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Isle of Rebirth 2 Is Never Going to Happen

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#1 Evan20000


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Posted 10 May 2018 - 06:04 PM

(Clickbait title too stronk)


...But I'm working on something similar to IoR that hits a lot of the same notes. Clickbait title aside, I wanted to ask people what they did/didn't like about IoR and see if I can find any patterns on what could be improved upon. To be truthful, it was a wild experiment in game design and I never expected it to get as popular as it did. In an effort to not go full George Lucas and completely miss the point about what made people like/dislike my work, I'm holding a generalized poll with specific questions. If possible, please fill out this questionnaire below. There are no wrong answers, but longer and well-explained ones are definitely valued. I probably won't reply much to this, but each response is valued.


  • - What aspects of the overworld did you like the most? Why?
  • - What aspects of the overworld did you like the least? Why?
  • - What aspects of the dungeons did you like the most? Why?
  • - What aspects of the dungeons did you like the least? Why?
  • - What was your favorite dungeon?
  • - What was your least favorite dungeon?
  • - What did you think of the enemy and boss design? Favorite/Least favorites?
  • - How was the overall presentation of each area? Was the atmosphere engaging?
  • - What difficulty did you prefer to play on?
  • - What did you think of the story?
  • - Is the quest too long to feasibly be considered replayable?
  • - Do you require the addition of new content to replay a quest you've already finished or is the same experience a second time still worthwhile?
  • - Rank the following in importance for you in enjoying a quest: Story, Combat, Exploration, and Puzzle/Problem Solving.

Thanks for your time.

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#2 TheLegend_njf



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Posted 10 May 2018 - 06:50 PM


- What aspects of the overworld did you like the most? Why?

Diverse, sectional, creative, and logical. Why is subjective. South Remdra felt like a good warm up preparing for the challenge that is North Remdra.

- What aspects of the overworld did you like the least? Why?

Can't think of much of anything here, I don't share the same gripes as some people. 

- What aspects of the dungeons did you like the most? Why?

Considering I base my entire dungeon design habits out of what I learned from IoR, I can say a lot.  My favorite part is the form and progression. How you made shortcuts that connected areas of the dungeon together as a form of reward system. You also opened up these shortcuts in creative ways rather than "Random Portal A and Random Portal B". To make the comparison, I'll use this as an opportunity to shit on Umbral Cloud to make a comparison. ;p Umbral Cloud was a disappointment in this area since Umbral Cloud (which at its core felt like a Metroidvania to me) at times can be a pain to navigate through. IoR's level design was much more superior. 
- What aspects of the dungeons did you like the least? Why?

Some seemed to drag on just a little.
- What was your favorite dungeon?

The sky one. 

- What was your least favorite dungeon?
The factory one, only because all the arrows is enough to make me puke. Didn't help I drank a lot when I played this quest. 
- What did you think of the enemy and boss design? Favorite/Least favorites?

Fantastic, but maybe a little too punishing, specifically with highly demanding reaction times. 
- How was the overall presentation of each area? Was the atmosphere engaging?

It was great for the GBA tileset. Just thinking about the presentation brings me back to a time when I used to enjoy Zelda Classic quests. 
- What difficulty did you prefer to play on?

I think Normal, though I enjoyed the Challenge of Hero. 
- What did you think of the story?

Great and simplistic which is sometimes all you need for a Zelda Classic quest. 
- Is the quest too long to feasibly be considered replayable?

Unfortunately yes. You got to be a huge IoR fan to fathom the thought of replaying this quest (Which I am, but I ain't jumping for the opportunity. ;p). I feel Umbral Cloud's replayability is much better for me.  
- Do you require the addition of new content to replay a quest you've already finished or is the same experience a second time still worthwhile?

Additional content doesn't change anything for me. I will choose to replay (or not replay) a quest regardless of additional content. 
- Rank the following in importance for you in enjoying a quest: Story, Combat, Exploration, and Puzzle/Problem Solving.

All of it, and some of it. How's that for my shit answer?

To elaborate, I want the whole package a quest can offer. If a quest neglects story just because of laziness or the quest author doesn't want to, I feel it can potentially impact the overall product. However, I am also in favor of quests that are more focused. For example, I like exploration, but I wouldn't want to see exploration in my Ninja Gaiden, Mega Man, Retro Castlevania games. I love Metroidvanias, but they have their place. But I'd never hate a straight forward linear platformer either, as long as it was focused and knew what it was. I woudln't want a linear platformer that suddenly threw in a Metroidvania level just because. Hopefully this sheds some light here. Some quests can afford to be the whole package, while other quests are just better at mastering certain things. 

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#3 Matthew


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Posted 10 May 2018 - 07:01 PM

First of all, finish Inverse Mirror sometime before the sun explodes. Ty.


As for the questionnaire, 


- What aspects of the overworld did you like the most? Why?
I enjoyed the "traditional" zelda feel it had, as well as the way everything interconnected. The connections were made either through bodies of water, hookshot grab points, switch bridges, etc. Essentially, the flow of the overworld was exceptionally well done.
- What aspects of the overworld did you like the least? Why?
I disliked how repetitive the visual design was in some areas... This isn't a huge complaint, but most screens just had trees and mountains. What about more flowers in the overworld? What about changes in the elevation of mountains? Let me give you an example of what I mean.
Your screen: (Made tile-by-tile from a screenshot from your quest)                                             
My version of the same screen:
Now, while your screen is functional, it's very boring visually. Despite how well put-together the overworld, the presence of screens like that can make it a bit dull to traverse. However, I think it would be fair to say that my screen is a bit more interesting visually. There's stuff going on with the mountain shape, mountain elevation, some fencing, and a bit more tree placement. It doesn't seem like a big deal, but details like this can make your overworld much more vibrant and exciting. If you want examples of really good overworld screens, look at anything from Shane and Sheik.
- What aspects of the dungeons did you like the most? Why?
I enjoyed the puzzles many of them incorporated. I really enjoyed the light puzzles of the Echoing Shrine and the Day/Night states of Starlight temple. Dungeonwide puzzles that really encourage critical thinking and spatial awareness are great!
- What aspects of the dungeons did you like the least? Why?
In some dungeons, you got carried away with quite a few things! I disliked the use of block puzzles in some of the later dungeons, as they just felt tedious rather than engaging. I also disliked some of the dungeons' gargantuan sizes, which got very repetitive after a while, and made me more frustrated than anything. Also, the Beamos pissed me off.
- What was your favorite dungeon?
Starlight Temple, hands down, is my favorite dungeon from IoR, my favorite dungeon from ZC, and is one of my favorite dungeons from anything Zelda, ever. The atmosphere, puzzles, music, screen design, is all top-notch, and the epic finale with Lumen is icing on the cake. (I never did manage to find the dungeon's midi or mp3 online anywhere, much to my dispair. I'd love to use it if you wanna hook me up.)
- What was your least favorite dungeon?
Sunken Basin.
Sunk my desire to keep playing.
Very very far down.
This dungeon was just tedious. The 2D aspect was hard to visualize, and it basically encapsulates a lot of what I didn't like about some of the dungeons in this game. It's size was its biggest downfall, however.
- What did you think of the enemy and boss design? Favorite/Least favorites?
I really enjoyed the boss fights. The boss of the Magitech Factory, as well as Lumen and the Level 2 boss were all highlights. However, I was not a fan of Level 3's boss, the goron, due to how sporadic his movements were. As for enemy design, there was nothing particularly special about them. The sound effects were immersive and satisfying though, but the Moblins did get a bit annoying.
- How was the overall presentation of each area? Was the atmosphere engaging?
As I mentioned earlier, the screens could have used a bit more visual flair, although they did get less boring as the game went on. The desert and sky had the most engaging areas, visually. The atmosphere of the quest was nailed, especially in Northern Remdra.
- What difficulty did you prefer to play on?
I played on Twilight Princess mode. I don't enjoy dying a lot, thank you very much. I play quests for the dungeons and story anyways, I've never been big on difficulty.
- What did you think of the story?
The story was adequate. It was little more than the traditional Zelda story with just a bit more added flair. I wish more was expanded on Lumen's character, though. I wanted to feel more bad for her when she died. 
- Is the quest too long to feasibly be considered replayable?
Yes. Well, sort of. There's a lot of content here, but the biggest thing making it too long is how gargantuan some of the dungeons get.
- Do you require the addition of new content to replay a quest you've already finished or is the same experience a second time still worthwhile?
I don't typically replay quests, so I would need new content as an incentive, personally. Perhaps a bonus dungeon, difficulty mode, New Game+, etc.
- Rank the following in importance for you in enjoying a quest: Story, Combat, Exploration, and Puzzle/Problem Solving.
(In order of most to least important:)
1. Exploration
2. Puzzle/Problem Solving
3. Story
4. Combat
That's all. I hope you read all this!

Edited by Matthew, 10 May 2018 - 07:03 PM.

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#4 TheRock


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Posted 10 May 2018 - 07:05 PM

  • What aspects of the overworld did you like the most? Why? The top left area of the first overworld. I really like the feel of this place.
  • - What aspects of the overworld did you like the least? Why? The parts that were more of a strait line. Because it wasn't as much fun to explore.
  • - What aspects of the dungeons did you like the most? Why? The puzzle solving, the openness of the dungeons, and the gimmicks of the dungeons. Because it's fun!
  • - What aspects of the dungeons did you like the least? Why? Umm... I guess the shutter rooms in level 3. I didn't like it.
  • - What was your favorite dungeon? 10, and then 5. I love the puzzles and the layout in level 10!
  • - What was your least favorite dungeon? 3.
  • - What did you think of the enemy and boss design? Favorite/Least favorites? None.
  • - How was the overall presentation of each area? Was the atmosphere engaging? I like it!
  • - What difficulty did you prefer to play on? Easy.
  • - What did you think of the story? None.
  • - Is the quest too long to feasibly be considered replayable? I think it's plenty replayable
  • - Do you require the addition of new content to replay a quest you've already finished or is the same experience a second time still worthwhile? No additions needed to replay the game.
  • - Rank the following in importance for you in enjoying a quest: Story, Combat, Exploration, and Puzzle/Problem Solving. Puzzle/Problem Solving, Exploration, Story, and Combat.

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#5 Russ


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Posted 10 May 2018 - 07:31 PM

- What aspects of the overworld did you like the most? Why?
The more unique biomes, such as the jungle, stuck out to me.
- What aspects of the overworld did you like the least? Why?
A lot of Southern Remdra feels somewhat generic on a screen by screen basis. It works as a whole, but... well, Matthew summed it up better than I can so I'll just up.
- What aspects of the dungeons did you like the most? Why?
The way you would revisit screens you'd been to before once you got the dungeon item. It rarely fell into the trap of "Go down long gauntlet, get key at end, notice item trigger, realize you'll have to go through this whole gauntlet again once you get item." Instead, it felt like the dungeon item opened news paths in several places or offered new ways through older paths.
- What aspects of the dungeons did you like the least? Why?
With that said, some dungeons had some bad backtracking. That definitely gets the least favorite award.
- What was your favorite dungeon?
Starlight Temple, hands down. Amazing dungeon-wide gimmick, great atmosphere, cool enemies, fantastic music, wonderful item.
- What was your least favorite dungeon?
Sunken Basin. The idea was cool, the execution not so much. The dungeon was just too damn big for its own good. Too much backtracking, too much getting lost, too few enemies and ideas to sustain it. Outside sections were cool though.
- What did you think of the enemy and boss design? Favorite/Least favorites?
I liked it overall. Best non-final/bonus boss is Medusa. Worst is... Crabalt I guess? Enemies worked overall, though some occasionally felt too overbearing, such as the Lynels in a few areas.
- How was the overall presentation of each area? Was the atmosphere engaging?
Yes, with the exception of some of Southern Remdra.
- What difficulty did you prefer to play on?
Hero Mode.
- What did you think of the story?
It was perfectly functional. More of an emotional weight placed on Lumen and her father would've been nice. I think I brought this up in beta testing but you went "QUEST CONSTIPATION, NEED TO RELEASE, NO NEED TIME REWORKING DIALOGUE." I can't really blame you. :P
- Is the quest too long to feasibly be considered replayable?
Sorta? I replayed it, but it was a few years later.
- Do you require the addition of new content to replay a quest you've already finished or is the same experience a second time still worthwhile?
It's not required, but it's appreciated. Even minor things can make a big difference. As an example, Yuurei's option to play through basically the same game, but with a different story and some different bosses, made the game far more replayable than it would have otherwise been.
- Rank the following in importance for you in enjoying a quest: Story, Combat, Exploration, and Puzzle/Problem Solving.
Really, it depends on the quest and what it's going for. If the story is good, I'd prioritize that. Otherwise... I'd probably say exploration, then combat, though I can appreciate good, combat-focused quests as well.

(I never did manage to find the dungeon's midi or mp3 online anywhere, much to my dispair. I'd love to use it if you wanna hook me up.)

Here's the original song, though the midis in IoR are edited from this remix of it.
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#6 Matthew


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Posted 10 May 2018 - 07:41 PM

I know it isn't related to the topic, but thank you VERY much for those links.

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#7 Architect Abdiel

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Posted 10 May 2018 - 08:23 PM

I haven't really played IoR. If I do, I will come back to this. But to answer your last couple questions.

- Do you require the addition of new content to replay a quest you've already finished or is the same experience a second time still worthwhile?
It can be worthwhile if I really enjoyed it. But new content would help.

- Rank the following in importance for you in enjoying a quest: Story, Combat, Exploration, and Puzzle/Problem Solving.

Puzzle/Problem Solving

However, excelling in any area can make any part go above the others. I just feel like exploration and combat are the most essential.
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#8 Deedee


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Posted 10 May 2018 - 08:46 PM

Why link the original songs when you can just link the midis over discord? :D

TFW you have an entire folder dedicated to IoR midis.


  • - What aspects of the overworld did you like the most? Why?

The diverse biomes have to be it. The quest rarely falls into the NSMB level traps, and even the most egeneric sections of the overworld have something new going for them. Overall the island comes together and feels more like one whole, than a bunch of randomly strung together segments.

  • - What aspects of the overworld did you like the least? Why?

The palette of Northern Remdra. I mean, it beats the sprite cset Southern Remdra (which, even if it is a copy of another palette, probably would have been better off with it's own palette and not just mostly palette free and sprite cset reliant), and it fits the overall mood, but it felt a bit bland for the most part. I wasn't a fan of the past colors in the oracle games :(

  • - What aspects of the dungeons did you like the most? Why?

The inerconnectivity and the way the dungeons come together has to be a big one. The dungeon item really feels rewarding because of how much it opens up the rest of the dungeon. I also love the size of the dungeons; big, complicated dungeons have been a weak point for me.

  • - What aspects of the dungeons did you like the least? Why?

That said, a lot of later dungeons (level 5, 8, and 10 being the big ones) tend to just be boring, either because they're built on a boring premise, on an irritating premise, or they just aren't well put together.

  • - What was your favorite dungeon?

Echoing Shrine. Seriously, this dungeon hits all of the right notes, and is the biggest example of an interesting and fun gimmick that keeps things interesting while still being well built and just fun to play. This dungeon is the biggest thing I look forward o when replaying the game. Special shoutouts though to Magus Tower, Prismatic Gate, and Starlight Temple too, and an even more minor shoutout to Corona Mines, and to a lesser extent Unhallowed Chapel.

  • - What was your least favorite dungeon?

Fuck Sunken Basin. This thing is satan. 2D section is a cool idea, but the entire dungeon is monochrome and boring and goes on way too bloody long. The only good things about this were the Eppy Trolling and the Power Glove (it's so bad). Lesser shoutout goes to Magitek Factory for having a really shitty midi of a good song (might just be midi bug) and for being bearable on some playthroughs and outright bad on others.

  • - What did you think of the enemy and boss design? Favorite/Least favorites?

10/10. Dislike Vires and Windrobes but otherwise top kek.

  • - How was the overall presentation of each area? Was the atmosphere engaging?

Yup! Part of the reason I enjoyed it.

  • - What difficulty did you prefer to play on?

Hero Mode because I am a Type B player who isn't an easy mode scrub.

  • - What did you think of the story?

I liked it! Could have used more humanizing for Lumen/explaining why the hell she suddenly is revived, and more reason why I should care about her. I really like bait and switch plots where it looks like it's heading to be one thing and then "nope! You aren't done yet and that wasn't the main villain!"

  • - Is the quest too long to feasibly be considered replayable?

Nah, length has nothing to do with it. It's unreplayable because of level 8 and 10 being atrocious.

  • - Do you require the addition of new content to replay a quest you've already finished or is the same experience a second time still worthwhile?

Not really, I'll replay quests I really liked eventually, but adding new content is a surefire way for me to replay it faster.

  • - Rank the following in importance for you in enjoying a quest: Story, Combat, Exploration, and Puzzle/Problem Solving.

Exploration, Story/Puzzles/Combat.Exploration first, and then the other stuff. Other stuff is really important though, don't you bloody pull a BotW "the exploration is the reward" bullshit on me.

Thanks for your time.


No u. #EvanFinishInverseMirror #MooshFinishCanada #MooshFinishHookshot1Remake

Edited by Dimentio, 10 May 2018 - 08:46 PM.

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#9 The Satellite

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Posted 10 May 2018 - 08:51 PM

Make IoR2 or the donger gets it. ༼ ▀̿̿Ĺ̯̿̿▀̿ ̿ ༽_•︻̷̿┻̿═━一ヽ༼ຈل͜ຈ༽ノ

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#10 Cukeman


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Posted 10 May 2018 - 09:07 PM

I played it when the first boss was a crab and the moldorm boss left the screen so i didn't get any further does that count?

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#11 James24



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Posted 10 May 2018 - 09:42 PM

I would answer the survey but I just don't think it will have much impact on what is finally produced.  If you're making a quest for free then it will always be about your tastes and what you enjoy.  I can't ever see the day when you, Evan, as a challenge-quest player would make your quest more visually appealing like some posts have suggested above or make a "true" nerf mode instead of just halving the damage.  It would be very expensive for you and it would be a violation of law number 2.

#12 Evan20000


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Posted 10 May 2018 - 10:06 PM

I would answer the survey but I just don't think it will have much impact on what is finally produced.  If you're making a quest for free then it will always be about your tastes and what you enjoy.  I can't ever see the day when you, Evan, as a challenge-quest player would make your quest more visually appealing like some posts have suggested above or make a "true" nerf mode instead of just halving the damage.  It would be very expensive for you and it would be a violation of law number 2.

I'm not of the belief that the two are mutually exclusive. A challenge and aesthetics aren't zero-sum. You can have one without sacrificing the other, but you have to be very deliberate with your design in the process. I've perfected some methods with scripting to make enemy patterns easier for lower difficulties in methods aside from just messing with damage and health values (Some of Yuurei/Yuurand's hardest bosses are my doing, but you wouldn't know it on lower difficulties). You're absolutely right that it's a huge time investment to cater to both people who prefer to experience a new world and challenge-seekers though; but that's one I'm willing to make. Rest assured though, the hard mode of this game will absolutely appeal to nutjobs like us :P

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#13 Twilight-Prince


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Posted 10 May 2018 - 10:41 PM

Since I only managed to play up until midway through Level 7 of the game, I'll base it on what I know as well as the bits later that I have seen.


- What aspects of the overworld did you like the most? Why?

The overworld was very expansive and had a lot to find and explore. You really had to think about where you have been and if you could go back and do something with a new item. I like that in an overworld.

- What aspects of the overworld did you like the least? Why?

I'll probably just agree with Matthew and that some screens looked like they could've used a tad bit more detail, but honestly that's about it.

- What aspects of the dungeons did you like the most? Why?

The dungeons made you THINK. A LOT. It was a challenge to get through them, but you feel oh-so-satisfied when you finally accomplish it!

- What aspects of the dungeons did you like the least? Why?

On the flip side, that same point from above can equally frustrate players just as much. (coughiceblockpuzzlescough)

- What was your favorite dungeon?

Out of the ones I played, I think I enjoyed Corona Mines the most. Might change when I finally replay it and complete the game.

- What was your least favorite dungeon?

From the ones I played, Frozen Enclave. Again, bias against ice block puzzles.

- What did you think of the enemy and boss design? Favorite/Least favorites?

The enemy and boss design were top notch. Favorite boss among the ones I fought was definitely Scourge, and I can't help but still laugh at the exploding Cuccos.

- How was the overall presentation of each area? Was the atmosphere engaging?

Definitely! All the areas I saw really had good atmosphere, especially the Unhallowed Chapel. Once I knew Scourge was stalking me, that made me nervous as heck.

- What difficulty did you prefer to play on?

I played on Normal, and intend to still. I'm sadly not masochistic enough to do Hero. XP

- What did you think of the story?

Now while I haven't played through the whole game, I have seen the entire story thanks to other LP'ers, and I will say for your first major quest, it's a good one~

- Is the quest too long to feasibly be considered replayable?

Possibly. Considering there's 12 main dungeons, several mini-dungeons, and tons of collectibles and bonus content, it's probably one you wouldn't come back to replay for a year or so. That said, the experience is still worth it.~

- Do you require the addition of new content to replay a quest you've already finished or is the same experience a second time still worthwhile?

It's not necessary, but it's a welcome plus~

- Rank the following in importance for you in enjoying a quest: Story, Combat, Exploration, and Puzzle/Problem Solving.

Exploration, Combat, Story, Puzzle/Problem Solving


Small little edit: Much like how Moosh says below, a lot of these can be even with one another. I don't necessarily DISLIKE puzzles and problem solving. In fact, I encourage them in games, but if many are presented one after another in quick succession, then it can  wear down the player at times.

Edited by Twilight-Prince, 11 May 2018 - 09:12 AM.

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#14 Moosh


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Posted 11 May 2018 - 12:06 AM

- What aspects of the overworld did you like the most? Why?

There was a sky area. Does that count as an "aspect"? I love me some sky area. Admittedly the overworld isn't an especially memorable part of the quest for me. I liked the inclusion of various towns throughout, but that's typical overworld stuff anyways I suppose. I'd like to see those become even more involved in a future quest, besides just walking into houses for items/info.


- What aspects of the overworld did you like the least? Why?

For one thing, I feel like the overworld in IoR wasn't as segmented as I would have preferred. The parts of the overworld that I find memorable are the ones that were given their own palettes, themes, and all. The rest sort of bleeds together into a clump of generic overworld. Southern Remdra is default green-grass SotW bait, Northern Remdra is brown Call of Duty wasteland. Some of the areas I can't actually remember if they got their own DMaps because they share palettes and overall aesthetics with the main overworlds. I get that you carefully crammed everything into one palette to make spacebar map work with the whole thing, but I feel this came at the expense of making some of the areas interesting. Also default EZGBZ palettes all look like liquid butts and need to get out. :P


- What aspects of the dungeons did you like the most? Why?

Exploration was all around great. The dungeons were fun and challenging to navigate. Usually the puzzles were pretty solid. I said this on discord, but good dungeon design doesn't tend to have much to say for it. So it doesn't seem like I have much to praise but it's because everything is on a more or less equal level of good.


- What aspects of the dungeons did you like the least? Why?

The first thing I'll say is the length can be a bit much. The dungeons start out on the lengthy end and just get lengthier, reaching a peak in Sunken Basin where I actually think you went mad. My ideal dungeon length is in the half hour range I think, a full hour if it's a really good one. The second thing that comes to mind is the block puzzles.They're devilishly clever, but they also break up the flow of gameplay and somewhat kill replay value. And that's the real thing about this point, replay value. A lot of contemplated revisits have stopped when I consider all the block pushing and solution remembering...and Prismatic Gate's ice block puzzle in particular.


- What was your favorite dungeon?

Echoing Shrine. Great mechanics, great item, great puzzles, great boss. 


- What was your least favorite dungeon?

Sunken Basin...I think. It's been a while, so there could be another that jimmy rustles me more, but looking at which dungeons I legitimately dread replaying this is the big one.


- What did you think of the enemy and boss design? Favorite/Least favorites?

IoR is a bit of a time capsule. Nothing there is bad, but the enemies and bosses that hold up best are the ones towards the end of the development cycle. So Sasic/Stan/Medusa/Lumen 2 would be my favorites probably. 


- How was the overall presentation of each area? Was the atmosphere engaging?

I sort of covered this in the overworld section. EZGBZ default palettes aren't so hot, brought down the atmosphere in the earlier areas.


- What difficulty did you prefer to play on?

Three hearts Hero Modo. Ah, fond memories, of before Evan difficulty completely eclipsed my skill as a player. :P


- What did you think of the story?

It was there. ZC isn't the best at story unless you really work at it. Walls of text don't really do it for me, unless you're Xenogears. Umbral Cloud felt like it had better story handling I'd say. I'd like to see more cutscenes where things happen and characters move around in between the text. And more interactive sections/trade sequences to make the player more involved.


- Is the quest too long to feasibly be considered replayable?

Yeah probably. The time investment has scared me off from replay considerations on a few occasions.


- Do you require the addition of new content to replay a quest you've already finished or is the same experience a second time still worthwhile?

I generally finish a quest once, unless replay value is built into it. Like Yuurei with its many playable characters or Umbral Cloud with missables and multiple endings to find.


- Rank the following in importance for you in enjoying a quest: Story, Combat, Exploration, and Puzzle/Problem Solving.

Exploration > Combat > Puzzle/Problem Solving > Story. Keep in mind that despite the order, I'd say these are pretty close to equal. A quest with a solid story and cutscenes can make up for other shortcomings, despite being the least important.

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#15 TheLegend_njf



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Posted 11 May 2018 - 07:08 AM


- What aspects of the dungeons did you like the least? Why?

The first thing I'll say is the length can be a bit much. The dungeons start out on the lengthy end and just get lengthier, reaching a peak in Sunken Basin where I actually think you went mad. 


I wonder if that's how Moosh feels about TRIFORCE's Temple of Boom. ;p


NJF makes two dungeons, calls it one. Why did NJF do this again?

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