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#1 Anthus


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Posted 25 March 2005 - 10:44 AM

NOTE: I just posted this as a reply to a topic concerning this issue

Censorship is bull**** <-- see what I mean? I mean I do undertand that it is to protect younger children in most cases, but what is wrong with a kid seeing a boob, a natrual body part? What's wrong with someone hearing the "F" word in a sitcom? People are so stupid! They are only words! If you going to bar out titts, and ass' why not bar out the body? Why even have a TV if we can't see certain natrual body parts? We all have them, and were all going to see the other ones someday, what is the point? What is wrong with hearing a "bad word"? Why can't our language be like the janpanese, and have no "bad" words?

WARNING: If you are a christian, or are offended by the concept of free speech, or a tight ass conservative, please don't read, or read this with an open mind!

TOU HAVE BEEN FAIRLY WARNED, If you read the following and have a problem, then it is now your own fault!

We only have csensorship because those words are portriad as "bad" by the christian right activists. The christians in high office. 80% of the government, let alone our country is of the christian faith. I'm not, I am an aithiest. Please, don't get me wrong, the religion itself is kinds cool, and interesting, but these people are taking away our right to free speech! Look at Howard Stern! This really makes me mad when it is on TV espicialy cable! First of all, we pay for cable, and can choose what our kids whatch with new parental controlls, so why do they censor our private entertainment? Maybe on network cable chanels, but not on any chanal included in a premuim package. That is why I am thankful for HBO! I think it should be up to us, and us only what to censor what we find unsuitable. It is our freedom, and choise! And another thing, we have more important things to worry abou, and put money into then getting rid of someone saying ****, or us not seeing a boob.

People, WTF??

#2 Sparkrulean



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Posted 25 March 2005 - 11:26 AM

QUOTE(tobias_daboi @ Mar 25 2005, 09:44 AM)
WARNING: If you are a christian, or are offended by the concept of free speech, or a tight ass conservative, please don't read, or read this with an open mind!

Actually, Liberaltarians are the ones who would be offended. Conservatives are people try ing to keep the country the way it always has been, and the way it should be. Thus the name Consevatives. Freespeach is an old granted right that we've had from the start of the country. (with the exceptions for John Adams' presidency) Conservatives are HUGE on free speach. Christiasn are understanding, but get offended very easily. I'm both, and I don't mind what you say. I acutally agree with you. icon_biggrin.gif

My english teacher went on a tangent about 'unappropriate' words. She says (and I agree) that there isn't such things as 'bad' words. They are just words that have correct places to be used, and incorrect places to be used. Ass- Is an animal. *****-is an animal state. ****-slang for dejection. ****-(Believe it or not) but the 'f' word is an old Norm word meaning to die before your time. I have my own theory, but I wont bore you with it.

Edited by Sparkrulean, 25 March 2005 - 11:27 AM.

#3 phil



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Posted 25 March 2005 - 11:44 AM

Uh dude...I am a Christian, yet I think the fact that there are even BAD words is retarded...

#4 Exate



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Posted 25 March 2005 - 11:44 AM

Censorship is bull**** <-- see what I mean? I mean I do undertand that it is to protect younger children in most cases, but what is wrong with a kid seeing a boob, a natrual body part? What's wrong with someone hearing the "F" word in a sitcom? People are so stupid! They are only words! If you going to bar out titts, and ass' why not bar out the body? Why even have a TV if we can't see certain natrual body parts? We all have them, and were all going to see the other ones someday, what is the point? What is wrong with hearing a "bad word"? Why can't our language be like the janpanese, and have no "bad" words?

I'm not truly sure why this is done, but I think it is to protect kids. They shouldn't be learning about sex at such an early age, nor should they be using profanity (though I started that at 2nd grade icon_heh.gif ).
Breasts are only censored in television material that was meant for children. Look at adult stuff. They don't censor that at all. But there is one thing censored... the genitals of women and men. <- You know darn well you've never seen that (and the breasts aren't female genitals). icon_wink.gif

I seriously think it's a good thing, so kids don't learn about things at such an early age that they should only know later in life. icon_thumbsup.gif

#5 Jaivaz


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Posted 25 March 2005 - 11:52 AM

Protect kids my ****ing arse.. They just are too lazy and want the TV and others to ****ing raise their children while they worship like insects. And if they see one thing they dislike on the TV, no matter what it is..true or not.. They want it off. Even if it's some proven fact, if they disagree and it goes against some fairy-tale book, they get mad.

I think America should adapt Japan's way of censorship. They censor only the genitals. That's it.Breasts, 'taboo words' (Which there realy aren't any in Japan,) 'obscene' finger gestures.. They don't care. And the funny part is.. They have a lower crime rate than a America.

****, America would kill for a crime rate like theirs.

A lot like Europe, they support sexual freedom. And you see, they actually use condoms more and keep them widely available. Unlike here in America. If you are seen with a condom here you are a sick rapist, etc, etc. And so many are filled with such useless guilt over things such as masturbation or sex that you can't even say the names of sexual parts of the body. And the funny part is, Europe has a low unwanted pregnancy rate. Pretty ironic.

"Wer mit Ungeheuern kämpft, mag zusehn, dass er nicht dabei zum Ungeheuer wird. Und wenn du lange in einen Abgrund blickst, blickt der Abgrund auch in dich hinein." -Nietzsche

"He who fights with monsters should look to it that he himself does not become a monster. And when you gaze long into an abyss, the abyss gazes also into you."

Edited by Jaivaz, 25 March 2005 - 11:56 AM.

#6 Anthus


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Posted 25 March 2005 - 11:54 AM

Yeah that is true, but I always defined the two groups like this...

Conservatives are more into older American values, such as things like, Chriatianity is the only religion (I'm not trying to single Chriatianity out, but it is true). If you have any other beliefes, you automaticaly bielve in Satin, and you going to hell, You know, older stuff, kinda like how things worked in the 1800's. Alo when it comes to government, they are a lot tighter on the ol' budget.

They want to change things, and stary away fomr the older American customs, and express individuality amoung yourself. It is pretty much the exact opposite of a conservative. Also when it comes down to government funding, they are a little less tightly wound when it comes to the ol' budget.

But this is only my little oppinion on their meanings. Incase your wondering what I am, I'd say I'm a Libraltarian. I have nothing against conservatives, infact some of there ideas are okay (like there budget), but I also find many of there ideas well,... out there... It ain't 1898 anymore.


Yeah I totaly agree with Jaivaz, and X8. Are we really protecting them by hiding them from the truth?

Sorry phill, I mentioned that I didn't mean to offend any readers.

Wow, three people replies within five mutes. That makes this post a little out there... (it was a response to Sparkrulian)

Edited by tobias_daboi, 25 March 2005 - 12:00 PM.

#7 Jaivaz


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Posted 25 March 2005 - 11:57 AM

Conservatives are more into older American values, such as things like, Chriatianity is the only religion (I'm not trying to single Chriatianity out, but it is true). If you have any other beliefes, you automaticaly bielve in Satin, and you going to hell, You know, older stuff, kinda like how things worked in the 1800's. Alo when it comes to government, they are a lot tighter on the ol' budget.

Satan. Damn, you can't even spell that? icon_lol.gif

True though. I get all the funniest responses from religious people here when I say I'm a Satanist..

#8 ShadowTiger


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Posted 25 March 2005 - 11:58 AM

To tell you the truth, man, I'm looking at this from a lot of different perspectives, and am more than happy to just blend them, rather than let a single perspective's source show through. I don't really believe in religion anymore. I just blend their values to whatever suits me. And it sure as heck hasn't failed me yet. icon_eyebrow.gif

Censorship. I don't believe too harshly in it. First of all, let's see what America holds true. Grand Theft Auto 3. Cursing. And LOTS of it. They portray African Americans in a negative light wherever possible, but they were able to release it anyway. Yet nudity is highly shamed in non-pr0nographic environments, such as here, and most other message boards.

But in Japan, the reverse is true. They don't shy away from nudity as much as Americans do, but they fear violence like anything. Why? Well, you can't really murder someone with a dirty magazine, now can you. icon_rolleyes.gif (I mean, you CAN, but it'll take a while. icon_heh.gif ) So I ask you, which is worse? Killing someone? Or just looking at the parts of the body that god made? (Or evolution has made. Whatever floats your boat.)

There's also the part of censorship that attempts to look out for people. I mean, besides the above. 50 Years ago, it was well nigh impossible for children to speak up to their parents. The motto was "Children should be seen and not heard." I was raised like that, to a degree. Both my parents are old-school old-school people, raised when "the day" was way after the day I'm talking about. They didn't curse. People respected them. People looked up to them. They set the standards for society, and continue to do so.

There are people who look at people who curse, swear, and accuse at others with contempt, for they degrade themselves in public by their own free will. It's disgusting seeing people reduce the quality of society around them. Is it ignorance? Is it in fact free will? Will anybody ever know?

#9 Anthus


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Posted 25 March 2005 - 12:06 PM

"Satan", not "Satin"

Oops, I noticed that right after I posted...

BH4 I think what you said is true. It is to look out for some people, but is it really looking out for them, if you hiding the truth, or reality from them?

#10 Exate



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Posted 25 March 2005 - 12:08 PM

If you are seen with a condom here you are a sick rapist, etc, etc.

Uh... no. Nobody thinks that. Maybe it's just Texas. icon_shrug.gif

Cursing, those are just words, and I ended up learning them at an early age regardless. When it comes to sex, I think it's fine for kids to be looking at the opposite sex naked, but you don't want to expose children to nudity of their OWN sex. I'd say why, but people will just ***** and argue in reply to me, no offense. icon_shrug.gif

But yeah... I sort of changed my opinion. icon_badrazz.gif

#11 Anthus


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Posted 25 March 2005 - 12:19 PM

Yeah, people are going to complain... This is all I'll say, then I'll drop the subject...

There is nothing, NOTHING at all wrong with homosexualality!

Plus, you are born gay, you don't just decide you want to. Well, actaully 95% of homosexuals are born that way. You can chose, but it is uncommon. Bisexualality is more common that way.

Edited by tobias_daboi, 25 March 2005 - 12:21 PM.

#12 Freedom



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Posted 25 March 2005 - 12:22 PM

The notion of free speech (not speAch) as put forth in the Constitution is to protect your right to speak out on political matters, without reprisals from the government, NOT to give you the right to say any old thing to any old body that pops into your head.

I can think of many senteneces I could put together and direct towards your mother that you would be very insulted by and the first thing you would do is tell me I have NO RIGHT to talk to her that way.

Just because you have the right to say something doesn't always mean you should, and on someone elses property, like this board, their right to censor you comes before your right to free speech.

Edited by Freedom, 25 March 2005 - 12:23 PM.

#13 Jaivaz


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Posted 25 March 2005 - 12:29 PM

I can think of many senteneces I could put together and direct towards your mother that you would be very insulted by and the first thing you would do is tell me I have NO RIGHT to talk to her that way.

I wouldn't. I'd just retaliate.

"If a man smite thee on one cheek, SMASH him on the other!"

Just because you have the right to say something doesn't always mean you should, and on someone elses property, like this board, their right to censor you comes before your right to free speech.

And just cause you think we shouldn't doesn't mean we shouldn't. icon_smile.gif

#14 Anthus


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Posted 25 March 2005 - 12:36 PM

Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.

I belive this means you can't be punnished for speaking out against government, or for voicing your opinions, and they can't change things that you say, or cencor private things, such as cable (which there are some channles that don't censor, like HBO). You could say that cable is public, but it is still a purchased luxiory item. I still stand by my opinion, censorship should not be enforced on/ in/ around a private item/ area/ luxiory. <-- That kinda made sense.

(You can get the constitution quote here.)

Edited by tobias_daboi, 25 March 2005 - 12:38 PM.

#15 Ben


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Posted 25 March 2005 - 12:40 PM

I try to refrain from cussing, first of all. It helps me maintain my self-control. And where you're being misled here is that you think there IS free speech - there never has been such a thing. As long as there are people, some won't want to hear certain things.

Censorship -

I can see your perspective on this - "Why should these things be hidden? I mean, it's not like they'll affect anything."

It's to protect the children, because it's because children are imitative - they see something and they want to do exactly what they see. I mean, little kids looking at porn - think about that. They learn far more rapidly than an older person and retain many childhood memories until the day they die. Little kids look at this board sometimes (which is ridiculous, really) but still, it's much more pleasant to have a nice conversation without "@$%@ YOU!!!!" every 3 words.

I back censorship.

By the way, I am a Christian. It's enough for me that if the Bible states that something is wrong, then it is wrong.
Bash me all you want to for being a Christian! I love debates. Let's talk about the gay marriage issue sometime, and abortion! icon_biggrin.gif

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