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Sonic Generations

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#16 The Satellite

The Satellite

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Posted 19 April 2011 - 01:09 AM

QUOTE(Beta Link @ Apr 19 2011, 12:32 AM)  
Too late:
QUOTE(The Satellite @ Apr 7 2011, 02:35 PM)  
Although your image was a nice change-up, even though I actually thought Unleashed was good. Anyways this reminds me:
QUOTE(Banjo7J @ Apr 8 2011, 12:58 PM)  
Also, yay for double time-paradox in Satellite's post. 1) Hurr durr Sonic trailer. 2) He is before the person who posts the Sonic Cycle, but he posted the sonic cycle, therefore is before himself.
Either I'm that epic, that stupid, or don't give a damn. I'm betting on either the first or third. icon_deformed.gif
QUOTE(Keiichi123 @ Apr 19 2011, 12:13 AM)  
You know, I don't know why everybody hates the sonic characters. Tails and Knuckles are great. Amy and shady are good. Cream and cheese are good as well. And everything after that is okay I guess. It's just the story and dialog to the characters that are bad.
I don't hate the characters. It just depends on the voice actor. Tails's actors I'm indifferent to. All of Knuckles' so far have been great. Amy's first two were okay, new one sucks. Who the hell is "Shady"? If you mean "Shadow," he's the best character in the series in my opinion, and his first two actors were great, but his new one sucks. And Cream? Indifferent, though she could get on my nerves with her voice sometimes (especially in the anime icon_sweat.gif ).

Sonic's actor is the biggest controversy. I honestly don't mind the new guy that much, it's just, like you said, SOMEBODY, PLEASE GET HIM SOME GOOD DIALOGUE!! IPB Image

... no but really, I just don't like Smith's voice on classic Sonic (if I was hearing it right, and I'm sure I was). It just doesn't fit, especially since supposedly the reason they picked Smith was to make Sonic sound older, so using him to voice classic Sonic seems kinda contradictory. Unless it's to tease us...

Anywho, hopefully, since it's on the PS3/Xbox, the controls will be Unleashed-style, and let you use drift and quick-step all the time and not in stupid certain sections like in Colors. And I wonder if they'll tweak it so that the behind-the-back running portions don't have such sloppy and skiddy controls that force you to use quick-step in order to move properly; I liked Unleashed, but that was my one complaint. And that boost goes back to collecting rings; collecting white Wisps was stupid. Those are my only real hopes, and I'll probably be fine anyway if they don't come true, but that's just me.

Though I will say. These are the first teaser/gameplay vids in a while I've seen that didn't make me nervous. Well, I mean slightly nervous, but not in the way the others did. There was Sonic and the Secret Rings, wasn't sold on the Wiimote-tilting controls (and I was right). There was Sonic Unleashed's Werehog (which wasn't that bad in the end result). There was Sonic and the Black Knight, with the sword. And Sonic Colors... One word: Wisps. Level design in the game was okay. The Wisps ruined it. Too haphazard and gimmicky.

But so far, I've only had excitement from seeing Sonic Generations's teaser, with only minimal doubts. And now that I've seen the gameplay, most doubts have been erased; now to see if it'll actually be good. Classic Sonic gameplay combined with modern Sonic gameplay. Not so bad. Let's just cross our fingers for Classic Robotnik. icon_razz.gif

#17 trucky5



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Posted 20 April 2011 - 10:43 PM

Huh. So, Sega's trying to please the WHOLE fanbase by making a game with both old and new?... Hey, I like it.
Classic Sonic's gameplay looks so awesome. It looked very nostalgic and Genesis style. And the new Sonic's gameplay looked awesome as well. I want to hope for this game... I hope they don't disappoint with this one. icon_wink.gif

Edited by trucky5, 20 April 2011 - 10:44 PM.

#18 Banjo7J



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Posted 21 April 2011 - 03:34 PM

Oh, so it's basically Day stages of Unleashed with classic gameplay? Hmm. Not sure how I feel about this one. I never really liked the original Sonics, although that might be because I never really played them. I mean, I played a portion of Sonic 1 (not sure how much) but other than that, I haven't played any of the original Sonics.

I'll probably just pass on this one, especailly if it doesn't come to Wii. It's not that I think a game sucks if it's not on Wii, it's just that I don't have an easily-accessible Xbox 360 that I could play whenever I want to (that and I've not really got any other reason to play an Xbox 360) and I can't be bothered going on my PS3 again. If I did have a reason to consistently play the Xbox 360 or PS3, I would probably get it but I won't suddenly start playing these consoles again just for a game that I'd probably consider mediocore.

But, I have basically just given up on Sonic in general, the only Sonic games I really liked were the two Sonic adventures, and, well, Heroes was good too, I guess. It was certainly different, but nothing wrong with it.

God, I need to ramble less.

#19 Zeldaman23


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Posted 21 April 2011 - 05:40 PM

Oh boy this is great game ever. But why not Wii too? :/

#20 Avaro



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Posted 21 April 2011 - 05:55 PM

This teaser looks good! I just hope that many characters are included. I wanna see Amy, Knuckles, Shadow and Silver playable in this Unleashed style..
And they must be cool and not so kiddy.

Wow, why not for Wii? I would buy it.

#21 The Satellite

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Posted 21 April 2011 - 06:16 PM

Here's a bit of a longer gameplay video, even though it's subtitled in Spanish: http://www.meristati.......a0d&pic=GEN

Translation here: http://www.gamefaqs....ations/58845595

More info in this article; the mini-vid (only images) seems to hint at red rings from Sonic Colors returning: http://kotaku.com/#!...except-its-real

I've also learned horrifying news. The writers from Happy Tree Friends, who wrote the American script for Sonic Colors, are apparently writing the script for this as well. Ugh... Well, so much for Roger getting a chance at some good Sonic lines. (inb4 someone slams me, I thought the Colors script was idiotic, but yes, I realize they had little to work with and maybe they can improve with this one. If not, then Sega better not think about hiring them ever again.)

Anyways, as far as gameplay goes, even though it's hinted (or practically confirmed) that other characters will appear (as well as maybe Classic Robotnik, judging by the signpost near the end of that Spanish video), it seems like they'll only be there for story purposes, and maybe not playable. I think I'd rather not see them playable except in extras, ya know, to prevent the game from becoming bloated and losing what appeared to be its focus: Old-school, just straight Sonic action gaming. Also, I'm gonna copy the Plot section from the Sonic Generations page on the Sonic Wiki:

Sonic's universe is thrown into chaos when a mysterious new power (possibly Dr. Eggman) creates "time holes" which pull him and his friends back through time. As a result, he encounters some surprises from his past history including Classic Sonic, Sonic as he was in the past.

Now, Modern Sonic and Classic Sonic must defeat this strange new enemy, save their friends and find out who is really behind this diabolical deed.

So far, only Modern Sonic, Classic Sonic have been confirmed. Characters such as Tails, Knuckles, Shadow, Amy and Eggman have been hinted, the producers said We will think about the game's cast, so please wait for it. Chip, Silver, Egg Robo, and Classic Metal Sonic, have also been secretly slated.

Bear in mind, this is a Wiki page, so take some of it with a grain of salt (particularly those characters mentioned). But if that is indeed the plot, the time hole thing, then this pretty much confirms that this is that "compilation" game that's been hinted at. And if it is, well, that would explain why Escape From The City was rerecorded. And I can't help but wonder what Crush 40's working on. So it could be fun. We'll see.

I know you Wii fans are upset that they're not porting it, but who knows? Maybe Sega has something else in store for that console. Maybe. Or maybe you'll just get shafted with another Storybook Sonic game. *runs* All kidding aside, there could be something. There's supposed to be a 3DS Sonic game in the works as well, so, well, we'll see.

EDIT: Oh, and check this out:

#22 trucky5



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Posted 21 April 2011 - 10:50 PM

Oh my gosh. For the classic Sonic level that they showed in the video, they were using the music from the first stage of the first Sonic! YUTH!!!
Unleashed style gameplay looks so awesome as well. I'm really psyched for this game! Even though I can't play it. Which sucks. But oh well.

#23 Schwa


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Posted 07 May 2011 - 11:42 AM


Don't flip out when you see this. But yes, this is the real deal. Said to be released within 2011, though I would be smart and wager 2011-2012 just to be safe.

If you ask me, Sega had this planned AGES ago, waiting for all the hype and demand to build within the fanbase. icon_ohmy.gif

So now you hardcore fans will have something to look forward to again. Let's have a discussion!

#24 Koh


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Posted 07 May 2011 - 11:52 AM

It's about time. This was long overdue.

#25 Yapollo


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Posted 07 May 2011 - 11:57 AM

Classic Sonic was my favorite to begin with, but the addition of 2D gameplay during his sections of gameplay resolidify that.

#26 The Satellite

The Satellite

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Posted 07 May 2011 - 01:02 PM

QUOTE(Former topic title)
New Sonic Game ala 20th Anniversary
QUOTE(Schwa @ May 7 2011, 12:42 PM)  

Don't flip out when you see this. But yes, this is the real deal. Said to be released within 2011, though I would be smart and wager 2011-2012 just to be safe.

If you ask me, Sega had this planned AGES ago, waiting for all the hype and demand to build within the fanbase. icon_ohmy.gif

So now you hardcore fans will have something to look forward to again. Let's have a discussion!
QUOTE(Former topic subtitle)
Why hasn't anyone noticed yet?
We have. Which is why I merged this topic into the existing one. icon_blah.gif

Scroll up to my last post; there's near-complete footage of Green Hill Zone in both 2D and 3D, and it looks pretty epic. Oh, and one of my hopes came true: Quick-step is coming back full-time like in Unleashed instead of just in certain sections like in Colors. w00t

#27 Alestance


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Posted 07 May 2011 - 02:36 PM

Judging by the markings and the actual age of the relic (And engine analysis, blah blah blah) I'd have to say it's...


Sega always bringing GARBAGE into our consoles, why can't we have a nice Sonic game that IS LEGITIMATELY FUN TO PLAY that doesn't use NOSTALGIA AS IT'S SELLING POINT?

Oh because Nostalgia is pretty much the only way SEGA will ever appeal to the fanbase that DESPERATELY CRAVES SOMETHING THAT SEGA NO LONGER KNOWS HOW TO DELIVER.

That is all there is to say on the matter.

#28 chris100100


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Posted 07 May 2011 - 04:05 PM

I saw the very early trailers for this. I hope that this is going to be good. I hope that the 3d gameplay will be like sonic unleashed but better.

Ish out of topic: I read somewhere that the sonic games coming for the wii are going to be generally for kids as for xbox 360 (or ps3) they are going to make 'real sonic games'. If that is not just a flat out diss to Nintendo I do not know what is.

This game also looks too good to be on the wii. (Unless they downgrade the graphics a bit). It just may be a bit too early to tell but I think sega finally is going to listen to what fans really want in sonic games.

#29 Schwa


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Posted 08 May 2011 - 02:59 AM

Good GOD this is embarassing icon_sorry.gif SORRRRYYYY. Next time I guess I'll run a Search first.

I'm psyched to find out how they implement both modes of play in the Story Mode, and even moreso to see how both Sonics react to each-other. icon_xd.gif That's something I always wondered in my head, what Sonic would think if he saw his own older games and compared it to himself now.

I hear the plot for this game has to do with time holes, and Sonic getting thrown through one. Cliche'd, but still nice. icon_razz.gif I haven't heard anything about Sonic's buddies (i.e. Tails, Knuckles, etc.), but I do want to see Tails and Classic Tails too, even just in the cutscenes would be fine by me! This game tickles my nostalgia senses like nutz, man.

#30 Russ


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Posted 08 May 2011 - 03:28 AM

I believe the game's creator, in an interview, confirmed that Tails, Knuckles, and Shadow will be in the game. He didn't specificy if they would be playable though, and I"m inclined to guess not. Still, I'm eagerly awaiting this. I knows it's gonna be awesome.

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