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Reality Nonsense Generator


You Have Been Invited to Nonsense

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#1 HeroOfFire



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Posted 20 March 2023 - 05:14 PM

Greetings adventurers! You have been invited to the near infinite worlds that we have found ways to generate. Don't ask too much on the details, we don't know how it works either.

As you may imagine, with so many possible realities we need your help. To explore these strange worlds of course. So dive right in, grab whatever weapons you can find to defend yourselves with, and start exploring! Fierce colorful monsters fill the halls, and there seem to be an abundance of.... currently unnamed gems. For some reason you can use these gems to upgrade the weapons you find, making them faster, stronger.... and also some other bonus of your choosing. It seems as you explore more you can even upgrade your weapons further. And good thing to, the farther you travel from where you first enter, the stronger enemies get. Luckily there are weird pedestals that can act as fast travel points once you've seen multiple.

What, you want to know more about the generator? Okay, with some choices, you can change the world that is generated. Choose to have more groups of rooms connected together as some sort of Hub, choose to have 10 Fast Travel Points instead of 8, have fewer dead ends.... and if you feel you get too strong too fast from finding items that upgrade your stats like Health or Magic, you can have twice as many placed that give half the normal upgrade amounts. Then you enter this strange thing called a seed. It could be anything you want, or let it randomly enter one for you. Different seeds produce different worlds, but entering the same seed and generator options will produce the same result, in case you wanted help or friendly competition with your fellow adventurers (do we allow that?) You can also choose to have some points of interest on your map by default (did we mention you have a map?) These options do not change the resulting world.

A few things of note we are obligated to tell you. You'll want to have your Ex Buttons assigned, especially Ex3 and Ex4. For now, Ex4 brings up something you can use to "snapshot" the theme of an area if for some reason you really like it. I suppose you could share ones you really like, supposedly R&D is working on some sort of theme library? There is also something called the ZScript Debugging Console. We have no idea what this is, but apparently a lot of information related to the world generated is displayed there. In addition, trying to upgrade a weapon you cannot currently upgrade further or pressing Ex1 while choosing a Weapon Upgrade displays all the prior chosen upgrades of that weapon to this console. Finally, you are not committed to a world generated until you confirm your character's appearance. Should you do the mysterious F6 Continue, all your options and seed will remain, allowing adjustments.

So go, do.... whatever it is you do, collect all items or just rush these things that really do not deserve the title of "Boss", explore one world... and then another. And another. Supposedly one day there will be more to these worlds, there are already signs that one day your path may be blocked unless you have weapons with special properties, and we doubt these "Bosses" will remain as simple. We also assume the number of empty rooms will decrease as well. There may even be more weapons and weapon upgrades discovered over time.


  • Magi_Hero, Twilight Knight and Joelmacool like this

#2 Twilight Knight

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Posted 21 March 2023 - 05:52 AM

It took me a bit to realise what you are talking about haha

This certainly looks nice and a good experiment in ZC with randomising, keep up the good work! And perhaps I will play the demo if time allows me to, but I still have a few other demos on my list I've yet to try.

#3 Taco Chopper

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Posted 21 March 2023 - 06:13 AM

played through this for about half an hour or so, and i really enjoyed it. the initial difficulty curve that consisted of me running through rooms desperately looking for better weapons actually made me have to think about what i had to duck, dodge and weave. the upgrade system is really neat too.


i'll be interested to see what direction this goes in! it's a cool tech demo, and i think there's so much you could do with it. i secretly would love to see this used as the foundations for a rogue-like quest well down the line tbh

#4 Ryunaker



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Posted 22 March 2023 - 10:23 PM

I agree that this is definitely a cool tech demo/start, definitely made me think of the Hitodama series.  I can tell just comparing the game I ran vs. the screenshots some ideas just how different it can get.  (Of course, a second run would probably give even more examples.)  I am definitely interested in seeing where it will go.

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