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[Basic / Multi-version] Command line options

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#1 Koopa


    The child behind the turtle

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Posted 31 July 2008 - 01:35 PM

Command line options

A beginner's tutorial by Koopa.

This tutorial is for the MS Windows version only.

ZC and ZQuest have several command line options that make it do different things when it starts - the most common use of these is to start in windowed or fullscreen mode, and to set the size/resolution. After "How do I load a custom quest?" this is probably the most common newbie question.

It's not quite as easy as just pressing a button - but it's not hard either.

First, I'll explain
How to make a shortcut to ZC
ZC is installed in its own folder on your computer. If you only know how to start it from a shortcut in your start menu, fear not, I'll tell you how to find your folder in a moment.

Open your ZC folder. The file called zelda-w.exe is ZC itself, zquest-w.exe is zquest, the quest editor. Right-click one of these and chose copy, then right-click some empty space and choose "Paste Shortcut". A new file will appear with a small arrow in one corner of its icon - this is your shortcut. Although the actual programs must stay in your ZC folder, you can move this shortcut pretty much anywhere - your desktop or start menu, for instance.

Setting options
Right-click your shortcut and choose "Properties". In the window that pops up click the "Shortcut" tab on the top.
IPB Image
The target field is the interesting one. You can click in it, got to the very end and add options to it. The rules are
  • Don't change the actual command (the text that's in there at the beginning), just add options on the END. For example:
    "C:\games\zelda\1.83\zelda-w.exe" -windowed - Whereas the part in red is the area you shouldn't modify, and the area in blue (And everything to its right) is what you can modify and add to.
  • put a space before the first option, and between options
  • all options start with a dash (-).
  • You can add any number of options.
These are common options for zelda-w
  • -fullscreen Starts in full screen whenever you use this shortcut.
  • -windowed Starts in windowed mose whenever you use this shortcut. Using only this uses/reverts to the small (scale 1) windowed mode.
  • -res x y Use only after -windowed. Sets the window's resolution. X and Y are numbers.
  • -res x y big Use only after -windowed. Sets the window's resolution and starts ZC in big (scale 2) mode. X and Y are numbers, big is spelt out. See the picture for an example.
  • -s Silent. Turns all sound off.
These options are for zquest-w
  • -fullscreen Starts in full screen whenever you use this shortcut.
  • -windowed Starts in windowed mose whenever you use this shortcut.
  • -scale n Requires -windowed. n can be 1, 2, or 3 - starts Zquest in this scale. Use -scale 1 to return to normal if Zquest starts in large scale automatically.
  • -s Silent. Turns all sound off.
When you've added your options, press OK and use this shortcut to start ZC.

If you can't find your zc folder: Open the start menu and right-click the icon you use to start ZC. Then choose properties as above. What's in the target field at the beginning is the location of your ZC folder (of zelda-w.exe, to be precise, but the folder path is before that).

Note: Since this was first written, Sean made a program called ZCL that allows you to do all this by clicking a button. That's definitely the easier way.

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