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Joe Biden projected to become 46th President of the United States

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#1 Rambly


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Posted 09 November 2020 - 09:20 AM

Normally I wouldn't post a political thread like this, but I just thought it'd be fun to celebrate: Joe Biden has defeated his opponent, Donald Trump, and is set to become the 46th President of the United States! :bounce:


What does everyone think about this? ;) Personally, I'm all for it.  It's about time America had a change after Trump's disastrous policies and handling of the Coronavirus scandal.  I say -- GO JOE! :kawaii:


A few interesting statistics:

  • Donald Trump will the first incumbent president to be unseated during re-election since George H. W. Bush in 1992 :omg:
  • This election had the highest turnout in 120 years -- not since 1900 has turnout been higher :wow:
  • Joe Biden still won't do anything to fix America's police brutality problem and will probably keep ICE going ;)
  • Economic inequality will probably grow even more rampant over the next 4 years, just as it has for the last 40 :P
  • The victory is entirely symbolic :)
  • It means nothing :D
  • It's going to be completely hollow without senate victories, and even then, probably completely hollow :cat:
  • Trump having public meltdowns about it is still really, really funny :lol:
  • Mandatory estrogen for all! (water supply/milk/aerosolized (chemtrails)) :kawaii:
  • 向我們的新領導人中國和共產黨致敬! :eyeitus:
  • USA Hellscape :badrazz:
  • Neoliberalism is a failed ideology which has led to the economic deterioration of this country and the capitalist concept of endless growth is the root cause of anthropogenic climate change, but the Democratic party is going to continue to embrace neoliberalism because it's profitable :swelter:
  • Continued exploitative imperialist wars alert!  That's going to continue to happen, as it always has! :whap:
  • It's OK to call Trump supporters fascists given their open disdain for democracy and the rule of law :thumbsup:

Edited by poiuytrewq, 09 November 2020 - 09:25 AM.

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#2 Matthew


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Posted 09 November 2020 - 09:42 AM

In the interest of preventing heated arguments from breaking out (which is very possible given the nature of the current social landscape), I'm going to go ahead and lock this topic preemptively. See Rule 8 for more info:

"8. Keep debates out of general spaces

Any topics that could potentially involve heated discussion back and forth between two or more people of differing opinions regarding politics (legislation, elections, ideology, people, etc.), religion (or lack thereof), must be kept to the Serious Discussion section of the Discord server. This is not out of a want to stifle discussion, but rather a desire to minimize conflict and keep our community venues comfortable for everyone..."

  • Magi_Hero, Nathaniel, Hergiswi and 12 others like this

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