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#1 Bayta


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Posted 13 July 2012 - 01:04 AM

I thought this might be a nice parallel to the "What video games are you playing right now?" thread.

Basically, same concept, but replace video games with movies, TV shows, anime, cartoons, etc.

As is common courtesy with these kinds of threads, I'll go first. I've been on a little Batman stint lately, and have been watching The Animated Series and Batman Beyond. For whatever reason though, I decided to plow through Beyond first. It was a decent series, but I didn't like how they tried too hard to cater to the teen crowd. I didn't really come here to see Batman's Adventures in High School, yano? Not to mention... Batman is younger than I am. Dafuq. I loved the new Batsuit, though.

#2 The Satellite

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Posted 13 July 2012 - 01:11 AM

Ooh, interesting idea.

Right now, I'm working on rewatching the entire The Last Airbender series, followed by The Legend of Korra. I have plans to watch through Gurren Lagann again soon, and want to catch up on Phineas and Ferb.

As far as movies, I just had a Spider-Man marathon; saw 1 and 2 on Sunday, then 3 and The Amazing Spider-Man on Monday. No plans for a similar marathon before The Dark Knight Rises, but I will at least be seeing Batman Begins and The Dark Knight again before I see it; not really interested in Burton's films or their two sequels because they're not very good. Adam West's Batman film was funny though. icon_heh.gif

#3 Russ


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Posted 13 July 2012 - 01:52 PM

Well I was watching The Legend of Korra, but now that that's ended, I've remembered how little I actually remember of the first season of The Last Airbender, so I'm going back and watching that. In addition, Phineas and Ferb, because I love that show... And yeah. Two cartoons are about all I watch. Don't I feel mature.

#4 Fabbrizio



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Posted 13 July 2012 - 02:04 PM

Currently have a massive freaking to-watch list. I'm slowly whittling it down. Dexter is a priority, I just finished season 4 and I'm an episode into season 5. Also chipping away at Uchuu Senkan Yamato AKA Star Blazers, which is really awesome despite the slightly weak animation. About 3 episodes into Samurai Jack. Re-watching That 70s Show from the beginning, and I'm three episodes in. Also Courage the Cowardly Dog, Arthur, and William Hartnell-era Doctor Who.

Oh, and I'm in this weird phase where once a week I feel compelled to re-watch 12 Angry Men. Such a good film, easily my all-time favorite classic movie. In fact it might be my all-time favorite movie in general. I guess I'd have to watch it back to back with Kung-Pow and Kick Ass to see how it holds up. I'm guessing, though, that among the three movies 12 Angry Men will always get the best emotional reaction from me.

Edited by DavidReinold, 13 July 2012 - 02:06 PM.

#5 kurt91


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Posted 13 July 2012 - 08:45 PM

Lately I've been mainly watching Anime. I've been revisiting some series from my childhood that I don't remember all too well, but in the Japanese version with subtitles. Right now, my list of in-progress and still-to-do shows are...

Digimon Adventure (in-progress)
Digimon Zero-Two (still-to-do)
Digimon Tamers (still-to-do)
Digimon Frontier (still-to-do)
Digimon Savers (still-to-do)
Digimon Xros Wars (still-to-do)
Shaman King (in-progress)
Medabots (in-progress)
Pokemon (in-progress) --oh god this will take me FOREVER--
Monster Rancher (still-to-do)
Kirby of the Stars (in-progress)
Sonic X (in-progress)
Ultimate Muscle (in-progress)

Shows I've started and never seen before
Azumanga Daioh --has left me totally confused--
Haruhi Suzumiya --not sure, loading first episode online as I'm typing this--

I know my list is a lot longer, these are just off the top of my head. On the bright side, it gives me something to do with my little brother. He was born after all of these shows, and it's kind of fun watching him enjoy these for the first time.

#6 The Satellite

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Posted 13 July 2012 - 08:52 PM

QUOTE(kurt91 @ Jul 13 2012, 09:45 PM)  
Medabots (in-progress)
Oh my gosh man I thought I was the only one who watched that. Granted, mine was a dub, and it was the same dub when I rewatched it, but that didn't seem to harm the show at all; it was funny, it had a good story, and wow, it was my favorite anime until Gurren Lagann came around. Of course, I don't have much experience with the subbed versions, other than some of their music, and quite honestly I think I like the American music much better, but damn, you're gonna have to tell me what you think of the show once you get reacquainted with it.

*contemplates rewatching Medabots again after Avatar... and it will be dub because not a big fan of subs icon_heh.gif *

#7 SpacemanDan


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Posted 13 July 2012 - 09:07 PM

I'm ever so slowly watching Megas XLR. It's not that I'm forcing myself to watch it or anything, I really like it. It's just I keep getting distracted by other things while I'm on the bus and stuff. >_< I'm nearly done (I think I was mid-way through season 2) so I just really need to kick myself to finish the last bit. :S

After which, I may take up an anime I've been putting off for awhile. Not sure which one though. :S

#8 kurt91


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Posted 14 July 2012 - 01:02 AM

QUOTE(The Satellite)
contemplates rewatching Medabots again after Avatar... and it will be dub because not a big fan of subs

To be honest, I usually watch the dubbed version, unless the translation or something is done poorly enough that the subbed version is better, or if there simply isn't an English dub to begin with. I've been watching Medabots dubbed, and don't have a problem with it. Other shows, such as Shaman King, are kind of odd. For instance, Lenny's name in the original version was "Tao Ren", which sounds better in my opinion. A lot of the spirit's names were changed for no real reason at all, and a lot of backstory got edited out. One example: Tokegeroh's original backstory involved his mother having to cut chunks of flesh from her arm and cooking it to provide nourishment for him when he was a child so he wouldn't starve to death. When she died, he was forced to cannibalize her corpse himself to continue living long enough to find actual food. I'm fairly certain the dub changed that or edited it out.

If you have the time, try comparing the dub and sub for Digimon Adventure. The script is much better, and the music is actually insanely good.

Edited by kurt91, 14 July 2012 - 01:04 AM.

#9 The Satellite

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Posted 14 July 2012 - 01:32 AM

Yeah, I felt that the dubbing of Medabots wasn't very bad, compared to many other dubs of children's anime. It was amusing. I liked Medabots a lot too, up until the second season, the Medabots Spirit or whatever it's called... terrible stuff, especially when it cut like half the cast that made the original series great. icon_frown.gif

I tried rewatching Digimon Adventure's dub, and I got bored a couple of episodes in. Sad, because I remember the overall story of the first three Digimon series to be good, but I just couldn't get through the first couple of episodes. Probably just because it moved slow. I'm not so sure I want to try again with subs, even though every source I've seen agrees with the fact that the story and writing is much better in Japanese. I'm kind of attached to the American music though; the Japanese music didn't really appeal to me.

#10 NoeL



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Posted 14 July 2012 - 04:14 AM

Just watched Heavy Metal 2000. Wasn't as bad as I'd heard, but still pretty garbage.

Other than that I've been watching The Animals of Farthing Wood again.

#11 Sheik



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Posted 14 July 2012 - 04:39 AM

Just watched some Adventure Time. Good show.


Thanks for sharing, Daniel!

Edited by Yoshimi, 14 July 2012 - 04:51 AM.

#12 Ventus



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Posted 15 July 2012 - 09:20 PM

I've been getting addicted to the show "Deadman Wonderland" lately. Its a pretty good anime, I just go find somewhere where I can download all the episodes.

#13 Dawnlight


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Posted 15 July 2012 - 09:52 PM

I was thinking of watching all the School Rumble episodes, but let's face it. It's nowhere even close to be as humorous as Full Metal Panic? Fumoffu.

Weeks ago I finished the complete Eden of the East series. Awesome anime! The presentation, the story, and the characters were excellent. I wish I can find something just as good as this one with an English dub.

#14 Tree


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Posted 15 July 2012 - 10:49 PM

I watched an episode of Dr. Who to see what's the fuss was about, and I can say that I'm addicted to it! Very interesting show. Every single episode is a completely different story from the previous one. England can really make some great shows!

I'very also been watching House, Bones, and Law and Order lately. I love detective/hospital shows! I have Direct TV so I can't watch any Nickelodeon shows icon_unsettled.gif DAMN YOU VIACOM!!!!

#15 Nathaniel



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Posted 15 July 2012 - 10:53 PM

The next (and last) season of Breaking Bad has returned. I have been following that. Very intense, and very dark.

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