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I don't understand. Why is this fun?

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#1 ShadowTiger


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Posted 16 October 2011 - 07:33 PM

I feel kinda weird about this, actually. I feel like I'm absolutely detached from this to the point where I just plain old don't understand this at all.

I'm talking about partying down, raves, drinking / getting drunk, doing drugs, etc. Social activities.

I'm not really sure why I don't understand what they're about. I've actually been to at least one Rave, and I thought I would have a blast. I love that sort of music, I love the culture and scene it surrounds itself with, as well as all the like-minded people that inhabit it.

But when I got in there and really experienced it firsthand, with all the glowsticks and the loud music and the fog and the people dancing or fist-shaking everywhere, I stood there, and realized, ... ... "Hey, ... what the ... ... I've done this before." In bits and pieces, but yeah, it's all been done before. Loud music? Sure. There's loud music anywhere. People dancing? Sure. Fog? .. Uh, yeah. It's fog. So what's so different when you put them all together? Does something change?

What about partying? It's a fairly decent to large group of people getting together to do ... um ... ... something. Anything. Drinking? Done that. Beer Pong? It's drinking and tossing a tiny ball into cups. I've done that without a reason to do that.

Even drinking, I don't understand. Alcohol does horrible things to me, and I've never once gotten drunk that I am aware of, much less had a hangover from something. I mean I had two cups of whisky / schnopps / sprite / fruit punch mixed together, and it barely did anything but make me a bit warm. A half cup of Heavy Malaga and my lower half melts. It's horrible. It's just red wine, for pete's sake. Why should I drink if there are no positive effects from it?

I've even done that marijuana thing one or two times. (I'm not counting the times it did nothing at all. No point.) I was only doing it to see what it would do, and I was sorely disappointed. All it did the first time was make me dizzy, and the second, make me more like my happy self without the negative thoughts and just more of a critical yet happy thoughts. To this day, I still don't know what "high" is.

Clearly I am no fun at parties at all. icon_blah.gif I'm a great conversationalist though. Very funny to be around. I just don't see what's so interesting about any of it.

#2 Fabbrizio



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Posted 16 October 2011 - 09:11 PM

I'm with ya' on this one, but I'm also anti-alcohol, so I'm a bit biased. I've always believed that you can and should be social WITHOUT alcohol. As someone who will never drink, ever, I'll probably end up dealing with drunk friends while I'm completely sober, and it'll become a major pain. I hate dealing with drunk people.

And I have no appreciation for a rave when it's JUST a rave. It has to be a performance. Daft Punk. Deadmau5. Someone who has music I like. Someone who puts on a kick-ass show and creates an impossibly awesome environment that is both breath-taking and a breath of fresh air.

In the end, Raves are to feel alive, and Drinking is to forget that you're dying inside.

#3 Adem



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Posted 16 October 2011 - 09:20 PM

I don't understand it, either. I think the idea is juvenile, really. ...Can I use that word in this situation? Because really, that's how I feel about it. The idea that surrounding yourself with alcohol, drugs, glow sticks, loud music or all of the above just doesn't appeal to me.

Well, maybe the glow sticks. Weeeeee.

But a lot of people are always talking about "how wasted they got last night," or "how high they were" when they did something that could actually be life-threatening.

...Maybe I just paid too much attention during that drug education class in fifth grade. I've literally no interest.

#4 ShadowTiger


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Posted 16 October 2011 - 09:25 PM

The drug education class you took in 5th grade was very likely biased to the point of uselessness. May I suggest scouring the internet for anything and everything related to the subject of your personal ire related to the topic? You'd be surprised what you find.

I'm still not sure why people find that sort of thing enjoyable, to boast about how "trashed" they got. If destroying your mind and body is a positive virtue, then why not do something equally engaging like playing world of warcraft until your eyes literally bleed? "Ninety two hours and going!" Sheesh.

#5 Adem



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Posted 16 October 2011 - 09:50 PM

I was just making a joke as to possible reasons why I'm not interested. icon_razz.gif The idea of drinking to the point you don't even recall your actions and wake up with a terrible head ache just doesn't really appeal to me. I'm not reprimanding people who like to enjoy themselves, but I'm not really interested in taking part. Y'know?

#6 NoeL



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Posted 16 October 2011 - 10:14 PM

If you're at a rave you need to take some acid, or at least ecstacy. Then you'll understand what "high" is. Unlike alcohol and pot that actually take some work to get high, a pill or a tab is the easy option if you want to see what all the fuss is about.

People are different. If alcohol doesn't do anything for you that's unfortunate, but that's life. The appeal of "getting trashed" is that is lowers your inhibitions and boosts your confidence, allowing you to do things that you'd otherwise be too scared to do. It's not hard to imagine a boatload of pros and cons for this, but a lot of time the cons - whilst painful at the time - are remembered fondly. They're experiences that you wouldn't have normally had, and they make great stories icon_razz.gif

That's the main appeal of getting high/drunk/whatever. It broadens your range of experience - for better or worse.

#7 Giggidy


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Posted 16 October 2011 - 10:31 PM

QUOTE(NoeL @ Oct 16 2011, 09:14 PM) View Post
The appeal of "getting trashed" is that is lowers your inhibitions and boosts your confidence, allowing you to do things that you'd otherwise be too scared to do.

Like playing Russian Roulette, getting in knife fights with a hobo, having sex with sheep, and committing rape?

#8 Eddard McHorn Van-Schnuder

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Posted 16 October 2011 - 10:47 PM

QUOTE(Giggidy @ Oct 17 2011, 05:31 AM) View Post

Like playing Russian Roulette, getting in knife fights with a hobo, having sex with sheep, and committing rape?
Yeah cause the moment anyone gets drunk or high they automatically go insane. Hint: they don't.

Partying is a pretty primitive feature of our society. It's been a part of humanity since the dawn of time, so it's only natural people do it. Natural as in literally natural, even. As to why some people don't enjoy it, that I cannot answer, but that number of people is very low compared to the 'other side', so I think it's safe to assume that most people would disagree with what's being said here. Most people as in people in general, not just people on PureZC icon_wink.gif

Not that I can really explain why it's fun. It's a bit like saying you don't see the fun in playing video games. Some people just don't, while others do. It obviously comes down to your own personality and tastes.

#9 Moonbread


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Posted 16 October 2011 - 11:24 PM

I'll try not to judge anyone else for their choices, but I really can't see the advantages of getting drunk. To me, I'm worried about what kind of person it'll make me if I'm completely wasted, and I hate the idea that I wouldn't be in complete control of myself. What if I do something beyond stupid, get killed- or worse, get someone else killed?

My ideas of a social activity include but are not limited to: playing dungeons and dragons, playing football in the rain, smoking tobacco pipes/cigars whilst discussing poetry, politics, and women; and playing poker. And yeah, I've had some minor highs, and they were nowhere near as fun as any of those have been. Way more fun to any parties or raves I've been to.

#10 Cukeman


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Posted 17 October 2011 - 12:03 AM

Substance use is merely a cheap substitute for the good things in life, and only makes things worse.
I think the issue here is that you do understand. Plenty of ways to have fun, and even act silly while sober.

#11 Neppy


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Posted 17 October 2011 - 12:13 AM

Well, what an intriguing topic you have brought up Mr. ST. Hmm, I for one, can't say I've ever been to a Rave, nor do I plan to. First of all, I live in the middle of nowhere. icon_lol.gif Second of all, I don't think I would enjoy myself. While I do enjoy loud music, and drinking, I don't like to be in huge crowds of people. I am pretty sure it stems back to me being somewhat of a "loner" in my Middle/High School days, and I am still that way. Doesn't bother me in the least.

I like to crank my theater system up, to a good bass-y CD now and then, and usually turn my stereo up in my car whenever I drive. I enjoy drinking sometimes, hell, even getting drunk, but usually at home, or at a friends house, where it's more of a social thing. I've done the drug thing before, and while I did enjoy it, it's not part of me. I had some good times while being "sky high" but it's not something that I feel I need to do. (I do enjoy me some glowsticks. icon_lol.gif Just because they're neat.)

But anyways, even with liking all of that, it still boils down to being around hundreds of people. Hell, I don't even go to the bar very often at all. Last time I was at the bar, was last December, and I only had a couple beers there. Last time I had a drink, was at least 3-4 months ago, and it was only a couple mixed drinks. Last time I smoked anything besides cigarettes... 2007. Mixing it all together doesn't appeal to me, I guess. icon_shrug.gif

#12 Lemon



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Posted 17 October 2011 - 01:01 AM

Oooo Ooo. As the recent attendant of a Toga party, I feel I'm very qualified to answer this question.

To start, I'll state that I completely understand where you're coming from. Whenever I'm drunk or at a party, I always take a few seconds to pull myself out of the situation and analyze how damn silly everything is around me. Most times, though, I usually just laugh at it and embrace the ridiculousness of it and jump back in. If it's not laughable or enjoyable, I remove myself and carry on.

People like different types of party's for different reasons. For Rave stuff, it's more about liking the music or liking grinding against other people, maybe strangers. Club scenes draw out the crowd that wants to F*** strangers, while keggers suit large parties.

Booze is the usual intoxicant of choice, as it helps a person cast off that stupid voice that tells you things are bad ideas. It reduces inhibitions, which most people have way to many of. Like shyness.

Other drugs are used to experience life differently. Depending on the drug, you can zone in and out of a room, or you can find everything pleasing to touch.

Beer pong sucks, but for large parties it'd be to hard to bust out the Settlers of Catan. I find that if I have enough influence, I can shift people towards a decent drinking game (like F*** Die) or just make one up. Most peple aren't really creative I've discovered, so they default to the more stereotypical stuffs.

#13 Radien



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Posted 17 October 2011 - 06:29 AM

I really feel like, to a certain extent, some people do parties and raves because "that's just what you do." Imagine how silly it would be if you were in a very large group of people and, unbeknownst to any individual, every single person there was merely pretending to have fun. Sometimes I wonder whether that isn't really what's going on.

So one has to wonder, how did it get started?... Well, I suspect that there are a small number of people who truly enjoy that sort of thing, and a large number of people who don't mind it enough to complain. And then there are the people who don't like it, but tell themselves that they SHOULD like it, so they tolerate it every once in awhile.

After all, if you're in a social situation and not having any fun at all, the only real solution is to leave. Leaving removes you from the group, and that's not a viable survival instinct. icon_shrug.gif

I like to encourage other ways to be social. Drinking is a possibility, but clearly optional. And dancing? I have a feeling it doesn't come naturally to most people.

#14 trudatman


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Posted 17 October 2011 - 08:47 AM

I can't speak for ravers, but I can try to type for junkies and recreational drug users. life is complicated and sad. our planet is dying and the powerful seem to be in a contest of who can further that disaster the most. they have intricate systems of law that attempt to deny us the basic right to control our own intakes. they want you to consume their dairy wastes but they don't want you to experience the parts of your brain that you don't notice the use of in sober life. they don't want you to be critical thinkers. you are to sit back and take it. drugs? how about alcohol and cigarettes? other partial poisons that may open you up to expansive thought? no! jail! it's a great system where they profit from the criminality of actions taken against yourself. it is unconstitutional and immoral to arbitrarily (not through personal understanding) restrict another person's consumption. crimes against oneself are not real crimes. but these unjust laws keep you scared of things that may make you a happier or more thoughtful person. insight is dangerous. complacency and control are ideal for the powerful. when you step out of line, men come and take you away. alcohol makes us uninhibited and reckless. marijuana makes us creative and curious. cocaine/speed makes us energetic and attentive. LSD/LSA makes us control the parts of our brains that are usually on autopilot. opiates/opioids make us free from pain and worry. cigarettes make us dead. the main dangers of drugs come from ignorance and intolerance. keeping it illegal to be happy makes a system by which they can imprison dissenters and agitators, while profiting. cops and judges and lawyers and jailors do not want you to be free to party as you see fit, but they must maintain a supply system, or there will be no criminality to punish. ask Ron Paul. it's all about controlling the masses.

#15 Sheik



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Posted 17 October 2011 - 11:15 AM

QUOTE(ShadowTiger @ Oct 17 2011, 02:33 AM) View Post
What about partying?

I've grown fairly fond of it. The great thing about partying is, that you can behave out of your usual self. Some people consume alcohol to lessen the thinking and care for how you might be percieved, others don't. I can say that alcohol definately helps, but I've also been head-banging with 60 people I've met the day before and have never seen before in my life totally sober. If you enjoy social activites that go beyond talking, such as singing out loud together and dancing or just plain jumping around, a party is a great opportunity to make these in a context in which they are not inappropriate but even supported behavior. It's fun to drop it every once in a while, just forget about all the drama and have a night that you can give your all.

So yeah, basically, to me, it's about going wild, really. It's breaking free if you want to describe it in a cheesy way. It's celebrating life. And youth probably, too.

I used to be on the side that looks down on crazy party people (and consumers of any kind of drugs), but being on the other side is just so much more fun. I haven't tried anything but alcohol yet (cigs just smell really bad IMO and I haven't hat the chance or desire to try something else yet, though I might well if I stumble upon the opportunity) but still.

To anyone who hasn't tried it, I'd recommand to try it at least once, just for the sake of it. But try it for real, just do without thinking "yeah I think all of this is stupid". Of course it is. But being stupid mustn't forcefully be a bad thing and I totally feel that I have the right to be stupid every now and than.

Edited by Sheik91, 17 October 2011 - 11:44 AM.

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