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Free-to-Use Item Ideas Thread

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#1 P-Tux7



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Posted 03 September 2019 - 01:29 PM

This topic's purpose is to propose custom items that you thought of but aren't planning to use in a quest. It means that your ideas are free to use by anyone else, such as turning it into a script or using the item idea in their own quest. This is NOT a script request thread - make a topic in that subforum if you actually need your item idea in script form for your own quest.


Here's nine to start us off...


Wand (piercing magic) - You don't even need a script for this one. One way to make the Wand more unique than the Bow and Arrows is to make the Wand magic go through enemies until it goes off-screen or hits an invulnerable enemy. Basically like a Golden Arrow except using the Wand Magic defense and it still deals the Wand's normal damage.


Antiforce God Spells:

Ind's Ice: Summons a ring of ice magic that goes into Link (as opposed to Din's Fire going out from him)
Runay's Hate: Either would double your sword power or make it instant kill. Temporary of course
Eorrfa's Stasis: Simply temporarily freezes enemies
Wizzrobe Cape: Link can now turn transparent and phase through blocks with the push of a button like Blue Wizzrobes do, but watch your magic meter. If Link runs out of magic while in a block, the game treats it like he fell in a pit - he takes some damage and respawns at the room entrance.
Cane of Somaria (Ladder Style) - places a block in front of you like normal, but this block can sink into water and turn it into a block of solid ground, similar to how Adventures of Lolo does it. So it basically performs the function of the ladder, but with a few extra things, such as also pushing this block around to block enemies and attacks or solve block puzzles like the Oracle of Ages' Cane of Somaria. You could also call this the Cane of Wood since wood blocks could float on water.
Cane of Somaria (Ice) - Similar to the Cane of Somaria except the blocks of ice slide all the way to the wall when you push them. This could make for some tricky puzzles once you acquire it, trying to push your Somaria block against the "normal" blocks in a block puzzle so you can then push the ice block to the right spot later.
Farore's Wind (whistle type) - You fall apart like you do when you use the normal Farore's Wind, but afterwards a list of locations is displayed and you can rematerialize in front of one of them as long as you got the Triforce Piece at that location. This is basically like the whistle (since it transports you) but doesn't help with Digdoggers, and it also looks fancier and is easier to select your location instead of blowing the whistle several times.
Book of Magic (Homing) - this makes the Wand's magic home in on enemies. I always thought having your wand magic catch on fire was rather useless...


Note: If you want you can make other topics like "enemy idea" "boss idea" "dungeon idea" or "plot idea". I may make these later

Edited by P-Tux7, 03 September 2019 - 01:32 PM.

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#2 TheRock


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Posted 03 September 2019 - 01:35 PM

Shadow Cloak: It allows you to go through curtain walls. 


Ice Bombs: Like normal bombs but they can freeze stuff.

Edited by TheRock, 03 September 2019 - 01:38 PM.

#3 Shane



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Posted 03 September 2019 - 02:03 PM

Z1-like item: A lantern that absorbs the light from a room.

#4 P-Tux7



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Posted 03 September 2019 - 03:01 PM

Z1-like item: A lantern that absorbs the light from a room.

Oh yeah. That reminds me. A passive item that lights up dark rooms. This could also be combined as a passive effect of either the normal Z1 candle, the LTTP lamp, or the MC lamp. Even when you haven't got those items equipped, just owning them would light up dark rooms automatically.


The "darkness lantern" could also make enemies freeze movement in the dark, so even though it would be harder to move around, you could get to enemies easier if you memorized the room layout before you turned the lights off.

Edited by P-Tux7, 03 September 2019 - 03:02 PM.

#5 Lordkronos


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Posted 04 September 2019 - 12:01 AM

Some Bait Upgrades With Them You Can Attack


Has More Tiers :D


Tier 1 Standart


Tier 2 Grilled Meat If A Enemy Is Is Eating it It Takes Damage


Tier 2.2 Gourmet Bait Atracted Enemys Who Eat it and Fight for You


Tier 3 Flamed Meat Like Grilled but can Used as Torch


Tier 3.2 Rotten Meat Poisened Enemys Who Eat It

#6 P-Tux7



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Posted 04 September 2019 - 02:27 PM

These items come from the VGMaps "Oracle of Hours" game idea that was used for an April Fools prank in 2008. These are ideas for scripts if someone wants to make Oracle of Hours into a "real quest".

Spinner - Similar to the raft (you use it on special rails), but you can reverse direction unlike the raft. Perhaps you could also be vulnerable while riding the Spinner, unlike the raft. You would have to use the reversing of direction to dodge projectiles or flying enemies while riding on it. There would be no knockback, you would just take damage in the same way you do while swimming with flippers in ZC. Making you fall off the Spinner into a pit and restart the room if you get hit while riding it is a horrible idea. Without scripts, this would obviously just be a normal raft item and you would use "raft docks" (with changed graphics) to get on the rails/raft paths. It would make every raft path tile a "raft branch" so that you can turn around any time, instead of just at corners of the rails/raft paths.

Leever Drill - This could replace the hammer as an unscripted item (and hammer pegs would be replaced with rubble or rocks), but if it is scripted I have two ideas:

1. You hold the B button for Link to hold out the Leever Drill. You can walk around with it held out but you stay in your initial direction, just like when you're holding the sword for a spin attack. Unlike the sword, the Leever Drill will not retract if it hits an enemy while it is held out. You can also walk into rocks or rubble with the Leever Drill held out in order to destroy them.

2. The Leever Drill would work sort of like Pegasus Boots where Link runs in place then dashes while holding out the Leever Drill, but you cannot turn around or stop after you start running, so be careful. It would have the Leever Drill being held out while running instead of how the Pegasus Boots make Link hold out the sword. Running into rocks or rubble while dashing with the Leever Drill destroys them. If Link gets hit, the dash ends. This would be a fun item because you could run through enemies while dashing, and it would especially make overworld travel more fun if you know where the straight areas of solid ground are best to use it without falling into pits or water.

Portal Cube - On any given screen, equip the Portal Cube, go to a certain area, then press B. This will store your location on the screen. Now go to another room, and press B, and you will be teleported to the location you originally pressed the B button at with the Portal Cube, but on the NEW screen. This means for instance that you can go to the upper right corner of Room 1 and press B to store your location as "upper right corner". Then you can go to Room 2, and what's this? A Heart Piece is on a cliff in the upper right corner of the room, but there's no way to get up there, or is there! However, since you stored your on-screen location as "upper right corner" in Room 1 using the Portal Cube, you will then press B in Room 2. This will teleport you to the upper right corner of Room 2. It basically "saves" your position in one room initially and you can then "go back" to that position by pressing B, but it will still keep you inside your CURRENT room but in the position you "saved" in the OLD room. Good to hide keys or staircases in a dungeon, or heart containers or secret rooms on the overworld, now accessible using the Portal Cube's "screen position transfer". Note that the "saved screen position" is deleted after you teleport once using the Portal Cube. You are then free to press B again somewhere else to make a new "saved screen position". If this wasn't a good explanation, I can make a graphical explanation later but I'm tired right now because I just worked hard to draw some original Real Bombchu sprites for ywkls

Edited by P-Tux7, 04 September 2019 - 02:29 PM.

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#7 Timelord


    The Timelord

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Posted 05 September 2019 - 06:40 AM

Antiforce God Spells:
Ind's Ice: Summons a ring of ice magic that goes into Link (as opposed to Din's Fire going out from him)
Runay's Hate: Either would double your sword power or make it instant kill. Temporary of course
Eorrfa's Stasis: Simply temporarily freezes enemies


Initial version of the Hate Spell.

May also be interested in this one:

Wizzrobe Cape: Link can now turn transparent and phase through blocks with the push of a button like Blue Wizzrobes do, but watch your magic meter. If Link runs out of magic while in a block, the game treats it like he fell in a pit - he takes some damage and respawns at the room entrance.

I feel this one is far more complicated because of what can happen if you run out of magic while still in a wall. The script wou;d need to push Link out to the nearest, random, empty space, which may not even be a legal screen as part of the dmap--so that needs its own sanity checks--and a lot of other factors.

The three spell items though, I'll try to make those.


Farore's Wind (whistle type) - You fall apart like you do when you use the normal Farore's Wind, but afterwards a list of locations is displayed and you can rematerialize in front of one of them as long as you got the Triforce Piece at that location. This is basically like the whistle (since it transports you) but doesn't help with Digdoggers, and it also looks fancier and is easier to select your location instead of blowing the whistle several times.

I might do this, too, but it'd be a bit more convoluted, if it is to be universal. I suppose it'll use the string editor, and one Game->Misc[] value for the starting string?

Book of Magic (Homing) - this makes the Wand's magic home in on enemies. I always thought having your wand magic catch on fire was rather useless...

Going to ponder this one when I finish some of the others. If homing just means the nearest enemy, I suppose, but I tend to create very linear patterns, not arcs or curves, so it's just set a vector and fire at the closest valid target, which may not be a target that the wand can hurt. If you want a smart wand that only homes on things that it can affect, that's viable, I suppose, and far more interesting IMO.
I may be able to do it so that it homes on the closest target simply with something like:
//cache all enemies with a defence resolution for the weapon other than block/ignore
//use Distance to find the closest of the set
//find the x/y vectors based on its position and step
//    adjusting slightly for where it is **likely** to be when
//    the weapon's step can get to it
// set the weapon's angles pointed at those vectors
Here's the requested automatic candle, in two yet-to-be-tested flavours:

//Set to an item's action script, and flag that item as having a passive script.
//Requires the script flag 'Item Scripts Continue to Run'

item script autocandleA
	int f;
		unless ( ((f%20)) && !Screen->Lit ) Screen->Lit = true; //this could all be a pointless waste of instructions 
					//trying to reduce how often we write ->Lit. 

item script autocandleB //Lighter ZASM. need to check performance difference against v. A
		Screen->Lit = true; 
I need to determine which has the better performance. I don't know in this case if the ZASM is heavier of if calling the function to light a room is heavier, but I suspect the former, so the 'B' variant is likely better.

Wait... Isn't that what James24 always says? :D

I#ll update on my progress once I have some of these done, tested, and create demo quests. I'll put them all into the script DB, and bundle the ones that work with 2.55.

#8 P-Tux7



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Posted 05 September 2019 - 09:51 AM

Just got a cute idea.

Wallmaster Whistle - play it in a dungeon and it will spawn a wallmaster. The purpose is exactly like Farore's Wind (ZC) or the Magic Mirror in LTTP, but much funnier. Note the wallmaster would be invincible, not count as a beatable enemy for secrets, and only one on the screen at a time.

#9 Timelord


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Posted 07 September 2019 - 03:24 AM

Here's a new freebie:

4-Way <-> 8-Way Movement Upgrade or Toggle item.

Any of you interested in a ZC spin on EvoLand? :P

#10 P-Tux7



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Posted 07 September 2019 - 06:18 PM

Here's a new freebie:4-Way <-> 8-Way Movement Upgrade or Toggle item.Any of you interested in a ZC spin on EvoLand? :P


#11 Emily


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Posted 08 September 2019 - 01:42 AM

I feel this one is far more complicated because of what can happen if you run out of magic while still in a wall. The script wou;d need to push Link out to the nearest, random, empty space, which may not even be a legal screen as part of the dmap--so that needs its own sanity checks--and a lot of other factors.


Wizzrobe Cape: Link can now turn transparent and phase through blocks with the push of a button like Blue Wizzrobes do, but watch your magic meter. If Link runs out of magic

while in a block, the game treats it like he fell in a pit - he takes some damage and respawns at the room entrance.

I'd store the DMap, Screen, X, and Y on the frame you start using the item. If you run out in a wall, do a suffocation effect (LA_DROWNING, maybe with custom Link sprite), and as soon as that ends, warp back to the starting coordinates. (Do not actually use a Warp if you have not changed screens)



It would make every raft path tile a "raft branch" so that you can turn around any time, instead of just at corners of the rails/raft paths.

I thought you couldn't turn 180° on raft branches?

#12 Timelord


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Posted 08 September 2019 - 05:04 AM


I've played that. I mean something that much closer approximates EvoLand. Even as a tech demo, it would be rather fun.

#13 Timelord


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Posted 08 September 2019 - 11:17 AM

Hate Spell v0.3

May be finished, but needs testing.

Eorrfa's Stasis: Simply temporarily freezes enemies

How did you imagine this working? Target effect? Radius effect?

Portal Cube - On any given screen, equip the Portal Cube, go to a certain area, then press B. This will store your location on the screen. Now go to another room, and press B, and you will be teleported to the location you originally pressed the B button at with the Portal Cube, but on the NEW screen. This means for instance that you can go to the upper right corner of Room 1 and press B to store your location as "upper right corner". Then you can go to Room 2, and what's this? A Heart Piece is on a cliff in the upper right corner of the room, but there's no way to get up there, or is there! However, since you stored your on-screen location as "upper right corner" in Room 1 using the Portal Cube, you will then press B in Room 2. This will teleport you to the upper right corner of Room 2. It basically "saves" your position in one room initially and you can then "go back" to that position by pressing B, but it will still keep you inside your CURRENT room but in the position you "saved" in the OLD room. Good to hide keys or staircases in a dungeon, or heart containers or secret rooms on the overworld, now accessible using the Portal Cube's "screen position transfer". Note that the "saved screen position" is deleted after you teleport once using the Portal Cube. You are then free to press B again somewhere else to make a new "saved screen position". If this wasn't a good explanation, I can make a graphical explanation later but I'm tired right now because I just worked hard to draw some original Real Bombchu sprites for ywkls

Have you not played the Legacy of Emperors demo? My Teleportation Matrix is similar to this, except that it stores target dest points that you can select to revisit.

#14 P-Tux7



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Posted 08 September 2019 - 02:00 PM

Hate Spell v0.3May be finished, but needs testing.How did you imagine this working? Target effect? Radius effect?Have you not played the Legacy of Emperors demo? My Teleportation Matrix is similar to this, except that it stores target dest points that you can select to revisit.

One I haven't played that demo and two freeze was the wrong word for me to use. I meant basically you use the spell and you get a clock effect. I think 10 seconds is worth the magic cost.

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