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#31 Nathaniel



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Posted 11 May 2020 - 11:46 PM

While too much of a good thing can be a problem, it's better than too much of a bad thing.  Water it is.


Would you rather only be allowed to wash your hands with soap and water, or only be allowed to wash your hands with hand sanitizer?

#32 klop422


    Guess I'm full of monsters and treasure

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Posted 01 June 2020 - 07:42 AM

Soap and Water is more comfortable for me. You lose the convenience of being able to clean your hands anywhere, but hand sanitiser tends to stink too, so I wouldn't be able to deal with that exclusively.


Would you rather never experience (watch, read, etc.) sci-fi ever again, or fantasy?

#33 Nathaniel



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Posted 23 June 2020 - 09:10 AM

That's a really tough one.  Either one is a lot for me to give up.


I'll have to never experience fantasy, because the other is a hope for a good future, or knowing what bad future to try to avoid.  You can also argue that sci-fi is somewhat dependent on fantasy.


Would you rather bathe in mud or bathe in jello?

#34 klop422


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Posted 23 June 2020 - 11:18 AM

Only one of them would taste any good if I accidentally get some in my mouth, so obviously mud jello.


From this point onwards, would you rather wear exclusively really pungent deoderant or none at all?

#35 Nathaniel



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Posted 11 July 2020 - 02:41 PM

None at all.  I prefer to not get that much attention.


Would you rather fight Kraid or fight Ridley?

#36 klop422


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Posted 15 September 2020 - 05:37 AM

I'd never stand a chance against either of them, so probably Ridley, cos at least I'd get to say "I met Ridley" for half a minute before I died.


Would you rather exist in the Adult or Child timeline in Zelda?

#37 Nathaniel



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Posted 22 October 2020 - 01:15 PM

Child.  So much future.  So much potential.  The future is mine to help mold.


Would you rather have super speed or super jumping (with safe landings)?

#38 klop422


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Posted 22 October 2020 - 01:41 PM

Jumping seems more useful for getting around. Means I can get to high places; means that, including the safe landings, I can fall far distances as long as I start it with a jump (or 'jump' on the way down?). Maybe I could push off a wall with my legs and get super speed in the form of a big launch anyway? Speed would be fun too, but jumping would be better :P


Would you rather always be ten minutes late or always be half an hour early?

#39 Nathaniel



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Posted 12 November 2020 - 10:07 PM

Ten minutes late.  That's 40 more minutes of my time that I could use for other things.


Would you rather work hard, or hardly work?

#40 klop422


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Posted 13 November 2020 - 12:55 PM

Hardly work, assuming I can still survive. Just more fun that way.

Unless you argue that some of my creative hobbies are 'work', in which case 'hardly working' would mean most of my 'productive' hobbies slow to a halt.


Would rather only drink tea or only drink coffee?

#41 Nathaniel



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Posted 14 November 2020 - 07:51 PM

Only drink tea.  There are more varieties, and too much concentration won't give me the shakes.


Would you have tea without crumpets, or coffee without cake?

#42 klop422


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Posted 15 November 2020 - 08:23 AM

Tea without crumpets myself. Even ignoring the fact that I'm not that big a fan of coffee, I'd rather miss crumpets than cake.


Would you rather a pet squirrel or a pet snapper turtle?

#43 Nathaniel



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Posted 16 November 2020 - 12:19 AM

Pet Snapper Turtle.  You're less likely to lose that one, and the teeth won't get too big for not gnawing often enough.

#44 klop422


    Guess I'm full of monsters and treasure

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Posted 16 November 2020 - 06:39 AM

Guess I'll ask the next one :P


Would you rather be forced to learn stuff you're completely uninterested in, or have to teach to a group of people who are completely uninterested?

#45 Nathaniel



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Posted 20 November 2020 - 11:38 PM

How silly of me to forget the question last time.


Teaching is hard, but I have a duty to perform.  Most would probably choose the former because it requires less responsibility, but I choose the latter because somebody has to do it.  I've already had experience at it too.  Many people are uninterested in math, but a lot of those skills are essential.  Sometimes what isn't interesting to most is still important to know.


Speaking of math:  Would you rather be real and irrational, or be imaginary?

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