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Rules Update and Staff Changes

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#1 Aevin


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Posted 15 July 2018 - 04:54 PM

Hello everyone!

First of all, we've had some changes on the staff team. Moosh and Evan have retired, and Anthus and Shoshon the Elegant have joined the team as a new moderator and database staff, respectively. Both have been members for a long time and have been a strong part of the community, and we feel they'll do a great job. Eins has also been promoted from Forum Assistant to a full moderator, so congratulations to him as well!

Next, the rules have been updated to reflect some changes in the staff's policy and focus. There aren't really any new rules, but some have been merged, and our approach to enforcing some of them has changed.

Rule #1, which deals with respect and harrassment, has undergone the most significant change.

The gist of this is that the staff are no longer going to attempt to mediate member disputes. We won't be trying to make judgments about who is "right" in disagreements, or to help people get along. Our only goal is to keep personal drama out of our public spaces so it's not disruptive to others. If you engage in personal squabbles in public, you'll be asked to work it out in private. And if two people absolutely cannot get along, that's what the blocking features are for. Any reports of harassment should be severe, with an obvious antagonist, and clearly supported with logs. If you don't make a strong case, you'll be told we don't have enough information, and if it's mild or an ongoing dispute, you'll be told to work it out yourself. Please do not report vague passive aggressive behavior; members are expected to deal with this on their own.

Engaging in repeated personal conflicts in public will result in temporary Discord bans and forum warning points.

We're also planning to keep a closer eye on the General channel in Discord to make sure it stays in line with our goals for that space. We want General to be a calm and welcoming place for all our members, and while it often is just that, we want to ensure that it's free of charged topics and personal drama. Topics such as politics, religion, social issues, political correctness, SJW issues, etc should all be kept to the Current Events channel. We won't strictly be moderating Current Events, and people who interact in there should expect to be on their own.

If you are asked to take your discussion to Current Events or DM's, please just do it. The staff won't be debating you on the matter. If you feel you're being treated unfairly, you're welcome to contact the staff in private AFTER following the instructions. Failure to immediately follow staff instructions may result in Discord bans and warning points.

Please take the time to read through the rules in their entirety for a clearer picture of what's changed and how the staff will be approaching things on both the forums and Discord.

-PureZC Staff


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#2 The Satellite

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Posted 15 July 2018 - 05:18 PM


All those years of nominating him in the Superlatives finally paid off.

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#3 Anthus



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Posted 15 July 2018 - 05:26 PM

Glad to be a part of this site that has been a part of me for so long. :)


That sounded better in my head, but yeah come on NJF, now's our chance to take over I'm hoping to be helpful, and keep things running smoothly with you all.

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#4 Chris


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Posted 15 July 2018 - 05:48 PM

Congrats, Anthus and Shoshon. It's nice to have you.
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#5 Avaro



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Posted 15 July 2018 - 05:52 PM

Just the general channel or zc too?

#6 Aevin


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Posted 15 July 2018 - 06:10 PM

Yeah, it also applies to the ZC Channel, though I feel these sorts of issues are more common in General.


To clarify, the point is not that passive aggressive behavior is just fine ... It's just that it puts a lot of stress on staff members to try to sort out every disagreement, especially when many of them come down to stark differences in personalities and ongoing quarrels which span numerous venues, even those with no association with PureZC. Our focus needs to be on keeping peace in our venues, not ensuring that all members are friends. We can't be in the business of going "Well this person was passive aggressive, but THIS person kind of baited him by saying this, but he was only responding because this person implied THIS .." It gets very stressful to try to sort out when it basically boils down to "These two members don't get along."


So we're simply trying to keep it out of public rather than attempt to mediate such disputes.

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#7 Haylee


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Posted 15 July 2018 - 06:14 PM

>Ignoring the most important part, my promotion

how could you

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#8 Cukeman


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Posted 16 July 2018 - 02:31 AM

Sorry to hear you're getting stricter instead of looser. I'd say that's a step in the wrong direction.

#9 Chris


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Posted 16 July 2018 - 06:39 AM

Wait, I'm confused, Cukeman.

Basically the staff trusts us to sort out our issues without their help while stepping back from moderating each tiny bit of drama.

In other words it is sort of a compliment for our community to be mostly self sufficient and a reminder that we can and should solve minor quarrels just with each other or avoid them altogether.

This is the opposite of getting stricter and shows how well this community is doing and I think that's great.
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#10 Architect Abdiel

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Posted 16 July 2018 - 07:52 AM

Congrats, Anthus and Shoshon. It's nice to have you.

Thank you.


Sorry to hear you're getting stricter instead of looser. I'd say that's a step in the wrong direction.

I am curious as to whether this is in response to staff stepping back in personal issues or wanting to keep the Discord general channel general.

#11 Eddard McHorn Van-Schnuder

Eddard McHorn Van-Schnuder

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Posted 16 July 2018 - 08:48 AM

Congrats you guys! I know the rapsheets are tempting, but if you fear what you might find, you're probably better off not looking. :P


Anyways, I think these changes you guys are making are great, not only for you guys as staff, but for the community in general. I think I said in chat yesterday that I believe giving users the responsibility of the "enjoyability" of their interactions is probably the best way to ensure they remain mostly positive. I think people have a little too often relied on the idea that staff will back them up in situations where they feel slighted or whatever by other users, and this leads to so many unnecessary problems. I'm sure you've spoken about this at length though, I just wanted to show my appreciation!


And as a side note, I'll put more effort into remembering what channel I'm in going forward. :P

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#12 Shane



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Posted 16 July 2018 - 01:56 PM

Congratulations to Anthus, Shoshon the Elegant and Eins! You all are great people to talk to and you all definitely are capable of handling such positions. :)

#13 Cukeman


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Posted 16 July 2018 - 04:33 PM

I am curious as to whether this is in response to staff stepping back in personal issues or wanting to keep the Discord general channel general.


Sounds to me like casual discussion is being cracked down on

#14 Nathaniel



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Posted 16 July 2018 - 04:47 PM

If you're worried, most of the time I highly doubt we are going to punish people in any capacity for discussing something in the wrong chat room.  We understand that most of the time it's probably just an innocent oversight, and we are likely to politely direct you to the right place.  Nothing personal, of course.  It might be a bigger issue if it's clear to us if somebody is purposely making a habit of it.  We don't want to stifle speech here, and as some of you know, I often like to talk about some of these issues myself.  It's an adjustment for me too, although one I am completely willing to adjust to.  And it's still noticeably looser than the same for the forums, which is clearly a lot more categorized.

#15 Rambly



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Posted 26 July 2018 - 09:54 PM

We're also planning to keep a closer eye on the General channel in Discord to make sure it stays in line with our goals for that space. We want General to be a calm and welcoming place for all our members, and while it often is just that, we want to ensure that it's free of charged topics and personal drama. Topics such as politics, religion, social issues, political correctness, SJW issues, etc should all be kept to the Current Events channel. We won't strictly be moderating Current Events, and people who interact in there should expect to be on their own.

If you are asked to take your discussion to Current Events or DM's, please just do it. The staff won't be debating you on the matter. If you feel you're being treated unfairly, you're welcome to contact the staff in private AFTER following the instructions. Failure to immediately follow staff instructions may result in Discord bans and warning points.

i am a bit late, but i would just like to briefly note that i strongly appreciate this.  i have never been able to see how it harms anyone to have hot-button political discussions in a separate channel from the main, and to furthermore enforce this policy


Sounds to me like casual discussion is being cracked down on

isn't the opposite happening here?  isn't casual discussion being *emphasized* in #general as a result of the frankly less casual discussion topics being given their own space?

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