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The Future of Map of the Month

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#1 Rambly


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Posted 15 March 2012 - 09:14 PM

Things aren't looking terribly good for Map of the Month right now. For starters, right now, we have a grand total of 0 submissions for next month's MotM--that's really saying something considering we're about two months behind schedule. In the year of 2011, there were a grand total of three MotM contests held--naturally, we'd prefer to have about 12 of those a year, give or take.

Both of these statistics spell a pretty clear thing: People aren't terribly interested in Map of the Month and haven't been for a long time. I'm personally confused about it, myself, but I kind of understand. Maps aren't exactly easy to make, especially good-looking ones. They require a lot of time investment--and for a particularly good looking map, probably more than a month's worth of time investment.

However... I still think PureZC ought to have a Map of the Month. For starters, I've always enjoyed looking at maps more than individual screenshots--with screenshots, all you have to worry about is eye candy and screen layout, but with maps, suddenly questions like "does it flow well?" and "how playable does it look?" come to mind. To me, those questions are way more interesting to think about than, say, "Is that patch of grass too closely aligned with that other patch of grass?" Plus, maps are more representative of a quest that's come along healthily--seeing a full map from a quest project has me more assured it's coming along well than just seeing a nice screenshot.

Already, we've decided to make a couple of changes to the contest. First, Robin's hired me aboard to help co-run the contest with him--Linkus has (apparently?) departed as a MotM manager. We wish him well, and I hope I do a good job as his successor in giving this contest the level of attention it deserves. Secondly, I've rewritten the rules and made them more publicly visible. They mostly reiterate rules that've already been laid out in various threads over time, but now they've all collected together and expanded upon for everyone to easily see. (Check 'em out if you're not sure what we allow here, and feel free to give suggestions on how we could alter them here in this thread!)

Obviously, though, that's probably not going to be enough to revive MotM by itself (although it'll certainly help the issue of people breaking submission rules). I think in order for the contest to continue forward, a few questions need to be asked:
  • Does every map submitted need to be a huge, twisty overworld map? The bare minimum for a required map size is 2x2, and I've been pretty impressed with some 3x3 or 4x4 maps I've seen in the past, say. Even a little village or chunk of a forest is worth seeing. A dungeon would be super cool.
  • Does every map need to be super fancy or an artistic work? I've mentioned that I like looking at a map with nice flow, but... I also like maps that look like they're from a game that I'd like to actually sit down and play, too. Even something pieced together for the sake of functioning well in a quest that isn't necessarily a purely artistic work is, in my opinion, something worth showcasing.
  • Are we promoting this contest enough? I'll admit, this is something we've probably dropped the ball on in the past. We've never really sent out reminders outside of the occasional line from Robin in chat, and I don't think it's mentioned in any members' signature right now to my knowledge. We don't have a fancy banner the way the Cool SotW Kids™ have, so something like that might be neat. Perhaps it'd be a good idea to do like SotW does and send out periodical reminders whenever the submission well is running dry, too?
  • Finally: Do we need a Map of the Month? I've already mentioned that I think MotM is more of a sign of healthy progress in quests than something like SotW... but it's very well possible that it's having a detrimental effect. It's possible that people are making maps for the express purpose of winning MotM and discarding them. I'd actually rather see MotM become a showcase for peoples' actual work, but... if someone's actually making a cohesive quest that they want to show off, they might prefer to save their content for, say, a demo in the ZC expo coming up in about a month. icon_shrug.gif
I'd rather hear peoples' opinions on this than just have the contest close shop completely. So, for everyone reading this: What things (if any) do you think we should alter about the way MotM runs to keep it moving forward smoothly?

Just for the record, the current month's contest is still going, and the rules for submissions haven't been altered: Since it's already been well over a month since the last MotM (January 15), MotM will be posted one week after we get three submissions. However, I'd like to add another deadline that was previously suggested by Robin elsewhere: If we don't get any submissions by April 16, it may be time to consider shutting down the contest. icon_confused.gif I'd REALLY rather it not come to that, and if people missed it after it got shut down, of course, we could definitely consider bringing it back, but... as-is, it's taking up precious forum space and collecting dust. So if you care about the contest and want to see it be successful, then by all means, submiiiiiiit! icon_thumbsup.gif

#2 Jared



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Posted 15 March 2012 - 09:25 PM

I love Map of The Month! I'd be terribly sad if it were to disappear. I was just looking at the forum earlier for it.

I'm working on a town right now, and when I finish it around the weekend, I'll gladly submit it!

I think MoTM would work better if it was more known. Because it's so inactive most of the time, no one knows it exists! It needs to be put into signatures, and constant reminders!

#3 Professor Bedwetter

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Posted 15 March 2012 - 09:39 PM


#4 Mitchfork


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Posted 15 March 2012 - 09:41 PM

QUOTE(Hubydweyer @ Mar 15 2012, 09:39 PM) View Post


I can confirm that Rambly is not his real name.

#5 Russ


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Posted 15 March 2012 - 10:26 PM

Well, I've got a map from a recently-released project I could submit. Not the same as a map from something I'm working on, I know, but if it'll help keep the contest afloat.

#6 kurt91


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Posted 15 March 2012 - 11:55 PM

I've been waiting on submitting something for Screenshot of the Week mainly because I want my tileset to be finished before I do something like that. I do have enough done that I started working on my quest, so I'll submit what I've got done in the overworld. Couple quick questions, though...

1: Would you accept multiple submissions from the same person? I have the starting village set up, and Hyrule Castle. The connecting area in between is unfinished, so I would rather cut out the two areas and submit them individually than have one large map with crap in the middle area. If not, I'll just cut out the village and submit that.

2: If Map of the Month gets really bad by way of regular submissions, don't you think it would be a better idea to just hold it when you have enough submissions, and just publicize it more so people don't forget about it? Like you said, it could take more than a month to make a good quality map.

#7 Professor Bedwetter

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Posted 16 March 2012 - 12:32 AM

Hey you guys

If you want to support MoTM Please put this somewhere in your sig

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#8 Rambly


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Posted 16 March 2012 - 12:45 AM

QUOTE(kurt91 @ Mar 15 2012, 11:55 PM) View Post

1: Would you accept multiple submissions from the same person? I have the starting village set up, and Hyrule Castle. The connecting area in between is unfinished, so I would rather cut out the two areas and submit them individually than have one large map with crap in the middle area. If not, I'll just cut out the village and submit that.
I wouldn't accept more than one submission from the same person in the same contest (ie. same month). Currently, the rules don't allow you to "submit ahead" (ie. if you wanted to submit your village for MotM 28 right now), but that's a holdover from the old submission guidelines, and I'm considering overturning that particular rule. I'll have to ask Migokalle about it.

QUOTE(kurt91 @ Mar 15 2012, 11:55 PM) View Post

2: If Map of the Month gets really bad by way of regular submissions, don't you think it would be a better idea to just hold it when you have enough submissions, and just publicize it more so people don't forget about it? Like you said, it could take more than a month to make a good quality map.
I do think it's a good idea, and we run on that model... sort of. The current system says that if we don't get enough submissions by the end of the month, we actually keep waiting until we have three submissions, then we wait an extra week. The extra week is to give the people who were working on their maps a chance to tidy them up for submission and get them done in time, if they'd like.

I'd rather have it actually be a monthly thing as often as possible, though, and I'm sure Migokalle agrees--not sure what the point of calling it Map of the Month or having an entire forum to ourselves is if we don't hold contests at least somewhat regularly. Also, we'd actually like a chance to hold Map of the Year contests at some point, and it's hard to keep those on-schedule if we can't keep MotM on schedule as well.

As far as the deadline, I put that in place because it was Migokalle's suggestion (he said he'd considered shutting down MotM if it went two months without a submission, and that was a month ago). However, I already stated that the deadline was only gonna be enforced if we didn't get any submissions at all--we've gotten one, which at least indicates that there's still some interest in the contest. I'd still rather people submit rather than not, though!

Oh, and we plan to publicize it more, don't worry. A lot of suggestions have been thrown around in private, and one of the ideas is to perhaps have a weekly (or so) reminder topic/submission reminder topic like SotW has. I dunno. We'll have to wait and see. I'm a bit worried a weekly reminder topic would be a bit too spammy, so that one might not go over very well.

QUOTE(Russ @ Mar 15 2012, 10:26 PM) View Post

Well, I've got a map from a recently-released project I could submit. Not the same as a map from something I'm working on, I know, but if it'll help keep the contest afloat.
That's fine by me. It's probably good promotion, and a map's a map. icon_razz.gif

#9 Cukeman


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Posted 16 March 2012 - 04:57 AM

I feel conflicted about MotM, sure it's cool and all, but as to the reality of my actually submitting something,
that all depends. I definitely would be submitting maps from my quest (not going to take time off from my
quest to make a map I'm not gonna use) Then we have the factor of the quest. I develop each of my areas
in three parts: Above Ground, Under Ground, and Dungeon. Naturally as I figure out how these areas and
item progression all relate to each other I will be making changes and fixes to all three. So I wouldn't
be submitting until all three are balanced to the point of final completion. And I wouldn't feel comfortable
releasing the map as soon as it's done, since it's kind of a spoiler, and detracts from the player's experience
of exploring screen by screen, not knowing what is around the next corner. On top of all that add the delay
that is caused because I like to sprite my own graphics. And you wind up with a low probability of entry icon_shrug.gif

#10 Supindahood



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Posted 16 March 2012 - 05:42 AM

I agree that Map of the Month is kind of dead, but in the "post your maps" topic there were a lot of maps, those should submit their maps to the contest icon_wink.gif

I am submitting maps to the contest pretty often, I have one last map of my old project that I could submit to the next or the one after that.

Edited by Gonken, 16 March 2012 - 05:43 AM.

#11 Dawnlight


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Posted 16 March 2012 - 05:43 AM

This might be a bit off-topic, but why can't we just merge the MotM forum with the SS: Challenge Accepted forum and create a new type of forum where there are special types of Screenshot of the Weeks going on. Like one week, we will have Screen Rebirth, the other week we could have Screenshot: CA, and at the end of the month, we could have Map of the Month. We have to schedule specifically what will take place each week and have participants know what's going on in advance. I can assure you that some of our members have nice maps to submit, but the problem is that they forget completely about Map of the Month.

I guess call this new forum "Special Screenshot of the Week". icon_blah.gif

Edited by Dawnlight, 16 March 2012 - 05:44 AM.

#12 Russ


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Posted 16 March 2012 - 10:34 AM

QUOTE(Dawnlight @ Mar 16 2012, 03:43 AM) View Post

This might be a bit off-topic, but why can't we just merge the MotM forum with the SS: Challenge Accepted forum and create a new type of forum where there are special types of Screenshot of the Weeks going on. Like one week, we will have Screen Rebirth, the other week we could have Screenshot: CA, and at the end of the month, we could have Map of the Month.

This might actually be a good idea, seeing as we rarely have the three shots needed (or at least, preferred) to start S:CA. Maybe. Then again, we did just merge S:CA with SR already. Maybe we should let the two contests run for a month, see what happens with them, then consider maybe combining them.

#13 Eddard McHorn Van-Schnuder

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Posted 16 March 2012 - 10:37 AM

I hate that idea. I'd rather just shut down MotM as a whole. :/

#14 Adem



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Posted 16 March 2012 - 03:07 PM

I'm not much of a fan of it, either. The merge with Screen Rebirth and S:CA was different; the two contests were actually quite similar and merging the two allowed for a bit more creativity with submissions. Even with that merge--one that actually made a lot of sense--I kind of scratched me head. Each contest has its individuality and different way of working. They all bring something different to the table. I think any more merging would make things much too chaotic. Nothing would ever get done.

With that said, I think there should be more focus on publicity. Like I told you in chat, people often forget about Map of the Month because...Well, it only happens once a month. And because people forget, it tends to happen more around once every three months.

If there were a sig banner...Oh!!

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#15 Supindahood



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Posted 16 March 2012 - 03:13 PM

I wouldn't merge the contests with something else,

Maybe a minor reward (Like the Sotw image on the front screen), and some more reminders would help and hopefully make some more submissions~

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