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Who here is rich? Share your story

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#16 DarkFlameSheep


    She looks like Vanice?

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Posted 29 July 2021 - 09:19 PM

Now if James you are very rich, you can establish a game develop company to make games for your own self.

Edited by DarkFlameSheep, 30 July 2021 - 12:25 AM.

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#17 Anthus



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Posted 29 July 2021 - 09:24 PM

I am very wealthy. I come from a long line of business men. I was taught early as a business boy that having money is all that matters in this world.

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#18 DarkFlameSheep


    She looks like Vanice?

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Posted 29 July 2021 - 09:28 PM

I'm rich enough that I can afford all "LEAVE YOUR LIFE OR MONEY" rooms I come across.

How much is 1 USD in rupees of ZC quests?

Edited by DarkFlameSheep, 29 July 2021 - 09:31 PM.

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#19 The Satellite

The Satellite

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Posted 29 July 2021 - 09:30 PM

I'm rich in calcium.

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#20 Mani Kanina

Mani Kanina


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Posted 29 July 2021 - 09:32 PM

If you're rich you wouldn't waste your time on PureZC.

But if we are playing boomer fantasy pretend games:

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#21 Rambly


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Posted 29 July 2021 - 09:39 PM

james24 buying a car:


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#22 TheManHimself


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Posted 29 July 2021 - 09:44 PM

James, if you were truly type b, you would design, (or have a servant design) a dungeon filled with 11 patras, invisible spike traps, and other bad-game-design-tropes-disguised-as-difficulty design features, take all of your money, and entomb yourself there like a pharaoh. No more worrying about inheritance tax.

Edited by TheManHimself, 29 July 2021 - 09:44 PM.

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#23 Rambly


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Posted 29 July 2021 - 10:00 PM

Hello James24. I would like to ask you James24 do you enjoy cold refreshing Diet Dr Pepper taste?

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#24 Anthus



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Posted 29 July 2021 - 10:20 PM

22 replies in just over an hour? Did I step into a time machine set for 2006?

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#25 Mitchfork


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Posted 29 July 2021 - 10:21 PM

22 replies in just over an hour? Did I step into a time machine set for 2006?

you might, I'm rich enough to buy a time machine
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#26 Taco Chopper

Taco Chopper

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Posted 29 July 2021 - 10:44 PM

22 replies in just over an hour? Did I step into a time machine set for 2006?

i'm back posting, it must be 2006. you've been in a coma all this time. wake up


also to answer the question: im not rich in monetary value but im rich when it comes to having good friends :)

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#27 P-Tux7



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Posted 29 July 2021 - 10:47 PM

"Its not your fault if you are born poor but it is your fault if you die poor" - Bill Gates

Bill Gates was not born poor - his father was a lawyer and his mother was on the board of directors for a bank, both of them being college graduates. He actually got a foot in the door to his mother knowing the chairman of IBM because the two worked together at a charity. He also made his fortune off of a big lie - he told IBM that he could write an operating system, but merely purchased the rights to one and presented it as if he had personally worked on it. Society depends on most people telling the truth, so it would break apart if everyone were willing to go to such lengths to make money - making money off of lies only works if a MINORITY of society does it, by definition excluding most people. (Nintendo actually made money off of a big lie too, not only hiding that they outsourced the programming of Donkey Kong, but also illegally gave that game's source code to the company that they outsourced Donkey Kong Jr. to. Both games do not credit the companies or people that actually programmed them. Nintendo's official history of Donkey Kong focuses on how Shigeru Miyamoto designed the revolutionary character animation, realistic locations, and cutscenes in the game, which is true, but it will NOT tell you who actually programmed it, which Miyamoto and everyone else at Nintendo had nothing to do with. Where's the credit for those guys who actually turned the revolutionary ideas into a real game? Nintendo was only able to hire their own programmers after making money off of the big lie that they presented to the public with their first few games - the false appearance that they already had programmers and could make games by themselves.) I understand that Gates worked hard and took some risky gambles but it's plain to see that he wouldn't have gotten his young exposure to computer science or the funding necessary to start out his own business (instead of going to college and working for someone else) had he been born into a poorer family - they wouldn't have known how to get access to electronic parts or been able to afford them even if Bill had shown an interest. He also had the financial safety net so as to where if his businesses failed, he could just reapply to Harvard because his parents could afford that and still get at least a middle-class job. When your parents have a financial safety net for you, you can strike out several times but still get a chance to run the bases again. Also, let's not forget that Gates was white and male, and many people who would hire him for jobs or sign contracts with him would likely have denied those to a candidate who was of equal ability but was female or non-white. So many people would have denied those things that there were entire movements around them as Gates grew up in the '60s and '70s. Getting jobs and contracts is partially about presentation, and the unfortunate reality was that being female or non-white automatically failed you in the "presentation" score in the eyes of a lot of interviewers - their trust for the candidate, necessary before hiring anyone, would have plummeted to zero for no reason that the candidate could control. Again, Gates took risks and worked hard, but characteristics about himself and his family definitely made it easier for him to get himself into opportunities where taking risks and working hard would be rewarded with success instead of failure. This quote is really ungrateful to his parents and all the other investors/customers who helped him get into the opportunity where he knew enough about programming and was financially able to start his own software business.

4.  You worry about dying rich. 

The most horrible thought is that you should suddenly die and have tons of money unspent.

That's right, you can't take it with you. Where is your unspent money going to go? Maybe it can go to a charity, but how would you feel if someone else was free to misspend your money as they saw fit, instead of you being in charge of the charity while you were alive? Would you want to see somebody who's willing to swindle and cheat a charity to become rich (from YOUR money) off of that kind of behavior, instead of working hard or investing? If you'd prefer to step in and prevent that from happening, you need to be stopping it from happening before you're too dead to object. I understand the desire to grow your money as much as possible while you're still alive, but you can't wait to give it to charity ONLY after you die, you need to put your financial smarts to work directing the charity yourself - or at least partnering with a charity and getting on the board of trustees so that you have a say in what happens with the money that you're investing to make sure it is used and multiplied as efficiently as possible, for the betterment of the charity's cause. If you're scared of dying today, you should be making plans today for what happens to your money after you die.

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#28 Taco Chopper

Taco Chopper

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Posted 29 July 2021 - 10:54 PM

Bill Gates was not born poor - his father was a lawyer and his mother was on the board of directors for a bank, both of them being college graduates. He actually got a foot in the door to his mother knowing the chairman of IBM because the two worked together at a charity. He also made his fortune off of a big lie - he told IBM that he could write an operating system, but merely purchased the rights to one and presented it as if he had personally worked on it. Society depends on most people telling the truth, so it would break apart if everyone were willing to go to such lengths to make money - making money off of lies only works if a MINORITY of society does it, by definition excluding most people. (Nintendo actually made money off of a big lie too, not only hiding that they outsourced the programming of Donkey Kong, but also illegally gave that game's source code to the company that they outsourced Donkey Kong Jr. to. Both games do not credit the companies or people that actually programmed them. Nintendo's official history of Donkey Kong focuses on how Shigeru Miyamoto designed the revolutionary character animation, realistic locations, and cutscenes in the game, which is true, but it will NOT tell you who actually programmed it, which Miyamoto and everyone else at Nintendo had nothing to do with. Where's the credit for those guys who actually turned the revolutionary ideas into a real game? Nintendo was only able to hire their own programmers after making money off of the big lie that they presented to the public with their first few games - the false appearance that they already had programmers and could make games by themselves.) I understand that Gates worked hard and took some risky gambles but it's plain to see that he wouldn't have gotten his young exposure to computer science or the funding necessary to start out his own business (instead of going to college and working for someone else) had he been born into a poorer family - they wouldn't have known how to get access to electronic parts or been able to afford them even if Bill had shown an interest. He also had the financial safety net so as to where if his businesses failed, he could just reapply to Harvard because his parents could afford that and still get at least a middle-class job. When your parents have a financial safety net for you, you can strike out several times but still get a chance to run the bases again. Also, let's not forget that Gates was white and male, and many people who would hire him for jobs or sign contracts with him would likely have denied those to a candidate who was of equal ability but was female or non-white. So many people would have denied those things that there were entire movements around them as Gates grew up in the '60s and '70s. Getting jobs and contracts is partially about presentation, and the unfortunate reality was that being female or non-white automatically failed you in the "presentation" score in the eyes of a lot of interviewers - their trust for the candidate, necessary before hiring anyone, would have plummeted to zero for no reason that the candidate could control. Again, Gates took risks and worked hard, but characteristics about himself and his family definitely made it easier for him to get himself into opportunities where taking risks and working hard would be rewarded with success instead of failure. This quote is really ungrateful to his parents and all the other investors/customers who helped him get into the opportunity where he knew enough about programming and was financially able to start his own software business.

That's right, you can't take it with you. Where is your unspent money going to go? Maybe it can go to a charity, but how would you feel if someone else was free to misspend your money as they saw fit, instead of you being in charge of the charity while you were alive? Would you want to see somebody who's willing to swindle and cheat a charity to become rich (from YOUR money) off of that kind of behavior, instead of working hard or investing? If you'd prefer to step in and prevent that from happening, you need to be stopping it from happening before you're too dead to object. I understand the desire to grow your money as much as possible while you're still alive, but you can't wait to give it to charity ONLY after you die, you need to put your financial smarts to work directing the charity yourself - or at least partnering with a charity and getting on the board of trustees so that you have a say in what happens with the money that you're investing to make sure it is used and multiplied as efficiently as possible, for the betterment of the charity's cause. If you're scared of dying today, you should be making plans today for what happens to your money after you die.

dude.... im not gonna read this. im rich with friends, not rich with time

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#29 Nathaniel



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Posted 29 July 2021 - 10:58 PM

I'm a thousandaire.

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#30 Mitsukara



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Posted 29 July 2021 - 11:09 PM

Even with his charity works, Bill Gates still struggles to atone for his life of exploitation and misdeeds as he reflects on the late Gary Kildall.


I own a mobile home and have some money in the bank (I too am a thousandaire- not enough to buy a bottom of the line car, but I never got my license and have vision and other health problems that would make me unsafe anyway, and have always gotten by on walking or public transit, or the time I took an ambulance). My savings gradually goes up slightly, most months.


That means I am probably richer and better off than 98.9% of my peers.


I dearly hope I don't get kicked off disability, which is how I even afforded this much; we nearly became homeless for a long uncomfortable while, and I haven't managed to get another job since 2011 when I lost my longest, steadiest job, at a fast food place where I had worked for 5 years and still made minimum wage. I had no money for college (my parents didn't save anything for it, and I never made enough at entry level work to realistically consider it).


I make sure not to buy frivolous things most months to make sure those savings keep gradually going up (or can cover contingencies, such as house repairs or potential medical expenses if my two-part medicare or my husband's medicaid isn't enough). But frankly everything I had before this was even more tenuous and falling apart. Even this mobile home, which some might find quaint or crappy, is frankly better than the apartments I've ever lived in.


I am also learning drawing, 3D modeling in Blender (open source), game development in Godot (open source), and have story plans / game concepts I hope to eventually develop into an original work that I might be able to turn some sort of profit on / gain donations through patreon or subscribestar or some other such service, but I'm still working on that and don't yet have something complete enough to market. But hopefully either that or ongoing disability can continue to secure my future, which is better off than a lot of my friends have it, which I feel bad about.


Uh wait, I was supposed to make a joke or something so this isn't a bummer. Uhhh....




DUCK TALES (ooo woo ooo)

Edited by Mitsukara, 29 July 2021 - 11:20 PM.

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