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One tiny secret.

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#1 ShadowTiger


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Posted 25 January 2011 - 10:00 AM

Just for fun, let's try something. Everyone, tell us all one tiny little secret of yours. One little glimpse into your life.

Me, ... well, heh, ... I'm not the kind of person that, when confronted with a person of the opposite sex, is drawn to their er ... naughty bits, shall we say. I actually am more inclined to focus on their teeth. Their canine teeth, specifically. I am instinctively drawn to seeing how pointy they are. I have a strange feeling of respect for those with pointy teeth. They give off so much charisma somehow.

After that though, I have no problem at all not deviating from their eyes. The eyes are where it's at in a conversation.

#2 Neppy


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Posted 25 January 2011 - 01:18 PM

Well, this surely is a different sort of topic, but is honestly something that I can post in. icon_lol.gif

Truthfully, I have something rather similar to what you do ST. I do get drawn to their "naughty bits" but that's along with something else. I have a huge attraction for a woman's fingernails, if they are somewhat long, and shiny, Not the fake nails though... those don't do it for me.

On another note, I have a strong dislike for feet, except my children's feet, they are fine, but really don't like most peoples feet.

#3 Moonbread


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Posted 25 January 2011 - 02:19 PM


I hate my name. (Joseph)

But the one thing I hate more? When people refer to me as Joe. It actually has to do with how diverse of a person I am, that when people call me Joe, it feels like they're calling me generic.

Well, at least this certainly has nothing to do with the opposite gender's, er, eyes.

#4 ShadowTiger


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Posted 25 January 2011 - 02:29 PM

Yeah, I never really intended it to be anything perverse. If anything, thank you for going spot-on with my intentions. icon_smile.gif

If I were to post another secret, it might encourage people to tell everything about themselves that other people probably shouldn't know. Yet I am somehow compelled to say that another secret of mine is that I never thought I would have to stop myself from feeling like I could rip out a person's throat. Only I mean it literally. Apparently the standard human reaction to violence is to punch and kick. I have acquired the base instinct to go right for the throat; with my bare teeth if necessary. I really have quite the dichotomy between good person and wild beast. But then, I'm not really surprised these days.

Topic go.

#5 Adem



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Posted 25 January 2011 - 02:39 PM

Hmm...I'm assuming these are supposed to be lighthearted, so I won't post anything "dark," so to speak...

I've lived in the same house all of my life. Not that that's really a secret, more just a weird fact.

I have to have the TV's volume at a multiple of five or I can't watch it. For some reason, I'm really obsessive compulsive when it comes to television volume... :B

#6 ShadowTiger


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Posted 25 January 2011 - 03:06 PM

Eh, you don't have to keep it light. Just keep it safe for work, and safe for PureZC, I guess. icon_razz.gif

And I too am a bit obsessive compulsive. Just a bit, and just for certain things. Towels are big with me for some reason. I can only use a towel if it's been taken off its hanger or whatever, doubled over, and clipped at the top corner where the folds meet. It's easier to use the towel that way. If it's just clipped in the middle it feels like we don't have access to half the towel, right where we're using it. Very restricting, it feels.

#7 Russ


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Posted 25 January 2011 - 03:39 PM

QUOTE(Rem @ Jan 25 2011, 11:39 AM) View Post

TV's volume at a multiple of five or I can't watch it. For some reason, I'm really obsessive compulsive when it comes to television volume... :B

My brother does the same thing. I'll turn the volume up to 14, and he freaks out until I set it to 15.

That said, I can be a bit OCD at times (not sure I actually have it, but I sometimes act like it). Not so much now, but a while ago, I had this obsession with everything being "equal" sorta. let me explain. Let's say I accidentally hit a wall with my left hand. Suddenly, my right hand started feeling weird, and wouldn't feel right unless I hit the wall with my right hand too. Stuff like that. Got very annoying, but I trained myself to ignore it and (thank goodness!) it doesn't happen any more. So there you go, my crazy little "secret".

#8 Nathaniel



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Posted 25 January 2011 - 03:43 PM

QUOTE(ShadowTiger @ Jan 25 2011, 03:06 PM) View Post

Eh, you don't have to keep it light. Just keep it safe for work, and safe for PureZC, I guess. icon_razz.gif

And I too am a bit obsessive compulsive. Just a bit, and just for certain things. Towels are big with me for some reason. I can only use a towel if it's been taken off its hanger or whatever, doubled over, and clipped at the top corner where the folds meet. It's easier to use the towel that way. If it's just clipped in the middle it feels like we don't have access to half the towel, right where we're using it. Very restricting, it feels.

You're just like Sheldon Cooper.

Just kidding.

I can be OCD about certain things myself, and quite the opposite in many other ways. Almost everything I own must have a place and be in its place, yet I still have a mess of papers all over this table of mine. The bed must always be made shortly after waking up or taking a shower, and the towels must be hung up shortly after getting dressed. On the other hand, I don't vacuum or dust nearly enough. It's funny how selective our minds can be.

#9 Jared



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Posted 25 January 2011 - 04:00 PM

I can be OCD sometimes too. But I think i'm getting over it.
And, (If no one gets offended) I don't really feel attracted to the opposite sex... icon_neutral.gif

#10 Adem



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Posted 25 January 2011 - 04:04 PM

Alrighty...I was the victim/key witness in a serious crime...That's not light, but still appropriate for work. icon_razz.gif

QUOTE(Russ @ Jan 25 2011, 03:39 PM) View Post

My brother does the same thing. I'll turn the volume up to 14, and he freaks out until I set it to 15.

That said, I can be a bit OCD at times (not sure I actually have it, but I sometimes act like it). Not so much now, but a while ago, I had this obsession with everything being "equal" sorta. let me explain. Let's say I accidentally hit a wall with my left hand. Suddenly, my right hand started feeling weird, and wouldn't feel right unless I hit the wall with my right hand too. Stuff like that. Got very annoying, but I trained myself to ignore it and (thank goodness!) it doesn't happen any more. So there you go, my crazy little "secret".

Ah! I used to do that, too.

QUOTE(Nathaniel @ Jan 25 2011, 03:43 PM) View Post

You're just like Sheldon Cooper.


ShadowTiger, we just found your new nickname: SC.

Now you can get mixed up with Soul Caliber instead of Spirit Tracks. icon_deformed.gif

#11 ShadowTiger


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Posted 25 January 2011 - 04:05 PM

Well, the vacuuming and dusting, we never notice, because it's way, way too small. We don't "use" dust. We do use the towels, the bedsheets, the bed, the TV volume, our hands/fists, etc.

I might be doing the volume thing too, although most of my TVs don't have numbers next to the volume, so I don't have that tendency at all. Actually one TV does, but my "quirk" is seeing how long I can make the volume until I can still hear it, but barely and audibly. I go as low as 4 out of 100, sitting across the kitchen from it. My parents complain until I raise it to at least 20.

#12 Bayta


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Posted 25 January 2011 - 04:20 PM

Oh, this should be a fun thread.

Uhm... Let's see... Ahh, yes. When I was very young, I used to pick at my eyelashes and eyebrows. It was awful, I'd have huge bald patches until they'd grow back, then I'd do it all over again. Haven't done it for years though, thank God.

Another one is that I've had the same Disney-themed lamp in my bedroom for as long as I can remember. It's pretty embarrassing, but I can't even see it half the time anyway. I have a picture of my old dog covering it, and it has a completely normal lampshade. And I'm making it a priority to replace the thing.

Okay, now I feel like a complete oddball. >_>

#13 AgentLym


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Posted 25 January 2011 - 05:23 PM

Heh, taking a cue from Disney-lamp-man there, I have a secret that's not harmful, but is still not-well-known (at least, to people who don't visit me personally)...

My entire room is painted Thomas the Tank Engine theme. =P When I was little (around 5 or 6), I LOVED Thomas, so my mom painted almost the whole room (excluding ceiling, floor, and the wall behind the bunk-bed)-- and it's still like that, full of lush green hills, a windmill, Percy, James, Harold... even Thomas himself! It's actually quite comforting to wake up to; the trees look nice, and you can follow the train tracks from one wall to the opposite.

I guess that could be considered "embarrassing" by myself, now that I'm almost 19, but I don't mind. It's an important piece of my childhood, and is a remarkable reminder of my mom's love for me and my brother. ^^' I'm still surprised she did all that... I'd feel bad to paint over it!

#14 Geoffrey


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Posted 25 January 2011 - 10:27 PM

I have to have the TV's volume at a multiple of five or I can't watch it. For some reason, I'm really obsessive compulsive when it comes to television volume... :B

I have that exact same thing. Except it's been cooled down a bit since I found out my TV's max volume is 64. Since then I've been able to watch at 2, 4, 8, 16, 32 and 64 (not that it's really possible to watch and 2 or 4).

That said, I can be a bit OCD at times (not sure I actually have it, but I sometimes act like it). Not so much now, but a while ago, I had this obsession with everything being "equal" sorta. let me explain. Let's say I accidentally hit a wall with my left hand. Suddenly, my right hand started feeling weird, and wouldn't feel right unless I hit the wall with my right hand too. Stuff like that. Got very annoying, but I trained myself to ignore it and (thank goodness!) it doesn't happen any more. So there you go, my crazy little "secret".

Ugg... Someone punched me in the head at school once and I literally went straight to the bathroom where nobody was just so I could punch myself on the other side without anyone seeing. Luckily I stopped the habit before I could do any permanent damage to myself. icon_razz.gif

My entire room is painted Thomas the Tank Engine theme. =P When I was little (around 5 or 6), I LOVED Thomas, so my mom painted almost the whole room (excluding ceiling, floor, and the wall behind the bunk-bed)-- and it's still like that, full of lush green hills, a windmill, Percy, James, Harold... even Thomas himself! It's actually quite comforting to wake up to; the trees look nice, and you can follow the train tracks from one wall to the opposite.

You my friend, are a serious boss. Promise me you'll never paint over that.

Hmmmmm....somewhat different. It requires a bit of back story too. Well, here goes.

When I was a kid I never really acted myself, as I wasn't sure if people would like that. The real problem was that I wasn't sure what people did want me to act like. So this ended up with me borrowing from the personalities of whoever I was hanging out with. Over the past few years I have taught myself to act more like myself and kind of forgot about that whole thing. But then my mom decided to send me to a private school and lets just say that uniforms do not go hand in hand with who I am. I tried to continue being myself, but I seriously felt like I was on the verge of mental breakdown. So now I'm back in the state I was when I was a little kid. Constantly borrowing from other personalities. Really, it gets very boring. Damn, I really miss myself.

Now for something lighter. icon_razz.gif I have two middle names and two last names. But the last names don't have a dash ( - ) in between them, so everyone ends up thinking that I actually have three middle names. :/

And for one last secret, I haven't had a girlfriend since Grade One...and that doesn't really count. For a while I lacked the guts. But now I just lack the motivation. When your trying to get most of your homework done (FOR TEN FREAKING CLASSES), spend time with your friends and get enough sleep...it just doesn't seem worth it.

Edited by Molten Onyx, 25 January 2011 - 10:28 PM.

#15 Evile



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Posted 25 January 2011 - 10:28 PM

Uhh, I wear women's pants. I just find them much more comfortable, nice and tight. I find loose pants uncomfortable. It's not really that much of a secret though, most my friends know and don't care, they just think its kinda weird, but I'm weird anyways.

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