit combo.
11. Go to Data, Secret Combos. Click on the secret combo spot for flag 16 and select the retracted wall combo.
12. Click on the secret combo spot for the burn combo (the first blank tile in the 'Burn' row) and select the lit torch.
13. Hold control & click over the lit torch secret combo for the burn flag. Select 'Burn' as the secondary flag. Click ok.
14. Hold control & click over the retracted wall combo for flag 16 and select 'flag 16' as its secondary flag. Click ok. Then click done.
15. So, what's supposed to happen? Test in Zelda Classic in your quest to see that when you burn the unlit torch, it becomes 'lit' & the solid wall will become retracted for just a breif moment, giving link an opporunity to run over it. After a short while though, the lit torch will "go out" and at that same time, the retracted wall will go back up. When this happens, check to see that Link can burn the unlit combo again and the wall again becomes retracted.
16. You can use this same sort of principle to achieve all sorts of different things; for example, Link has to bomb a skull and then rush over an area where damage spikes used to be before they appear again.

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