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NJF Plays Final Fantasy VI (*-*Completed*-*)

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#31 TheLegend_njf



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Posted 30 April 2016 - 11:42 AM

NJF Plays Final Fantasy VI (30 - Relm and the Goddess Painting)


(Duration 40:34)




"I don't mind the cats!! I got a dog!! Yes!! Just like I said, I got a dog!! What's a cat when you got a dog on your... crazy dog on your team? Luh!!! That dog don't like you cats!! Predictable!!" - NJF @ 13:20
After finding Strago at the tower of cultists', the party decide to locate Relm. But where can she be? Being a painter, they consider checking the mansion in Thasama where an art collector named Owser lives. The mansion turns out to be haunted in this present time. Shadow, being mysteriously connected with Relm decides to explore the mansion on his own. Shadow finally finds Relm who is currently working on a painting of a goddess, her new masterpiece, however, a demon is living in her painting and is the source of the ghosts that now claim the mansion. The demon refuses to let Relm free and thus Shadow is forced to fight the demon to free Relm from her enslavement to the demon. Shadow defeats the Demon, and Owser explains that the demon came to possess the being from a stone that he won at an auction. When Shadow checks the stone he learns that it is actually a magicite of an Esper named Starlet. Just happy to have his painting and not wanting anymore grief of magic, Owser gives the magicite to the party and Relm rejoins the party. They immediately return to the Tower of Cultists' and Relm confronts Strago. At seeing the sight of Relm and the overwhelming relief that she is alive, he is broken from his trance and rejoins the party on their quest to get back at Kefka. 
byWizards @ deviantart.com for title image.

#32 TheLegend_njf



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Posted 02 May 2016 - 09:05 AM

NJF Plays Final Fantasy VI (31 - Odin in the Underground Castle Ruins)


(Duration 1:13:19)




"Oh my god!! Ah da deh!! YOU TRYING TO KILL US ALL?!?!" - NJF @ 6:21
Now with Strago and Relm back in the party, they return to Edgar's Castle to travel under the earth. During the travel, the castle gets caught up in something mysterious and the party goes to investigate. Deep within the caves under the earth they discover a lost hidden castle. Here, Shadow explains this castle was from the old war between humans and espers 1000 years ago. Unable to fight back, the people leave their faith to Odin, an Esper himself and hero of the humans. However, all hope is lost for this ancient civilization when he loses to a powerful sorcerer and is transformed into magicite. Today, the party explore the ruins to find the magicite Odin and recruit them to their party of esper forces. After exploring what they feel is everything that can be explored, the party returns to the surface. 
byWizards @ deviantart.com for title image.

#33 TheLegend_njf



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Posted 04 May 2016 - 10:12 AM

(This video gets my vote for most funniest in the series. This quest for Hidon was a pain, but lead to some of my funnier responses)


NJF Plays Final Fantasy VI (32 - The Quest for Hidon)


(Duration 1:00:21)




"Look at this fuckin' bunch! Like what kind of party did they pull you guys out of?!... AHHH!!! NOOOOOO!!!! WHAT?!?! Run!!!" - NJF @ 17:12
""Hippocampus" What does this have to do with the brain?!?! If you're taking the name... If you're named after a part of the brain, at least be something that resembles a brain!!! You're absolutely fuckin' ridiculous, you know that?!!" - NJF @ 24:12
"Oh Jeeze! Watch out now!! Sabin's gonna go BUMRUSH on ya's!!! Luh!! You dead!! Not even a fuckin' prayer for the SEAHORSE that's apparently named a hippocampus!!" - NJF @ 26:27
"WAAA?!?! Uh I... I HAVE THE POWER!!!! hahaha!! WTF was that?!?!" - NJF 27:41
"Heh, OH YA, WELL HIDDEN HIDON!!! YOU'RE REALLY GOOD AT HIDING!! You just hide right at the entrance of the cave, that's all!..  And just got this stupid ass treasure chest..." - NJF @ 38:16
"Nooo!!! The after-party! The 4am club!" - NJF @ 39:30
"WHY?!?!.... NOOOOO WHY!?!? WHY ARE YOU BACK?!?! WTH?! I went back to save it and he's back again?!?! Aaauuuh... Nooooo!!! Noo hohohoho no my... My nerves!!! Auuhh.. Nooo... wth... Auh... Uhhh no no no no no... I just duh just... I got the bu.. I got to put on.. I just ju... this place is driving me crazy..." - NJF @ 42:09
"Haahaha!! After all that, Sabin is still a zombie... Hahaha!! It's like, it's like the whole night pass by, everybody like... We got ah, Strago telling his victory story and Sabin.. Sabin's in the bedroom "BRAINS!!!! BRAINS!!! BRAAAAINS!!!" Nobody bothers to heal him like "BRAAAAAINS!!!" hahaha!!! Oh Jesus I think I'm out of my mind!" - NJF @ 58:48
The party brings Relm and Strago back to Thasama who decide to relax for awhile. However, the opportunity to relax is robbed from them as they discover that Gungho, a friend of Strago's got injured hunting Hidon, a beast that they used to hunt years ago. 
Strago's desire for revenge is also met with reluctance since he spent his entire youth hunting this creature. However he decides to hunt the creature for his friend. Strago tells Relm to stay home so he can go on his quest alone. However, Relm and the party decides to tag along to help Strago on his hunt. 
They head to a lone cave on Ebot's Rock, an island just north of Thasama. Inside, they try and seek out the mysterious Hidon. This cave includes a series of warps and dark corridors and dangerous creatures. A living treasure chest inhabits this cave who denies passage to anybody who doesn't feed him coral. Once the party feeds the living treasure chest enough coral, they are granted passage to Hidon's location. This foul undead creature uses various dark spells, but the party wipes him out quickly.
Strago immediately raced home to tell Gungho about his victory. Gungho, surprised and doubtful by the news, Relm convinces him that it is true. Strago spends the entire night bragging about his victory until he finally passes out. Relm and Gungho has a small talk where she reveals that she knew he was faking to motivate Strago into pursuing his dreams. The next morning, the party leaves Thasama for their next journey. 
byWizards @ deviantart.com for title image.

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#34 TheLegend_njf



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Posted 06 May 2016 - 08:46 AM

NJF Plays Final Fantasy VI (33 - Return to Doma Castle part 1)


(Duration 1:04:11)




"If that's what your penis looks like you really should see a doctor." - LejesR @ 3:30
"IS THAT CALLED AN EVIL TOOT?!?! EVIL TOOT!!!! What kind of... I just missed the name again.. YES EVIL TOOT!!! WTF?!?!" - NJF @ 40:04
The party heads to Triangle Island to seek out and understand a mysterious phenomena happening on the island. People have been disappearing mysteriously on the island. The party quickly discovers that a creature called the Zone Eater has been eating anybody who enters stumbles on this island. After being swallowed by the creature, the party is taken to an underground cave where they discover a mysterious being named Gogo who is draped in so much clothing that it's difficult to tell if Gogo is a male or female. 
Now with an entirely complete party, they return to Doma Castle with Cyan in an attempt to face his memories. However, it turns out this now haunted castle has other plans for Cyan. The party must now escape the nightmares of this castle and free Cyan before they lose him to his nightmares.
byWizards @ deviantart.com for title image.

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#35 TheLegend_njf



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Posted 08 May 2016 - 10:57 AM

NJF Plays Final Fantasy VI (34 - Return to Doma Castle part 2)


(Duration 1:03:08)




"I dunno, you don't think some liquid nitrogen cooling might help with Super Mario World?" - LejesR @ 21:53
"I come in and you're killing yourself" - Moosh64 @ 36:58
"I'm just gonna sit back and just drink this pepsi and just think about what I'm doing with my life." - NJF @ 37:27
The party continues to explore the nightmares that haunt Cyan in an attempt to save him from the fiends that are currently posessing his soul. After dispatching the 3 dream stooges, the party still remain searching for Cyan's Soul who is being captive by another spirit. The party eventually meets up with the memories of Cyan's family who are trapped within his soul. They beg the party to save Cyan from what haunts him. They reveal the being possessing Cyan to be Wrexsoul, a fiend made of spirits of people dispatched in meaningless warfare. The party confronts Wrexsoul who reveals that he's feeding on Cyan's pain and grief and becoming more powerful at Cyan's expense. The fights Wrexsoul in a battle to claim back Cyan's soul. After defeating Wrexsoul, Cyan claims that he's been aware that his family has been calling out for him. He gets one last moment to speak to his family before his final farewell which conveniently freed his soul and cleared him of all doubt and confusion. The party returns to the airship to continue their journey through the world of ruin. 
byWizards @ deviantart.com for title image.

#36 Anarchy_Balsac


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Posted 08 May 2016 - 11:16 AM

This makes ME wanna play it again, maybe I'll do a low-level playthrough if my computer's data takes long enough.

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#37 TheLegend_njf



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Posted 10 May 2016 - 10:25 AM

NJF Plays Final Fantasy VI (35 - Tying up Loose Ends part 1)


(Duration 1:03:15)




"It's like.. Shadow is like "WTF is wrong with you man?" It's like "Who the fuck is leading this stupid party?! Look at me? Do I look like I need to be wearing a hairpin and a ribbon?!"" - NJF @ 6:13
"No unique sprite for Gau's father, but Gau DID get his very own tuxedo sprite, just for this scene" - LejesR @ 16:44
"Look at these people! There's a dragon on stage and they're all carrying out as if everything is fucking normal!!! It's a fucking t-rex!!! Get out of the fucking arena ya fuckin re.. Oh Jesus I'm losin' my mind." - NJF @ 29:41
The party approaches the senile old man that lives in solitude in a small house and comes to a realization that Gau is his son. They plan to introduce Gau to his father, but not like the way he is. They take him to Jidoor to dress him up in style to impress his father. When they return to the old man, he claims he's never had a son but had a dream of leaving a demon child at the veldt to find for himself. Sabin disgusted by the old man's tale wants to pummel him, but Gau is happy to see his father is alive and well and the party just decides to leave the old man in his ignorance. The party returns to the opera house to discover that a dragon has taken center stage and is terrifying the audience. The party dispatches the dragon and saves the opera house. They finally return to the underground kingdom to take out a remaining dragon and also obtain a new esper named Raiden. 
byWizards @ deviantart.com for title image.
Unknown Artist @ tumbler.com for thumbnail image.

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#38 TheLegend_njf



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Posted 12 May 2016 - 09:54 AM

NJF Plays Final Fantasy VI (36 - Tying up Loose Ends part 2)

(Duration 54:34)




In the underground castle, the party seeks out a hidden room they previously missed in their earlier visit. Here, they find the blue dragon and quickly dispatch it. Beyond the dragon stood the frozen statue of the queen who's also been turned to stone after the old war. The sight of the queen brings a tear from the Odin Magecite and he transforms into Raiden. Now the party is finally ready to move on from this place. They soon return to the skies where they hunting a flying fiend named Doom Gaze who happened to have swallowed the Bahamut Magicite. The party finally ties up a few remaining loose ends before they finally make the decision to climb the Cultist's Tower.
byWizards @ deviantart.com for title image.

Edited by NewJourneysFire, 18 May 2016 - 09:02 AM.

#39 Dark Ice Dragon

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Posted 12 May 2016 - 03:37 PM

this playlist is..fantastic.

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#40 TheLegend_njf



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Posted 14 May 2016 - 10:41 AM

NJF Plays Final Fantasy VI (37 - Cultist's Tower)

(Duration 1:06:16)




The finally decides to climb the mysterious but creepy tower of cultists. In this tower, everybody is limited to using only magic attacks. Physical attacks are prohibited for both enemies and the party alike. 
The creatures here are few of the most nastiest in the world. Midway up the tower the party fights the white dragon, but it doesn't serve that much of a challenge. The party finally reaches the top and obtains Kefka's treasure, the Gem Box. However, as they are about to descend back down, they are ganged up on by the Magimaster and his fiends demanding you return the treasure. The Magimaster battles the party himself using various magics and devious tricks. 
Once he is defeated, he uses his final trick, a sacrificial Ultima which casts an ultima against the party at the price of his own life. His ultima succeeds at eliminating the entire party, however, they've preemptively used a spell to bring themselves back from their unconscious defeated state using a Life 3 spell and won the battle. 
With the Magimaster defeated, it's time to head back down the tower. However, the return trip turns out to be more stress inducing than the trip up as they try to escape the tower with Kefka's treasure. 
byWizards @ devianart.com for title image.

Edited by NewJourneysFire, 18 May 2016 - 09:02 AM.

#41 TheLegend_njf



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Posted 16 May 2016 - 05:56 AM

(No more thumbnails until youtube fixes their shit)


NJF Plays Final Fantasy VI (38 - Final Preparation)

(Duration 44:06)




"Yes, it is the crime scene." - LejesR @ 5:24
"Oh God... Good luck rabbit, that's ahhh... Sabin, that's like eh... That's enough Sabin!!! IT'S JUST A RABIT!!!" - NJF @ 36:16
It's now time to enter Kefka's Tower and take down this menace once and for all. However, the party decide to take this opportunity to make final preparations before they make their final destination.
byWizards @ deviantart.com for title image.

#42 TheLegend_njf



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Posted 18 May 2016 - 09:04 AM

NJF Plays Final Fantasy VI (39 - Kefka's Tower part 1)

(Duration 40:56)




"I like how we have all these characters with cool, fleshed out backstories and then just Mog and Umaro were there too" - Moosh64 @ 12:16
The party finally decide to break into Kefka's domain. Their plan is to destroy the statues which hold the power that Kefka is using to terrorize this world. However, they take a moment to reflect on Terra's fate if magic is relinquished from the world, knowing she is half Esper, she may not make it through this trip. 
With such a heavy burden on their conscious, the party splits into 3 separate groups on which they will divide and take separate paths through Kefka's Tower. 
The most powerful creatures rule this domain, determined to do whatever it takes to protect the statues, the source of all magic and power. 
byWizards @ deviantart.com for title image. 
calonarang @ deviantart.com for title image.

#43 TheLegend_njf



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Posted 20 May 2016 - 01:43 PM

NJF Plays Final Fantasy VI (40 - Kefka's Tower part 2)

(Duration 1:06:50)




"Gah.. I waited that whole 8.. Go up all that 8.. just to see what it was all about and buddy turns me to stone!!! That whole time waiting for it to go to 8, and now he's a statue!!" - NJF @ 46:44
"Okay??? Wtf was that supposed to be??? That was some fancy a lot of nuttin" - NJF @ 51:19
The three groups continue to infiltrate Kefka's Tower, a garbage heap practically made out of a mesh mash of Vector, the Magitek Factory, and the Floating Continent and everything else that just so happened to float and pile up here when this tower was created. The party must battle few of the toughest and sometimes most ancient beings here, including Atma who claims to have lived an eternity. The three groups are closing in on the 3 statues, ready and willing to destroy the Warring Triad once and for all and relinquish the world of magic.
byWizards @ deviantart.com for title image.

#44 Dark Ice Dragon

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Posted 20 May 2016 - 03:10 PM

what a misfortune be turned into stone in that moment!  "8" is the most usefull skill to use vs that boss, but you sent him to hell anyway.

#45 TheLegend_njf



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Posted 20 May 2016 - 04:38 PM

At this point in the game I'm quite overpowered.


Though I was surprised just how awfully mean some of the enemies in this area were compared to the bosses.

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