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ZQuest Tutorial Links

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#1 Teilyr


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Posted 09 November 2002 - 11:26 AM

(Happyman: This topic was originally three that were merged together)

For those that don't know, Alpha put the ZQ tutorial up on his site, since ZC.com goes down once in awhile.

Here's the new url.


LTM: Edited this again.
Exate: And again. Thanks, franpa. (05/19/08)

#2 LinktheMaster


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Posted 06 September 2003 - 07:14 AM

I have noticed that a lot of topics have led to people telling the question asker about Idon'tknow's tutorial. So, I thought it would be wise to post a link to his site. This would help out a lot of people (I get rid of the frustration of the stupid questions people ask, or atleast some of them icon_wink.gif )
This site is great for the newcomers to V.1.92. I advise that everyone just take atleast a quick look at this site, (unless your just that good. But then, you could make your own tutorial.)
And, because Happyman's tutorial isn't finished yet, this topic would be of even more importance. Well, I'm just trailing on, so here's the site.
I Don't Know's Tutorial
If some one considers this advertising, then just lock this topic. icon_razz.gif
Oh, and if this is considered a good idea, then could some one pin this topic?

#3 HappyPuppet



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Posted 06 September 2003 - 07:34 AM

Yes, this definitely deserves pinning. I can't figure out why I didn't post something like this earlier.

#4 theplustwo



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Posted 12 September 2003 - 08:23 AM

idontknow graciously granted permission for me to recreate his excellent zquest tutorial here on purezc.com.
here it is in the format of a thread. i had to post repeatedly due to length.
the origional tutorial can be found in html format here


Making Layers
1. basic layer properties
2. setting the coordinates of the layer
3. creating the layer
4. Autolayers

Making Locked Treasure Chests
1. Creating the Treasure Chest Combos
2. Setting the Appropriate flag
3. Setting the chest's Treasure
4. Setting the Undercombo

The Magic System
1. Enabling Magic
2. Magic Options
3. Magic Upgrade & Magic Containers
4. The Magic Wand & Book
5. Other Notes Regarding Magic

Learning the Slash Ability
1. Setting the Slash Sprites
2. Making a "Learn Slash" Room
3. Slash Options

Setting the Initial Data
1. Pg 1: Equipment
2. Pg 2: Items
3. pg 3-6: Dmap items
4. pg 7: Misc
5. pg 8: Equipment 2

Eyeball Combos
1. Differences Between Eyeball A & B
2. Making An Eyeball Combo
3. Testing Your Eyeballs
4. Other Notes About Eyeballs

Combo Animating & Cycling
1. Making the Combo Animated
2. Setting the 'Next' Combo
3. Combo Cycling Properties

Din's Fire
1. Setting the Sprites
2. Making It Available to the Player

Push Block Puzzle
1. Making a simple push block
2. Special Push Combos
3. New Push Block Flags
4. Having Block Triggers Open Shutters
5. Inifinite & No Secret Push Blocks

Timed Warps
1. Setting the Timed Warp Tics
2. Setting Where the Warp Takes You

1. Enabling Shadows
2. Setting the Shadow Sprites
3. Which Enemies Have Shadows?

Creating a Title Screen
1. Designing the Title Screen
2. Hiding Link
3. Linking it to the Overworld

New Enemies
1. Different Wizzrobes
2. New Darknuts
3. Tribble Enemies
4. Different Patras
5. Gleeok 2
6. Mandhandla 2

Lock Blocks
1. Lock Block Properties
2. Making a Custom Locked Door

Bushes, Tall Grass, Flowers, & Shallow Water
1. What Are They?
2. Creating a Bush or Flower
3. Making Tall Grass
4. Setting the Shallow Water Sprite

Linking Message Strings Together
1. Making Strings & Linking Them
2. Setting the Message String
3. Setting the "MISC: More..." Sprite
4. String Options

New Dmap properties
1. Ticker Music
2. Dmap Intros
3. Dmap Names and Titles
4. DMap Maps
5. Continue Here

Making a Simple Custom Boss
1. Setting the Boss Combos
2. Giving Boss Life
3. Alternate Way Using Flags
4. More Custom Boss Tips

1. Setting the End String
2. New Room Types
3. Miscellaneous

1. Making a Falling Floor
2. Over & Under Bridges
3. Sand Zoras
4. Multiple Undercombos
5. Freeform Dungeons
6. Appearing Treasure Chests
7. Temporary (Timed) Secrets
8. Offcenter Shutters

Door Combos
1. Editing Door Combo Sets
2. Putting in Door Combos in Dungeons

Edited by theplustwo, 12 September 2003 - 09:06 AM.

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#5 theplustwo



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Posted 12 September 2003 - 08:24 AM

Making Layers

1. Basic Layer Properties
-Combos on Layers Do Animate But Do NOT Cycle
-Layer 0 is the current screen being worked on and is said to be the layer Link is on
-Layers 1 & 2 are underneath Link, all enemies, and items
-Layers 3 & 4 are above Link and walk enemies but below flying enemies
-Layers 5 & 6 are above everything
-Combo properties do not take affect on layers
-Flag properties do not take affect on layers so flags can not be activated on layers themselves, however, if you have secret flag 16 & 17 on a layer (other than layer 0), then those secret combos will appear if a secret on layer 0 is activated (like making rain fall on layer 6 if you blow a whistle on a whistle flag on layer 0)

2. Setting the Coordinates of the Layer
-In order to have a layer, you must define which screen the layer usesfor its data; Go to screen 10 on map 1 & click data menu and select 'Layers'.
-Replace the 00 in the Scrn Row (underneath the appropriate column that corresponds to the layer you want to assign a screen to) with the coordinates of the screen that the layer will use. For example, enter 12 in the second row of colum 6.. Repeat with the Map # Row to select what map that screen is on; lets use map 2; click click the 00 in the map row of column 6 and delete them & them type in 02.
-Check the Transparency Box if you want the layer to be transparent so that the colors of that layer & the layers beneath it mix to form the nearest color in the current pallette and also to allow the player to see Link if the layer is above him.
-Click done when you are finished setting the layer data.

3. creating the layer
-Go to the screen that is used for the layer you just set, screen # 12 on map 2.
-Make an undefined combo filled with transparent pixels and fill the screen with this combo.
-Now, go to the screen where you had set the layer data.
-Press page down on the keyboard until you see the numbers 0-6 and boxes and circles on the bottom. The boxes, if checked, make the layer visible and the circle that is filled changes the layer that you are editing. Click the circle underneath the layer you had just set. Make sure the box is checked.
-Note that there are no circles beneath 1-5; this is because the map # set for the screens that the layers will use is 0 and since there is no map # 0, there are no layers; thus, in order for a layer to be enabled, you must set the coordinates of the screen and the map # must be more than 1.
-Select the combo you want to put on the layer and then starting adding the combo to the screen. All transparent parts of the combo should not cover up anything on layers 0-6. When you want to edit layer 0, be sure to switch back to layer 0 by clicking the circle beneath 0.

4. Autolayers
-Autolayers are used by going to the layer data menu and clicking the * at the bottom in the column you want the autolayer to be.
-Doing so will prompt you to enter in the map # to be used for the autolayer.
-Autolayers automatically set the screen of that same layer for all screens on the current map to the screen of the same coordinates on that map that you had set for the autolayers.
-As an example, if you go to screen 01 on map 1 & click the * in the layer 5 column and set the autolayer map to map 3, then screen 01 on map 3 will be used for the 5th layer of screen 01 on map 1. Likewise, all other screens on that map, map 1, will use the corresponding screens on map 3 for their 5th layer.

5. Overhead Combo
-The 'Overhead' Combo will automatically place Link, walking enemies, and items behind it without the need for a layer. Also, layers 1-3 are underneath it as well even if put on layer 0. This combo is great for simply making a post that Link is to walk behind in a dungeon.

user posted image
user posted image
user posted image

Edited by theplustwo, 12 September 2003 - 08:24 AM.

#6 theplustwo



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Posted 12 September 2003 - 08:25 AM

Making Locked Treasure Chests

1. Creating the treasure chest combos
-Make a combo with the "lock block" combo property that looks like a locked treasure chest
-Make the next combo in the combo list a closed but unlocked treasure chest with the "slash" property
-Make the next combo in the combo list an opened chest with the "-" or "undefined" property

2. Setting the Appropriate Flag
-Place the locked treasure chest combo on the screen.
-Place flag #10, armos->item on the screen over the locked treasure chest combo (Click tools, then flags and select #10).

3. Setting the Chest's Treasure
-Change the room type to Special Item (Click Data-then room type and double click "special item".
-Then select the appropriate item that you would want inside of the treasure chest by clicking data and then special item.

4. Setting the Undercombo
-Select the opened treasure chest combo.
-Go to data and then undercombos.

Edited by theplustwo, 12 September 2003 - 08:25 AM.

#7 theplustwo



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Posted 12 September 2003 - 08:25 AM


Enabling Magic
1. Check the Quest Rule: Enable Magic
2. Check the quest rule for each of the following items that you want to use magic for: -boots -lens of truth -candles
-magic Wand
3. Edit the "Magic Meter" by selecting the Magic meter sprite in Quest-Graphics-Sprites-Misc. Sprites. I suggest using a graphics pack that already features a magic meter sprite, which most of the latest ones do.

Magic Options
1. Set up how much magic you initially start with by going to Quest-Init Data. Go to page 7 by clicking twice on the left arrow on the top left corner of the first pg of the Initial data menu.
2. Click the 0 next to "Max Magic" and delete it and replace it with a # of 0-9 depending on how many magic containers you want Link to start with at the beginning of the quest.
3. If you want Link to start with actual magic in the magic meter, click the 0 next to Magic and replace it with 1-9 if you want Link to start with actual magic in the magic meter.
4. If you want Link to start with a magic upgrade, check the box next to "Double Magic" If not, leave it blank.
5. After editing these options, click ok.
Note that the magic upgrade makes the amount of magic each of the magic items consumes 1/2 of the original amount

Magic Upgrade and Magic Containers
1. If you want Link to learn the magic upgrade during the quest, make a cave or house or whatever in the overworld with the room type "Magic Upgrade" set the guy, & string as you would normally and make the warp type a cave/item room warp. You could also make a room in a cave or dungeon an upgrade room type.
2. You could also place special "magic containers" throughout your quest to increase the amount of maximum magic Link could carry (up to 9 total containers). Magic jars refill the magic meter as well as blue & red potions. Keep in mind that if the player does not have magic but have items that are required to have magic, then he or she may not use those items.
3. If you include the magic upgrade in your quest, then you must specify the "magic upgrade" misc. sprite in the Quest-Graphics-Sprite-Misc. Sprites menu. This appears next to the magic meter when you get the upgrade.

The Magic Wand & Book
-The Wand, Magic, and Magic Flame do minor damage to many enemies.
-Magic is reflected off the magic mirror combos at 90 degrees and "absorbed", or stopped, by the magic sponge combos.
-When the player shoots magic at magic prism combos, then magic will continuously flow from the prism in certain directions until the player leaves the screen.
-Link can get hurt by reflected magic.
-The Magic Wand itself, that extends from Link's hand, activates the "Wand" Flags and does the same amount of damage as that of the wooden sword.
-When the player has both the magic wand and magic book, the wand magic will turn into a flame when it reaches a magic sponge combo, the edge of the screen, enemies, Magic flags or the Strike Flag.
-Magic sets off the "Magic" flags as well as strike flags. If the magic flame is active near "Burn" or "Wand Fire" combos, then the secrets are triggered.
-Note that Burn Flags do not actually stop Magic.
-Magic Travels over all solid objects, water, pits, etc. unless otherwise stopped via any of the above ways.

Other Notes Regarding Magic
1. All spells automatically consume lots of magic. For now, Din's Fire is the only functional spell and it consumes about 1/3 of the completed magic meter (about 3 magic containers without the magic upgrade).
2. Afer dying or quiting, the player resumes with as much magic as he had ended with so be sure to keep this in mind when considering where to have potions, or magic jars, that help fill the magic meter.
3. If you do not specify that the lens of truth uses magic, it will then consume rupees instead.
4. If the wand and/or candle is set to consume magic (via quest rules), then it will consume some magic points with each use. When the boots are set to cosume magic, then magic will be drained as Link stands over "Damage" combos if he has the boots, which will protect Link from damage combos if he has magic.
4. Magic Jars are found more often after killing certain enemies, such as keese & gels, so keep that in mind as well.

#8 theplustwo



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Posted 12 September 2003 - 08:26 AM

Learning the Slash Ability

Setting the Slash Sprites
1. Go to Quest-Graphics-Sprite-Weaons/Misc. Scroll down until you see "MISC: Link Slash" and click on that & click the edit button.
2. Replace the tile with a tile of your own that makes Link look like he is slashing upward, or swinging a sword. In current graphic packs, this should already be done for you. When done with this, click ok.
3. Then click on wooden sword slash. Now replace the current tile with a tile of what will look like the wooden sword being slashed. It should look like a sword facing NorthEast. When done. Click ok.
4. Repeat step 3 with each of the other 3 swords (White, Magic, & Master) so that when you learn slash, the appropriate sprite of each sword will be displayed. Note that steps 2-4 should be done for you if your using an updated graphics pack that you have downloaded.

Making A Learn Slash Room
1. Make a House or Cave entrance on the overworld
2. Set the room type to "Learn Slash"
3. Set the warp type to "Cave/Item Room"
4. Set the Guy and message string as desired.
5. When the player enters the room, he will automatically learn slash without any transition or without the need to grab a special item. Note that the player, once having learned slash, may not revert back to "Stabbing"

Slash Options
-You can make the player already start with the Slash ability by going to page 7 of the Initial Data menu & checking the box next to "Slash".
-Slashing simply makes Link swing his sword in front of him rather than simply "stabbing" it. Stabbing does not require magic, a special button, or the use of a special item. Once a player learns to Slash, he may not revert back to the "stabbing method"
-You can have faster slashing by checking the Quest Rule "Quick Sword" (Click Quest, then Rules)

#9 theplustwo



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Posted 12 September 2003 - 08:28 AM

Setting the Initial Data

Page 1: Equipment
1. Go to Quest-Init Data
2. Here you edit specific options, including what items you start with.
3. The first page allows you to select what pieces of equipment Link starts with, including swords. If a box is checked, then Link begins with that item in his inventory but if empty, he must acquire that item during his journey.
4. On the first page you can specifically change what wallet size you start with, if any, if you start with a bracelet, and if you start with other items (raft, flippers, boots, etc.)
5. Notice that there is a spot for a large bow; this bow is an "upgrade" to the orginal, small bow; it fires arrows at a very rapid rate.
6. Also notice that there is a spot fro level 2 Amulet. As it is, there is only one amulet available right now which reveals invisible enemies. The Level 2 amulet is not currently implemented and is planned for future versions.
7. Finally, there is now a "Gold" Ring which Link may start with if your quest is very hard. This ring protects Link so that enemies do 1/8 their original amount of damage.

Page 2: Items
1. Here you select what usable item Link starts with.
2. Notice the 3 spells on the far right: D. Fire, F. Wind, and N. Love; only D. Fire may be used in this verstion and in order to use it, you must select the revision 2 subscreen (pg. 8), which we'll get to later.
3. Notice also that there are two h-shot items available for checking, short & long; for right now, there is only one kind of hookshot so checking either one will put it in Link's inventory initially.
4. You can also set the number of bombs and Super bombs Link starts with.
5. There are also spots to check which b-rang, arrow, and potion you start with.

Pages 3-6: DMap Items
1. On these pages, you can set for which dmaps to you initially have the Map (M), Compass ©, and Boss Key (K).
2. The numbers on top are simbolic of the tens digit in the dmap number while the single numbers on the left are the numbers for the ones digit in the dmap number.
3. If, for example, you wanted Link to have the map for dmap 12, then you would check the box in the M column in the Row labeled 2 in the section underneath 10.

Page 7: Misc
1. First, notice that there are spots to designate how many heart containers Link begins your quest with, how many of those heart containers are filled (Starting HP), and how many hearts you start with each time you die/save/quit and then continue. By default, these will be set to 3.
2. If you check the box next to Contine HP with a % directly to the left of it, then
instead of setting the actual number of hearts Link begins with, you can set the percent of health he begins with; so if you set it to 50%, he will always have half of his heart containers filled (except for the first time)
3. You can also check the maximum number of bombs & super bombs Link starts with; if they are set to 0, then the player is required to find a bomb upgrade in order to be able to carry bombs.
4. You can also set the amount of rupees, keys, magic containers/max magic, & magic in the container that Link starts with. You can also check the double magic/magic upgrade and the slash ability.
5. Finally, you can set the number of heart pieces he starts with (0-3) and what triforce pieces he starts with.

Pg 8: Equipment 2
1. Here you set the number of heart containers Link must have to acquire each type of sword, many hearts you must have to shoot the sword beam, and what percent of Link's original sword damage the beam does.
2. If you set the Sword Hearts to 2 for Wooden Sword, Link must have 2 heart containers in order to get the wooden sword.
3. If you set the Beam Hearts for White sword to 5 without the % box checked, Link must have at least 5 filled hearts in order to shoot the sword beam from the White Sword. If the number is set to 50 and the % sign is checked however, then Link must have at least half the number of heart containers he has filled in order to shoot the beams.
4. If you set the beam power to 200 for Magic sword, the beam from the magic sword will do twice as much damage as the actually magic sword itself. If set to 50, the beam does only half as much damage.
5. Also, you can set the number of hookshot Link the HS has but this still does not change the actually distance the hookshot extends.
6. You could also set the x & y coordinates of the "MISC: More..." sprite that appears when the user is prompted to press the A button in oder to see Linked Text Strings.
7. Finally, you can select one of three types of subscreens from the dropdown menu near the bottom of this page. The first revision type is different than the first in that equipment and item parts of the inventory have two different boxes and the item box has 3 rows rather than 2 to fit more items (like the hammer, superbomb, etc.) The revision 2 subscreen has an item box with 4 rows and an additional column (for the magic spells). It also features a spot for the boss key in dungeon dmaps.

#10 theplustwo



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Posted 12 September 2003 - 08:30 AM

Eyeball Combos

Differences Between Eyeballs A & B
1. Eyeball combos change to look in one of 8 possible directions depending on the Link's position relative to the combo; in other words, they "watch" Link
2. Eyeball A changes when Link is North, Northeast, East, Southeast, South, SouthWest, West, & Northwest of Link-think of these directions as being represented by the combination of X & +
3. Eyeball B changes when Link is in the "in between directions" of eyeball A' think of them as NNE, ENE, ESE, SSE, SSW, WSW, WNW, & NNW. For example, the first of these directions, NNE (North Northeast) is more North than it is East but it is still not quite perfectly North. Likewise, WNW (West Northwest is further West than it is north but it is not quite perfectly North).
4. So, what does this all mean? If Link were to stand North of an eyeball A combo, a different tile of that combo would be shown than if Link were to stand East of that combo.

Making An Eyeball Combo
1. In order to Make An Eyeball A combo. Go to Quest, graphics, tiles.
2. Click on a blank, unused tile spot and make sure the next 7 tiles are unused as well.
3. Right click that tile and then click edit from the dropdown menu and edit it to look like the Combo is facing North, as if Link were above it. When finished Click ok.
4. Now select the the tile to the right of the one you just edited. Edit this tile to make it look like the combo is facing Northeast. When finished click ok. Repeat this with the next six tiles to make them look like they face the next direction clockwise from the previous tile. So the third tile would be East, then Southeast, South, Southwest, West, & Northwest.
5. When you are done with the tiles for your eyeball directions, click done from the tile page menu and then right click an unused combo on the right. Set the combo to Eyeball A type and then select the first tile in the eyeball directions sequence, the one that faces North. Click done
6. Many current graphics packs already come with eyeball combos to use or to be a reference.
7. If making minor changes to each of the different tiles used in the eyeball sequence, you might want to simply copy and paste the first tile in your sequence and then go back & simply edit the tiles; for example, many times, users will have eyeball combos that look like eyestatues and the only difference is that the center pupil is moved within the eyeball.
8. To make eyeball B, do the same thing as you did for A, make a sequence of tiles with diferene directions but make the tiles look like they face the correct directions for eyeball B. Start with the North Northeast direction and then continue going clockwise for a total of 8 consecutive tiles. When your done, right click an unused combo, select the first tile of the eyeball sequence, the North Northeast one, and then select eyeball combo B and click done!

Testing Eyeball Combos
1. In Zquest, when you move the cursor around the screen, all eyeball combos will change appropriately. If something is wrong, try changing one of your tiles-make sure you have all 8 consecutive tiles for all 8 directions for each eyeball.
2. In Zelda Classic, when testing your quest, the eyeballs should change depending on where Link is. They should always sort of look after him.

Other Notes About Eyeballs
1. If you set the animation frames to a number greater than 1, then multiply that number by 8 for the number of consecutive tiles needed for the combo to work appropriately.
2. Setting animation to an eyeball combo makes it so that for each direction, the combo will display a different animation; for example, if you set animation frames to 3, then you must have 24 tiles and for the first 3 tiles, you must make the tiles look like the animation sequence for the first direction.
3. If you want an "eyeball statue", or an eyeball that shoots fireballs at you, then you can place the eyeball on the screen on usual and then apply the "enemy 1 flag" on top of it. Then set the first enemy to be "fireshooter" which is an invisible enemy that shoots fireballs at Link just like statue combos

#11 theplustwo



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Posted 12 September 2003 - 08:31 AM

Combo Animating & Cycling

Making the Combo Animated
1. Right Click a combo that you want animated.
2. Click on the 0 next to A. Frames. This sets the number of tiles used in the animation sequence. Delete the 0 and replace it with the number of tiles or frames that you want in the animation.
3. Click on the 0 next to A. Speed and delete it. Replace it with a number of your own to set the speed. 0 speed goes exremely fast while 99 is extremely slow. The speed of 1 equals one tic; after one tic, the animtion frame changes. 1 tic equals 1/60 of a second so 60 tics equals one full second. For smooth animation, I suggest setting the speed between 8-11 depending on how fast or slow you want the transition from frame to frame to be.
4. Select the tile of the combo. You must select the first tile or frame that will appear in the animation sequence. The number of A. Frames is how many consecutive tiles, starting from the first, that is included in the animation sequence.
5. After doubling clicking the first tile, select done from the combo editor.
6. Go to Etc, then options. Make sure the option "Combo Animation" is checked so that you can see the combo animation ocurr in Zquest.
7. Now test to see that the animation of the combo you just created work correctly. If you feel the animation is too fast or too slow, then simply adjust the Animation Speed number.

Setting the 'Next' Combo
1. If you want a combo to cycle, then you must set the 'Next' Combo of a combo. To do this, right click a combo. Then, click on the black spot underneath "Next" in the combo editor.
2. This will bring up all your combos that you have, allowing you to set the next combo in the combo sequence and string combos together. Double click the combo that you want the current combo to cycle to. If you do not one him to cycle or clear the currently selected combo to cycle, click delete. It will not delete any combos but rather clear the "Next" Combo.
3. Combos cycle from one to the "next" after the animation is done. Animation is really important when adjusting the rate at which combos cycle. For now, combos only cycle if the number of animation frames is greater than 2. If you do not want to make a combo look as though it is animated but do want it to cycle, then simply make adjacent copies of the tile that you wish to use and set the number of animation frames to 2. After one animation sequence occurs, the comob cycles to the "next" combo if there is a next combo set. If there is none, then the combo animation will simply loop.
4. COMBO CYCLING DOES NOT OCCURR IN ZQUEST!!! This is very important. When you set the "Next" Combo of a combo, that combo will NOT appear to cycle; it will however appear to continuously animate. Nevertheless, Combo cycling should work when testing your quest in Zelda Classic.

Combo Cycling Properties
1. Again, combos cycle after their animation sequence is finished, to slow combo cyling, slow the rate of animation.
2. Combos DO NOT CYCLE on LAYERS but DO ANIMATE on LAYERS! (well, only on layer 0)
3. Combo DO NOT cycle when placed as an UNDERCOMBO!
4. Combos Cycling DOES NOT LOOP! This means that when if you have combo A and combo B, and you set the next combo of Combo A to Combo B, then Combo A will cycle to Combo B but Combo B will not cycle back to Combo A unless you make Combo B's Next Combo be Combo A.
6. Combo Cyling and Animation is CONTINUOUS! Combos will cycle & animate even when Link is not on that screen! This is so that all combos in the game cycle and animate together; this is good so that if two adjacent screens were covered by rain, the rain on both screens would animate together at the same rate (assuming all the rain is the same combo). Thus, when Link walks from the first screen to the second, the rain combos will match.
7. Combo properties Cycle accordingly as Combos Cycle; So, if you have a damage combo cycle to an undefined combo and vise versa, Link will take damage when he hits the combo that has the damage property but will not take damage if the combo has cycled to the undefined property. This is great for making traps. The combo walkability also changes, thus allowing for certain things such as retracting walls or obstacles.

#12 theplustwo



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Posted 12 September 2003 - 08:32 AM

Din's Fire

Setting the Sprites
1. Go to Quest-graphics-sprites-weapons/misc.
2. Scroll down the list until you see DF 1a. click on it and press Edit.
3. DF 1a is the fireball that Link tosses up in the air. Click the current tile and set it to look like a fireball or a flame. Then type in the appropriate number of animation frames & animation speed Then click ok.
4. Repeat step 3 with the DF 1b sprite, which is the fireball that comes back down after casting Din's Fire.
5. Double Click the sprite DF spark 1a; This is the trail or sparks that follow the fireball going up after casting the spell. Edit the current tile & set it to look like fireball sparks; i suggest it be the same sprite that the fire boomerang trail uses. Set the appropriate number of frames for its animation & its animation speed.
6. Repeat step 6 with the sprite DF spark 1b; this is the trail that follows the fireball going down.
7. After editing all the sprites, click done in the Edit Weapon Data dialogue box.
8. The final thing you need is a sprite of Link casting the spell. For right now, I think it uses the sprite of Link holding up an item with two hands (on the first page-tile #32) and cannot be changed but in the future, you will be able to edit all of Link's sprites.

Making It Available to the Player
1. You can make the player start with Din's Fire by going to the second page of the initial data menu and checking the box next to D. Fire on the far right.
2. You must also go to page 8 of Initial Data menu and select the revision 2 subscreen type in order to have Din's Fire show up as a selectable item in the inventory. It appears in the last column of the first row of the item box.
3. The player must also have at least one third of the completed magic meter filled with magic to cast the spell. If he or she does not, he will not be able to cast the spell.
4. Since Din's Fire is an item, you can set it as a room's item or special item or even put it in a shop, so that Link must acquire this special spell.
5. Keep in mind that it is a very unique item that creates a large ring of fire around Link which can burn things and cause damage to enemies. Also be aware of the fact that it does consume so much magic. You can give out the magic upgrade which will make each magic item consume half as much magic as it originally does, but the magic upgrade only takes affect once. To do this, create a "Magic Upgrade" Room in the cave/item room or a cave or dungeon dmap.
6. Hide special Magic Container throughout your Quest to allow the player to expand his magic meter. When a player has no magic containers, there will be no magic meter on the screen but once he gets his first, the magic meter will appear underneath the life meter (hearts)
7. You may also want to reward the player with Magic Jars that replenish his magic meter.

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Edited by theplustwo, 12 September 2003 - 08:32 AM.

#13 theplustwo



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Posted 12 September 2003 - 08:33 AM

Push Block Puzzle

Making a Simple Push Block
1. A push block is basically a small solid block that Link can walk against in order to push it somewhere. Push flags allow you to do this. Really any combo may be pushed but typically we refer to pushable combos as blocks.
2. To make a simple Push Block, go to tools, then flags. Scroll down until you see a bunch of diffferent flags each with the words "Push" next to it. Any of these flags can be pushed when Link moves against in a certain direction(s). For example, a push right flag can be pushed to the right once when Link stands to the left of the combo and walks against the combo towards the right. Take a glance at some of the other "Push" Flags. Click cancel.
3. Go to quest-graphics-tiles. Then make a tile that looks like a block if you don't already have one. If you do see a block, notice what page it is on. Click done.
4. Right click on an unused combo. Make the combo completely unwalkable. Then select the tile of the block.
5. Place this combo on the screen and surround it with walkable floor/ground tiles.
6. Go back to the flags menu and select the push right flag.
7. Place the push right flag on the block that you had just put on the screen. Now, Link can move this block once.
8. If you want it so that it is required of Link to push this block in order to open shutters, check the screen flag "Block-Shutters". Then click ok.
9. You must set the undercombo; first set the combo you want to be underneath the block when Link pushes it and then go to Data, then undercombo. Then click set.

Special Push Combos
1. There are some special combos that affect Link's ability to push blocks. For example, the push wait combo makes it so that if a push flag is placed on that combo, Link must kill all enemies on that screen in order to actually push the combo.
2. Other push combos are: Push Heavy, Push HW, Push Heavy 2, & Push HW2. The combos with "Heavy" in them can only be pushed when Link has the "bracelet" item. The ones with Heavy 2 can only be pushed when Link has the bracelet 2 item. The Push HW is a mix of wait & heavy; link must have the bracelet plus must defeat all enemies in the same room. The push hw2 is a mix of wait & heavy2; Link must have the bracelet 2 item plus must defeat all enemies in the same room.

New Push Flags
1. The original push flags were simply push up & down and push 4 way.
2. Now we have a push flag for every direction so that the block can move once in one of four directions and a push flag for left & right. In addition, for each kind of direction, we have no secret (ns) push flags. These can be pushed once without activating the room's secrets. Also, there are push flags that we can push infinitely (inf). For example, the flag u/d-inf (ns) allows Link to push the block up or down an infinite number of times without activating the secrets.
3. Block trigger flags make it so that if all of these are covered with a combo that Link has pushed, then the secrets will activate. Also, if there are push block & block trigger flags and the "block-shutters" screen flag is checked, then instead of just pushing one block for the shutters to appear, Link must push a block onto every block trigger in order to open the doors. In addition, once a block is pushed onto a block trigger, that block can no longer move. Block triggers, infinite push blocks, shutters, and obstacles make for some very unique and often difficult puzzles that require some thinking.
4. No Push Block Flags basically make that spot a "push block-free" zone; as it states, no blocks may be pushed onto this space.

Push Options
Solid Blocks Quest Rule: Basically this rule just makes it so that solid, unwalkable blocks/combos cannot be pushed on to each other. So, if Link is underneath a push block trying to push it upward, the block will not be pushed up if there is a solid combo above it.
Hesitant Push Blocks Quest Rule: Makes it so that Link has to push up against blocks for a moment before they actually start to move; it fixes an old bug where sometimes blocks would just move if Link was anywhere near it.

Hints for Making a Good Push Block Puzzle
1. Use certain push combos to restrict what blocks can be pushed; for example, making the blocks in your puzzle the push heavy combo forces the player to find the bracelet item before being able to solve the puzzle.
2. Make cetain blocks only move in certain directions. You can make good puzzles that way that require logic; if players don't move blocks in a specific sequence, then they can't solve the puzzle & have to reenter the room & try again.
3. Use block trigger flags so that players have to push blocks to certain spots so that they can activate the secrets or open the shutters.
4. Make it so that the player has to defeat the enemies in the room in order to move some blocks.
5. Use No Push Block Flags to restrict where the push blocks can go.
6. Use combo cycling in order for the player to have to time his pushes; for example, you could cycle a regular block to a "damaging" block so that if Link touches the block at a certain time, he will get hurt.
7. Place traps in certain areas surrounded by solid push blocks so that if the player pushes certain blocks, the traps can move more freely, since traps are stopped by solid combos (unless specified as floating traps, which make traps float over solid combos).

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user posted image This is an example of a push block puzzle. The light blue blocks can be pushed infinitely left or right & the grey blocks can be pushed infinitely up or down. The dark blue blocks don't move at all. The movable blocks must cover all block triggers in order for the shutters to open.

#14 theplustwo



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Posted 12 September 2003 - 08:33 AM

Timed Warps

Setting the Timed Warps Tics
1. Click Data, then Screen Data.
2. You'll see "Timed Warp Tics: 0". Click on the 0 and then delete it. Replace it with a number of your own to set how many tics it takes for the timed warp to activate.
3. Timed Warps use the "Side Warp" Setting. Each tic equals 1/60 of a second; or 60 tics equals 1 second. After so many tics, or a certain amount of time, Link will automatically warp using the "side warps" setting. Tics do not start until Link is completely on the screen; so, in dungeon dmaps, the tics do not start until Link reaches the inside of the invisible border of the screen.

Setting Where the Warp Takes You
1. Click Data, then "Side Warp".
2. Set the warp as you would a normal side warp, setting the dmap it takes you to, the screen of that dmap, and the warp style. Do not however set any side "triggers" because the trigger is already set to the Timer/tics, unless of course you do actually want Link to also warp the same way via stepping off the edge of the screen.
3. This is all you need to do for a timed warp! Link wll automatically warp after a certain number of tics, to the screen designated by the side warp settings. However, you cannot really stop the timer so be sure that you want the timed warp to occurr every time you are in that room/screen. Also note that the timed warp tics do reset after leaving the screen.

#15 theplustwo



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Posted 12 September 2003 - 08:34 AM

Adding Shadows

Enabling Shadows
1. Click quest, then Rules.
2. Click the left or right arrow at the top of the page until you get to page 4.
3. Check the rule "Show Shadows" at the bottom of the page.
4. If you want the shadows to appear transulecent, check the rule "Translucent Shadows" on page 5.

Selecting the Shadow Sprites
1. Select what the shadow looks like by going to Quest-Graphics-Sprites-Weapons/Misc. Then scroll down until you see "Misc. shadow". Select it and then click edit.
2. Click the currently selected tile for that sprite and then choose the tile that you wish to be the shadow
3. Then set the # of frames and animation speed as desired. After choosing your options, click ok, then done.
4. Note that there is a sprite for "large shadows". For now, no enemies use that sprite so it is not necessary to set it. It is there for future versions.

Enemies That Have Shadows

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