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[Basic / 2.5] How to Change Player Characters

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#1 jerome


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Posted 20 August 2008 - 03:17 PM

How to Change Characters in 2.5

A tutorial by jerome.

Table of Contents
  1. Please Respect and Version
  2. Sprite Types- 2 or 3 tile animations
  3. Rules Check
  4. Arranging Your Characters
  5. Changing the Link Tile Modifiers
  6. Character Limits
  7. The Tutorial Demo
Please Respect and Version
These characters that I am including in this tutorial is to help you. These are my characters, with the exception of the female hero, who belongs to CastChaos. They are some characters I am intending on using, so please do not steal these.

This tutorial was done in 2.5 v758.

Sprite Types- 2 or 3 Tile Animations
First things first (because if it wasn't, it'd be later). You first need to decide which style of animation you want your characters to have. Go to your menu bar at the top and select: Quest-> Graphics -> Sprites -> Link. You should see a window that says "Link Sprites". In the lower left hand corner of that window you should see a selection of "Animation Style:". Click on the arrow and you will get your choices.

Here's a picture to help with what I am referring to by 1,2,3 tiles and such for this section:
IPB Image
The following are your choices and what they mean to you:

Original- The original 2 tile animations. Each direction will have 2 tiles for walking, and 2 for attacking (but in 3 motions for slash). So, for example, your Left walking tiles will animate 1 2 1 2 1 2. Your stab tiles will go straight to your #3 tile. Your slash tiles will go 1 3 3 for attacking. The first and second 3 are moved by ZC, but they are the same tile.
BS-Zelda- This is a 3 tile animation. Each direction will have 3 tiles for walking, and 3 for attacking. Your walking tiles will go 1 2 1 3 1 2 1 3 etc. The stabbing animation use the second walk frame and whatever sprite you input for the stab tiles, and the slashing animation wedges whatever tile you select as you slashing tile in between the two tiles used for stabbing.
Zelda 3- This one is one of the newest ones and has 9 tiles of animation for walking!! The animation goes a follows: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 2 3... You'll have to figure out how the attacking tiles work for yourself so you can set up your animations correctly.
Zelda 3 (slow walk)- The same as Zelda 3, but a slower animation for walking.

**For this tutorial, we will be using the Original style of animation since it is easier, and I already have it done. Some of the examples may show for 3 tiles at a time, even though we are only using 2. There's a method to my madness, because I went mad trying to figure it all out.

Rules Check
Your next step is to go to your menu bar up top and select: Quest-> Rules. In v758, the rule is on page 4 and listed as "Expanded Link Tile Modifiers". Other versions have it listed as "Full Link Tile Modifiers". Make sure this rule is checked/enabled.

Arranging Your Characters
First thing you want to do is have ALL your sprite tiles ready and organized the way you are comfortable with. Make sure you know which way is Walking/Attacking: Up, Down, Left, and Right; 1 hand hold, 2 hand hold, cast. You will want all your character tiles to remain consistent. It's also best to go ahead and keep the same distance between each set of characters. I used one whole page for each character. It's a bit overkill and a space waster, but it is consistent.

Attacking Tiles
Next character Attacking Tiles

If you don't arrange them properly and consistently, it will get you undesired results.

Changing the Link Tile Modifiers
Now that we've arranged our characters, lets move onto the Link Tile Modifiers. In this tutorial we will be using Shields to change our characters. Through the wonderfulness of the Item Editor that the developers were so kind to give us, you can do this with any other custom item you make/get. But using shields will be easier to explain since we all know that Link changes when he gets/loses shields.

Link Tile Modifiers (LTMs from here on out) tell ZC to look X# of spaces to the right (positive #) of a particular tile, or to the left (negative #) of a particular tile. So a Down facing Small Shield Link gets replaced by a Down facing Magic Shield Link. Now lets look at these two pictures from earlier:
IPB Image

Under "No Shield" Link on the left, the tile 2 down from the Upper Left hand corner looks like link is facing Left. In the picture on the right "Small Shield" picture we see the Girl is facing Left in the exact same spot. The tile difference between the 2 pages on the exact same spot is 260 tiles.

So what we are going to do is go under your menu at the top and select: Quest-> Items.
Now select the Small Shield.

Select the GFX tab at the top of the new window. There's an area to the right of "Link Tile Modification". In that little window area we are going to put the difference between our Left facing "Link" and our Left facing "Girl". As we figured earlier, that number is 260. Now click OK and you are done with that section.

You can do this for each shield as well. But remember one thing, your LTMs will ALWAYS start with where you selected your quest starting Link. So with my example of 1 character per page, your LTMs would be setup as follows:

No shield: starting point
Small Shield: 260
Magic Shield: 520
Mirror Shield: 780

This would get you 4 different characters! Now if you would still want to use the annoying LikeLikes in your quest, you will have to go to your Items list and edit your Magic Shield under the "Pickup" tab and Deselect the "Can Be Eaten By Enemies" rule under that item. This would be so you don't get eaten as Bob the Hero and turn back into Sally the Streetwalker. Might be kind of odd and hard to explain to the kids. Now you could leave that rule enabled and make it so that you have different suits you can find and lose, then your characters between Small and Magic shields can interchange until you get the Mirror Shield.

Now say you only want 3 characters and you are starting your character out with the small shield. Then your LTMs would be:

No shield: starting point
Small Shield: 0
Magic Shield: 260
Mirror Shield: 520

You see how the Small Shield's LTM is 0. Well that just means your character starts at the same starting point as no shield. So when you setup your character movements under Quest-> Graphics -> Sprites -> Link, you just select your tiles for the Small Shield instead and starting equipment starts you with a Small Shield. This is usually defaulted to Small Shield tiles since most quests don't use Shieldless Link yet.

Character Limits
With using Shields as what changes your characters you are limited to 4 characters. However, through the use of Custom Items, you pretty much have an endless capability, so long as you want to set every one of them up.

The Tutorial Demo
Finally here is an example of changing characters through LTMs using Shields as the catalyst. Once again, please do not steal anything from this demo. The background is ALL Radien's from what he put in the DoR 2.0 starting screens. The female character is a recolored version of Myra from CastChaos' BoB. The Lion and TinMan are all mine.

click to download sample quest.

#2 coolgamer012345



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Posted 14 February 2013 - 09:37 PM

a much easier way to make link is to copy the pages of link to empty blank sheets then on them just make your hero then put them on your respected places.it is that easy(i use that method for 2.5). but if you have a shield but no shield sprites set up then link will be invisible

#3 Russ


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Posted 14 February 2013 - 09:54 PM

Coolgamer... did you even read the tutorial? The thing you described is just how to set Link's sprites, which is completely different from what this tutorial is explaining. I know you're trying to help, but you really don't have any idea what you're talking about here. Please, think carefully before you post stuff like this.

#4 coolgamer012345



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Posted 23 April 2013 - 01:56 PM

hey i am using a custom item-class for a link tile modifier but it does not work,any suggestions?

#5 MoscowModder


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Posted 23 April 2013 - 02:07 PM

Make sure that the item's "Equipment item" box is checked in the item editor, and then make sure you posess the item in ZC's Cheats->Link Data.

#6 Aquamentus (Facing Right)

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Posted 28 May 2015 - 01:42 AM

I want to have different playable characters in my quest! But none of the links work anymore! Please fix it!

#7 Deedee


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Posted 28 May 2015 - 01:42 PM

Just use items to change how your character looks. That's how you have multiple characters.

#8 Hergiswi


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Posted 28 May 2015 - 02:04 PM

I would also be interested in knowing how to use multiple characters without sacrificing an entire item sprite.

#9 Deedee


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Posted 28 May 2015 - 04:51 PM

Just use "Link Tile Modifier". It lets you change what link looks like without wasting an armor palette (or armor at all)

#10 Aevin


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Posted 28 May 2015 - 05:09 PM

If you do need the characters to have different palettes, you can use the ring items with no defense boost (I think it's a damage divisor of 1), and then use Peril Rings that operate at above full health in place of the usual damage reducing rings. The best of both worlds!

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#11 Hergiswi


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Posted 30 May 2015 - 01:17 AM

I think I'm misunderstanding. Maybe what I'm looking for isn't possible.


So let's say I'm playing as Link, beating dungeons, etc. I want to have a dungeon where for whatever reason you have to play as a Goron, a distinctly different character. Is there a way to make that work?

#12 MoscowModder


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Posted 30 May 2015 - 01:22 AM

That all depends on how different you want your Goron to be.


But I'm gonna say yes. It is certainly possible, with enough effort and scripting know-how, to make a character that has a completely different playstyle from Link.

#13 Aevin


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Posted 30 May 2015 - 01:30 AM

There's some things you could do without scripting, too.


In the init data before Link starts the game, give him a "Goron Ring" or something that turns his sprite into a Goron.  Using the DMap editor, disable the Goron Ring on every Dmap except the ones you want Link to be a goron on. Now, when he enters those DMaps, the Goron Ring will become active and he'll turn into a Goron.


You can use this same trick to disable all of Link's normal items on these DMaps, and give him items more suitable for a Goron. At this point I'm assuming none of this is scripted, so your options with Goron-like attacks using the default items are limited, but it could still be done. Link would have a Goron sprite and some unique items in the dungeons you choose. You could also make a special subscreen that has those items present so there aren't gaps on the subscreen when in different forms, and for active items you could skip the disabling on the DMap and just not include them on the subscreen where you don't want the items available.


You could repeat this process for as many unique characters as you like just by having more items and disabling them on all but the right DMaps.

#14 Timelord


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Posted 31 May 2015 - 12:07 PM

Mates, what this thread needs is a new tutorial, with screenshots; so that anyone, and everyone can understand how it works. Most users never play with LTMs, so they won;t have a fleeting chance of setting them up for this effect; and once they know just how many tile pages they'll need, they may want to pass on it.

(This thread is a classic example of the reason that I always say, 'free external hosting sites have no longevity'.)
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