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[DEAD][2.55 a85] Sideview Platform bug

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#1 Jamian


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Posted 12 January 2021 - 04:12 PM

Having had issues with the sideview platform flag not working well in Alpha 78, I upgraded to Alpha 85, and see that an in-between build had this feature:

  • Fixed issues with Sideview Platform Combo solidity.

However, it seems the issue hasn't been fully fixed.


When I jump from solid ground and land on a sideview platform combo, everything is fine.


When I jump from a sideview platform to another sideview platform, and if that second platform is higher than the first one, then Link will only land on the platform if he is precisely on top of it, otherwise he will go through it.


This is what I mean, with pictures. Arrows = jumps.


This works fine (ground jump to sideview platform):



This also works fine (jump from a high platform to a lower one):



This does not work (jump from a low platform to a higher one):



Link will only land on that platform if he is precisely on top of it. If he is not, he will go straight through it. 




Upon further investigation, I see that the issue is not actually related to whether the platform is higher or lower (so never mind my screenshots), it seems to occur when you jump from a sideview platform to another and land on the left side of the platform.

Edited by Jamian, 12 January 2021 - 04:12 PM.

#2 Emily


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Posted 12 January 2021 - 04:21 PM

In testing this, it doesn't behave consistently; jumping from the upper to the lower I fell through a couple times, and jumping from the lower to the upper I sometimes landed. Something is definitely wrong here, and I have no god damn idea what. Thank you for the report...

#3 Jamian


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Posted 12 January 2021 - 04:25 PM

In testing this, it doesn't behave consistently; jumping from the upper to the lower I fell through a couple times, and jumping from the lower to the upper I sometimes landed. Something is definitely wrong here, and I have no god damn idea what. Thank you for the report...


After testing this some more, it turns out the height of the platform is apparently not the issue, it seems it's something to do with landing on the left side of the platform. Like something is off with the hitbox on the left side.

#4 Emily


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Posted 12 January 2021 - 04:34 PM

I was about to post that exact thing; aye, it has to do with landing on the left side. Because smart me checked 'x+4' but NOT 'x+12', and that means it was only checking the leftmost part of Link's hitbox for platforms.....


Anyway, fix pushed.

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