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TLOZ: The 3 Crystals(Interactive)

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#31 klop422


    Guess I'm full of monsters and treasure

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Posted 06 April 2013 - 01:12 PM

The Sheikah? It's not a bad idea. At first, I would think that they would be a type, but now that I think about it, it looks more likely to be a race.
I would say the same about Darknuts and Wizrobes, but they've already been used, so I guess it's unchangeable at this point.

Another thing. If the Dark Lord comes from the Gerudos, but isn't Ganondorf, then I would guess that he is another Gerudo male. That ruins my plan of making him Vaati... Oh well, I might put him in seperately.
One final thing. Is the Darkness Hammer I mentioned one of the Sacred Weapons? Or did Kinek make a wrong assumption?


Day 7-Morning

So said a horrible voice this morning. Myself, Zrutho and Fizleon were all shaken by this. I wondered which deku scrub it was referring to. There were only a few deku scrubs I know. The Deku Butler*. Those guards Bik and Fod. And Gasser.
Then it struck me that it probably was someone I never met. There are thousands of Scrubs that I've never met. It was very unlikely that it was The Deku Butler, Bik, Fod, or Gasser. Regardless of who it was, I wondered who would talk to someone so horrible, and why.


We shook off the thought of the voice and finally went into Darkness Shrine. It took a while, but we finally got to the Gleeok. I asked Zrutho for help, but he said he hadn't seen this kind of Gleeok before. The only advice he could give was "aim for the head".
Fizleon took out his lance and jumped for the Ice head. Unfortunately, he was hit, and frozen. It took a while to get him back to normal. He didn't try again.
After a while of dodging, Fizleon shouted, "I've got it!"
We all gathered in a corner where we couldn't be hit.
"We need a mirror shield!" Fizleon said.
"What?" I asked "A mirror shield?"
"If I remember correctly, mirror shields can absorb Fire and Ice, and with enough of each, shoot it back," he explained.
"But where do we get one?" Zrutho asked.
Fizleon paused. "I hadn't thought of that..." He admitted.
We all thought for a few minutes.
"I see," said Zrutho.
"What?" asked Fizleon and myself.
"As far as I know, the best mirror shields are made of Zora scales. I'll step in for it."
"But you can't!" I said. "You could die!"
"That's my loss, then, isn't it?" Zrutho said with a small regretful smile.
"But..." I was lost for words.
"Goodbye, Kinek," Zrutho said. "Goodbye, Fizleon"
Then he ran out.
Myself and Fizleon could do nothing but watch as Zrutho took hits from the Gleeok and blasted them back from his body. Eventually, the Gleeok screamed and fell down, dead. Fizleon immediately ran out to him, and I followed slowly.
"This is the end... For me..." said Zrutho. "Goodbye... My friends..."
And he passed from life.


*This would be a different Butler as in Majora's Mask

EDIT: Wow! I've started another new page? That's pretty cool!

Edited by klop422, 06 April 2013 - 01:13 PM.

#32 Lightwulf



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Posted 06 April 2013 - 04:14 PM

(I don't have time right now to make a full post, but I wanted to at least return comments. I may edit this post later, if there's no reply after it.)

Gerudo male - yes, I would assume so, since he's a guy and he's described as wearing a Gerudo cloak. ... Hmm... But definitely not Ganondorf, because he changed into Ganon before being sealed away into the Sacred Realm. (BTW, if you're gonna' bring Ganon back from the Sacred Realm somehow, I would say that by the end of the story he should be returned back to the Sacred Realm.)

About your question: Yep, that's the plan! One of the sacred weapons is your Darkness Hammer (which I figure could be "sacred" if it were hidden away by the Sheikahs; maybe it's called that because it defeats darkness or because it uses the Sheikahs' shadow powers; you decide).
I have a second one planned, which will be a bow, but I haven't decided on the third, in case someone else (like Shane, or someone else who wants to join) wants to create one. At first, I came up with the idea of a Magmic Axe, but that would have the element of fire which pertains to the Gorons, under Eldin's purview. The Darkness Hammer is already in "Eldin Province" (though it's not called that in OoT and it won't for years to come), so I wouldn't suggest using that idea.
So, out of the 3 light spirits in Hyrule (according to the Zelda Wiki, Ordona is not included in the light spirits that seal away the Dark Interlopers, so technically Ordona Province would be outside of Hyrule, only settled later around the time that the bridge over what I call Ordon Chasm is built), that would leave Lanayru to coordinate a weapon with. Since Lanayru's "province" mainly includes Lake Hylia, it should be a weapon that the Zora could use; maybe some incarnation of a hookshot, since Link (in TP) could always use a hookshot in water. Also, Lanayru Province included all the area from Lake Hylia all the way to Hyrule Castle, so that should be kept in mind when creating the weapon.

Here's the corresponding so far:
Faron - Bow (name not yet known) - usable by Kokiri and Deku - created by Lightwulf
Eldin - Hammer (Darkness Hammer) - usable by Goron and Shiekah - created by klop422
Lanayru - Wand (Wand of Worlds) - usable by Zora and Hylian - created by GrantGreif

If you have any questions on this (such as why I chose what, what I mean about something, or if there's something I should update), just let me know (either here or by PM).

BTW, regarding Romani Ranch, I wanted to point out that this story takes place 70 years from the child events of OoT. Majora's Mask took place within a couple years afterward, because Link is still young, but he's big enough to hold the Hylian Shield in front of him (vice on his back in OoT). But it's no problem. 8)  Let's just say that Cremia or Romani got married and one of their children had two daughters whom they named Cremia and Romani, after his/her mother and aunt. These two younger ones (who look just like their grandmother) are the ones that Gasser helped to save from the... Oh, you said "poes". (I'm not sure if that's just what Gasser thought they were, or if you intended for them to be poes instead of the aliens from MM. Either way, it's okay by me. :))


Edited by Lightwulf, 06 April 2013 - 02:48 PM.


Edit:  I have updated the third weapon's info with info from post #72. Updates are underlined.

Edited by Lightwulf, 01 September 2014 - 06:17 AM.

#33 klop422


    Guess I'm full of monsters and treasure

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Posted 06 April 2013 - 05:48 PM

Woops... It was an accident about Cremia and Romani... I forgot this happened after... Oh well.
The poes were what Gasser thought they were, yes. They are the aliens.
Oh, something else. Does the Forest bow use Silver or Light arrows? That would work.
The only weapon I could think of for Zoras to use is a boomerang, because of Mikau. But that would fit more for goriyas.
Yes, I was planning to return Ganon to the Sacred Realm. And reseal Vaati if I take him out.
One last thing. I can't think of anything to do with Sorn Nors, so anyone who wants to use him can do so, unless I say otherwise before anyone does. He can't appear before Day 3, and at Day 3 he should be at the Gerudo Fortress.


Day 7-Afternoon

I've had to travel quickly. I'm completely exhausted, but somehow I've already gotten to the Bekara Sand Dunes. I really don't like this place, but oh well. I hope I can get back to the Forest Temple.


Back at the entrance to the Temple. I need a way in without anyone noticing. Mabye a shovel. Or mabye...
Of course! I forgot that I'd stashed the Bomb Bag there!
I looked at the Gossip stone and told it
"Sheikah, Goron, Deku, Zora, Hylian, Kokiri"
And the Stone blasted up as if it had been blown up.
I looked where the stone had been, and took my bomb bag from there. I put a bomb in my mouth and shot a random point far away. I did it again, then hid behind a burnt tree.
I watched as some Kokiri rushed out of the temple, scared. I climed the ladder, evidently correct about my assumption that the guards had gone. I quickly and stealthily rushed to the Painting room.
"Thank you again, Gasser," said Ganondorf.
"Why have you made me come back?!" I asked him.
"I have one last thing for you to do, and I shall be free," he said.
"And what is that?" I asked him.
"Go to the Spirit Temple in the Gerudo Desert, and go straigt forwards in the entrance room. After that, say this: 'The Gerudo King asks to enter the Sacred Chamber of the Stones'. Inside, you will find the three Spiritual Stones, which were hidden there. Take them to the Temple of Time, and play the Song of Time with the Ocarina of Time, which is under the Altar. Then, grab the sword, and I will be free."
"But wasn't there a seal on it?" I asked.
"There was, but not anymore. The Sages weren't able to put the Hero seal back on the Sword, so Nothing should happen to you. Now GO!"
And I was teleported out.

#34 klop422


    Guess I'm full of monsters and treasure

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Posted 08 April 2013 - 08:54 AM

Forgot to answer about the Darkness Hammer. It uses the Sheikah Darkness Power, as did Darkness Shrine, before it was overrun by monsters.
Also, the next few Kinek entries will happen at an unknown date, so that I can choose when he gets out.


Unknown Date

How long have we been down here? I have no idea... But there is something wierd going on.
After Zrutho died, Fizleon came up with an idea.
"Whay don't we turn his body into a Mirror Shield for ourselves?" he said to me.
I was shocked. "What?" I asked him. "But he's our friend!"
"That he is," agreed Fizleon. "But we can't bury him. And if I understand correctly, our frienship says we can't leave him here either. So I suggest again. We should make a shield out of him."
I hesitated. "Well... All right," I said.
"Good. Now, Kinek, would you get me the masks from the Gleeok?"
I did as he said. The masks were harder to remove than they looked, but I succeeded in taking them and bringing them back to Fizleon. By the time I'd returned, Fizleon was already removing Zrutho's scales, one by one.
Without looking up, Fizleon said, "Thank you. Now pound the masks down so that they are plates."
I took my sword and hit the masks with the pommel, hoping it would work. The masks bent slightly, but didn't move very much further than they already had.
"Try using a Gleeok's head," Fizleon suggested.
Fizleon had made a correct assumption about the head. In a few hits, the heads had flattened the masks. I brought them back to Fizleon.
"Your sword has fire power, doesn't it?" Fizleon asked me. I nodded. "Then weld the two masks together."
"But the masks aren't made of metal," I told Fizleon
"Trust me, Kinek," he said simply.
I somehow managed to weld the two masks together, and looked at the result.
"Wow..." I said, unable to stop myself.
The masks had been welded together perfectly, though I had had no training in welding before. It was as if the masks had been made so that they could be put together. There were four slits in the stone board, where the eye slits had been.
"Should I remove these?" I asked Fizleon about them.
"No. Get a strap of some sort."
Fizleon looked around. "Aha!" he said, and pointed at his back.
I looked, and saw something I had never noticed before. On Fizleon's back was a saddle!
"Finally! I can get it off! Use the straps from that!" he said. "Please!"
With a small smile, I unbuckled the saddle, and cut off the straps. Fizleon heaved a sigh of relief.
I ran the straps through one eye of each mask, making it possible to actually use the shield.
"Now what?" I asked Fizleon.
"Now we put Zrutho's scales on the shield."
I flinched. "How... will they stick?"
"They will. Trust me."
For the next while, myself and Fizleon spent time sticking Zrutho's scales onto the shield, covering the eye slits. In the end, we had made a spectacular shield. I hated to admit it, but Zrutho's scales had been put to excellent use.
"You keep the shield," Fizleon said to me. "You knew Zrutho better than I did."
"Thank you..." I told him. "So we comntinue downstairs, then?"
"That we do. Let's go then."
And we climbed down a staircase at the other side of the room.

#35 Lightwulf



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Posted 08 April 2013 - 10:10 PM

@klop422: Yeah, I guess the MM aliens haven't lost their taste for cows yet! icon_smile.gif They probably come back once a year, or maybe they skipped a number of years because of how bad they got beaten by Link.

About the types of arrows, if you need one or the other, go right ahead and use 'em. The bow (which I'm planning on using a different name other than "Forest" Bow, BTW) will use magic, and I haven't decided exactly how yet. So, I'm saying, if you need a character to use one of the two on Ganondorf, go right ahead and I'll probably use the other one. (Of course, if you didn't intend to use either, that's cool.)

BTW, I'm going to say that Link does still live, so he's about 80 years old and has been living in Hyrule Castle. When the Dark Lord invaded Hyrule, Link was easily captured (because he's too old to do any fighting). When the Dark Lord tried to kill Link, he couldn't because of the power of the Triforce in Link; similar to the way Ganondorf was protected in TP, except that the Dark Lord saw the symbol on Link's hand before striking him and knew he couldn't kill Link. So, the Dark Lord imprisoned Link and the royal family in Hyrule Castle. This all took place before Day 1.
- However, I'd like to see what you think of this first before setting this in stone. If this interferes with how you want Link in your story, let me know. (PM me if you don't want to reveal it here.)

Also, about Princess Zelda, she is the leader of the sages and hasn't been seen in Hyrule since she departed with the other 6 sages many years ago. She is alive, though. (I have a specific plan for where the sages are; I just don't want to reveal it unless someone was planning on including one or more of them in their part of the story.)

Day 4 - Afternoon

BGM: Faron Woods (TP)
I filled Rido in on what Faron had told me as we journeyed back north on the main road. I told Rido that Faron resembled a large version of one of those forest beasts I'd seen in the woods to the west, but with a much longer tail. (I didn't know what the animal was called, but I explained that it closely resembled a Kokiri or short Hylian with fur almost all over its body, with no clothes on, and with a short stumpy tail.)

- Late Afternoon -
The sun was getting low in the sky but hadn't set yet when we reached the gradual curve in the road where it changed from north to east. I kept my eyes peeled for that forest beast I'd seen earlier. After having seen Faron, I was greatly curious about these beasts that looked like him.
BGM ends.

However, we didn't go far before Rido and I stopped in our tracks. There was some commotion going on ahead of us and to the left, the same direction that I'd seen the forest beast. There was a sound of rustling grass, twigs snapping, and the high-pitch squeals and shrieks of some animal... of more than one of them, actually. Suddenly, I saw it. A group of tall, clothed creatures that walked on two legs were carrying a wooden cage through the woods heading east, toward the road we were on. The cage contained two... of... those forest beasts I'd been curious about! It was the forest beasts that were making all the shrieks and squeals as they shook the bars of the cage, trying to get out.

BGM: Enemy Approaching (OoT)
I motioned for Rido to get down and we moved off the left side of the road, so as not to be easily seen but still be able to see them once they emerged from the foliage. I whispered to Kovi, and she told me about what they were.
"Listen," Kovi whispered, "the tall creatures are Goriyas. They are carrying spears and boomerangs, so keep your distance. ... Those in the cage are Monkeys. They are normally friendly unless provoked."
So, I thought, those are Goriyas. ... If they're willing servants to the Dark Lord, and the monkeys are normally friendly, there's no telling what they'll do to the monkeys. I quietly told Rido that we had to save the monkeys, and he agreed.

Thanks to the Know-It-All Brothers, we'd learned some special tactics about working together in a battle. I pulled out my Deku slingshot and took aim at the Goriyas while Rido crept a little closer, dagger in hand. We waited until the Goriyas were completely out of the forest and in the road. Quickly, I slung Deku nuts at each Goriya, starting with the one in back. Rido rushed forward and attacked each one, one at a time. It took 4 hits with the dagger to vanquish each. After he vanquished one, the others overcame the Deku nuts' stun, so I had to quickly shoot the remaining three with nuts again while Rido attacked another. We wittled them down this way, and Rido didn't even get scratched! One of them left behind a blue rupee while one other left a yellow rupee. Rido picked them up as I ran closer.
The next task was to free the monkeys from the cage the Goriyas had dropped. It was made of wood, so I figured we could bust it open with the dagger. Rido stabbed at it, but with little effect. "Here, let me try," I told him. Rido gave me the dagger. I held it like a sword and began slashing at the wooden posts. The monkeys ducked so they wouldn't get hit. I hurt my hand a few times, since a dagger is shorter than a sword and I had to swing my hand a lot closer to the wood, but a few strikes on each post broke each one in turn. In no time, I finally busted the top off.
BGM: Victory Fanfare (TP)
The monkeys got up from ducking, looked around, and then started hopping and clapping with delight! They made an interesting sound, kind of like short squeals: "Ari! Ari! Ari! Ari! Ari"
BGM ends.

I handed Rido's dagger back to him. In return, he gave me the blue and yellow rupees. "I don't have a pouch for these, so you can have them," he said. I thanked him and put them in my wallet.
After the monkeys celebrated and jumped around a bit (while looking at us, as if to thank us for saving them), they started jumping off to the west. However, one stopped and called to the other. This monkey had a green flower in its fur near the ear, so I assumed it was female; the other monkey didn't have one. After the other came back, they gestured and made noises that suggested they were discussing something. After a minute, they agreed and, looking toward us, motioned for us to follow them.

To be continued...

Edited by Lightwulf, 08 April 2013 - 10:11 PM.

#36 Orithan


    Studying Scientist - Commission from Silvixen

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Posted 09 April 2013 - 09:34 AM

Name: Cillien Hunter.

Type: Foreigner.

Race: Haddaken. A race of anthropomorphic fox-people native to Koholint.

Age: 17.

Main Hand: Right Hand.

The Wayward Sword - A unique, brightly decorated shortsword created by his ancestors after their first adventure to East Hyrule. Its blade; forged from a bar of magical, green mythrill silver coated in a thin, shiny blue cobalt film; set into a sturdy, iridiscent hilt adorned with golden orbs at the three ends that comprises of the T-shape of the hilt and a leather handle delicately moulded onto the hilt's base. The blade has ever stayed sharp, even through the ages of use and abuse by his ancestors in combat against the forces of evil that threatened Hyrule and his homeland of Koholint, since the time of forgery nearly 600 years ago as its glistening leather has stayed in a pristine condition from the moment of adherence at that.

Born to Hal V and Zerdra Hunter while on a commercial international shipment across the ocean, sailing en-route to Labrynnia; Chillien has always been fascinated by the great ocean, always dreaming about the time when he would be able to pilot his own vessel and explore uncharted territory.

He was taught the ways of the sword and the Hunter bloodline from an early age, as eyewitness accounts confirm that he was wielding the family jewels; the Wayward Sword and the 'Strawberry' Shield; and expertly fighting (under very careful supervision) live Octorocks and Tekitites, as just a 10 year old pup (very much like the LoZ and young OoT Links).

At around the same age; he was (and still is) too eager to take on larger monsters for his own good, often resulting in unfortunate injury. He, in one partculary bad beating, ambushed and attacked a large, diseased Red Lynel taking refuge close to his training grounds. Chillen failed to land the inital, what was going to be a killing blow, and the cenataur quickly galloped away to call its friends. He was, following a large stampede of hooves stamping on stone and dirt, quickly surronded by the large, imposing lion-cenataurs, lead by a particularly strong and nasty masculine Blue Lynel. The Blue Lynel advanced his cloven, hard unigulate hooves to attack the young boy with his vile, sharp intimidating blades. The pup put up his legacstial shield to defend, but he was too weak to stop the monster from overpowering his defenses and subsequently slashing him across the body.
His father, Hal, arrived just as the Lynel burst through Chillen's defenses and cut him open. Seeing the father, the herd of domineering Lynels hurriedly dashed away in fear and panic to leave the ten-year old pup lying face-up in the clay soil coated in his own blood. Hal retrieved him and quickly carried him straight down from their home high up in Tal Tal Heights to Animal Village, seeking treatment for the boy's wounds.
Chillen survived the incident, but it left him with a clean scar that can be seen running from just below, slightly right of his belly button to where his left shoulder begun at the top of his body.

Two years later and still unable to fight due to injury; Chillen's parents, Hal and Zerdra, left him and their family treasures under the care of a monkey nurse named Ki-kui in the Animal Village Hospital, where he was treated two years ago. They heard of great treasures that resided in Hyrule; the three gems of Faore, Naryu and Din; and sailed across the vast ocean to hunt for these treasures.

Five years passed. Hal and Zerdra hasn't returned, nor attempted to contact home. Chillen decided that something wasn't right, as they were never overseas for more than two years at a time and that the passage to Hyrule was generally safe. After taking rigorous training and self-discipline in both combat and sailing over the four years he has fully recovered after, he set sail to Hyrule.

(OOC: Can I have an established list of events that have occurred over the time this RP has went on for?)

Edited by Orithan, 03 August 2015 - 05:32 PM.

#37 Lightwulf



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Posted 09 April 2013 - 01:53 PM

@Orin XD: List of events? Well, I guess that is a lot of reading to catch up on. icon_razz.gif
Well, here's what I put together:
Brief Recap

Day 4 - Evening
Rido and I followed the two monkeys, who kept urging us to follow them. The sun had set and it was starting to get dark outside. I knew we would need to make camp soon, so I was curious as to where we were being led; they might let us camp with them. Still, since I'd never even seen monkeys before, I didn't know what to expect.

BGM: Kokiri Forest (OoT)
We entered a large clearing, and I could hear the chatter of many monkeys in the trees ahead though I couldn't see them. As the two monkeys led us across the clearing, I noticed a large stone slab on the ground that looked almost exactly like the one outside the Forest Temple. We had to step up a little to avoid tripping on the edge as we passed over it. After the clearing, we followed a path through the trees.

The path led to a larger clearing that had a giant tree in the center. I stopped to take it all in. In this clearing, I looked around and saw many monkey families in nests made of leaves; some on the ground, and some in the branches of larger trees. The giant tree had an entrance hole in the front side of it, and on each side of the hole were a few adult monkeys, all chattering with each other. All of the monkeys seemed to be settling down for the night. As I observed the area, I noticed an old wooden sign laying on the ground, with some grass and leaves on it to indicate it had been lying there a long time. I brushed aside what I could, and in Hylian I could read the words "Aril Nom". I pointed it out to Rido; he wagered a guess that that was the name of this place.

The two monkeys led us straight to the base of the huge tree and began chattering as we got closer. An older monkey, that was taller and more muscular than the others, emerged from entrance. As soon as it saw us, it chattered back at the two monkeys, apparently ticked off that they brought strangers into their forest. As I stood there nervously watching the older monkey, unsure if he would allow us to be there, the two monkeys proceeded to chatter and act out what had happened to them. They pointed toward us as if to say that we were the ones who had rescued them. The older monkey's expression softened a bit as he stood and thought. Then, he beckoned us to approach.
As we walked closer, the older monkey shooed some monkeys off from sitting on something to the left and right of the entrance. The older monkey turned to us and made a hand motion as if to say, "do you know what to do with these?" I looked closer, then I recognized that they were unlit stationary torches, like the ones I saw in the Forest Temple, that had been layed flat on the ground.
Though I didn't know if the monkeys would understand me, I said to them, "Sure, I know what to do with these." I reached down, brushed off all the leaves, and lifted the torch on the left to stand it up; I found a square rock slab that it fit nicely on and placed it there. Then I lifted the one on the right and placed it on a square rock slab on the right side of the entrance. Then, as the monkeys watched me closely, I took out my stone and flint and proceeded to make a spark on the right torch. When I lit the torch after a few tries, the monkeys around me chattered in awe and then became silent to see what I would do next. I decided not to use the flint again, so I put it away and pulled out a Deku stick. I caught the end of the Deku stick on fire and used it to light the other torch, then quickly snuffed the flame on the Deku stick as I put it away.
Suddenly, off to the left of the entrance, I saw a swirling magic light on the ground which quickly faded as a chest appeared. I looked at the older monkey, and he gestured for me to go ahead and open it. I went and opened it and pulled out a... mask that looked like a monkey's head!
You got the Mask of Translation! Equip this mask to use it to talk to animals.
I looked at Rido, but he just stared at the mask, so I went ahead and put it on.
"Can you understand me now?"
I looked at the older monkey. I was surprised to hear him talk! His mouth didn't move to form the words as I would expect, but his mouth did move and I heard the words as if he were talking to me. "Yes, I can understand you," I replied.
Rido stared at me with surprise. It seemed that he didn't understand what I said.
"Very well now," the older monkey continued. "Come over here."

I joined the monkeys in front of the entrance of the tree. The other monkeys sat in a circle, to the left and right of the entrance while the older monkey stood in front of it. I sat at the end of the circle in the path, opposite from the older monkey.
"I wish to thank you for saving my friends," the older monkey stated. "You may stay with us here tonight. The forest road can be dangerous at night."
"Thank you," I replied. "I feel honored."
The older monkey continued. "The mask you wear was given to us by the Great Monkey in times past. Some Hylians once lived in harmony with us, so the Great Monkey gave us the mask to help us communicate."
I was surprised to know that Hylians had lived here, but not too surprised having seen the torches, old sign and stone slabs already. "How long ago was that?" I asked.
The older monkey looked at me funny. "'How long ago'? We do not understand these words. We only know of times past, the time that is now, and times to come. The mask was given to us in times past."
I was a bit confused because I thought this mask was supposed to translate everything I said. I guessed they just must not understand our concept of time. "Sorry," I apologized. "So, in times past, there were Hylians that lived with you?"
"Yes," the older monkey replied. "But they left in times past to help fight a war that broke out in a place they called 'Hyrule'. They never returned, so only we remain here."
Then I remembered the sign I saw. "So, what do you call this... nice place?"
"We monkeys need not give names to everything," the older monkey replied. "However, the Hylians called this place Aril Nom. This is where we monkeys live at this time of year."
"So," I asked, "you don't live here all the time?"
"Too dangerous," the older monkey replied, a bit gruffly. "It is too dangerous for us to stay in any one place. Those that would hurt us would find us. I cannot let that happen."
"Pardon me, Oonak," the monkey with the green flower spoke up.
"You may speak," the older monkey replied.
(She gestured to mean about her and the other monkey we'd saved.) "We were captured by the Foxcats when we were halfway from here to the road. They may not know about this place, but they seemed to be looking for us."
"Understood," Oonak said. Then Oonak turned back to me. "The Foxcats hunt us for food. Since you stopped the hunters, the rest of the Foxcats should not know we're here. You may stay here tonight with us, but we will have to leave in times to come."
"Understood," I replied as I nodded my head. I began to stand up.
"One other thing." Oonak quickly stopped me, so I sat back down. "While you are here, you may have the mask. However, you must leave the mask with me once you leave. In times to come, we will need it for other visitors." I agreed.

Oonak directed the two monkeys we'd followed to make a bed for us. They did so willingly. They scampered up some trees and soon each returned with an armful of large tree leaves. They helped us make nests just like the other monkeys' nests, thanked us again, and left to go to sleep in their nest. (I saw them leave together, so I assumed that they were in the same family.) I took off my mask to talk to Rido a little bit. Then we ate some dinner and went to sleep.

Edited by Lightwulf, 09 April 2013 - 05:21 PM.

#38 klop422


    Guess I'm full of monsters and treasure

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Posted 09 April 2013 - 02:47 PM

I didn't have much to do with Link planned. Just that he would appear and teach Kinek something. But It wouldn't matter where he is at the time, really.
And I have hardly any time at the moment, so I'll finish there and post again later.

Edited by klop422, 09 April 2013 - 02:58 PM.

#39 Orithan


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Posted 09 April 2013 - 06:25 PM

OOC: I will only use this to update Chillen's status at the start (and possibly the end) of each post, to remind the players of his condition. This will not be directly referenced in character


(OOC: Current day: Day #7 - Night.)

OOC: Chillen set off on a voyage across the Great Sea, en-route to the charred and burnt Hyrule to investigate the disappearence of his parents, Hal V and Zerdra Hunter.

Lying fast asleep in a fluffy, comfortable bed in the captain's cabin, Chillen happily dozed away, entranced by his sweet dreams beneath a mountain of leathery, furry blankets. Counting sheep, it felt as if the dream would never end, or at least that's what Chillen wanted. This was to change immediately.
A crewman burst through the door and lit two lamps fixed onto the skirting either side of the cabin doorway. He was an anthropomorphic white rabbit, standing at a intimidating 1.8 metres (6 foot) tall and boasting a ripped muscly figure beneath his crewman outfit of blue and white. The bunny approached Chillen in his bed, calling "Captain! Captain! We have news!"
The fox's body barely twitched underneath that lump of blankets in reaction to the yell.
Failing to receive any reaction, the rabbit yelled again, in a louder voice "Captain! Captain! We are arriving!"
The fox, again, seems to have ignored the yell and is still sawing logs.
The rabbit decides to go one step further, tucking his beefy hands underneath the mound of blankets. He gripped the rims of the fine, luxurious blankets and made to pull them off "Now wakey, wakey Captain Hunter". With a swift movement of his arms, the bunny sent the blankets flying clean off the bed, revealing Chillen's figure underneath. The bunny recoiled in shock, realizing that he exposed the captain's scarred, naked body underneath.
At that moment; the fox's eyes burst wide open and lept off the bed, fully aware of his nudity, in rage and slammed himself into the crewman, yelling "WHAT THE HELL! WHAT GAVE YOU THE IDEA TO WAKE ME UP LIKE THAT-"
Interrupting, the rabbit stated "We have gr-"
"DID I SAY FOR YOU TO INTERRUPT? YOU REVEALED MY NAKED BODY FOR THE SAKE OF TELLING ME SOMETHING. THAT WAS DEPLORABLE AND NO WAY TO TREAT YOUR CAPTAIN! TO THE BRIG WITH YOU!" the enrged stark fox interrupted, ordering his crewmate in a very angry, authoritative tone paired with similar hand motions.
The rabbit sadly saluted his captain and silently walked out of the cabin, obeying Chillen's orders. The fox walked to fish out a pair of undergarments from a drawer opposite his bed and begun getting dressed.
Walking out onto the moonlit deck, another crewman, this time a human lady, trotted up to her annoyed fully-dressed captain drenched in moonlight and announced "We've got good news!"
"If it is that peverted rabbit who saw me la buff regretted seeing those shiny jewels, then I don't want to hear it" he came back with, with a touch of innuendo in his tone.
The lady giggled, blushing at the reynard's witty remark and continued "No, not that. I was, and he was before he saw you like... that, going to tell you that we are approaching Hyrule."
"Finally, somebody tells me some good news that doesn't relate to our food and water supplies" Chillen responded in a sarcastic voice, looking past the hull to see land in the distance. He advanced, lightly tapping the wood with his boots, to the front of the deck and announced in his commanderring voice "Everybody, get prepared to dock. Hyrule is only an hour away!"
Undeterred by the dead feel Hyrule is giving the travellers, Chillen looks over and whispers to himself "Mum, dad, I will be comming for you"

Edited by Orithan, 03 August 2015 - 05:32 PM.

#40 klop422


    Guess I'm full of monsters and treasure

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Posted 10 April 2013 - 08:22 AM

Unknown date

The next floor wasn't as dangerous as the Gleeok. Basically, it was a huge room with thousands of blade traps flying around the floor. Other than the waste of a lot of hours, nothing much happened there. It was the floor under that which was really dangerous.
The floor below was basically a huge block puzzle. It didn't seem as dangerous at first. But then boulders started coming in from the roof.
I dodged a boulder, and ran towards the nearest block. I took out a piece of paper, and drew the block onto it, with the correct direction. I ran to the next block, and drew that one on as well. After a bit, I had mapped out the whole block puzzle. Now came the hardest bit--working it out.
Normally this wouldn't be all that hard, but with boulders falling through the ceiling, it was really hard to concentrate. Fizleon came up to me.
"Kinek, we need to hurry up! If we don't, then we have no idea what will have happened when we leave!"
"Come up the stairs" I told him.
"I need a place to think."
When we got up the stairs, I sat around for a while, wondering what to do with the puzzle. After a while, Fizleon snatched the drawing from my hands.
"What are you..." I said, but then Fizleon interrupted me.
"You know, this is really easy!" he said, and ran down the stairs.

#41 Lightwulf



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Posted 12 April 2013 - 04:02 AM

@Orin XD: Very interesting! icon_smile.gif
Makes me wonder where on (or off) my map they will dock. I know there's a port at Saldora Bay. There are also other coasts (some of which are not on the map) where they could potentially find a place to dock. Either way, it's up to you. icon_smile.gif


Day 5 - Morning

I was awakened in the morning by the chattering of a few early-rising monkeys. I couldn't see the sun because of the foliage, but the sun had already lit up the sky. I sat up and rubbed the sleep from my eyes. Rido was still asleep beside me. The other monkeys in the nests around us were beginning to stir. I looked over toward the giant tree. It turned out that our nest had been made within view of the entrance. Oonak was standing at the entrance, looking our way. Wow, I thought, he must be an early-riser, too.

After more of the monkeys awoke, a good number of them left to find food. I had put my mask on before they left so I could hear what they were saying. The nice lady monkey with the green flower came over and asked what we would like to eat. I wasn't certain what they would find, but I asked for some berries and mushrooms if they could find some. Rido must've overheard me talking through the mask because he awoke quickly after that.
"... Jaron?"
I took the mask off. "Ah, Rido! You're awake!"
Rido groaned a little. "That mask makes you sound like the monkeys," he finally admitted to me. "It weirds me out a little."
I chuckled. "Sorry 'bout that. At least it lets me communicate with them."
"They seem very friendly," Rido said as he sat up. "Too bad there's just one mask. I'd like to talk to them, too!"
"Well, you know, having the mask is nice, because it allows me to actually hear what they say; but even before I had it on I could tell from their gestures and tone of voice approximately what they were trying to say. I think that's mainly how they communicate anyway."

After the monkeys returned, we all had breakfast in our nests. It felt kind of weird, since we're used to being at a table, but I'm not one to complain when I'm a guest; at least we had a comfy place to sit! Besides the food types that I'd requested, the monkeys had also brought some plant roots and some squishy grubs; I told them I preferred my grubs cooked, but that I'd go for the berries, mushrooms and roots. I haven't eaten roots often, but they weren't that bad at all.

Oonak had been watching us almost constantly. When he could see that we were done eating, he called us over. As we stood in front of him, he thanked us again for helping his friends and asked me what we were doing today. I wanted to avoid any confusion, so I simply stated that we were going east. Oonak looked concerned. "That's where the Foxcats live!" he stated. "It's very dangerous to go that way."
"I know there's danger..." I began, "... but I'm on a mission."
Oonak looked at me curiously. "What is your mission?"
"I need to save the protector of my people," I explained. "The one in the spring to the south told me to go east."
Oonak and some of the other monkey jumped up, excitedly. "You have seen the Great Monkey???" Oonak exclaimed.
"Yes, that's right," I replied, thoughtfully. "He does look like you, but bigger and with a much longer tail, ... so I guess he is a Great Monkey."
Oonak looked at a monkey to his right and nodded, then looked back at me. "We will assist you in whatever way we can. If you need us, come to these woods and call to us with this tune."
With that, three monkeys on the right stood up and sounded off their respective mustic notes, twice in a row, while another monkey used a stick on a hollow log as a drum to keep the beat:
---^---^-----^- ---^---^-----^-
----------->--- ----------->---
-A---A---A----- -A---A---A-----

-X---X---X---X- -X---X---X---X-
(X = drum beat)
I quickly pulled out my Deku Okarina and played along:
I then played it a few times with them, along with an ending embellishment.
You learned the Monkey Rumba!
Rido spoke up. "Man, what a funky beat!" He had danced like the monkeys had while we were playing the song. I smiled at him.

Oonak looked at me. "You have an ocarina! The Hylians had an ocarina. It has been a long time since we have heard ocarina music.
"The Hylians taught us this song," Oonak further explained. "They learned it from an inscription on the side of the rock slab at the entrance to this place. It seems that when one is in a place away from here, when they play the Monkey Rumba, they are transported back to the same rock slab. However, when one is here, they are not transported, but we hear the tune wherever we are and I can send a monkey to them if we are not near. Consider this our gift to you... our heros!"
With that, all the nearby monkeys cheered as they jumped and clapped their hands together over their heads, just like the two monkeys had done after Rido and I'd saved them yesterday.

- Late Morning -
The monkeys went with us to the edge of Aril Nom, just past the rock slab on the ground. Oonak let me have the mask until going that far. I said goodbye to them all and thanked them for letting us stay the night and for their promise of assistance. After they said their goodbyes to us, I removed the Mask of Translation and gave it back to Oonak. He made a sound and waved his hand, so I waved to him and them all, then turned around as Rido and I left Aril Nom. I had a feeling I may need to return here some time soon...

#42 Orithan


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Posted 12 April 2013 - 09:00 AM

OOC: Day #7 - Midnight.

OOC: Chillen and his crew of 50 people have arrived at Hyrule. They land on Saldora Bay.

Chillen, standing tall and erect on a Saldoran pier, marched on the wooden pier towards a lone gatehouse in the distance. The pier was in a shoddy condition, as the majority of the wooden planks looked as if they were so slimy and rotten that nobody has bothered to change them in nearly ten years and a significant amount of the rope used to hold the planks together was decaying. Not a pleasant sight. Guided by the numerous torches held on the top of pikes bolted onto the wood, the captain carefully walked alongside two of his crewmen; both of which were human; down the disgusting disgrace that was the pier. Footsteps could be heard in the distance. Chillen stood back, being careful not to break the boards. "Watch out!" he quickly whispered to his human companions.
Three pairs of gleaming orange eyes, not unlike that of the fox's, stared at the group from a distance. The wind begun to pick up speed and momentum as the reynard's thick fur begun to stand on end out of fear. He realized that these were hostile foes and not locals here for a friendly greeting. Chillen reached for his Ice Rod, ready to attack.
A boomerang flew out from somewhere in the darkness between the group and the eyes in the distance and whacked the male companion in the face before he could react, stunning him in a mysterious magical field. Chillen and the female hurriedly hopped to the sides, avoiding the two additional boomerangs flying at them. All three foes were Goryias, two armed with Magic Boomerangs and the other armed with a Gale Boomeramg.
"Shoot!" Chillen exclaimed in reaction to his male companion being frozen in place with magic as he drew his Ice Rod. The boomerangs were still on their way back to their owners, giving the vulpine an ample opening to attack with. Swinging his rod above his head, Chillen concentrated into channelling his energy into guarding with his shield and fuelling the strength of an icy magic blast he was about to fire. The Ice Rod completed its arc as it flew down to the captain's chest height and sent out a huge icy blast of magic at the Goryas.
(OOC: To be continued).

#43 Shane



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Posted 12 April 2013 - 10:01 AM

Edit: Kinda had to rush this one, next one should be more lengthy and better.

Day 1 - Night

"The supposed dark lord really has corrupted the place, huh?" Charlie said, disappointed.

"Yeah, and we're going to find a way to end it." I said. I then sat down on the side of the bed, focusing my eyes on Charlie who was brushing her hair. I'm so worried about her. She's never concerned to put her life on the line without knowing the consequences. Truly a stubborn ignorant girl. But hey, I can say the same for myself sometimes. I decided not to focus on what could happen, but what will happen; all of us will survive to see a new era without a malevolent force ruining everything.

"Tough guy, huh?" She responded, finishing brushing her hair. Putting the brush on top of the cupboard nearby her. She sits next to me.

"You doubting me?" I asked.

"Nonsense!" She shouted. "Would you actually think I would hope for the worse? I'm just saying you shouldn't be so sure that we are going to stop him. Think about if other people beat us to beating the dark lord. Which is more than likely. Now not to sound like a downer, but there are people far more better out there than us. We're not dark lord hunters you know."

"I guess you're right." I said, now laying down on the bed, looking at the roof. She pokes her head in my vision.

"Don't be so down now, I believe we can pull it off." She said, smiling. I closed my eyes and went to sleep. Tomorrow was the beginning of our journey.

Charlie - Day 2 - Morning

I woke up with a faint yawn. Sleepyhead is still sleeping as usual. I didn't disturb him. Sleeping was one of his expertise. Now's my chance to do some exploring without Shane. I giggled excitedly, it may be dangerous, but when it comes to exploration it's something that I just enjoy greatly. Also would be a good chance to find assistance. I went towards the "ominous volcano" the villagers were talking about last night. I climbed up the mountain with all my gear. What a long climb! The view from halfway up is amazing! But suddenly I turned around to see a boulder coming straight towards me. I jump-dodged it. To my surprise. It stopped. It didn't budge, or slightly moved; just stopped. Suddenly it changed from a boulder to a living creature.

"Ah!" I screamed in surprised. Must be the Gorons Shane was talking about.

"Hm?" It said.

"I'm sorry, but is there anyone here that can help me and a friend?" I asked.

"What for?" The Goron asked in response.

"Help defeating the dark lord." I explained. The Goron simply laughed. I got angry.

"Haha, you're such a funny one, you." The Goron mocked Charlie.

"Look listen here you pile of rocks-" I was cut off by Shane screaming my name while running towards me. Great.

Edited by Shane, 12 April 2013 - 10:28 AM.

#44 klop422


    Guess I'm full of monsters and treasure

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Posted 12 April 2013 - 04:06 PM

Unknown Date

Now I was in a huge corridor. Fizleon was nowhere to be seen. Suddenly, I heard a sound, like the one a like like makes.
Oh no..., I thought. I don't know if Like Likes can eat this shield. If it eats me, I'll lose the last remains of my friend!
But it seems I had worried for no reason. It wasn't a like like. It was only a torch slug. I quickly stabbed at it with my sword.
Unfortunately, my sword, imbued with fire, powered it up.
I took out a bow. I tried to shoot the Torch slug. But this time, the slug pulled its body up, and lunged at me. I blocked with my shield. The Torch slug shot a fireball at me, which I've never seen before. I blocked again. I jumped back, ready to keep fighting.

Unknown Date

I really don't like this. Kinek is being attacked by a torch slug, which is nothing he can't handle, but if he kills it, the Dark Lord will personally send one of his high lieutenants to destroy him. I know I was part of the Dark Lord's side, but I really want to help Kinek. The time has come to pick a side. I hope I choose correctly.

#45 Orithan


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Posted 13 April 2013 - 10:08 AM

(OOC: Continued from previous post)
The icy blast of magic from Chillen's Ice Rod flew at the dog-faced fiends at a breakneck speed, much faster than the boomerangs flying back to the Goryas. A loud hollow, high-pitched crash, not unlike ice breaking, ringed in Chillen's ears. Feeling confident that he scored a direct hit on the enemy, the fox put his shield and staff away and turned away in celebration.
The captain turned around, to his shock, to see the female companion in the same stunned state as her male crewmate, in the same kind of magical membrane. Cursing under his breath, he went to pull out his shield. The Gale Boomerang from earlier flew back from the eyes at Chillen, grazing the his skin. The current was enough to lift him off the pier and drag him along the weapon's arc, en-route back to the Goryias where he would be clobbered by the fiends. Without thinking; the vulpine quickly unsheathed his sword and held it up high, ready to slash his target clean open at the end of the swing.
Chillen, using the momentum generated by the vortex, flew straight up at the trio of the beasts, crashing straight into the middle of the Goryias. With a swing of his arm, the vulpine dispached the blue-furred middle Goryia with a cut clean through the side of the head. Coated in the beastly blood, the fox concentrated on the rufus-furred Goryia flanking its dead leader to the left, ready to throw again. To the other side is the third Goryia, frozen by the Ice Rod.
The captain, set to attack, swung the sword in a wide arc, encompassing both monsters, to assure that the slash will hit its mark on both. "Time to Die!" he whispered to the unfrozen Goryia as the blade approached the monster's neck.
The second Goryia's head came clean off it's body as the sword cut through that tender neck, as if it were a rough globe. The third's demise swiftly followed, as the force of the blade striking the glass was enough to push it's frozen body off the pier and into the seawater, where the case sunk into the bay.


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