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Rusted Soul Update Thread

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#1 Limebeer


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Posted 15 September 2014 - 02:04 PM

Hey, sorry for the lack of updates for this project here, but I've been without internet for about, oh... 3 or 4 months now. I'm currently posting this at school (thankyou free wifi)
For whats currently completed... first two dungeons are complete (barring any bugs found) third one is underway, about 70 % of the overworld is done (working on the mountain ranges). There will be no alternate world in this project,so only the one overworld.
All items have been made and planned out, even the custom upgraded items.
I'm still working on custom enemies as well as custom bosses for different areas.
There's still alot of stuff i have to finish, but it is still being worked on. I'll get new screenshots up soon as well as hopefully a playable demo.

#2 Limebeer


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Posted 29 September 2014 - 01:19 PM

Small update to show I'm still here and working on this. I'll be, later this week I hope, posting more screenshots, one being of the first dungeon's boss. I'm still working on the mountain range's aesthetics which split up the two main sections of the map as well as deciding on the cave system I'll be using for traversing it. It won't be a maze of going into cave A and going to E then C then Z and everything in-between just to get to B. I'm sure the people digging tunnels and such would want a quick good linear pathway through a mountain if they where doing so. However, that being said, I'll still have secrets in it as well as hidden pathways/caves.

After I'm done the mountain's to where they are passable, I'll more likely than not continue working on the next dungeon as I've aleady started it before the second village. I'm still deciding on if I'll block off the area's I don't want people going into yet and releasing a demo of the first two dungeon's or not or do so after I've completed the third dungeon. We'll see what I'll do depending on how long it takes me for the next dungeon. A fair warning though, I haven't had any alpha testers, let alone beta testers outside myself due to no internet at home (currently posting at school), so bear that in mind when the demo is out and report any bugs you find once it's out. I know, redundant to say as people would do so anyway.

Anyways, all that being said, this brings me to delays, as in why it's been taking so long for a small quest. First is obviously no internet. No internet means hard to update things.
Second is indeciciveness on the direction on where I want things to go. I once had a drawing planned out, but things moved too much in the actual building of the maps that blew it out of the scale, and now I'm having to make some changes. Related to this (so 2.5) is the graphics/enemies. I've learned a few new things that I may want to employ in the earlier sections of my game, as well as got new sprites and so forth that I may have to use to replace earlier enemies. The maps are also not really layed out in ways that are the easiest to work with due to me not really understanding what I was doing when setting up this quest, so that makes it a bit more annoying to work with as well.

The third reason for delays, I have been having too much homework as well as got new games, which have been keeping me inspired, thankfully, for implimenting ideas for this quest and the next one I'm wanting to do, however as everyone knows, gaming is a time eater.

Anyways, thats all I got for now (wasn't this supposed to be a small update?) thankyou for reading! I hope to have more content to show later on this week !

Project completed : ~35-39%

#3 Limebeer


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Posted 08 October 2014 - 07:22 PM

As promised, though a few days late, here are some new screenshots... now with the correct armour for the first two temples :P
I also rearranged the pictures, the first one now being the opening room to Level 2. They are in no particular order for the screenshots, though the map displayed in Level 1 will not be the map used in the demo or the actual release. it is a placeholder as i was originally intending tohave that the style of the dungeon's maps... which turns out I'm not so good at creating... so I'm bailing on that idea and going more like I have in level 2, or just having where you hit Start to see the area's you've been in one you get the map. Still deciding on that.
Side note, the 4th image is the Level 1 boss. I may have to Nerf him as he may be too difficult for the first level, however there is a secret to making him so much easier to beat.
Now, I will say this, Level two is by far my favorite level sofar, I really enjoyed making it. It's not overly long, and I rather think the visuals in it is beautiful. But I'm a bit biased on it.
I'm going to hold off on level three as I want a more completed overworld for people to traverse when I release a demo, I'm not happy with how much is currently explorable, so more overworld is my priority right now, followed by Level three, which will bring people headaches I think as I am thinking on implimenting a few ambitious (for me) things which people don't usually see in a third temple. Some will involve triggers. Be warned. Maybe afraid. Or both...maybe neither. 
And know I do play and replay this like anyone else starting this quest with the proper initial data, not just the max stuff I use at times to see how things are working, so your pain is somewhat my pain. Your future pain.
I'll be good and quiet now.

Updates will continue to come!

#4 Limebeer


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Posted 14 October 2014 - 10:44 PM

Hi all, short update (hopefully shorter than the last one I said was going to be small) I changed some of the screenshots around, got rid of the first ones I posted a whole long while ago, as well as added a few new ones.
I've also made some new screens on the overworld, not too many though... (stupid mountains, being all stupid and complicated to make proper) I've worked mostly on some shoreline scenes outside of the first town bounderies. Naturally, doing so inspired me on adding some water going through the mountains, hence the stupid mountains being all complex and stupid :badrazz: . Fortunately, it also gave me an idea for where to place the entrance to dungeon 3. So... yay? :shrug:
Anyway, I'll finish the shoreline scene, the mountain part + pass and town 2, then the first demo shall be released! Yes, there is a plan, an evil evil, un-beta-tested, unknown difficulty and bug-ridden plan... potentially..... probably....
...Okay, there is no plan, only Zu'ul. :sweat:

Project is now ~37-40% complete... but only 80% complete till the first demo! :eng101:

#5 Limebeer


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Posted 19 October 2014 - 11:51 PM

Okay, I'm only adding this here as I don't think it warrents a proper update thread all on it's own, but just wanted to let people know I've gotten more of the overworld done (not much, some), added in level 3's entrance to the overworld, and will be (tomorrow) working on the mountains, as well as level 3. Maybe the town as well, though chances are I'll be all ZC'd out by time i get to it. On the plus side, I'm on midterm break from my college, so I do have plenty of time to work on this! Because, you know, screw homework.

I'm also contemplating releasing the available items and such in an update, though I think I'll do so around when I release a demo... hmm... I need to think more on this.

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#6 Limebeer


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Posted 20 October 2014 - 08:22 PM

Holy hell, I cannot stress how much I'm disliking creating these mountain ranges... though I'm sure it's starting to come across now, atleast partially.
All I've wanted to do originally was make a nice singular pathway, going from point A to B to get across the divide in the map. Which I'm more or less having, it's not going to be complicated to get across. However, now I'm stuck with making a mountain range with passes and pathways to other plateau's. Which means more cave systems, secrets, designs even that can't be too complex (I'm trying to keep away from mountain/cave mazes, least I get the cave maze from the "Adventures of Link". I'm cruel enough in my game thusfar to justify incorperating that) yet not simply leading you around... it's gotta let you explore without having you unable to find anything or have you backtrack too much, because lets face it, everyone hates backtracking!
I'm about 1/3 of the way complete doing the mountains (progress slowed down due to keyboard -> program related errors... all seems fixed now though), though that's a hesitant 1/3, due to them already being a bit larger than I originally envisioned. Well, bigger North to South... they always where supposed to stretch from one end of the map to the other East to West.
I'll still be working on them after this update btw, this is just a progress report.

In other news, set up the entrance to level 3 (which is what will be worked on next) and may-or-may-not do the village before setting up and releasing a demo as this is taking more time and map than I originally thought. I have two area's that I can place it, but the mountains kinda ate up half of the area where I was going to put it originally. (all the more reason to hate mountains... I swear my next project will either not have them, or there will be some way to destroy them..violently if possible.)
Hmm, what else, what else... Oh, I already have the concept to Level 4 planned (yes, this is before I have even really started on level 3), and let's just say... it's more of an outdoor theme. Level 3 may be really hated by people though... Hopefully people really like level 2 though as it is still my favorite level that i've made sofar (I think i've mentioned that before)
Anyways, level 3 will have multiple floors which you will have to go back and forth between to progress. it's not going to be an extreme amount, just two or so I'm thinking. I'll release some screenshots of the levels (there are two of level 2 already, as well as one of level 1............hmm looks like an unintentional pattern...).
I don't want to give too much away though, just give enough to whet the appitite ;)

I'm roughly 85% ready to release a demo, and my signature tells how far I feel I am to completing the whole project without me having to keep putting out updates. I'm confident in saying I'm about 40-43% complete at the point of writing this though!
I think that's it, so... Ta-ta for now!

#7 Limebeer


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Posted 21 October 2014 - 07:12 PM

Well.... damn. I may have made my level 2 boss a bit OP'd, though for what you should have as well as the enemy strength in the level, it may have been hinted already...in any case sofar my playthrough isn't too bad in difficulty. Then again I know where everything is and what to expect :P

I'm adding one or two new screenshots today. I contemplated (and even took a screenshot of) of showcasing the level 2 boss, but... that's going to be a surprise... one that I think people will be cursing me for. :whap: bad me, I know...
Still, more screenshots!
I haven't had time to work on it today, I just got in to play through it now to watch for bugs before doing too much else, but I may be able to do more tonight if not tomorrow :)

#8 Limebeer


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Posted 26 October 2014 - 07:35 PM

Yeah, so I missed the deadline for the expo, which should be open today. I got my days all mixed up (as in I had no idea what the day it was in the month), which was my bad. Still, to be nice and fair to people, I'll give out some information here that I was planning on keeping secret till the end, but as I was planning on keeping most things secret... it gives me alot of room to give spoilers without giving all information ;)

Now, to start, there will not be a lava level. Atleast, not in this quest. Mostly because I came up with the themes and such for the last few dungeons already, which I will give some info on here.

The first level is your standard "enter the building and beat the bad guys" shtick. It was made in the original NES style dungeon map and is the only dungeon which is like that (due to me being too lazy to go back and change it). It's a relatively small dungeon, and pretty well set up for a first attempt I think, though you can tell that I was just starting to get used to some of the features of ZQ.

The next dungeon is a water themed dungeon. Water, luckily, doesn't play too much of a role here and it is a 2 floor dungeon, though with little to no interaction between the floors. There is a secret or two that is in this dungeon as well. Hmm, well actually there will be atleast one secret in every dungeon I make. The boss is a bit insane though, be prepared for what can be a hard battle. Also you should really have upgraded equipment by then.

Anyways, the third dungeon will be the first multi-floored dungeon where there will be interaction between them. I'll be messing with the screen-state carry-overs and other such features I haven't yet played with. I'll try to make it so there won't be too much backtracking, but as most know, these things can get all carried away. The first floor is split into 4 area's, where you have to travel to the basement floor to travel between them. All sections I'm planning you having to explore to not only find but access the bosses chamber.

As I mentioned in a previous update, the next level (after level 3 is done...I really need to finish that and get a demo out) is more of an outdoor theme. I'm still debating on how exactly I'll do that though, but instead of walls and other building type things, the hazards will be more natural. Map may be large... but it shall be interesting no matter what! I guess you can call it a forest theme dungeon... but it's not going to focus just on tree's and vines. It'll be more than likely one floor, possibly maze-like with a few optional caves to find and explore.

The fifth dungeon... All I can say is that it's theme is more of a "Solitude" feeling. It may get confusing to be sure, but the plans are all layed out for me making it. It'll be more of a break for people I'm sure for how my dungeon's enemies seem to be going on a high difficulty curve. Not saying there will be no enemies to be found, but... solitude, you know.

The final one... I'm sorry, but it's a tower dungeon. That means many many floors. I'll keep the floors from being gigantic though to keep it less of a headache.

I should note that in the area where every dungeon is, there is a potion hidden. There are alot of secrets in the overworld, and alot of upgrades. Every weapon has atleast one upgrade available to it. There are hidden shops abroad as well that can help you. If you find them you can easily become overpowered, though they are (i hope) very well hidden.
There are (currently) no ocarina's or magic lenses in this quest, and no plans for them either.

I think that is all for now, if there's any questions you just have to ask. I can't guarantee that I'll answer due to me wanting to keep some things secret, but you won't know until you ask.

That's all for now, No change in quest status due to me not being able to work on it for the past few days.

#9 Limebeer


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Posted 04 November 2014 - 12:32 AM

That's right, level 3 is started! Which means... (Dun dun DUNNN) I'm finally free of those wretched mountains!!! Oh, also that the demo shall soon be ready as well. But you know... priorities...
I know I probably could have put out a demo or two after completing the first dungeon or the second one, but I wanted something significant to put out as after dungeon 3, the dungeon's will get alot more complex and harder... more arduous... umm, more interesting to create. (yes... interesting... :sweat: ) and thus will take more time. Not like this isn't taking a long time... but I can do dungeon's in a relatively faster time than the soul draining mountains took :whap: .

For the demo release schedules, I will probably do one after every dungeon is made now, as well as if there is anything significant added or changed up until I release the second last dungeon, afterwhich expect a longer delay as I tweek and rigorously go through everything in order to make it as good as I can with as little bugs as possible. So that's what... 3 demo's planned? Maybe 4? I dunno, we'll see how laz- ah, ambitious I am.
Speaking of bugs, closer I get to finishing level three, probably around the halfway mark, I'll be looking for some beta testers(those poor wretched souls... ah, I mean, gifted souls...) to play through what I have sofar. More details will follow later. :sly:

Anyways, I'll be good and make progress reports every so often about how the level is coming together,as well as possibly give and change out some new screenshots as I go along.

Tis all for now!

#10 Limebeer


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Posted 10 November 2014 - 04:18 PM

Minor update, the layout to the base floor on level 3 is all arranged, and the entryway to the boss chamber is made (mostly because I didn't want to forget where and how I wanted it) I'm thinking on creating some custom void-space tiles which will also appear in level 5 (the solitude level) but I'm not sure if I want to take the time to make them now, or just push on through to get the demo finished as soon as I can (this is the last level before the demo, as I keep mentioning)

Level 3 will consist of 3 floors, two which are, for the bulk of it, the main play through areas, where as the third floor is reserved for the boss. I haven't decided on what boss it will be, as I have an idea for a boss which I really like, though I will have to customize it from scratch, especially the graphics. However, it will be (in my opinion) a fun boss that I may decide to use in Level 5. If so, then I may have a place holder boss for the demo until I come up with a good boss for it that will either be released in a future demo, or be added in for the official release. (speaking of... I really need to find out how I'll be doing the forest that I want plus the 4th level, which is forest-themed...)

Back to level 3, it may be more slowly made than I first thought as I learn to do some things... I still (surprisingly) have no idea how screen-state carry-overs work which I will be incorporating into this level, as well as a few other techniques. Because, you know, this quest is more about me learning about how the editor works more than anything. Because I am, eventually, going to be doing a full sized quest once done this one... and using a different tileset, if not compositing my own by grabbing from others... I haven't decided yet and haven't thought too much on it. But that'll be an other update when I get people's ideas on what tileset I should use on my next quest :) (I refuse the default one, as I hate how the classic one looks).
Anyways, floor two of level 3 (the sub-floor, if you will) will be open area (mostly) with you having to have the dungeon item plus other certain things that you should have discovered to progress to the area's needed in the first floor which will get you to the boss floor. The secrets in this level will be a bit better and easier for the most part than in others. Look for upgrades for some items here as they will help you.

#11 Limebeer


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Posted 13 November 2014 - 12:09 AM

A brief update (as my small one's tend to be quite a bit larger than intended) I tentatively have 15/19 screens done for the starting floor of level 3... I say tentatively due to the fact that I don't know if the style of the screens (due to them being a different section of the floor I made them a bit differently than the previous section's I made) will mix well with the overall level itself and how I built the other rooms. I guess it could make sense for it to be that way (and can make it more obvious by making the bottom floor reflect it underneath those sections) due to the level's location on the overworld map... but I will see how it goes when making more screens and how the bottom floor unfolds.

I'm not changing the progress % at this time that I have set up in my signature due to me maybe needing to rework those screens, so if it jumps suddenly to a higher percent, you'll know I decided to keep them when making more screens :P

#12 Limebeer


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Posted 25 November 2014 - 04:52 PM

I am so sorry to you all, this is taking alot longer than anticipated, I expected to be on level 4 if not 5 by now, however I'm still on level 3 :/ in fact I couldn't work on it at all since my last update due to school having alot of work left to do and 3 weeks left until the end of the term. I'm thinking, if it ends up I can't get level 3 done soon that I'll give out a demo of the first level or two and just block off places that aren't done yet, though I'd rather have the first half as a demo so that people can get a proper feel of the dungeons before the last three temples, as well as have unrestricted access to the overworked rather than being blocked off at certain parts.
I'll decide in the next week what I'll do, unless there's an overwhelming amount of people who want a demo now rather than wait for the third temple to be completed.
Let me know what you guys think and, once again. I apologize for taking so long.

On a brighter note I've gotten alot of ideas for my best quest, especially the temples and the storyline! Yes, the next question shall be one with a story that you can plow through, though still will rely on exploring for goodies and secrets!

#13 Limebeer


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Posted 10 December 2014 - 10:37 PM

As exams come to an end, and final projects are handed in, I can now refocus myself on finishing this quest up!
It'll still take me a while to finish everything, but as I pretty much have a month off of school I can get a good chunk of it done now. Atleast that's the hope!
I've been able to get a few screens done sofar, which means floor 1 is nearly complete on level 3, and floor 2 is to be started and planned out. It'll be interesting to do as I have to make sure that you have to go through and complete each section in order to get to the boss room, but at the same time make it non simplistic and make sure that there are no way on making fatal screw-ups such as misusing a key.
Anyways, I'll start working on it properly tomorrow and let you all know how production is progressing every now and then!

#14 Limebeer


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Posted 15 December 2014 - 12:38 AM

Ah yes, finally, some concrete work is underway! The first floor is done, layout wise, and 12 screens (essentially the first half) of the second floor is layed out and completed. All that's left for it is the second half of the second floor to be done as well as the boss floor, as well as adding in the enemies for the level. All in all, I'd say this level is about half completed. I might change some aesthetics, but that's to be decided later.

I'll admit, this floor and dungeon is getting a bit out of hand in size as it's already almost as large as I originally planned and the layout just keeps morphing as it grows in order to flow. That's the problem I am finding with free-drawing the dungeons as well as going for aesthetics. It just keeps growing as you run into problems in not only current but future layouts that you have to adjust for, often leading to rearrangings... but in the end, I know I'll be quite pleased with it, but still quite annoying to have to do it this way :P

Speaking of annoying, I just reminded myself i have to still make that custom boss I've been planning. Not for this level, thankfully,but for the next one I'll be working on. It'll also lead to making some new enemies, but that'll be something for another day. But I can say, if I can make the enemies/boss the way i want to have them, then fans of Link's Awakning will enjoy it :bounce:

#15 Limebeer


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Posted 15 December 2014 - 10:58 PM

Larger... it's growing larger :omg:  Holy crap, I thought I was finally ready to start working on the last screens, but I found a spot that I forgot to add a warp point to to get to a part to the first floor... so now I have to add another addition to the bottom floor.... ahh and it totally ruined the layout that was lookin all even and good! But atleast that means I can add in something that has been missing :bounce:
The bottom floor is now 31 screens large as of this post, and still has atleast 7 more screens to be added... as a minimum :badrazz: Not including the boss floor :doh:

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