Aslion's screen is fine, it's just...well...I like colors!
Demonlink's got my vote. I'm not a big fan of standard classic, but god, Cambria is just really pretty. This is a good palette, I like this palette.
Rambly's screen has similar strengths and weaknesses to her last one, except...on her last entry, everything she did was so new, and this one feels like it's kind of just following in that one's footsteps on a lot of counts. The upper bridge feels a little weird because of the looks sort of like it's hanging vertically instead of being a flat walkable surface, because of the crags around it. I think the top of the center crag should have probably been visible.
The water in Twilight Knight's screen is awkward--I want to like it, or at least the general idea of it, but the edges and corners are so awkward here. Among other things, the sharp corners and the lower left bit don't look like they fit the contours of the wall around them. And on the right side, the transition from water to land looks really strange too. I think the screen is mostly fine aside from's one of those tilesets where all the screens kind of look similar to me, but that's a me thing, I think.
I think the point of Valerie's screen here is to showcase BS walls that aren't just the standard box shape? And that aspect of them is pretty cool. (I'd ditch the floor patterns in the top corners, though. They'd probably work better as more giant unevenly sized stone bricks like the borders around them.) But it's still hard to get excited about something that would be a fairly basic screen that any other tileset could easily do, I don't know. This screen is so simple, and so monochrome.
Edited by Ether, 16 August 2021 - 12:18 PM.